GM_Jacob |

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I'm recruiting 4-5 players for a hearty game of KingMaker!
I'll tell you little about myself as a GM and about the game:
Next, I expect everyone to post at least once a day. I'll usually post twice a day or so, which means that every post doesn't have to be 6 paragraphs long since I'll be able to answer to it quickly. I'm hoping to achieve a quicker game with more interaction than the average.
Third, I would like everyone to thoroughly read the player's guide so that you know what's going on in this adventure. I know that KingMaker is a sandbox, but that doesn't mean you can be ignorant of at least a basic backstory.
Fourth, I intend to run this game with a somewhat higher level of, shall we say, realism than normal. As appropriate for an exploration themed adventure, you will sometimes run into things that can casually destroy you. Don't expect to win any fight. Running away is allowed and encouraged. Also, make good use of real-world tactics against powerful enemies. Every living thing has to eat, breathe, drink and "un-eat" in some form or another. Use whatever resources you have and make smart decisions.
Finally, I really want this to work. It's a commitment, and I will uphold my end of it. I'd love to get to know my players and keep this going to the end. So, don't apply if you don't mean business.
Point Buy: 15 Points
Hit Points: First level max, then 1/2+1
Classes: Any, see comment at the bottom.
Archetypes: Sure, why not?
Races: Any, see comment at the bottom.
Third Party: Maybe...on a case-by-case basis. Rite Publishing and Super Genius are pretty reliable.
Traits: Two, preferably a campaign trait, but it's ok if it really doesn't fit.
Gold: Average by class
Alignment: Good, maybe neutral...you at least have to get along and work towards the adventure's goals.
*Let it be known that I'm pretty open to creative character ideas, but I also will be extremely hesitant to pick more than one "unorthodox" character as to avoid the "travelling circus" look. That means that, if you opt to submit a Tengu or a Ninja or a gunslinger or something, you'll be competing for just one character slot instead of being eligible for the other 4.
A few more things...I think alignment is pretty dumb. Just make your character do what s/he would do in order to achieve the goals at hand. Unfortunately, too many game mechanics rely on the two-letter alignment, so go ahead and estimate one for your sheet.
I'll need to see a full character sheet, not just a stat block. Text-based, web-based, pdf, excel, whatever. I don't have herolab, though.
Finally, really finally, I'll need to see a backstory, even if it's simple, a blurb about who your character is and why s/he does what s/he does, along with at least one of each: Close friend, friend, acquaintance, rival, enemy.
Alan was born into the somewhat wealthy Taselson family in the Dockway of Magnimar. After it was discovered that he was incredibly gifted in mathematics, he became a bit spoiled, and drew the ire of his physically strong, but less talented brother, named Josh. On several occasions, his brother actually threatened his life, and it was later discovered that Josh was mentally unstable, and had developed elaborate and entirely untrue realities in which Alan lorded his greater intellect over Josh and scorned him with it.
When the boys came of age, Josh left to fend for himself in the wilderness, as he was tired of "civilized" life, and Alan was sent off to university to be classically schooled in engineering. After becoming proficient in several fields, including mechanical, siege, architectural, and civil engineering, in addition to tactics and strategy, Alan turned his eye towards the magical arts. Unfortunately, his parent were less interested in future schooling, since they desired for Alan to become a siege engineer like his grandfather, so Alan was forced to take out a hefty loan to pay for his continuing education. After a few years of magical training, he grew out of the simple classes offered at the university and set off to find better schooling.
