Masks: A New Generation of Heroes

Game Master Cwethan

Character Bible

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I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Villain day is Tuesday. Moving on would be to Wednesday.

But I know what you mean. ;)

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

so, the phonetic pronunciation provided there might be a bit off (and a bit regional, as I think I'm on the wrong ocean for this crowd) but it gets us in a general area

Also, I can't do more than say hello, ask where the lavatory is, and offer to sell my firstborn for riches in Irish, so I'll be using google translate. Sorry, but it's a small miracle I managed to pass french in high school, I cannot learn another language for a game.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Not knowing Eábha's full power set, I gave you a multiple choice, Elsine.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

Huh, I actually hadn't considered whether she could see through Veils... her official powerset is "Impossible beauty, Flying, Relative toughness, and Radical shapeshifting" (though first level, I'm adding "illusions" from the delinquent for her glamours and I'm trying to think of a thematic second.) so I'd say it probably makes sense for her to have a sense for magic, but not be like Bronwyn's anti-magic senses.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

Also, there is definately a version of the story where Balor was defeated by the Aos Si. I can't decide if it is funnier to say that this is a he-said-she-said, or if Balor keeps trying to take over the world, and keeps getting his ass kicked.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

Oh, I probably should have rolled TaBP for the hit Wingblade gave... whoops

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Hmm... would anyone object to something external popping up at the school for us to (likely) team up against? I have a few other ideas of how to fast-track getting Bronwyn away from filing Eábha under something to be cast back into the Otherworld, but that one seemed most direct.

I figure a mythic beasty (or pack thereof) makes sense to tie directly into Eábha, but if we want to signal the approach of some other foe/lay some pipe for a future plotline, this could serve double duty.

Oh. Probably better if it's a subtle incursion so we don't have to have another Villain Day?

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

Hmmm... If we want Myth tie-in, Why not the sons of Carmun (Carman?). Obscure, hint at a bigger bad, and if we get caught, it looks like some students decided to get into a fight in the halls (except Eábha, but she has no expectation of secrecy, and is unaware that people don't know she's a Sidhe)

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

I had been thinking something more specifically monstrous to let us have some clear Heroes & Villains without overtly endangering the other students, but (after reading about them) if we don't use them now, we should **definitely** tie them in with a certain ancient Greek Sorceress who might be seeking allies from among the new arrivals...

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

I'm in favor of this!

Some possibilities:

Isengrim the wolf, tricked into stepping through the door by (or perhaps chasing) Reynard the fox from French fairy tales.

A tatzelwurm if we want to fight a dragon.

Or, for that matter, why not a jabberwock?

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

Ooh, actually a jabberwock is more or less ideal, it sets me up for a move I wanted to take at some point...

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

@Eábha and @Bronwyn: I'm ruling it that Alexis' give an opportunity to your allies essentially offset the give ground consequence, so you're both free to act.

I'm not sure if I adequately conveyed that in my write-up.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

Just so it's clear where I'm going, I'm thinking of taking Kirby craft for my first advance, or maybe second.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Okay, just so I'm sure about what you're intending, you don't want to slay the Jabberwock, but essentially cow it into becoming your "Kirby craft"?

I had originally thought that you'd be snicker-snacking its head off.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

The plan may have changed partway through the fight...

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Okay, maybe I'm being dense, but I don't understand. The fight's pretty much over. Do you want the Jabberwock dead?

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

I was saying "I was on team Snicker-Snack, right up until I thought of this" so yes, Kirby craft dragon, no slayerising

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:


I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

I'm still unconscious. I've been waiting on y'all.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Sorry. New Pokemon set is a Black Friday-sized crater in my work/life


Arrrrrghhhhh and my post from last week got goblined

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

I was kind of hoping for a confrontation with Kaoru after the battle with Alexis telling him about having to break into his car and apologizing. Not sure if I've missed the window for that scene here or not - is Kaoru driving away from campus before any of the rest of the team can approach him?

