Hisao of the Yellow Reeds |

With no more targets Hisao activates the fly option of his celestial armor and speeds over the gorge to the giants.
That should take up all his actions this round, will attack next

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Lusty Fools, Knights of Armaggedon, continue the treacherous climb through the windswept, snow capped Alps, working their way ever southeastward along icy, narrow ledges, alpine passes, and over ice bridges....
At some places, they are obliged to use their divine magical gifts to fly and ferry their land bound fellows over deep, misty abysses, or up sheer granite walls on which not even the most tenacious evergreen can find purchase....
By noon on the day after their fight against the giants, they catch sight of the walled city of Turin, capital of the Duchy of Savoy, it's slate peaked roofs and smoking chimneys a welcome site for travel-weary eyes....
Knowledge (nobility), (religion), and (history) can all be attempted at this juncture....

Michael Johnson 66 |

Turin is an ancient mountain town, notable for various reasons....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

The experience was much too enjoyable. The screams if pain the giant-being released as they were torn asunder a new sensation to behold. How long had it been since Nacht had felt such a thing? The light in the overworlder beings' sky had went on many a time. It was how they determined 'Days' His particular giant-being had begged as she could not staunch the increasing wounds he inflicted. Even as he was sure the Hisao-being was doing away with the other, Nacht took his time executing her. The giant-being had intriguing eyes, like plates of blue and white, they soon became red with blood, the voice garbled as she clutched her neck before expiring.
The other beings eventually showed up and as such Nacht maintained a thorough performance, the Holy-being showed little mercy so it was a good guess the display would not cause alarm. Eventually the creature's wounds sizzled away, Nacht inspected its carapace with satisfaction as their journey continued.
The time passes and Nacht is musing, his eyes revealing little that could be going on in its alien mind. The wall city a hold for beings. Would there be more experiences for Nacht to partake?

Paddy |

After the battle, Paddy sits for a second to collect his breath.
I think we might be getting into deeper water here lads. We had best keep our wits about us, lest we get swept away with the tide.
He takes a small flask from his pack and takes a pull from it.
Well, now that I have a bit of warmth passing through me, we should push on.
Upon seeing Turin in the distance, Paddy laughs....
What are the odds they have a decent barrel of whiskey here? Slim, ye think? Well, there is always wine....could be worse....
can Paddy do a know. local check when he gets on the streets?

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

Descending through alpine meadows fragrant with evergreens, the heroes come to a wooded, hilly vale in which the city of Turin is nestled. The city's gray stone walls are visible when the sound of horse hooves crunching pine needles reaches the heroes' ears....
Riding at a casual trot out of the foliage ahead, a handsome man in his middle years, astride a dappled stallion, both clad in mail, appears on the path before the Lusty Fools....
He reigns his horse to a stop and regards each of them....
Bienvenuto, travelers.... I do not recognize your faces.... Where are you coming from, and to where are you borne, if I may inquire, as Duke of this Land?

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nact simply pointed downward with a gloved hand as if that explained everything then pointed the the direction they came from.
" We have killed giant-beings " His voice strains out in eerily strained English.

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

Knowledge Nobility: 1d20 + 28 + 1d6 ⇒ (15) + 28 + (1) = 44
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 25 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 25 + (6) = 50
Knowledge History: 1d20 + 25 + 1d6 ⇒ (20) + 25 + (2) = 47
"Well met, Lord Amadeus. We come from all over the West and even from the Far East. But now we go to Rome, to where none of us has yet been. Pray tell us of recent happenings in Turin so we have a story at which to wonder as we make camp tonight."

Michael Johnson 66 |

[dice=Knowledge Nobility]1d20 +28 +1d6
[dice=Knowledge Religion]1d20 +25 +1d6
[dice=Knowledge History]1d20 +25 +1d6
"Well met, Lord Amadeus. We come from all over the West and even from the Far East. But now we go to Rome, to where none of us has yet been. Pray tell us of recent happenings in Turin so we have a story at which to wonder as we make camp tonight."
Turin was founded in ancient times by the Taurini tribe. It is on the left bank of the River Po, nestled in the alpine crest. It is the home of the Shroud of Turin, an artifact of the Christian Faith, said to be the burial shroud of Christ Himself.