Straight out of school, Alan found a good job working for a builder named Kern in New Stetven. He made good money, and was able to begin paying off his debts. However, Alan was not content to coast along in his career, being so achievement oriented, and quickly developed an acute case of "the itch." He needed to move on and continue his achievement. Despite this, and because of it, Alan soon made a name for himself among the various construction firms as a capable architect. Just in the nick of time, he received a very lucrative promotion offer from a rival business. He quit his current job to take the offer, but Kern pointed out that he had signed a contract that included a non-compete clause. Furious, Alan began to argue heatedly with Kern, right out in the middle of the builder's guild. After his poor display, he was unofficially ostracized from the community. Now unemployed, Alan seeks to satisfy his itch by adventuring, cultivating, and conquering. At this point in his life, Alan is a talented engineer, but a novice magician. He would rather focus on building up his weakness, rather than relying on his strengths.
Rights, wrongs, motivations, and personality:
Alan is task focused, and prefers whatever accomplishes a task most efficiently. The most heinous act in Alan's eyes is foolish error. He has no patience for repeated mistakes, and will not hesitate to express such displeasure. Alan is forceful and has a strong personality, but has little regard for emotions or feelings. He is interested in facts and evidence, not opinion or hearsay. Alan's desire is to see order brought to chaos; to see the wilderness - natural, political, or otherwise - cultivated and brought to a useful, efficient state. He is not predisposed to good or evil, but prefers good when the opportunity presents itself. He would never kill an innocent person, but has little qualms defending himself, stealing, lying, cheating, or any other manner of lesser transgressions.
Good friend: Annalise Schuler - Anna was a fellow employee of Kern's when Alan worked for him. She and Alan quickly became close friends, as they both shared a desire to build and understand how thing work. Anna is highly independent, but she carries a special fondness for Alan, possibly love, although he has never reciprocated her feelings, as he is so busy with his material pursuits. She stayed in close contact with Alan even after he lost his job, and is excited to see him pursue his dreams, but sad to see him leave. She would very much like to journey to the stolen lands to be with Alan eventually.
Friend: Grandpa Alan Taselson, Sr. - Despite Alan's divergence from his path, Grandpa Alan is still very proud of Alan, Jr., and would like to see him succeed at whatever he does. Grandpa is concerned for Alan's safety in adventures, and would like to keep written correspondence with Alan during the adventure.
Acquaintance: Alan made several friends during his school years, not the least of which was Professor Childress. Professor Childress taught general mathematics, and Alan later discovered that he was never once paid for his work. He simply worked out of love of knowledge and teaching. In retrospect, Alan realizes that, despite his close relationship with the professor, he has never been made privy to the man's first name.
Rival: Kern Locken - Kern is respected and successful businessman in the trade of building and construction. He is bitter towards Alan, as Alan was a large part of his success in recent years. He does not wish Alan any harm other than a powerful serving of humble pie.
Enemy: Josh Taselson - Josh is Alan's older brother. As very young boys, the brothers got along spectacularly, but as Alan began to pull away from Josh academically and drew the favor of their parents, Josh grew bitter. Josh is stricken with acute paranoia, and that mental illness caused him to create irrational fantasies to justify his hatred of Alan. In Josh's mind, Alan is a cruel and mocking overlord, who demeans Josh at every opportunity, and is dead set on making him as miserable and inferior as possible. Josh ran away from home to live in the wilderness, intent on proving his own worth to Alan and his parents.

