MiniGM's Council of Thieves

Game Master Vuvu

Council of Thieves Map

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M Halfling

I think they are an outside context problem right now.

Miro can try to dig for info from other halflings.


Sorry! Tarvi and Hippa are researching, IE, in game time passes then that thread will get picked back up!

As you start at the mayors recent lodging you see quickly that he packed in a hurry. It seems likely he is attempting to skip town. You do know that of late it is not particularly easy to get out of town, so you could probably catch him at the gate if he is waiting for a caravan or something like that, or if he just left on foot you could probably catch him

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Off through the streets we go in search of the mayor...

And all I can think of is...."And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"...

M Halfling

Sniff out the trail, Ser Barksalot!


Barksalot looks at Miro critically.

You do know that is not how dogs work right? I have to know what I am following, I have to have the scent, and it has to be somewhat recent. I am no barbaric bloodhound. I am a being of class, and sophistication.

In the meantime, I assume the plan is hit the gates, then try to find a sign outside the city? Or wanna do the reverse?

M Halfling

Gates first


1d100 ⇒ 89

You arrive at the gates, and lo and behold it is a mess. It would appear that an alchemists cart overturned, and a lot of things exploded. No one seems to be hurt, and things seem in control, but the gate is blocked as the fire burns itself out.

There is a huge crowd of people shouting to be let out, wagons trying to get turned know a traffic jam filled with angry people, and uncaring hellknights.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

At the gates, among the chaos Exxor will look for someone trying to get out, but not yelling or attracting any attention to themselves.

Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (6) + 16 = 22

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

knowledge cousin aka noble: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (20) + 9 = 29
Looking for anything Tramtris can dredge up on his least favored cousin that might give him an inkling where he may hide, with whom, etc...

Seeing the mess and well seeing the lack of people being wise He nodded to his friends.

"You lads see if you can't spot anything strange I'm going to see what i can do here.

And with that he moved closer to the angry crowds and cleared his throat then called out.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (17) + 9 = 26

"Hail the crowd! Everyone calm down and for a moment listen. They arent going to open the gates until the fire is out, and from the looks of it, its some sort of alchemical thing so water won't help. Clear the left side of the road for the carts to get turned around, Carts move to the right so we can get some progress here. Lets start with you ... yes you in the blue, Let's go. to the right your cart's blocking the progress. If we all just calm down and form a nice orderly queue we will be out of here in not time."

Ah yes, Tramtris Arvanxi...noted actor, pitfighting champion, 'pathfinding' hero of the people... also traffic cop.

M Halfling

Miro tries looking for any heavily cloaked types that might have large bags filled with valuables lurking around. Around the same height as the mayor.

Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (16) + 13 = 29


1d20 ⇒ 10

Exxor sees tons of people trying to sneak around, and sees a few more that are prone on the ground from where they tried to sneak past the hell knights.

Miro, however spots a man in a cloak with two servents armed, speaking with the hellknight in charge...could be your man.

Tram actually manages to get the crowd to slowly calm down, and start to get organized.

Tram roll me a d100

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

the hundred roll: 1d100 ⇒ 97

M Halfling

Miro points out the man to Tram. That might be him


geez Tram.

Before you know if the mess is cleared up and people are waiting calmly for the fire to burn out, and people actually start being kind to each other, an impromptu street fair breaks out with folks sharing their goods and celebrating.

Reputation goes up by 2 folks (1 for the vampire thing, and one for this)

Miro, the man does not seem to join the festivities

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

New long term goal added... become the new mayor.

M Halfling

That guy over there seems to be a sour-puss. Perhaps we should check him out.


I think I will go beg for a bone, thankyouverymuch! Sir Barksalot says as he bounds off

M Halfling

Tram, we are being shown up by a dawg.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Miro, what say we start pointing out that the mayor is here "helping" - get a good buzz going in the crowd. You can't sneak out of town with everyone watching!

If Miro agrees, Exxor will begin to go around to various groups and point out the mayor. See if he can't influence the crowd to "cheer" the mayor on...

Diplo or bluff? or other?

M Halfling

Oh by Aunt Lucy's apple pie! Our good mayor is here to help everyone out! What a fine leader he is to show up personally!


depends if you are lying or not Exxor. I would say you can flavor it towards a bluff or twowards a diplo. Go for it.

1d20 ⇒ 6

A few heads turn up and look at Miro, but most of them seem to eitehr not hear him or dismiss him as a halfling...stupid racist country.

going camping for the weekend, I doubt I Will have any access at all, but if I do I will post, otherwise it will be Monday

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Ironically my bluff and diplo are both +12... well probably bluff as we know the mayor is nothere to I will get a bonus because the citizens will want to believe their mayor is there to help!

Bluff: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (9) + 12 = 21

Softly going group to group
Hey, look there, our mayor is getting this straightened out!

Then Exxor will make his way near to, but out of sight of the mayor, and just as everyone is getting ready to move on... he shouts,
A cheer for our Mayor here, who has helped us all get on our way!...Huzzah!!

Enjoy Mini!! See yoyu Monday!

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M Halfling

Don't know why I bother helping most of this place. Not like slavery is going to end. Miro is a wee bit bitter

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

With the mess at the gates seeming to be well sorting itself out, he moved to intercept the man by the hellknights.

"Good evening sir, honorable hellknights. Quite the robust mess here eh? Should clear up in a just a bit."

He began doing his best to try and get a look at the cloaked figure to see if it was his cousin after all. He also scanned the hellknights for any sort of insignia of rank or whathaveyou.

knowledge local: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13
knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25


The crowd cheers for the mayor.