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

Dark times indeed have befallen Turin.... As they have all other lands, I gather.... Our Shroud has been stolen by evil thieves in league with the Devil and his minion, the dragon Conflagratius.... We seek it far and wide, to no avail.... Divinations tell us that it now lies in the corrupt hands of the Antichrist, wherever he may be hiding.... It does not bode well for us, sirs....

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht titled his head, it seemed that this being has said something of theirs was taken. " Divinations not tell you where Antichrist is hiding? But tell you it is stolen? "
his yellow eyes examine the being and the area around them.
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26

Paddy |

Paddy acts nonchalant as he informs the rest of the party about their tail. He looks to Amadeus.
Milord, you might want to get to a safe place. Do not look alarmed, but there are a number of men with bows trained on us, and I would not want you getting caught in the volley. I think they are after us, ut cannot tell for sure. Just act normal until you get around a corner and then get to shelter post haste. We shall deal with these interlopers once you are safe, okay?
Paddy gives the Duke a reassuring wink as he talks.

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

Nacht titled his head, it seemed that this being has said something of theirs was taken. " Divinations not tell you where Antichrist is hiding? But tell you it is stolen? "
his yellow eyes examine the being and the area around them.
Seeming to notice Nacht for the first time, Duke Amadeus narrows his eyes to gaze curiosly at the strange figure....
That's correct, stranger.... The holy Shroud was taken almost a month ago, now, in a brazen and bloodthirsty raid on the Church of Saint Veronica.... The cardinal was murdered, as were several other priests and laymen....
The duke's face darkens as he recounts the raid and theft of the Shroud of Turin....
There was an evil spirit of the Heathen Orient in league with the Satanic raiders.... Like a great, blue-skinned cyclops, with spiral horns on its head and magical powers of flight, invisibility, and the ability to conjure blasts of icy wind and hail! The others seemed to defer to this evil thing, and called it the "Dai Oni"....[/b]

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

Paddy acts nonchalant as he informs the rest of the party about their tail. He looks to Amadeus.
Milord, you might want to get to a safe place. Do not look alarmed, but there are a number of men with bows trained on us, and I would not want you getting caught in the volley. I think they are after us, ut cannot tell for sure. Just act normal until you get around a corner and then get to shelter post haste. We shall deal with these interlopers once you are safe, okay?
Paddy gives the Duke a reassuring wink as he talks.
The Duke grins wanly at Paddy...,
You have a keen eye, stranger.... Fear not: they are my men.... They will only fire on my command, I assure you.

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht looks to Paddy, his voice like metal cans being chewed by a goat in some series of snaps before returning to a more familiar language.
" Soll ich das Versteck Wesen behandeln? Sie sind viel kleiner und wahrscheinlich wäre es schnell sein. "
He then looks at the Duke-being, " You want it back? This cloth? You want us kill this Dai-oni-being for you? "

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

Nacht looks to Paddy, his voice like metal cans being chewed by a goat in some series of snaps before returning to a more familiar language.
" Soll ich das Versteck Wesen behandeln? Sie sind viel kleiner und wahrscheinlich wäre es schnell sein. "
** spoiler omitted **
He then looks at the Duke-being, " You want it back? This cloth? You want us kill this Dai-oni-being for you? "
Well, yes.... Of course.... But what would you ask for such a service.... If, indeed, you were capable and willing of so daunting a task?

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

"We are both capable and willing to bring ruin upon Oni raiders, furthering the cause of peace. Pray tell us if you know where we can begin our search for this Oriental menace and his villainous accomplices.
"We neither need nor ask for 'compensation' -- though hospitality and information are always appreciated."

Hoenheim Dobberkau *Nacht* |

Nacht twiddles a dagger's blade along the thumb of his right glove, " As long as we get to chooose, how we 'fix' the problem. " a wisp seems to follow its very word and there is a clear menacing gaze at the word fix.

Michael Johnson 66 |

What would Hisao know of Dai Oni? He only has Kn:Dungeoneering but I was thinking maybe children fables level knowledge
Yes, like all Japanese children, the children of the Yellow Reeds clan were frightened into obedience with dire tales of oni (evil spirit-ogres with magic powers), bakemono (goblins), gaki (undead spirits), and hopping vampires.

