Master of the Fallen Fortress (Inactive)

Game Master Baerlie

The ruined siege castles outside Absalom have long beckoned
adventurers looking to make a name for themselves. Now an
earthquake has cracked open one of these fabled ruins, and
its lost mysteries and fantastic treasures lie exposed for
the first time in centuries.

Fortress Map

Grand Lodge

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Open for discussion.

Grand Lodge

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If you could fill this form:


with your data, I will have your chronicle sheets ready by the end of the scenario.

The Exchange

PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|


Silver Crusade

Female Elf Urban barbarian 1 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | HP 10/13 | F +3 R +2 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Thanks, Baerlie! I've just filled out the form now.

Grand Lodge

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I updated the map to google, please check if you can move your token now.

The Exchange

1 person marked this as a favorite.
PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|

I can move mine. All's clear there.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Urban barbarian 1 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | HP 10/13 | F +3 R +2 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6

I can also move mine, thanks.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Monk (Qinggong Monk) Init: +3 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 16 | FF: 12 | Touch: 14 | CMD: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +5 | Will: +4 | Perception: +6

How does one access this map. Never used one online before.

The Exchange

PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|

GM has the link just below his name
'Fallen Fortress'

Click link and move your token which should have the same picture as your alias.

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Monk (Qinggong Monk) Init: +3 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 16 | FF: 12 | Touch: 14 | CMD: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +5 | Will: +4 | Perception: +6

Thanks. I haven't moved yet, but the map is easy to use.

I've never been in a tabletop dungeon crawl before, but what's starting to hit me is that there seems to be an overabundance of Perception rolls. I'm wondering if the GM is getting tired of every player rolling Perception for every room, a trend which I either started or inadvertently endorsed.

I know I'm not fond of it. It slows down what is already a slow process, for little gain on the roleplaying side of things.. I suggest that we appoint a "party leader" for Perception rolls, and that any successful Perception check by that character be followed by everyone hearing what the GM has to say about the room.

I've got a pretty solid perception score. Does anyone else have a Perception modifier higher than +6 (really +5 + 1 to trapfinding rolls, since I'm a rogue)? Whoever's got the highest perception modifier should be the one making the roll, no?

Liberty's Edge

Male Human Monk (Qinggong Monk) Init: +3 | HP: 9/9 | AC: 16 | FF: 12 | Touch: 14 | CMD: 15 | Fort: +3 | Ref: +5 | Will: +4 | Perception: +6

I have a standard +6, but no trapfinding. I'm all for this idea.

Grand Lodge

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Six players doing a perception check in the same room is really slowing it down. I think it's ok if somebody did a low perception roll. This is a level 1 scenario, the checks required are not so high (most of them around 20 or lower).

So that's Natsume and GM Baerlie. Anyone else want to speak up?

The Exchange

PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|

I'm fine with either. Just use the highest Perception roll, I'd Guess.

Tûrak has a +7 Perception mod. I think that's the highest of any of us. Should he roll for everybody?

The Exchange

PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|
Ffordesoon wrote:
Tûrak has a +7 Perception mod. I think that's the highest of any of us. Should he roll for everybody?

That should make the game faster. Use our best two. Our GM can roll for as needed.

Things like Knowledge, peception or stealth can be be done by our GM if he's of mine to. It can be a bit more work for him.

Grand Lodge

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Another idea: I roll for the whole group, take the highest result and add the others as "aid another" results where possible. I can do this for checks where nothing is going to happen if it fails, like knowledge, perception etc. Stealth can be done by the player who wants to be in "stealth mode", if one states stealth in the post he/she can also do the stealth roll.

But I will do this only if everybody else is ok with that. I don't want to be blamed if I roll bad results ;)

The Exchange

PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|

I'm good with GM's Suggestion.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Urban barbarian 1 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | HP 10/13 | F +3 R +2 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6

That sounds fine, or maybe just rolling once for Tûrak and assuming everyone else is taking 10? That should still get most things, and if someone really gets a hunch that that particular shadow or whatever has something to hide they can roll for that?

