Megan's Carrion Crown

Game Master Megan Robertson

Paizo's Carrion Crown AP.

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AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

Sorry to hear that news Deevor. Good luck with things.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Oh dear, that's a shame. Good luck finding a new position.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Note that I shall be away 10-17 April, probably without internet access.

Liberty's Edge

okie dokie!

Sorry I've dropped from the game, its just not easy to fit in with life at the moment. I've really enjoyed playing this adventure with you and want to thank you all for making it such fun. I've dropped from all my games on Piazo boards (the only boards I play), and will hopefully pick up again in the future.

It was a blast whilst it lasted, and I wish you all the best for the future.

aka Tre

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

Take care Deevor. Hope to play with you again one day.

Kellid Mooncursed 1 (HP 15/15; AC:12, T:12, FF:10; Fort:+4 Ref:+2 Will:+2; Init+2; Perception +5) (Effects: None)

Yea. Agreed.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Been a pleasure having you around, Deevor. Hope to see you again someday.

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

I think we're down to Dillan, Barret, and Sorin. Forge ahead, re-recruit or call it a game?

Liberty's Edge

I'm down for forging or recruiting! :D

Kellid Mooncursed 1 (HP 15/15; AC:12, T:12, FF:10; Fort:+4 Ref:+2 Will:+2; Init+2; Perception +5) (Effects: None)

I'm down for whatever.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

I'm happy to continue if you are :)

Liberty's Edge

Sounds like we all are in for continuing. Do we want to try and locate one other player though?

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

Yes, does anyone know someone from other games that they want to try to recruit or shall we try open recruiting? One possibility would be to check Megan's other games for recruits too. That way we're picking someone up that is used to the play style. I'm in her Legacy of Fire game so would be happy to check there.

Kellid Mooncursed 1 (HP 15/15; AC:12, T:12, FF:10; Fort:+4 Ref:+2 Will:+2; Init+2; Perception +5) (Effects: None)

Checking Megan's other games would probably be the best option.

Female Human (Keleshite) Oracle 5, Exalted 1 Init +2 hp 47/47, AC 18, T 12, FF 16, F +5 (+5 vs hot weather) R +5, Will +7

I play in another of Megan's games I would be interested in joining but can't build a character until Monday at the earliest.

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

No rush Sonya. I'm sure we can work you in once you're ready. Welcome!

male Elf Witch 5

Depending on how many more you need, I could put together a character as well. I am also from Megan's Legacy of Fire game.

Kellid Mooncursed 1 (HP 15/15; AC:12, T:12, FF:10; Fort:+4 Ref:+2 Will:+2; Init+2; Perception +5) (Effects: None)

1 or 2 is fine. We are missing an arcane-person of some kind, but otherwise build what you like.

male Elf Witch 5

I could put together some kind of bard; it's not a lot of arcane, but it's some.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Madness... people from other games I run flocking over here! Of course, you are welcome, dear hearts. See what you can come up with.

Female Human (Keleshite) Oracle 5, Exalted 1 Init +2 hp 47/47, AC 18, T 12, FF 16, F +5 (+5 vs hot weather) R +5, Will +7

What is the point buy for this game?

Female Human (Keleshite) Oracle 5, Exalted 1 Init +2 hp 47/47, AC 18, T 12, FF 16, F +5 (+5 vs hot weather) R +5, Will +7

I am thinking of making a Cartomancer Witch who will progress into Harrower at 6th level. Do you have any issue with this. I was planning to use the list of the deck and the on site dice roller for choosing the cards.

ie 1d54 ⇒ 2 2 = The Keep NG Strength

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

I'm pretty sure it was 20 point.

male Elf Witch 5

If you make a witch, Sonya, I can make an arcane duelist bard that can also be on the front line.

male Elf Witch 5

Would you be willing to accept a magus, Megan? Fills the same role as the arcane duelist bard, but might fill the martial aspect a bit better.

LG Human (Varisian) Witch (Cartomancer) 4 | HP 28/28 | Init +4 | AC 12; T 12; FF 10 | Fort +2; Reflex +3, Will +4 (+1 vs. enchantment) | Perception +0

Sonya's character. A witch cartomancer. Gear is not done.

I build her 20 point buy with 4th level PC gear.

