
Otyugh of the catacombs's page

8 posts. Alias of Michael Johnson 66.


Paddy and Alphonse strike simultaneously at the monster's hind quarters as it tries to flee, felling the beast!

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In severe pain and suddenly afraid it has mistaken predators for prey, the monster shambles back the way it came, provoking attacks of opportunity from Alphonse, Hisao, Paddy, and Jean Lamarre....

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Hisao of the Yellow Reeds wrote:

Round 2

Gritting his teeth Hisao moves in to flank and stabs at the bizarre monster


[dice=Sneak damage]1d6

Total damage 10

Finding the perfect spot to slam the blade into what looks like an eye socket Hisao tries to take advantage and really put the hurt on the aberration.

[dice=critconfirm and damage]1d20+4+2;1d6+1

Total damage if crit confirms 15

Hisao excises an eyeball, skewering it on his wakizashi with surgical precision, and whipping it off over his shoulder with the backswing, where it bounces with a wet splat off Iommi-Tyr's forehead! The monster howls a bloodcurdling howl and drops Jean Lamarre on the floor, stumbling in pain!

Jean Lamarre wrote:


Jean reels at the sight of the thing that lay near the tip of his glowing spear. Something that he has never seen nor heard of, within any of the tomes inside his monastery in Gascony, or in any of his fel dreams. His reaction thusly is one of adrenal fear, and he jabs at the beast in an angelic howl:

** spoiler omitted **

As the French prophet lunges forward to jab at the monstrosity, it lashes out a spiky tentacle....

1d20 + 3 ⇒ (16) + 3 = 19 rakes Jean for 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4 piercing damage, and attempts to grab the young Frenchman 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (18) + 13 = 31....successfully! Jean is wrapped up in the vice-like grip of the otyugh!

Alphonse Veritas wrote:

Actually, I just remembered something. You can 5 ft. step as part of a Readied action.

Alphonse quickly steps in, ignoring the pain for the moment, and swings his scythe.



The scythe blade sinks deep into the beast's flesh, and it screams!

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The stench of decay hangs heavy on this monster's filthy hide.... Flies buzz in a cloud around it, and bits of refuse and mortal remnants drip from its horrible, stinking maw!

The monster stomps 20 ft closer (now 10 ft from Alphonse and Hisao) and lunges its barrel-shaped bulk at the young paladin squire....

Bite at Alphonse 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26 chomps his left forearm for 1d8 + 3 ⇒ (4) + 3 = 7 damage!

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A deep, inhuman croak echoes from the north, and heavy thumping footfalls herald the imminent arrival of some new horror....

Initiative 1d20 ⇒ 11

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Are you kidding me??????


You're allowing master summoner, wayang and Nagaji and you got rid of Aasimar and tiefling?!?! Come on!