Azharten |

Dotting and getting up with some character ideas but that reminded me I do have some old characters from your old games and though to put them on good use :)
Some characters need some changes but otherwise I do have some interesting idea for neutral wizard with racist tendencies.. (well, the influence popping out from just recent "Divinity Dragon Conquerer" game :P) or might be something new

![]() |

Be it so known that the bearer of this charter has been charged by the Swordlords of Restov, acting upon the greater good and authority vested within them by the office of the Regent of the Dragonscale Throne, has granted the right of exploration and travel within the wilderness region known as the Greenbelt. Exploration should be limited to an area no further than thirty-six miles east and west and sixty miles south of Oleg’s Trading Post. The carrier of this charter should also strive against banditry and other unlawful behavior to be encountered. The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope. So witnessed on this 24th day of Calistril, under watchful eye of the Lordship of Restov and authority granted by Lord Noleski Surtova, current Regent of the Dragonscale Throne.
Good evening ladies and gentlemen! I'm recruiting 4-5 players for a hearty game of KingMaker!
I'll tell you little about myself as a GM and about the game:
** spoiler omitted **...
Oh boy, a PATHFINDER BIRTHRIGHT game. :D Wait . . . Oh what the hell. Got room for a Sin Mage?

Anton Aldori |

Anton learned how to survive in the wilds from an early age. Born the 13th son to a poor family eking a near starvation level subsistence would have slated Anton to a life of farming had it not been for the fact his mother had a dalliance with a bard on his way through town. Thrown out of the house and forced to make her own way Anton's mother became a beggar and a gatherer, scraping together what she could. Anton had to learn how to hunt and trap almost as soon as he had learned how to walk, and soon after he had grown to a young adult his mother passed away leaving him naught but the stigma of ill birth. Anton moved in to the wilds on a more permanent basis, out where he had no strictures placed on him he found a simple life. He started to gain a kind of faith, starting with simple things; the winds kiss a crossed the nape of his neck; the cool streams cleansing waters; he began to thank the nebulas deities for what they had provided for mortals. This life could have continued on forever if it had not been for the intervention of a being from beyond his own knowledge, Brunus. When Brunus appeared to Anton as if a small bear cub Anton became frightened that his mother would not be far behind. Anyone who was not afraid of an angered mother bear was a fool indeed. But Brunus spoke to him and told him how he would become his companion, how Gozreh had sent him to teach Anton and bring about his potential. Anton gratefully accepted the gift of a friend and more the potential of power. No one would look down on him if he was a great hero.
Years went by and now Anton is ready to be the hero he believes he is destined to be. His faith firmly placed in Gozreh and his eyes set firmly on the horizon, he sets off now to make a name for himself.
Anton is a likeable enough lad, he tries hard and means well. Unfortunately he has inherited a bit of his father's wandering eye and roaming hand, as well as a deep seated fear of any who would take from him.
Good Friend: Brunus the bear thing. Brunus is the closest thing to a frind that Anton has ever had. A mentor, confidant, and companion closer to him than any other living being.
Friend: Jenny Talmere the nice girl from the village. Sweet girl who Anton saved from wolves. May or may not have conceived a child the day Anton left for his greater destiny.
Acquaintance: Malfior the Magnificent. Stage performer and con artist. Malfior tried very hard to get Anton to join his little traveling show.
Rival: Daniel Arden the boy who bullied Anton as a child. Young master summoner of evil bent. Summoned the wolves that attacked Jenny and had planned to rescue her from them as a way to win her heart, well that backfired miserably.
Enemy: Long complicated draconic name, Daniel just calls him Draco... how unoriginal. Evil draconic eidolon whispering dark secrets and foul plans into Daniel's ears. Sees Anton and Brunus as a powerful team that could one day become a serious problem for his designs. Trying to steer Daniel down the path towards evil overlord.
edit:Stats are in the profile, any suggestions on changes to backstory are welcome. I tried to leave a lot of leeway for the GM as well as give a little of Anton's personality in the friend enemy list.

Pretty |

Well, i'm ready. One of the few tieflings around Brevoy, and ready to fight for that unorthodox spot (not so unorthodox, tough). I made the background kinda vague, cause the KM player's guide is not very detailed about the region itself, so specifics might be added later (like birth town and regions wandered).
Anyway, the trait 'Bastard' is in, but i'm not a human and personally don't like it, but it's the one who fits the background. Anyway, I'd prefer other one. INT is high for no reason except to avoid player-character contradiction. Everything else is at character detail.
Oh, and I have a tail, which favors be pretty much in being chosen, i'm sure. ;)

