Michael Johnson 66 |

It is a dark time for Europe....
Our tale begins on June 1st, in the Year of Our Lord, 1430, in the great and ancient city of Roma....
Mother Church is locked in a shadow war in the streets with a secretive cult of devil worshippers....
A great red wyrm named Conflagratius has recently flown from the fiery planet of Mercury to Earth to make a new lair in Mt Vesuvius, and has proclaimed itself overlord of Europe, demanding annual tributes of treasure and young maidens from every nation....
Bands of humanoid monsters are marching from their cavern lairs in the Alps to Mt Vesuvius to declare allegiance to the dragon, pillaging and slaying along the way....
Heroes are needed!

FireSkorn |

Dotting with my monk

FireSkorn |

FireSkorn is a scarred hobgoblin. On his bare hands and feet and on his face one can see the scars of many blades. Even his eyes seem different from most hobgoblins
He is clothed in very plain robes. He has a well made backpack, even if it seems there are not a lot of things in it currently. Those who know his order and who he is, know him as FireSkorn. Named after the fiery torture he endured when he was young, before his life was saved and his soul redeemed
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Jimeno Díaz de Vivar |

Jimeno travelled with bishop Alonso Tostado and his larger escort to the Vatican. The rumours and reports of villagers about monsters coming down the mountains and cultists roaming the Streets were enough to unsettle the minds of most soliders in the company, Jimeno himself included.
He was used to train against humans, Moors and Arabs in particular, though he had heard rumours of other beings employed in their service, the most would be human. the closer they got to Rome and the Vatican the more thieves and signs of skirmishes they found.
Even when the party arrived at the first of June inside the city, the bishop and his guard still remained on their guard. It made Jimeno feel uneasy about his time here.
Perhaps this is what father hoped to spare me from or what that recruiting captain wanted me to learn. There is so much to see and things that are dangerous outside of the safety of Gandia. To be a real soldier and famous knight, one has to be aware and face dangers of great evil. This could be my first test in doing so.
Jimeno thinks to himself as he drinks with a few other soldiers of the escort, just outside the gates of the Vatican.

FireSkorn |

unless GM wants use to meet at a seperate place, i will be your welcoming person
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Michael the Warsong |

As the downtrodden citizens of the ancient city of Rome go about their day, one citizen tries to break the morass of daily monotone with a little music. He plays by the gates of the Vatican. And though the song isn't bad he seems distracted, constantly looking over at the gates.
Perform (String): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (3) + 6 = 9
Eventually he notices that the people continue to ignore his attempts to relieve their sorrow-filled hearts. He stops the song abruptly and goes into a happier, more upbeat tune that finally draws attention.
Perform (String): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
He is a handsome lad with a wiry build and shining smile. His clothes are little dingy from the rode but seem well made. He plays guitarrra latina (Like a modern guitar but smaller) with decent skill and with more than a little magic. For protection, he carries at his side a thin bladed sword with a buckler and shortbow on his back. As he plays and children gather performs a little magic as well. Some minor prestidigitation to amuse them. And though he is fully into the performance now, he still watches the gate from time to time.

Fray Manuel Jose |

The young friar walks out of the steps of old St. Peter's. He had been summoned by Rodrigo Cardinal Borgia, his countryman and who the Order had assigned as his theological aide, who as Secretary of State had a full schedule, especially with the dragon. Manuel, the Archbishop of Toledo and his entourage wait outside of the gates of the Papal Palace. However, the Holy Father is busy this morning. Perhaps you can accompany them around the Vatican as my personal representative until I am able to meet with His Excellency? Please inform him that you are my personal representative to him and his traveling companions and are to be a spiritual director and my eyes and ears of what is going on in Spain, my legate so to
It shall be as you request, Eminence.
The friar, clothed in the familiar white of the Dominican Order and the black cowl and rosary walks down the steps of the Papal Palace to the entourage of the Archbishop of Toledo. The habit looks to be a little big for him but there is a seriousness and yet an air of sanctity around the young, newly ordained priest. As he approaches the entourage he introduces himself and bows before the Archbishop, Your Excellency, I am Fray Manuel Jose Lopez of the Order of St. Dominic. His Eminence, Cardinal Borgia, has asked me to accompany you around the Vatican as his representative and has directed me, if you have not yet done so, to free the Altar of the Confessio, over the tomb of the Apostle, for the celebration of Mass. He has also assigned me to your entourage as a legate.

Jimeno Díaz de Vivar |

Deleted said post
Jimeno keeps drinking with his new colleagues, apparently unaware that the bishop he accompanied is being led into the Vatican.
He wonders what kind of business the bishop has here in the holy city.