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

You can do that if you want. Kaoru already knows it was Alexis who did it though.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

So looking ahead to arc-y stuff, I know that Stal has some White Coat shaped schemes ahead, but that needs a little more in-game time to progress first, buuut there's a bunch of other plotlines very much going on right now that deserve to get some resolution/time to grow.

So I'm thinking I'll run a mini-arc while we sort out the team's New Normal with a dollop of Mythic Mayhem as the backdrop. It wouldn't be a full-on time jump, but there are some custom Moves I'd be putting together that would bake in the idea that they take ~a week to resolve.

The idea is that there'll be plenty of time for vignettes and spotlight scenes, but our timeline won't be quiite so decompressed.


Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

I like this plan. Excited to see the moves.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

Yes! Looking forward to it!

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

Also excited to see the moves - while I've been quietly plotting a Triakosia arc, it can wait more time to trigger.

Should you need any additional villains though, let me know!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

For the record, Spoken, it sounds very much like "Ava En Foe-er"

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

I'm blaming that on the officer's hearing while a dragon was attacking.


Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

So Mercy's priorities right now are to find a way to get a charm like Wingblade's, find some kind of storage for their armor they can have at the ready when they need it, and to reestablish themselves into the high school as they were. Looking at the Defenders', Matrix seems to be the person they would want to discuss the second issue with as technology based. I'm hoping to work out a scene for that.

As for the charm, I'm unclear as to if Eabha's powers would allow her to make something like that, or if by being a fae it's required that Mercy give something up to her in exchange. Seeing as I want to not go with blood sacrifices for Mercy (Trying to avoid too much squick), what are some good suggestions for offerings?

Also, anyone else up for odd encounters around the city? I'm happy to throw some scenes your way.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:
Alexis AKA Mercy wrote:
As for the charm, I'm unclear as to if Eabha's powers would allow her to make something like that, or if by being a fae it's required that Mercy give something up to her in exchange. Seeing as I want to not go with blood sacrifices for Mercy (Trying to avoid too much squick), what are some good suggestions for offerings?

well... I promise I'm going to take "Illusions" and "Sorcery" with my first advance, because it completes the mythological package, and I keep writing like she has them, so... yeah. But it's less "can't" and more "Won't'. If you want to roleplay mercy losing something abstract, trade it. if not... I'm sure you'll roll a defend or something, and could demand a debt be repaid by her soon.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5
Wingblade wrote:

After saying hi to the fashionistas and making nice with her sisters, she follows her senses to Eábha, catching her before she went back into the school office. "Morning! You don't need to check in there again. You just go with your Thursday schedule."

As she pulls out her own tablet to demonstrate, she leans in close and drops her voice so it's shared just between the two of them. "So, Eábha, that was good that you helped with the dragon and all. The bunch of us, you know, the ones who teamed up to fight it? Well, we're all heroes of a sort. Would you like to be a part of that?"

Eábha, did you see that Shayera approached you in the morning the next day? You'd be at school, right?

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

I think we probably need Eábha's response to joining the team (and whether or not Alexis ignores Bronwyn's advice/finds a time to bargain when she's not around) before we move on too much. But just to show the shape of things to come here's Week One of Mythic Mayhem

Did you:

Publicly Protect Innocents when Monsters Threatened?:

Roll Savior
You Get Hurt in the battle.
On a miss they survived, but it was close. Were they badly hurt, or did you look like a fool.
On a hit you saved them! Take influence over them and pick one, on a 10+ pick 2.
You don't Get Hurt
You get a great headline - Hold 1 PR
You defeat the monster for good - Hold 1 Monster Hunter

Potential Questions:
What kind of monster? (nothing bigger than the Jabberwock please, and not in numbers more than a large pack)
What was the headline written about your success/failure?
Who did you try to save and how are they important to you or Halycon?

