About TecknoMecklarians (12 RP Custom race):
Type: Half-Construct (7 RP) A half-construct race is a group of creatures that are artificially enhanced or have parts replaced by constructed mechanisms, be they magical or mechanical. A half-construct race has the following features: • Half-constructs gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue. • Half-constructs cannot be raised or resurrected. • Half-constructs do not breathe, eat, or sleep, unless they want to gain some beneficial effect from one of these activities. This means that a half-construct can drink potions to benefit from their effects and can sleep in order to regain spells, but neither of these activities is required for the construct to survive or stay in good health. Humanoid (Mecklarian) (0 RP)
Base Speed:
Ability Score Modifiers
Modifiers: Members of this race gain a +2 bonus to any two ability scores. Language
Defensive Racial Traits
Prerequisites: The race has at least a +2 racial bonus to Constitution.
Benefit: Members of this race gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
1st: Artifcier; elbow grease, jack of all trades, weird science, point blank shot 2nd: Artificer; item creation, scribe scroll 3rd: Artificer; brew potion (bonus), magical aptitude (bonus), precise shot 4th: Artificer; craft wondrous item (bonus), +1 dex Techno
Fort +9, Ref +4, Will +2
Melee Robopunch +5 (1d4+2 19-20x2) Ranged Arm blaster +5 (1d10 x4) Space 5 ft., Reach 5 ft. --------------------
Jack of All Trades (Ex):The artificer has picked up a smattering of even the most obscure skills. They may use any skill untrained. Weird Science:
An artificer is not a spellcaster, but instead possesses the ability to imbue items with magical power. This weird science allows the artificer to create devices that combine the effects of one or more spells, either arcane or divine.
An artificer has access to both arcane and divine spell lists, but only up to 4th level. Any number of spells can be combined into a single device. Spell statistics (casting times, etc.) remain unchanged, although no components are required and the artificer is considered the “caster” for the purposes of CL. Weird science devices must be invented in advance, however -- they cannot be created on the fly. The time to create such devices is 4 hours per spell level used. As such, an artificer usually has a fixed collection of regularly-carried devices. Weird science devices are temporary and unreliable. They are able to be used reliably a number of times per day equal to 1 plus half the class level of the artificer who built the device (rounding up, naturally). The device may be used by anyone -- but if used by someone other than the artificer who built it, it requires a Use Magic Device roll at DC 15 to activate (a failed roll indicates that the device fails to activate for that user, and a roll of 1 means that the device breaks down for good). If the device is used more times than allowed (by anyone), it requires a Use Magic Device skill check with a DC equal starting at 20 and rising by 1 every additional time the device is used. A failed roll means that the device breaks down and may not be used again (the artificer will have to build another). Combining multiple magical effects into a single device means that both effects function simultaneously upon activation (effectively casting two or more spells at once) -- but such devices are even more unstable than usual: The Use Magic Device check for extra activations starts at DC 25 + the number of effects used, and goes up for each additional usage by the number of effects used. Item Creation (Ex):At second level, an artificer’s invention ability expands to include the creation of true magic items, even if the artificer does not have access to the prerequisite spells. The artificer must make a successful Craft check (DC 20 + caster level) to emulate each spell normally required to create the item. This ability does not stack with the Master Craftsman feat. The magic item creation guidelines are used, and for the purpose of emulating prerequisites, the artificer’s effective CL equals his class level +2. However, if the item duplicates a spell effect, the statistics of that effect use the artificer’s actual level. --------------------
Force Field Generator (3/Day):
Spells used: Shield, Shield of Faith Time to construct: 8 hours DC to overuse: 27 This invention is attached to Techno's left arm like a bracer. It allows him to generate a temporary field that protects him from physical damage. Active Camo Field (3/Day):
Spells used: Vanish Time to construct: 4 hours DC to overuse: 20 When activated this illusory field causes whatever's behind Teckno to be displayed in front of him instantly, effectively making him invisible to the naked eye. It's heavy power use causes the usable duration to be rather short though. Insta-pit Mines (3/Day):
Spells used: Create Pit (DC 16) Time to construct: 4 hours DC to overuse: 20 These thin hamburger sized metallic disks can be thrown onto the ground, where they open up an extra-dimensional pit to trap enemies.
Feats: point blank shot, scribe scroll, brew potion, magical aptitude, precise shot, craft wondrous item Skills: Appraise (Int), Craft (Int),
Racial Modifiers: +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease, mind-affecting effects, poison, and effects that cause either exhaustion or fatigue ; +2 Con, +2 int; +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities Languages: Common, Mecklar, four others
Arm Blaster (Pepperbox Rifle) 15 lbs. - 7000 GP
Total Weight:55 lbs. Backstory:
The shooting star blazed across the night sky over the plains of Eternos. Mekaneck watched as instead of piddling out, the ball of fire kept going, getting larger and larger. Zooming in with his mechanical vision, he could see a strange looking craft through the flickering flames. It was surrounded in some kind of force-shield which was warding off the heat, but even as he watched the shield was flickering out. A moment later it had failed. The ship itself quickly heated to a cherry-red glow in the friction of Eternia's atmosphere. Craning his long, creaking neck, Mekaneck watched the falling craft blaze its way right over him, no more than a mile up. The ship slammed into the ground a few miles distant, throwing up a cloud of dirt and smoke. Mekaneck slowly retracted his rusty, sparking neck. It had fallen into dire disrepair in the years since Duncan's death. I wonder what was on that ship? I better go check it out. He thought as his neck snapped down into place.