Archbishop of Toledo |

Archbishop of Toledo inspects the young priest who has introduced himself outside the gates of the Vatican for a moment, then smiles and extends his hand.
Buenos tardes, my young brother in Christ.... I trust you will perform your duties well.... My business here is of dire importance, and concerns a black threat to the Church, and indeed, to all Christendom.... As I'm certain you will have heard by now, our Great Enemy, Satan, has sent to Earth a fire dragon of the greatest power, the red wyrm Conflagratius, formerly of the fiery planet Mercury, according to divine communications between the Holy Father and the Archangel Gabriel himself.... This vile servant of The Devil has come to torment the faithful of Europe by burning the towns and fields, devouring livestock, and demanding unbearable tribute, including young maidens from every city of Europe! We faithful servants of Christ must determine some way to stop this work of Satan's beast!
Archbishop of Toledo lowers his voice and leans closer to Fray....
There are other, closer enemies at work, as well.... Human agents of our ancient foe plague our clergy in these very streets of Rome.... Diabolists and witches devoted to Satan have assassinated no less than three priests of the Vatican, two as they lay asleep in their beds, and one in broad daylight in the Plaza of St Peter! These blasphemous heathens must be brought to justice, in the name of Christ, St Michael, and Our Blessed Lady!

Fray Manuel Jose |

Señor Arzobispo, I am sure that the Holy Father is more aware of such things than we can ever be aware of. The Saints of God will hasten to our aide as we confront these evils in the name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. As a Dominican friar I am well versed to combating heresy, just as my Holy Founder was. Now my Lord, how does Avila fare? he says as he continues walking and talking with the bishop.

FireSkorn |

donr know where to fall in :P
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Archbishop of Toledo |

Avila fares well as can be expected in these dark times, Fray Manuel.... Mercenaries gather there in service of one lord or another.... His Majesty, King of Aragon, is buying their services at quite a pace with plans to wrest the Italian cities of Napoli and Genoa from the Sforzas.... Bloodshed will hardly pause for dragons and devilry, it seems, for men ever lust for power and land, do they not, young Fray Manuel?

Fray Manuel Jose |

When humanity is tempted and does not turn to Blessed Lord in prayer and fasting and almsgiving then the Enemy finds fertile grounds to work his wiles, my Lord.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Fray Manuel is strolling with Archbishop of Toledo in the Plaza of St Peter's Basilica in The Vatican, where they notice FireSkorn praying and meditating in the waning sun before a statue of St Peter....
They also see another company of soldiers escorting a bishop of Spanish cast near the gates, that of Jimeno Diaz and the Bishop of Toledo....

Fray Manuel Jose |

Excuse me my Lord, but the Spirit draws me to this pilgrim as he walks away. The swish of robes evident.
As he approaches the hobgoblin he will give the traditional greeting, Pax vobiscum, peace be with you. Tell me does the Lord hear your prayers?

Satanic assassin |

Stealth check 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (3) + 17 = 20
In the shadows of the Plaza of St Peter's Basilica, a stealthy figure lurks, cloaked in black with hood and skull face mask, an envenomed dagger in hand....
He eyes the Archbishop of Toledo with murderous intent....
Perception checks from Fray Manuel, Jimeno Diaz, and FireSkorn, please....

FireSkorn |

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19
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FireSkorn |

Excuse me my Lord, but the Spirit draws me to this pilgrim as he walks away. The swish of robes evident.
As he approaches the hobgoblin he will give the traditional greeting, Pax vobiscum, peace be with you. Tell me does the Lord hear your prayers?
Opening his eyes, he looks at the one who spoke, not smiling, he has learned long ago siling is not a good way to greet someone if you are what he is
"Hear's them, yes, answers, not always. It is my understanding that my Lord and Father has three answers. Not right now, Yes, it shall be as you asked, and, I have something better in mind"
Jimeno Díaz de Vivar |

Though he's only stepped outside to catch a breath of fresh air, Jimeno is quite aware of his surroundings and quick to react as well.
He quickly looks to see who the target is as he grabs a javelin from his quiver.
Realizing that the bishop he accompanied is the target he shouts a warning before throwing his javelin at the shadow figure.
"Bishop Alonso! Cuidado! Asesino!"
Attack Javelin: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 101d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5 +1 to att & dam if within 30 feet

FireSkorn |

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Jimeno Díaz de Vivar |

Jimeno looks frustrated as his javelin goes wide and he hears people shouting scared and alarmed as they jump out of the way of the javelin clattering onto the street stones.
His face turns to a resilient one as he looks ready to draw more of his javelins if necessary.
Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Vatican map.... The Archbishop of Toledo and entourage, Bishop Alonso and entourage, and most other PCs are about 20 ft west of the obelisk in St Peter's Square; FireSkorn and Fray Manuel are about 30 ft north of the obelisk, near a statue of St Peter; the assassin is another 20 ft north of the statue, and 50 ft north of the larger group of the archbishop, bishop, and their entourages....

FireSkorn |

well. Assassin goes first, then fire skorn. Will see what the assassin tries
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Satanic assassin |

The assassin hurls his poisoned dagger at Bishop Alonso from 50 ft away....
Hurled dagger with -4 range penalty 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 confirm roll 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20 succeeds, dealing 2d4 ⇒ (3, 2) = 5 plus greenblood oil poison to the bishop!
The assassin then turns east and races 30 ft closer to the gates on the east side of St Peter's Square....

FireSkorn |

"Assassin!" he yells louder just to make sure it was out there as he runs after the assassin. Full run.
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Fray Manuel Jose |

The young friar will run to put himself in the way of any other attacks towards the Archbishop and will active (if possible) his Inspire Confidence ability towards the members of the group including the Archbishop.
Exsurge Domini et defendolos potents diabolis
Arise Lord, and defend us from the power of the devil
A 1st level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard’s performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.