The mighty He-Man, guardian of Castle Grayskull and most powerful man in the universe, has disappeared! Over ten years ago, the kingdom woke to discover Grayskull gone, and its defenders with it. At the same time, King Adam went missing, and Queen Teela the Sorceress remained the sole ruler of Eternos, a guiding light in dark times.
Skeletor, the Overlord of Evil, has also been quiet this last decade. The common people have begun to believe him gone forever, and the most common story is that He-Man must be continuing their battle wherever it is they have gone. Without their leader, the Evil Warriors quickly became disorganized and went their separate ways; each still a deadly threat, but none could face the might of Eternos and the Masters without the power of Skeletor to bind them together.
But not all is well on Eternia.
The Queen has fallen into a coma, and without her strong leadership, there are rumblings of a war of succession within Eternos.
The bee-people of Andreenos, long dependent upon the wondrous Ambrosia, have found their supply disappearing. Without it, the Andreenans will surely fall, leaving their mountains open to takeover by the wicked Webstor and his Arachna allies.
In the Sea of Rakash, the waters begin to thrash menacingly, churning to reveal hideous monsters never before seen that attack mariners of all kinds.
And on the Dark Side of Eternia, there are whispers of a man with the face of a skeleton...
In desperation, Orko of Trolla, Grand Vizier and Court Mage of Eternos, has sent out a summons for heroes, for the next generation to protect the people of Eternia against the oncoming darkness - for new Masters of the Universe!
Posting Rules
1) Keep anything ooc to the discussion thread, please. I'd like the gameplay thread to read like a story, as much as possible.
2) Posting rates will be casual. I'll be trying to keep things moving along at a decent clip, but if you can't post every single day, don't worry about it. The tradeoff for this is that if you haven't posted in a scene, and I need to move things along for everyone's benefit, I'll be posting for you and moving on.
Homebrew Rules:
High Tech: Eternia is a world on which magic and science have both risen to incredible levels, on occasion mixing in creations of wondrous power. If you would like to play a character with tech-based powers, we'll take your class abilities or magic items and reflavor them to come out sounding high tech. For instance, you don't have a Carpet of Flying, you have a Wind Raider. If you would like to be an inventor yourself, we'll represent that with the feat Master Craftsman, and we'll tweak it to make it a little easier to use(mostly because I think that base feat is way too hard to be worth it, usually).
Magic Item Creation: This isn't exactly homebrew, but worth including in this section. If you have item creation feats, any custom magic items will have to be approved by me before I allow their existence.
Healing: Magical healing is rare on Eternia, but fortunately, its people are hardy, and true heroes need only a moment to shrug off most injuries. Healing spells take up three spell slots or spells per day of the same level they ordinarily take, and healing items (wands, potions, etc.) cost triple what they normally do. On the other hand, Eternians recover ridiculously quickly, so natural healing is tripled, which is multiplicative with extra healing from bed rest and/or treatment. Additionally, after every encounter, half of the lethal damage taken becomes non-lethal damage.