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

"We are both capable and willing to bring ruin upon Oni raiders, furthering the cause of peace. Pray tell us if you know where we can begin our search for this Oriental menace and his villainous accomplices.
"We neither need nor ask for 'compensation' -- though hospitality and information are always appreciated."
The least I can offer you in exchange for your willingness to recover the Holy Shroud is the best hospitality Turin has to offer, at my own palazzo.... And I believe I can give you some advise on where the Dai Oni and its minions may be lairing....

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

Nacht twiddles a dagger's blade along the thumb of his right glove, " As long as we get to chooose, how we 'fix' the problem. " a wisp seems to follow its very word and there is a clear menacing gaze at the word fix.
....As for your methods of "fixing" the problem.... I will leave that entirely up to you.... So long as no harm comes to Turin or my subjects....

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

"The honor of retrieving and being in the presence of such a valued Church artifact is more than reward enough."
May Our Lord bless you and keep you safe on this perilous quest, good sirs.... Yours are the words and bearing of true soldiers of Christ!
The Duke smiles warmly at Alphonse and Iommi-Tyr for their apparent willingness to recover the Shroud without need of reward.
But I assure you, good sirs, that if you succeed, you shall have more than mere gratitude in recompense....

Paddy |

Well, as long as there are wine and women, I'm happy to lend my services to the cause. I think we should check out where the shroud was taken from....might give us a clue to follow.

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

The Shroud of Turin was housed in the Church of Saint John the Baptist, one of three Christian churches in Turin that would, in later ages, be combined into Turin Cathedral....
Duke Amadeus leads the Lusty Fools into the city through the main gate, and along the ancient streets to the Church of St John the Baptist. Gesturing to the stone temple, the Duke speaks....
Here is the Church of Saint John the Baptist, where the Shroud had lain undisturbed since the days of the apostles.... Now, we can only guess at its current whereabouts.... But divinations performed by my court astrologer suggest that the Shroud is in the possession of this oriental demon, the Dai Oni.... And the surroundings of its lair appeared in the waters of the divining pool as a cavernous place, no doubt underground somewhere.... But where, exactly?

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

Dai Oni, big, fearsome magic, can hide track with magic, but minion army maybe not so stealthy. What was with Oni and which way did they go?
Yes, exactly.... The raiders included orcs of the Piedmont region, formerly of the Tusk-cracker Tribe, and bugbears of the same region, formerly of the Gut-Ripper Tribe.... These brutes have long inhabited the ancient ruins of the Etruscan tribe, that flourished before the rise of the first Roman Empire....

Iommi-Tyr Magnusson |

"I'm curious, Lord Amadeus, what was happening in Turin before the Oni stole the Turin Shroud?
"Most lords and nobles have acquiesced to Conflagratious and his demands; some have even joined his vile force.
"But not the Duke of Savoy, not the lords of Turin -- can you tell us about the happenings here regarding any emissaries of Conlflagratious or the AntiChrist? Surely they sent someone to you to give demands?
...."Regardless of which, we will track down this Oni and eliminate him. I am merely curious."

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

"I'm curious, Lord Amadeus, what was happening in Turin before the Oni stole the Turin Shroud?
"Most lords and nobles have acquiesced to Conflagratious and his demands; some have even joined his vile force.
"But not the Duke of Savoy, not the lords of Turin -- can you tell us about the happenings here regarding any emissaries of Conlflagratious or the AntiChrist? Surely they sent someone to you to give demands?
...."Regardless of which, we will track down this Oni and eliminate him. I am merely curious."
Before the Shroud was stolen, emissaries of the dragon did come to demand tribute--red-robed priests of Satan and their foul Orc minions.... We sent them away at sword-point and told them only death awaited them here if they dared to return.... Three weeks after, the oni and the raiders came, butchered many brave men and women of Turin, and stole the Shroud!

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

I believe unrelated to the raid and theft of the Shroud, we also had to be vigilant against recruiters sent by the king of Aragon and by his enemy, Franscesco Sforza, to poach soldiers of Savoy away to fight in their squabbles over Naples and Genoa.... But as I said, I doubt that has anything to do with the raid....

Amadeus, Duke of Savoy |

If we are to hunt and track perhaps we should start right away Hisao says musingly Cities have eyes and ears and spies
Agreed, says the Duke. Then you do not wish to rest and dine at my palazzo first? I can take you into Turin to refresh yourselves after your trek through the Alps first, or we can go at once to the Etruscan ruins I suspect are where the raiders and their Oni leader lair....