Akio Derick Ryuu wrote: I assume the assassin took a 5ft step to reach me, since my weapon has reach, lucky for my poor horse, he is still Alive.. If barely.
[Dice=Ride] 1d20+3
Akio attempts to get the horse to move out of range with his knees, the horse is barely able to follow the orders through the pain from the assassins strike.
With a grunt akio manages to pull his Mount around for a strike, spinning his naginata around innan arc, the blade like silver lightning in the air.
[Dice=attack!] 1d20+6+1+1-1
[Dice=confirm!] 1d20+11
[dice=Damage!] 4d8+44
edit: well then, Thats a crit....
Edit: aaand confirmed... The pain is brought... Jeez. Anyway, ride check to get the horse to guide the horse with knees, dc5 just did make it, 5ft step away, standard attack.
The silver lightning of Akio's naginata strikes with lethal speed and force, and the assassin's head is parted from his body, sailing through the air to land with a thump at the horse's hooves!
Jimeno Díaz de Vivar wrote: "Ya basta de esto! Muere desgraciado miserable!"
** spoiler omitted **
Shouts Jimeno as he thrusts at the assassin yet again with his trident.
[dice=Attack, Trident, Flank, Inspire]1d20+4+2+1;1d8+4+1
Another scream from the assassin as Jimeno pins him with his trident like a fish....
The assassin's eyes are wide with fear or madness through the sockets of the skull-face mask! He thrusts again at Akio's horse with his short sword 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (20) + 12 = 32 confirm 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (18) + 12 = 30 deals 2d6 + 2 ⇒ (5, 2) + 2 = 9 piercing to the horse!
Jimeno Díaz de Vivar wrote: Jimeno tries to attack the assassin again as well, seeing as he's quite slippery and difficult to hit.
[dice=Attack, Trident, Flank?, Inspire]1d20+4+2+1;1d8+4+1
Jimeno plunges his trident into the assassin's flesh, eliciting another shrill scream of pain!
Akio Derick Ryuu wrote: As akio twists his mount to avoid the assassins strike, he makes a full turn bringing his naginata to bear, using the momentum from his dodge to power his blow.
Enough of this!
[dice=attack!] 1d20+6+2+1+1-1 +1 from fighting on higher ground
[dice=damage!] 1d10+11
Akio-San's naginata slices into the black-cloaked assassin, producing a mist of blood!
FireSkorn wrote: got no updates... sorry for having you wait on me
He tries to give the assassin a few punches in the gut
[dice=Attack 1]1d20+2
[dice=Attack 2]1d20+2
[dice=Damage 1]1d6+3
[dice=Damage 2]1d6+3
-Posted with Wayfinder
The assassin weaves and bobs, dodging FireSkorn's jabs....
On his turn, the assassin attempts to take out Akio-San's horse from under the young samurai....
Short sword thrust at Akio-San's horse 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13 misses!
Jimeno Díaz de Vivar wrote: I can only imagine, try playing a Cross-Blooded Sorcerer next
Jimeno attacks the assassin as well with his trident.
[dice=Attack, Flank, Inspire]1d20+4+2+1;1d8+4+1
The assassin parries Jimeno's trident thrust with the blade of his short sword....
Akio Derick Ryuu wrote: hpmh, very well then, so be it.
Akio will spur his horse on into a charge at the man, bringing his naginata around to strike.
The assassin narrowly dodges Akio-San's attack....
Surrounded, the assassin desperately tries to fight his way out.... He draws a short sword from a black leather scabbard at his side and thrusts at FireSkorn....
Short sword thrust 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23 sinks into FireSkorn's left arm, dealing 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 piercing damage!
The assassin dodges Jimeno's trident thrust....
FireSkorn wrote: [dice=Grapple]1d20+5
Skorn lunges at the assassin again, trying to keep him from escaping
Alas, even if Jimeno succeeds with aiding, the slippery assassin wriggles free (CMD 21)....
The assassin draws a scroll from within his black jerkin.... He quickly removes it from its tube and tries to read it defensively....
Cast defensively concentration check vs DC 19 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10 fails.... The spell the assassin tried to cast fizzles....
Will save vs DC 14 command 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15 succeeds! The assassin resists Fray's command....
In spite of Jimeno moving in to help restrain the assassin, the nimble fellow is too slippery, and resists being held....
FireSkorn's hold on the assassin slips!
The assassin attempts to break FireSkorn's hold on him....
Grapple check to escape 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15....but cannot break the young monk's vice-like grip!
Jimeno Díaz de Vivar wrote: I'm wielding a lance so I should have gotten an AoO on him as he moved from the second square. [dice=AoO]1d20+4;1d8+6
Jimeno moves over with a double move to stand behind him, ready to assist Fireskorn in pinning the man if he holds him.
The assassin dodges Jimeno's lance thrust, makes it as far as the gates, and then is grappled by FireSkorn....
FireSkorn successfully grapples the black-cloaked assassin!
The black-cloaked assassin snarls a curse under his breath and continues to race toward the gates at the east end of St Peter's Square, reaching them within seconds....
Complete withdraw from FireSkorn and Jimeno Diaz, double move, brings him adjacent to the gates....
The assassin hurls his poisoned dagger at Bishop Alonso from 50 ft away....
Hurled dagger with -4 range penalty 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 confirm roll 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 succeeds, dealing 2d4 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5 plus greenblood oil poison to the bishop!
The assassin then turns east and races 30 ft closer to the gates on the east side of St Peter's Square....
Initiative 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (20) + 5 = 25
Jimeno catches a dark shape out of the corner of his eye....
Focusing on this shadowy form, he spies a figure cloaked in black with a cowl and what seems to be a skull-face mask.... A dagger held by the blade, with a dark cloth, suggesting that it may be thrown, and it may be poisoned!
Stealth check 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20
In the shadows of the Plaza of St Peter's Basilica, a stealthy figure lurks, cloaked in black with hood and skull face mask, an envenomed dagger in hand....
He eyes the Archbishop of Toledo with murderous intent....
Perception checks from Fray Manuel, Jimeno Diaz, and FireSkorn, please....