MiniGM |

"Oh im sure something so large as being the mayor of this fine city has more need of a worded proclamation, nor do i think I am inherently ready or worth a title like that... But i do love this city so we will see. Miro Lead the way, If there is funny magic i want Miss Tarvi and Miss Hippa's opionion on this as well."
He offered leaving a few coins on the table as he 'helped' his cousin to his feet.
. If I make the proper arrangements...you will let me go?

Exxor |

Not sure where we are headed. I am not sure we want to bring the head weasel... er, um... mayor to the secret lair. How about our store? I had totally forgotten about that.
Exxor puts a steadying hand on Miro's shoulder as they continue on, waiting to see Tram's reaction to his cousin's offer.

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"The store is an excellent Idea. Perhaps one of your gentlemen would like to run ahead and grab the others to meet us there?"
He began with a smile acting like nothing was wrong. Inside though his mind was racing. What on earth had his cousin so frightened... granted he had always felt the man was a bit on the side of the cowardly... but he certainly had always hid it better. He was the mayor of a sizable city in Cheliax... what could frighten him enough he wanted to flee from that?

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Oh... good.
"Now that we are somewhere nice and quiet cousin I have some real questions and want real answers.
Who summoned that ghastly face over the mansion, whom is after you? Why you? Why were you trying to sneak out? What did they want?"
He began peppering him with questions not afraid to loom a little over him. He was family and normally he would try to stay on the nicer side of things, but if he sleazy cousin was so worried he would flee his prestigious job as the mayor of this fine city... well it was troubling and he didnt have time for niceties.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20

Exxor |

Sorry - I thought when Miro said he went ahead to get the others he meant Miss Tarvi and Hippa - we can send Barksalot. I think we will need their expertice.
At the Mayor's reference to magical persons, Exxor looks to Barksalot, His Lordship has a good idea, would you please request Miss Tarvi and Hippa join us. They will be able to shed light on the truths the mayor is trying to keep hidden.

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He almost rolled his eyes. How did his cousin survive for so long in a position of power....
"A devil? Interesting... when in Chelliax and all. What kind of devil, what is his name? what precisely does he do for you or the city?"
He began nodding at his companion dog. Exxor was correct he needed Tarvi and Hippa and the others here. This was slightly beyond him. Not that he was going to show that.

Exxor |

So, what do you mean "ran" the house, and just what was done to make him burn down said house? oh, and please share the details you do remember. I suspect that a contract with a devil would be one of those things that you would read very carefully.

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"Any chance there is a copy of the contract in those papers? If I take the mantle of mayor does that take you off the hook from the devil?
He asked, man he really wished Miss Tarvi would get here soon. He didnt want to rush ahead and do something stupid, though he wasnt sure he could avoid that in her eyes.

Exxor |

Exxon questions whether or not he would try to stop Miri if the half Ling went after the mayor. He was leaning toward “not” despite their need for information only the mayor could give.
Given the mayor’s goal is to get away; I would advise against taking on the debt that comes with the title.

Exxor |

The devil doesn't care about you... spoken like the man who knows exactly what the devil does care about. And anyone with a contract with a devil knows exactly where it is and what it says.
Anyone smart anyway, and I doubt this guy that THAT foolish.

Exxor |

Exxor opens his mouth to reply, and thinks better of it. Shadowbeasts, vampires and devils are one thing... getting between Miss Tarvi and Tram was another. Exxor steps aside, giving her a clear path to Tram, but remains close enough to him that the mayor is still pinned in.

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"No. My cousin is leaving the city, Absconding, angry devil in the mayors office it seems. I dont like the idea of him abandoning his post, he countered with naming me the new mayor. Instead of leaping into the fire to put it out headfirst I thought I would ask wiser minds what to do. Its why we sent for you."
He answered calmly...though his fists had clenched up the moment she began with accusations of kidnapping.

Exxor |

Seeing that Miro has disappeared again, Exxor joins his companion in discussion of the situation,
I can assure you the mayor came of his own free will. And we will happily escort him directly back to the mayor's manor should he want to leave our company. Exxor says in his best "play innocent" voice as he looks at the mayor with a glare.
Besides, with a devil blowing things up, I find the legal hairsplitting of the nature of our discussion far less important than the context; for which, as Tram indicated, we require your sage advice and wisdom to navigate lest things continue blowing up in devil faced fireballs.
Although sincere, Exxor fears, he will need a shovel from the store inventory, if he continues.

MiniGM |

Tarvi looks long and hard at Tram.
. So you're asking me to do what? Be your secretary?. She says with simmering rage
. Ah a potential turning point for tram! You're decision here will have HUGE future effects, potentially.
It is almost as if the universe is now scrutinizing Trams answer

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The woman was so infuriating at times... his secretary? really? Had he not been obvious.
"For the love of the.... Gah woman you are so infuriating. I love you. I hope to someday convince you to be my wife. Though thats going to be a long road's travel. Quite clearly me doing something like this would involve you so I wanted your input. Plus. I'm aware you are brighter in a lot of ways than me and dont want to get in over my head or look before I leap. I've done all these dumb things for you. The stupid play, the bar fighting hell I've hunted mythical undead monsters and tried to save them for you! you!"
He face was red and it took all his willpower to not start yelling.
"If I wanted a damn secretary I'd hire a halfling Im sure Miro has like a dozen cousins or girls who would take an easier life."
He added looking about for Miro to support him... His scowl grew when he realized the little slip... had given them the slip for now.

Exxor |

Exxor sits down.
Well, there it is. That explains a LOT!!
Exxor looks at Miss Tarvi and back to Tram. So much was clear, and yet, he was not sure why Miss Tarvi was angry unless it was for the same reason - but women; seriously, who knows....

MiniGM |

Tarvi's mouth opens...shuts. opens...shuts. her face softens, then she looks around the room...she blushes, clearly embarrassed.
Oh so now I'm just supposed to throw myself into your arms! Cause the big hero says he loves me? How often does that line work?
It could be your imagination, but it ALMOST seems a perfunctory outburst.
. Miro. I think I will need one of those killer secretarys you mentioned
Then she looks at Tram. . So what are you thinking about it?. She says calm and intent.

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"So my cousin here, says the show over the mayor's manor is a devil's doing. Won't say why, or what the devil wants. We caught him trying to flee, and we stopped him for information. I need to know what we need to know to either placate or destroy this fiend. My cousin here, says he can name me the mayor of the city in his stead. We could do a lot of good with that sort of pull."
He paused taking a seat and running his hands through his hair while sighing.
"Ideally we find a way to destroy this damned devil, break its link to the city. We are in Chelliax though, so that may not be a thing that is possible... at least not at the moment. "

Exxor |

I think that making Tram the mayor makes Tram the target of the devil.
Exxor keeps an eye on the current mayors reactions to everything that is being said, particularly his own comments to see if any reactions from the mayor give away his secrets.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (12) + 14 = 26