Also, how are you planning to introduce us in Megan. I would like to position my character in a way to be there.

Liberty's Edge

woot woot!

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

Yes, this will be great. Back up to a nice 5 player group. Thanks for joining us!

male Elf Witch 5

I have both a arcane duelist bard and a magus ready, depending on what Megan is willing to allow. The bard will focus on ranged, the magus would be a light front liner, using the quarterstaff as his weapon of choice.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Up to you, S.W. - and what the rest think would be more useful.

New characters: You have been hired by Barrister Gustav Kaple, who is defending the notorious Beast of Lepidstadt, to investigate the charges laid against him. According to the prosecution - and local rumour - he's been leaving a trail of death and destruction across the entire region. Kaple seems remarkably inept, but his heart is in the right place and he knows that only cold, hard fact will save the Beast in the face of public opinion. He suggested that you spoke to Vorkstag and Grine, who run the Cymic Works, as they apparently had dealings with the Sanctury - an asylum which the Beast allegedly burned to the ground - and they might be able to give you some background information.

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

I'm good with whatever you want to play most.

Perhaps we can come up with a way that you guys show up at the Cymic works at the same time we're there and then join up. We've just started our way in and you'd join us faster that way than if we discovered you someplace inside.

Kellid Mooncursed 1 (HP 15/15; AC:12, T:12, FF:10; Fort:+4 Ref:+2 Will:+2; Init+2; Perception +5) (Effects: None)

I think the bard would work better but play whatever would be more fun.

Male Half-Elf Bard (arcane duelist) 4

Paldric, your friendly neighborhood bard, reporting for duty. Will fully update the character sheet formatting as time allows, but it's got the basics up top.

LG Human (Varisian) Witch (Cartomancer) 4 | HP 28/28 | Init +4 | AC 12; T 12; FF 10 | Fort +2; Reflex +3, Will +4 (+1 vs. enchantment) | Perception +0

Megan, to make sure I understand correctly, we were hired with the rest of the group, or have been hired separately and are meeting up with the group.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Separately - well, the initial group did not get hired by the lawyer but are on the same general quest, to find out what's really going on and if the Beast is really as beastly as he's painted.

LG Human (Varisian) Witch (Cartomancer) 4 | HP 28/28 | Init +4 | AC 12; T 12; FF 10 | Fort +2; Reflex +3, Will +4 (+1 vs. enchantment) | Perception +0

They seem to be in a building or something. Should we arrive at the same location or wait until they come out for character introductions?

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

I think that will delay you guys entering too long. A bunch of us stepped out when the fumes got too bad. Maybe we retcon that you guys showed up at that time? Either that or you guys enter through another nearby entrance and we meet inside.

Ultimately up to Megan, but I don't know how extensive this building is so it could take us a while to explore it.

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

Megan, do you want to just assume that our new companions joined us when we stepped back outside or should we find them up ahead?

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

I think it will be easier if they come along whilst the rest of you are getting some fresh air.

Male Half-Elf Bard (arcane duelist) 4

I will work on the character a bit more tomorrow. Been focusing on other things the last week or so.

Male Half-Elf Bard (arcane duelist) 4

I am not going to be able to join you after all. I had thought my body was adjusting to the new job and the new schedule, but it is being stubborn, so energy and focus are not where I was hoping they would be at this point.

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

Best of luck with everything Paldric!

I think we're still good to go with Amelia. That gets us back up to 4 PCs.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

That's a shame, Paldric. Hang on to the character - you might feel able to join us later and of course you will be welcome.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Note that next week (20-24 July) is graduation week at university - as I've been roped in to help run the ceremonies time to sit down at a computer may be limited!

Liberty's Edge

Have as much fun as you can!

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

I shall :)

Meanwhile, those inside the Chymic Works can come out for a breath of fresh air and meet the newcomers. Then we can get going next week.

AC 15/12/13 HP 34/34 F+3 R+3 W+4 Init+2 Per+4

May as well take this as the opportunity to mention that this is Gen Con week. I'll be out of the picture from sometime on Wednesday until late Sunday or possibly Monday. Feel free to bot me as needed to keep things moving.

Liberty's Edge

Female Depemds on the game system (human in the real world)

Is anyone else going?

Liberty's Edge

Not me. :(

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