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Urban barbarian 1 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | HP 10/13 | F +3 R +2 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Hello, everyone! I'm going to be attending a couple of conferences this weekend and through next week, so most days I'll probably really only have time to post in the evening after the day's work is done, rather than through the day. I just thought I would explain why I might be a bit quieter for the next few days.

Grand Lodge

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Tasarë "Willow" Solaera wrote:
Hello, everyone! I'm going to be attending a couple of conferences this weekend and through next week, so most days I'll probably really only have time to post in the evening after the day's work is done, rather than through the day. I just thought I would explain why I might be a bit quieter for the next few days.

It's not a problem, one post a day is ok :)

And I just contacted Alexis and Tûrak if they are still with us. They haven't posted for a few days now and I want to make sure that they are not left behind (fallen fortresses are dangerous these days).

The Exchange

PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|

This is going to all games I'm involved in.

My mum has just being warded and it is a critical time for all of us. My posting will be affected as I maintain virgil over her witing for teh doctors to dignosed what's wrong with her.

Bot me as needed or If I'm the GM, this game is on hold for the moment. My apolgies for the inconvenice.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human (Tian-Min Rogue 1 (HP 9/9 | AC:15 | T:13 | FF:12 | BAB: +0 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 14/FF: 11 | Fort:+1 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Speed: 30)

Gosh, I'm sorry! I hope your mom is okay!

The Exchange

PFS# 76925-21| Male Ifrit Sorceror (Elemental:Fire) 4 HP: 26/26| AC: 13/13/10 | Fort: +3| Ref: +4| Will: +3| Init: +9| Perc: -1| CMB: +2| CMD: 15| Ray: +5;1d6+2| Ray 7/7day
Acrobatics: +3| Bluff:+9| Diplomacy: +6| Intimidate: +12| K.(Arcana): +4| K.(Planes): +4| Linguis: +1| Stealth: +3| Spellcraft: +4|

This goes out to all my games.

The worst has happened. The event that I've being dreading has occured. I'll be unable to post as I deal with the loss of family, namely my mother. I'm sorry for the lack of posting lately and truly am sorry for springing this upon all of you.

I'll be back once things have settled down more.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human (Tian-Min Rogue 1 (HP 9/9 | AC:15 | T:13 | FF:12 | BAB: +0 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 14/FF: 11 | Fort:+1 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Speed: 30)

Take all the time you need, man. My sincere condolences.


Grand Lodge

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I'm so sorry to hear that :( Take your time!
Also from me, my sincere condolences.

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Urban barbarian 1 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | HP 10/13 | F +3 R +2 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Oh. My condolences for your loss. Don't worry about us - take all the time you need. Family comes first.

Grand Lodge

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Something else:
Please make sure you filled out the form

And make your dayjob roll, I will send the chronicles as soon as possible, you will not miss anything if you don't search the other rooms in the tower.

Grand Lodge

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Forget about it, found all the Information on your profiles. And no dayjobs for modules necessary.

Liberty's Edge

Female Human (Tian-Min Rogue 1 (HP 9/9 | AC:15 | T:13 | FF:12 | BAB: +0 | CMB: +3 | CMD: 14/FF: 11 | Fort:+1 | Ref:+5 | Will:+1 | Init:+3 | Speed: 30)

Deleted my most recent post in Gameplay since that seems to be the end of the adventure and it wasn't adding anything anyway.

Grand Lodge

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I will post the conclusion soon and send the chronicles tomorrow. It's already reported on paizo :)

Thanks for playing!

Grand Lodge

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The chronicles are out!

Silver Crusade

Female Elf Urban barbarian 1 | AC 15 T 12 FF 13 | HP 10/13 | F +3 R +2 W +0 | Init +2 | Perc +6

Thanks for having us, GM. It was fun!

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