Follow the Patterns?:

Roll Superior
On a miss Mark a Condition. You may Get Hurt or mark a second condition to Hit; what did you have to sacrifice?
On a hit you discover the three main goals of the various Mythic Monsters. If you show an authority figure, Gain Influence over them:
1) This is my new Lair
2) Beating the bushes to find existing magical inhabitants
3) Recruiting and gathering other Mythic Monsters into larger and larger groups.
On a 10+ Choose one
You learn something else about the way these creatures work - Hold 1 Monster Hunter and Hold 1 Secret.
You learn one of these creatures is willing to bargain. Gain Influence over it and Hold 1 Secret.

Potential questions:
What kind of monsters were you tracking?
Whose call did you ignore while you were getting more intel?
Which of the three agendas frightens you the most?

If you Get Hurt:

Choose one you haven't yet chosen:
It leaves a Mark: Change something about your costume or appearance.
It knocks you off your game: Choose a Power that is behaving erratically for the next issue.
It embarrasses you: Pick someone who saved you, unfortunately. They gain influence. What else do you owe them?
It leaves an Impression: Pick two conditions and triggers. The next time one of those triggers arises, mark that condition.

There's definitely more to come as we finish those up, and ideally we'll be able to interweave these highlights around other things that are happening (like dinner with the Tigers, Kaoru's term of service coming up etc.) But as I said, each of these moves is going to cover about a week of heroing, so it's probably a good idea to space out your drama beats 'cause there's more of these week-long moves coming...

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Sorry, this weekend had some fun, (long story dramatically shortened, No, no you really didn't search that patient, ER tech, because I cannot imagine how you fail to find a cell phone, 54 percocet, and a friggin' trapazoidal razor blade. and one ER visit and 3 hours of paperwork later, I think I lost track) and I missed that. Also, those moves look cool as heck.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill


An intense weekend indeed!

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

If we're all good for it, let's go ahead and kick off Week One of Mythic Mayhem!

Feel free to pepper in some other scenes too, but the moves are to show how you're reacting to Increasing Weirdness (and hopefully prompt some interesting vignettes too!)

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 1 Savior: -1 Superior: 2 Mundane: 1| Condition(s): Insecure , Afraid|Potential 4/5
Influenced by:

That roll was a 9 when I previewed it

marking guilty and angry to hit, so I don't have to rewrite all that.

side note: 100% want to play a dwarf truer to mythology one of these days (that is, a sneaky little s~#&bag, who is also good at crafting)

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

My guess is, you previewed it, wrote a post replying to Whip, and then wrote up your Mythic Mayhem post.

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

So here's a rules question, and I'm sure I already know the answer, kind of. For Bull's Heart, I assume that Mercy can only change whether a person is their Love or Rival if they are in the same scene together. Changing Eadha into their Rival was a no brainer because they were taken back by her complaints on school.

That said, Alexis has already done that, and then an offer was made to make her their Love instead. But I believe that's now currently impossible in this scene, because she's the only other PC there, and she's already been made their Rival. You can't have the Rival and Love be the same person, and you can't just strip the title away and then give that person the other one. Am I correct?

Also, related: The Bull can have NPC Love and Rivals, yes?

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

From the Rulebook:

Masks wrote:
Other PCs are usually more interesting sources of drama and conflict than NPCs, but focus on the character relationships you find most interesting.

So you're absolutely correct! Go with NPCs if you want!

Danger -2 | Freak +3 | Savior +1 | Superior +3 | Mundane 0
Influence on: Alexandra, Alexis, Bronwyn | Influenced by: Alexandra, Bronwyn
Conditions: Afraid, Insecure | Potential: 3/5 | Team: 0

Will try to get a post up tonight. I had meant to last night, but wound up needing to crash thanks to being on call and getting pointlessly woken up every night for errors I couldn't fix.

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

My question about double influence/label shifts stands, but it has been pointed out to me that being saved and giving influence is, in fact, on the Get Hurt list that **someone** wrote ::facepalm::

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Week Two of Mythic Mayhem - March of the Giants

The hits just keep on coming! These giants aren't interested in covertly finding new lairs, they aren't making alliances across pantheons and mythoi, they're just trampling across Halcyon!