He climbed down from the rock on which he'd been stargazing, and jogged the short distance to his Wind Raider. Climbing into the vehicle, he took off and flew towards the smoking crater. He landed a quarter mile out and extended his neck again. Zooming in on the crater, he saw two figures scrambling amongst the smoke. It took a few moments before the smoke cleared enough for him to recognize them. They were Trap Jaw and Tri-Klops! The Evil Warriors were standing on the edge of the crater, gesturing down at the wreck. I can't let those two get whatever technology might be on that wreck. Things are bad enough without two of the Evil Warriors equipped with who knows what kind of new gear! he thought, retracting his neck and hefting his club. He used a nearby grove of trees as cover and crept carefully closer until he could overhear what they were saying. "I've never seen anything like this before. Looks like only that orange field and whatever's inside it is intact." Trap Jaw said to Tri-Klops. The three eyed cyborg replied to him absentmindedly, his eyes rotating around his head in slow revolutions, "Go down and check it out. I'll keep an eye out up here." Just as Trap Jaw began to scramble down the still smoking edge of the crater, one of Tri-Klop's eyes came to rest on the copse of trees where Mekaneck crouched amongst the bushes. The red triangular lens whirred as it focused. "Mekaneck!" Tri-Klops cried out angrily, his hand flying to his sword. Oh sh*t! Mekaneck thought, diving for cover as Tri-Klop's eyes started raining laser fire down into the bushes. Trap Jaw whirled at the cry, and scrambled back up the rim of the crash site, adding his own laser fire to Tri-Klop's. Trap Jaw was firing blindly, and had little chance of actually hitting Mekaneck, but Tri-Klops could see through anything, and there soon wouldn't be any trees left to hide behind. Mekaneck dove from tree trunk to tree trunk, his mind scrambling for a plan. I'm not match for those two alone! What was I thinking coming over here? Suddenly a higher pitched whine joined into the buzzing of Trap Jaw and Tri-Klop's fire. Mekaneck heard cries of surprise from the Evil Warriors, and peeking around the tree he was behind, saw bolts of orange energy coming from down in the crater. Now's my chance! He thought, coming out from behind the tree at a sprint, his club raised high. Mekaneck still couldn't see what had come to his aid, but the new blaster fire distracted them long enough for him to close with Trap Jaw. He brought his club down in a two handed overhead swing. Trap Jaw whirled, growling and raised his gun-arm up to block the blow. Over the evil cyborg's shoulder, Mekaneck could see some kind of humanoid robot with a gun mounted on its right arm firing at Tri-Klops. Seeing it had the three-eyed hunter's attention, it tapped a button on its left arm and an orange colored force-field sprung up there like a great shield. Using the shield, the robot deflected Tri-Klop's lasers. Mekaneck dodged a blow from Trap Jaw's booted foot and temporarily lost sight of the other two combatants. Retaliating, he brought his elbow around hard to clang into Trap Jaw's metal mandible. The blow whipped the evil cyborg's head around and gave Mekaneck a moment to see Tri-Klops charging the unknown robot with his sword. As Tri-Klops was closing the last few yards, the robot touched something on his belt and flickered out of sight. Tri-Klops slashed his sword through empty air, and looking around, roared in frustration, "Nobody hides from Tri-Klops! I can see everything!" "See this, b*tch." came the synthetic sounding reply from a few feet away where the robot had reappeared in the act of flinging a small metal disk. Trap Jaw trying to bite his face off prevented Mekaneck from seeing the result of the toss, but he heard a "Waaaaaaagh!", followed by a hard thunk. Meanwhile he caught Trap Jaw's mouth with his club, and the Evil Warrior bit a huge chunk out of it. Shoving Trap Jaw back Mekaneck could see that there was only a perfectly square pit where Tri-Klops had stood. The robot was leveling his gun at Trap Jaw's back. Mekaneck ducked as a hail of laser fire streaked up from the crater, much of it striking Trap Jaw unawares. The metal jawed fiend pitched forward into the dirt, unconscious. Mekaneck could hear Tri-Klops cursing from inside the pit as the robot approached him, its gun lowered. "My databanks indicate you are the Master of the Universe known as Mekaneck. Is this correct?" it asked in its monotone synthetic voice. Mekaneck slowly nodded in reply. "Who are you?" he asked the alien creature. "Teckno." came its simple response. "I come as ambassador from the planet Mecklar. We seek the assistance of the Masters of the Universe." Mekaneck looked from Teckno to Trap Jaw, who was starting to come around, and then to the pit whence curses were still emanating. "Uhh, ok, Teckno. Lets get out of here first though. Come with me." The former Master of the Universe started jogging away from the crash site, heading for where he'd left the wind raider. Teckno jogged along side him, his servos whirring as he ran. "I've got a vehicle stashed over here." Mekaneck said by way of explanation. The robot said nothing, and its lack of face made its thoughts impossible to guess. Upon reaching the wind raider Mekaneck hopped in and started up the engines, taking off as soon as Teckno was inside. "Where are we going?" Teckno asked him in his computerized drawl. "I'm taking you to the palace in Eternos. I don't know what you've been told the situation here on Eternia is, but I'm sorry to say that you may be in for a bit of bad news. Orko will know how to help you though, you can talk to him when we get to the palace." The robot sat silent for a few seconds before responding with the word, "Acceptable." |