Medieval Europe PbP II (Team Rome) (Inactive)

Game Master Michael Johnson 66

Medieval Europe with magic and monsters, second team: Team Rome!

Current Characters

Michael Johnson 66

M Human unchained monk 8/paladin 6
(8,175 posts)
Killian Paltreth
Silver Crusade rorek55

(4,655 posts)
Akio Derick Ryuu

Male Aasimar angel-kin 2 Iajustu samurai HP: 24/24 AC:18 FF:16 T:12 Fort:+5 Ref:+3Will:+3nit. +3/ perception +10/ challenge 1/day

played by rorek55 (69 posts)
Cleric of Iomedae
Archbishop of Toledo

played by Michael Johnson 66 (5 posts)
Armed guard

played by Michael Johnson 66 (1 post)
Kutholiam Vuere
Bishop Alonso Tostado

played by Michael Johnson 66 (8 posts)
Lucky Farouq
Cardinal Borgia

played by Michael Johnson 66 (15 posts)
Ratfolk Troubleshooter

Male Ratfolk
AC: 15, T: 15, FF: 11; HP: 10/10; F:3, R:6, W:1; CMD 14; CMB +3; Init: +4 ; Perc: +7
Alchemist 1
Acro +4 (+0 to jump), Craft (alchemy) +10 (+11 alchemical items), DD +6, Disguise +2, Heal +5, Kn. (arcana,planes) +9, Kn. (nature) +8, Perception +7, Prof (Herbalist) +5, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +13, Survival +5

played by Seth86 (100 posts)
Paracount Julistar
Fray Manuel Jose

M Human cleric (cloistered cleric, evangelist, theologian) of Dominican 2 AC 13, touch 11, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +1 Dex) hp 15 (2d8+1) Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +6

played by JASON RODARTE (124 posts)
The Fifth Archdaemon
Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht*

Male Fleshwarped Half Elf Verminous Hunter 4/Medium 4 (Level 8)| HP 59/59| AC 31 T 22 FF 24 | Fort +9 Ref +14 Will +8| CMD 30 | Init +9 | Perception +12 (+18 Wasp Focus)

played by Endoralis (802 posts)
Human skeleton

played by Michael Johnson 66 (22 posts)
Initiative Monkey

played by Michael Johnson 66 (601 posts)
Jimeno Díaz de Vivar

HP: 22/22; AC: 18, T: 13, FF: 15; CMB: +5; CMD: 18; Fort: 5, Ref: 3, Will: 0 (+1 vs Fear); Init: +3; Perception: +6; Speed: 30 feet
Human (Hispanic) Fighter (Dragoon) 2

played by Rocan (45 posts)
Clanartus Viliras
Satanic assassin

played by Michael Johnson 66 (24 posts)

Previous Characters

Michael the Warsong

Male Human Bard (Thundercaller) 1 | HP 10/10 | AC 18 | Touch 14 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | CMB +0 | Fort +2 | Ref +6 | Will +2 (+4 Charm and Compulsion) | Init +4 | Per +4

played by Zayne Iwatani (48 posts)