Do you:

Hold Back Their Inhuman Might?:

Roll + Freak and Get Hurt
On a Hit choose one, on a 10+ choose two:
*Stay Safe: Don't get Hurt
*Make a Good Impression: Gain Influence over an Adult Hero
*Put on a Good Show: Hold 1 PR

Coax them back to their own world:

Roll + Mundane
On a Miss describe a building you couldn't stop them from destroying.
On a Hit Pick One:
They Warn You of What's Still To Come: Hold 1 Monster Hunter.
They Grant a Hero Mercy: Prevent or help heal a single character's Hurt this round.
You're Broadcast to Millions: Hold 1 PR
On a 10+ a Giant tells you about the beacon they're following. (At least one hero getting this will change future moves)

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

I wanted to wait for the next week of Mythic Mayhem to get going before the investigation into the Slasher continues, as Alexis wrestles with their thoughts on Shayera's style of sleuthing. Though if you want to roleplay that conversation out, I'm up for it.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

That's fine, Alexis. I wasn't sure how fast you wanted to move with that investigation. We can say that it takes a while for Abacus to run its analyses and that slows down the investigation to your preferred pace.

Human-ish Level i^64 game master l Team (H): 3, Team(P):2

Okay, so: there is a serious theory that the Dagda, who is on the surface a supremely masculine deity, had a very feminine aspect that was excised sometime before the myths were put to writing. The evidence includes some feminine imagery in the mabinogi and the names of his harp's compositions.

is it true? I have no clue. Probably never will know, but it came up in researching how Eabha would see the issue of genderfluidity/Genderqueerness.

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5



:more crickets:

We had a big holiday weekend here in the States. Hope that's the reason for the radio silence. I'm looking forward to picking up the game's pace a bit. Everyone still around?

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

I'm still here, just was waiting on a Bronwyn post before Alexis started anything more. I also wasn't certain that Alexis was invited to the new scene that Shayera started - hoping that they can potentially meet someone who helped facilitate their conditioning with the Triakosia...

Labels: Danger: 0 Freak: 2 Savior: 2 Superior: 1 Mundane: 1| Conditions: Guilty
Influenced by: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Silver Shadow. Influences: Thor Girl, Bioshock, Wingblade, Eabha, Kaoru, Mercy, The Kilt, Whipoorwill

Yeah, I've just been buried in 60+ hour weeks for most of the last month. But my part-timers are done with classes and my seasonal hires are gaining competency, so I should be able to get back to a better pace.

That said, I don't think I have more business in that scene, so go right ahead and post Alexis :-)

I'll defer to Wing as to the MitWC scene

I have influence on: Bran the Blessed, Mercy
Conditions: Insecure
Danger +2, Freak +2, Savior 0, Superior +2, Mundane +1. Potential 0/5

I hadn't planned for anyone except Bron to be in the MitWC scene, but I can certainly have Alexis's need for a quick change gimmick for their armor brought up. However, since they're your character, I don't know how you want to resolve it. There's a lot of options out there already-- Defender gear, Matrix gadget, MitWC's Faustian bargain, or Eábha's faerie magic.

Which one do you prefer for Alexis?

Danger +3 Freak +2 Savior +1 Superior -2 Mundane -1
Bronwyn (Love), Alexandra, Cassie, Kaoru (Rival)
Conditions: Angry, Afraid, Guilty, Insecure | Potential 2/5 (6A)

Well, Alexis is rejecting Eabha's faerie magic for a charm to make them look like their first known incarnation to the team because of Bronwyn's advice.

They wouldn't want to end up asking the MitWC for anything in particular, though definitely would be tempted by anything that might get them back to looking like that first incarnation. Permanently changing body and face causes lots of problems for them.

So as for something for quick changing, my initial idea was to use it as a hook to get them to interact with Kaoru more, but that seems difficult since they don't have access to any unique tech.

I would say that given what they know, their first instinct would be to ask the Defenders and Matrix for a solution to that problem, though I'm not sure in what form it should be.

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