The cloaked man turns and looks at you in horror and rage. He tries to speak, but nothing comes out...

Tram you are sure it is your cousin, and you see there is a captain of the hellknights present

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

"Cousin! I did not expect to see you here. I suppose we should find someplace quiet so you can tell me whats going on. I would hate to have the good captain here have to deal with all sorts of trouble."

He began patting his cousin on the shoulder. He was trying to give off the aura of wanting to take care of the man...even though he was vile, obnoxious and very very self serving.

diplomancy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor shouted from hiding, so Tram should be just as surprised by the cheer as the mayor... Plausible deniability?

M Halfling

Miro just sighs


The mayor allows himself to be lead off by Tram, meanwhile the men with him join in the cheering and play up that the mayor was trying to get the situation worked out.


Fast forward to a quiet corner of a tavern you are seated around the mayor, with his back in a corner

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M Halfling

Miro charges a round for the house on the mayor.

Miro Took wrote:
Miro charges a round for the house on the mayor.

I actually laughed out loud at that

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor will let Tram take the lead in questioning his cousin, simply standing beside Tram silently listening and keeping the mayor pinned in.

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

Keeping his voice low and his cousin's attention...lest his companions do anything to get his ire up the young noble did his best to assume a relaxed position. Despite all that he wasnt planning on pulling any punches, there was a lot going on that wasnt getting fixed and he was tired of ruining shirts.
Starting with sugar cubes. . .
"Its been a frightfully crazy last few months cousin. I can only imagine the pressure you have been under with your position. What happened at the mayor's mansion? There are so many crazy rumours running around... Shadow beast vampires was the lastest i heard. Or wait was is Varisian Werewolves? Exxor?"

He said refilling his cousins cup with win and pushing it forward.

diplomancy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

So how did his cousin become the mayor? Was there a campaign? was it pulling strings with the queen? is it sort of a hereditary thing? Asking for uh... reasons.

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Varisian werewolves was first... then demon summoning gone wrong, shadow beasts and vampires is the latest. Exxor states matter of factly. Reciting the latest rumor mill stories.

Aid another Diplo: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23

M Halfling

Talking dogs, goats on the roof..


Cats and dogs living together

Tram, there was a "campaign" but in reality it is hereditary/given by the powers that be

What do you mean what happened? It exploded. Clearly someone blew it up, you saw that face in the smoke and flame didn't you?

SM check

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

SM: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (8) + 14 = 22


Either he is not telling the whole truth, or he is outright lying

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor shakes his head no, and continues in his matter of fact tone.
The whole story.

And I mean ALL of it.


Intimidate or bluff?

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

@Mini- I couldn't intimidate my way out of an open door... But I am not lying... How about Diplomacy? Which is actually the same as my bluff. Both are +12

Roll: 1d20 ⇒ 8

Bluff or Diplomacy +12 = 20
Intimidate +1 = 9


Why should I tell you anything. You are just a nobody!

sure ill take diplo, but gonna make you work for it!

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Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Because we hunt shadowbeasts for something to do when we aren't out killing vampires and things that are bigger, badder and meaner than that. And I may be a nobody, but I am his friend, tilts his head toward Tram And he is the only thing keeping this one, a nod towards Miro, from making you wish a shadowbeast got you.

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (7) + 12 = 19

All of the above is true in Exxor's mind. And he hasn't put any thought into what things Miro might do - for good reason! It isn't a threat, its a business deal, information for the Mayor's continued good health.

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M Halfling

Miro gnashes his teeth and looks ready to bite his ankles off!
Bluff: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (10) + 13 = 23

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

"Listen cousin. Love for this city and the people in it prompts me to say this. If the explosion that happened at the manor wasnt personal. Then you have nothing to lose by telling us what you know. If it was personal, then those two guards arent going to be enough to stop whatever blew up the manor from following you, finding you and finishing the job... so you might as well tell us whats really going on. Because I won't help if i dont know what we are getting into. I've started to get a bit of a name for myself recently, solving all kinds of trouble, and i'm not even trying to brag when i say that. So do us a favor and tell us what you know. "

He paused and glanced at Miro and shook his head.

"My small friend here will bite you given a chance. Or his attack hedgehog will. He's a bit... twitchy at times."

He added.

M Halfling

Frank leaps onto Miro's head and hisses at the Mayor!


The mayor's head slumps.

Look. Something has gone wrong, an old magic...weakened and died. There are big problems coming for this city. LEt's go someplace and I will tell you what I know. Then you have to let me get out of here. Cousin, you can be the mayor if you want.

He avoids looking at the insane Miro. thats so funny

Male Half-elf Expert 8 / HP:39|40 / AC:20 T:14 FF:16 / F+3 R+9 W+8 / Init +8 / CMB+4 CMD 17 /

Exxor breathes an internal sigh of relief. He will remain as stoic and silent as he can and continue to let Tram handle his cousin.

But will flash Miro a knowing grin and wink when they mayor is not looking.

M Halfling

Miro winks

Dark Archive

Male Human Aristocrat 7 (hp 53/53)(Subdual 53/53)
AC=10 (+0 armor, +1 Shield) FF-10 Touch=10 Fort+5 Ref+4 Will+6
Perception+7,Sense Motive+6,Stealth - 1

"Oh im sure something so large as being the mayor of this fine city has more need of a worded proclamation, nor do i think I am inherently ready or worth a title like that... But i do love this city so we will see. Miro Lead the way, If there is funny magic i want Miss Tarvi and Miss Hippa's opionion on this as well."

He offered leaving a few coins on the table as he 'helped' his cousin to his feet.

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