GM Birch |

Female Human Fighter - Level 1 - Alignment CG
Basic Information
STR: 10 (+0)
DEX: 16 (+3)
CON: 14 (+2)
INT: 10 (+0)
WIS: 10 (+0)
CHA: 14 (+2)
Hit Points: 12
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 135lbs
Basic Description
Golden, shoulder length hair, pale skinned and deep blue eyes. She appears tall and wiry – and pretty with it.
AC: 17
Init: +5
Speed: 30
BAB +1
Melee +1
Ranged +4
Aldori Duelling Sword +5
Saving Throws
Fortitude +4
Reflex +3
Will +0
Acrobatics +4, Bluff +2, Diplomacy +2, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +3, Fly +3, Intimidate +6, Perform (Dance) +3, Ride +7, Stealth +3
Feats and Special Abilities
Weapon Finesse
Weapon Focus
Improved Initiative
Sword Scion
Equipment (tbc)
Aldori Duelling Sword
Leather Armour
Longbow (100 arrows)
Other people would pigeon-hole Corvus as a lady, with her porcelain skin and her long blonde hair, but she sees herself as a master swordman. And this has always been her challenge.
Having grown up in and around the city of Restov, she grew up on tales of Baron Sirian Aldori and the exploits of her home city’s heroic and legendary swordlords. It therefore made perfect sense to her to shun her father's (the Baron’s) attempts to get her to attend the lessons in dancing and noble etiquette. Perhaps it was the fact that she grew up without a mother (she sadly died in childbirth) and therefore a suitable role-model that led her to spend every available minute practicing with a makeshift wooden sword.
When she was young, she could tie her hair up and pass as a boy on any given street near to her home and be accepted into the groups of youths that practiced duelling. As wiry as her frame is, eventually her femininity became impossible to hide and she found practice harder and harder to come by. Boys either wanted to woo her or didn't take her seriously when it came to sparring.
Finally she decided that the only way she could be accepted as an Aldori swordlord rather than his lady was to run away and join an expedition into the Stolen Lands. This was so she could practice her skills amongst those who would not treat her like a potential Baroness but rather as just another adventurer.
As a fighter, she may not be strong, but she is agile and that dancing training allows her to use this to compensate when others underestimate her abilities. She's clearly stubborn and uses her good looks and personality to effect in forcing others to bend to her will when the need arises. She's an accomplished rider and apart from her father, she'll miss her horse Myst the most.
Good Friend: Apart from her horse, Corvus lacks true friends. This is in part because of her double-life. She's closest to her father Baron Scion as he's the only person in this world she truly trusts. And she doesn't even trust him enough to tell him of her plans to run away.
Friend: Amy was Corvus' nursemaid in her mother's absence. In later years she became her maid and is the only other person Corvus would share any secrets with (other than her father).
Acquaintance: Jonny is a street urchin with good blade skills but with zero chance of becoming a swordlord due to his humble birth. He's the only person of her age ever to beat Corvus in a sword-fight.
Rival: Most second sons of Baron's are rivals as they aspire to be sword-lored knowing their elder brother will inherit the royal title. If Corvus has to pick one out from the group, it would be Bruno Dow - just because he's the ugliest.
Enemy: Although Corvus' father never remarried, his needs had to be satisfied somehow and the result of one such dalliance was Tom Godin. Over the years, he has heeded his mother's words that, if Corvus were to befall some tragic accidental death, he'd have a claim to the Baron's title.

