MiniGM |

I am sorry Miro, I was not clear. I have a copy of the contract. I even got the mayor to sign over it to Tram here. I would guess that this devil is at least as powerful as a pit fiend. From my research it is clear that the contract bound him to this "engine" for want of a better term. Whatever happened is his attempt to break his shackels.
She hands Miro the copied contract.
She continues As near as I can tell, this engine is on its way to exploding and releasing the fiend. However, beneath the ruins there is a way to shut it down...perhaps. Part of it is fueled by unholy waters from the depths, if those can be shut off...perhaps it will grind to a halt before detonation.

Exxor |

Shut off the unholy water to the engine to defeat the Pit Fiend - watch out for all manner of thugs and cultists searching the estate. Are there any traps or secret passages his former Lordship knows of that would aid us?

MiniGM |

Yes you do!
Our brave heroes head to the mayoral office to gather whatever Tram wants, they also gear up.
Tarvi says to Exx
That is unclear, but I am sure there will be traps a plenty, but you asked me about the issue with those poor people you found. It is possible there is an itemmof power that can help them. Details are scarce, but keep an eye out for a hidden altar to a lost God.
taking the students out into the woods for a week. Might have internet, might not

Exxor |

Exxor smiles, running through the list in his head...clog the plumbing with a halfling to turn off the unholy water to stop the engine to defeat the pit fiend, all the while looking out for traps, sycophants, and who know what else, AND find a hidden alter to a lost god and last but not least... try to keep Tram's wardrobe from getting shredded.
No problem. What could go wrong.
Got it! Thank you and Abadar willing, we will see you soon! Exxor waves as he stuffs ropes, lanterns, and other useful looking gear into their backpacks and bags.
I'll worry about inventory later - assuming I am alive to do so!

![]() |

"I prefer the idea of off to quietly invistigate the mansion looking for hints and clues to fight evil devils than storming."
He began mentally trying to prepre himself. Before they left and before He let Tarvi out of his sight he once more close with her and took her hand.
"I have always been serious and earnest in my pursuit of you. You are smart, amazing, and beautiful I hope I live through this, if not well take care of Ser Barksalot and remember me fondly Tarvi."
He said simply getting a mischievious smirk before once more bad moving dip kissing the feisty woman. With a boyish grin (whether or not she slapped him) he shot her a wink.
"Alright boys lets go find this alter, save some folk, save a town, and go down as heroes eh"
Moving to the office first in case my wonderful cousin has any intel of worth there, I would have imagined he would have originally kept the contract there, if not its as good a place as any to turn ourselves into the scooby gang and search for clues