Grayskull DM |

"As you know, in the dimension of Eternia, there is a planet divided into two halves, one Light, and one Dark. On the Light side, life is verdant and lush, full of ancient tangled forests, rolling grassy plains, and majestic peaks capped with snow, while the people reside in wondrous cities and quaint villages untouched by violence. On the Dark, fire and rock abounds, dangerous crags and treacherous sands dot the landscape amidst the ruins of kingdoms long dead. Once, there was balance to this realm of opposites. But that time is long forgotten. Both sides have their champions, and they have struggled throughout the ages for control, the Light striving only to maintain their peaceful lives, while the Dark continually seeks to conquer and dominate the planet entire.
Until recently. The champions of Light and Dark are missing, and none know where they have gone. The fate of the planet sits on the edge of a knife, teetering between its two poles with no one ready to catch its fall. It is time for new champions to take up the mantle, to hold up the banners and proclaim their allegiance; it is your time. Masters of the Universe or Evil Warriors, Virtue or Sin, Light or Dark - Eternia's fate lies in your hands."
Shrouded within a voluminous crimson robe, the figure bobs slowly behind a podium, the large brim of its hat hiding its face. It speaks in a deep, sonorous voice, heavy with import and age. It raises its head for the first time since emerging to the stage, and golden lights flash within the deep shadows over a deep blue scarf. The speaker looks out into the grand audience chamber, sees the five faces gathered there, and ceases its speech, squawking in dismay.
Court Mage Orko, Grand Vizier to the throne of Eternia, floats out from behind the podium, away from its Far Speech enchantment, the end of his robe several feet above the floor. In his usual high-pitched tones, he says, "Only five of ya? Aw, no, I was really hoping we'd get a real muster together! You know, like in the old days!" He sighs. "But I guess you'll have to do."
Seeing scowls in his audience, he floats back a few feet, holding up his blue hands. "Er- I mean, I know you'll do great and all. Ahem." Floating back behind the podium with as much dignity as he can muster, he nervously tries to gather his notes, and manages to spill them across the stage. With a muttered, "Nuts!" he sets to collecting them, saying, "Ah - I'll just be a minute, go ahead and chat with each other. I'm sure you've lots to say, new group of heroes gathered to fight evil and all that."

Teckno |
"The Masters of the Universe are gone?" Teckno inquires in his synthetic drone. "My ship's gone, the Masters are gone. My mission has failed, I must reassess my priorities." He looks around at the others in the room. "What exactly would you have of me, Orko?"

Polgara |

Polgara apperas as a regal looking human woman with a strong lithe musculature. Although she has a large pair of black feathered wings folded across has back and her entire body(wings, skin, hair, etc.) is covered in a metallic patchwork of lines and small circles (like a circuitboard).
She wears a loose robe with a crossed chest harness as is customary for her people. The outfit is stunning and perfectly suited for the occasion.
Arms crossed She looks to the "headless" robot as it speaks the. Replies, "Existance is a about change. I'm sure we can find you a new purpose."

Prince Dare |

The prince hid his face behind his hand as his boyhood tutor yet again bumbled his way through what should have been a simple official ceremony. He was only barely succeeding at not laughing.
Prince Dare was a big man. Taller than his adopted father had been, and even broader of shoulder than Captain Fisto, Dare was a powerful-looking specimen. His hair was long and dark and wild, held back by a leather cord with a sapphire centered on his forehead. The battle-harness he wore armored him on his left arm, from a thick leather shoulder pauldron with handle-like bar attached to it, all the way down to an impressive studded metal gauntlet. The jeweled handle of a large sword stood over his bare right shoulder.
His waist was wrapped in a split-layer leather fauld that hung nearly to his knees just above a pair of thick and heavy greaves and boots.
On the window sill next to him sat an enormous blue and white eagle that wore a sort of harness that criss-crossed on it's chest and bore a sapphire center similar to Dare's headband.

Lycana |

A woman with solid white eyes and raven black hair sits in the chamber among those gathered. Her black hair falls waist length having been pulled back under an ornate head piece. Wearing leather with some reinforcment in critical areas and lacking in others it seems designed for fast silent movement. Seemingly to listen intently the woman in light armor of similar design to the Eternian guards shifts uncomfortably in her seat at Orko's words of "youll have to do". Taking a deep breath and digging her claws into her seat she seems to settle after a moment.
Looking around she takes note of the menagerie gathered and turns her solid white eyes to the mechanical being.
"Im Lt. Lycana of the Eternian Guard 5th Reconnaissance. You said..your mission?

Teckno |
"I am from the planet Mecklar. Our world has recently come under attack by a creature from the darkness beyond the stars. The Shoggothasque. We were unable to stand against it, so my people pooled our remaining resources and sent me here to seek help from the Masters."

Polgara |

A woman with solid white eyes and raven black hair sits in the chamber among those gathered. Her black hair falls waist length having been pulled back under an ornate head piece. Wearing leather with some reinforcment in critical areas and lacking in others it seems designed for fast silent movement. Seemingly to listen intently the woman in light armor of similar design to the Eternian guards shifts uncomfortably in her seat at Orko's words of "youll have to do". Taking a deep breath and digging her claws into her seat she seems to settle after a moment.
Looking around she takes note of the menagerie gathered and turns her solid white eyes to the mechanical being.
"Im Lt. Lycana of the Eternian Guard 5th Reconnaissance. You said..your mission?
"Elementalist Polgara, of the Avio. "
Then turning to Techno, "A Shoggothasque is a frightening thing indeed. The masters are missing, but I'm sure Eternia will send what aid they can."