Seraphina Medvyed |

Looks like you may be a little heavy on spellcasters, so I will volunteer that I can easily convert Seraphina here to a Ranger if that will fit better with the party. She'll maintain the same basic personality and background.
I'm always on here refreshing my campaign page, so I can be counted on to check in frequently and respond timely. I enjoy roleplaying conversation and will post descriptive characterizations. I'm shooting for a Leader/Advisor/Diplomat role in the larger scope of the campaign. Pasted the info in the profile over from PC Gen, so it's not showing that I chose the Noble Born campaign trait (of the family Medvyed).
As the child grew in grace and beauty, she became the apple of her parent's eye and even attracted the attention of the family patriarch. Uncle Gurev saw to it that Seraphina came to visit with his wife and daughter(s) so that she received instructions on etiquette since she had a knack for charming people, especially men.
It was during one such visit that brigands attacked her family homestead, killing her father and three of her brothers. Uncle Gurev took the surviving family in and now her older brothers work for him directly. Seraphina is still close to her family, but her thirst for vengeance burns like a fire inside her. Soon after the tragedy, her magical abilities became apparent and she realized she has all the tools she needs to find her families' killers and take matters into her own claws.
Seraphina has bright red hair that shines like polished copper in the sun and bright green eyes. She has a warm and friendly personality, easy to talk to and quick to laugh at a joke or even make one herself. She is fiercely loyal and passionate about her beliefs and swift to anger if either is threatened.
I wasn't sure about the relations... did you want us to invent NPCs, use NPC's from the adventure or incorporate each other into our backgrounds? I'm happy to make any changes needed and I really hope I get to play, this sounds like a great adventure. =)

GM_Jacob |

Let's see what we have so far:
Pretty - Knifemaster Rogue - Bastard trait is fine, missing relationships
Maja Weatherseed - Separatist Cleric - Complete
Anton Dubois - Wild Caller Summoner - Complete
Corvus Scion - Fighter - Complete
Seraphina Medvyed - Dracinic Sorceress - Missing relationships, make up NPCs that will be incorporated when appropriate.
Ok, we're almost there. This will be the last call for submissions to be entered or completed. 24 hours from now will be the end of recruitment.

GM_Jacob |

@Pretty - Sure enough, I just breezed right over it. In that case, you're all set. I like what you've done with your character, by the way. You've done a great job of making an "unorthodox" character but not being totally one-dimensional. I think a lot of the reason I'm wary of unusual characters is that they usually consist of "I'm a [really weird thing] who [does something really weird] and that's the only interesting thing about me." I can't tell you how many tiefling characters I've seen that are just painfully unoriginal. Not for lack of backstory, necessarily, but just because having one glaringly obvious trait makes all the other ones fade into the background. It's so easy to become a charicature, but it seems like your character has genuine depth.

Lelouch Vi Orlovsky |

I would very much like to submit this guy, except he's currently on a 20 pt buy, so I'll need to rebuild him.
If you like the look of him, please let me know and I'll adjust his stats accordingly. :)
He's neutral good. He'll work with others, even if a bit arrogant, but if someone threatened him, PC or NPC, he'd do anything he could to escape the situation as he's physically weak and focuses on supporting those around him, in his mind to do his bidding.
He wants a world without conflict and will fight for that, carrying out evil deeds if it means a greater good can come of it (or if he needs to get himself out of a tight spot as he's pretty devious and very intelligent), but he hates his father and would gladly take down most of the members within House Orlovsky, once he's built up his own Kingdom with whoever else would accompany him.
He's Noble and aims to become Ruler, and is a Cleric of his own ideals who focuses in mind control and enchantments, with a strong focus on aiding his allies.
I've also sent you a PM. :)

Paladin of Baha-who? |

OK I went ahead with a finesse fighter instead, I looked over the swordlord prestige class and it does look more interesting than I thought at first.
Idris of the Blade
Female Human (Taldan) Fighter 1
N Medium Humanoid (human)
Init +3; Senses Perception +1
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Dueling sword +5 (1d8+2/19-20/x2)
Str 14, Dex 17, Con 10, Int 13, Wis 12, Cha 8
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 17
Feats Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Sword, Aldori dueling), Weapon Finesse
Traits Auspicious Tattoo, Sword Scion
Languages Common, Varisian
Other Gear Dueling sword, 175 GP
Special Abilities
Sword Scion +1 to hit and CMB with longswords and Aldori Dueling Swords.
I'll be able to generate a complete sheet soon.
Close Friend: Maria Arlenna from the orphanage -- she and Idris considered themselves sisters, and when they turned 15 both of them went to a tattoo artist to get matching tattoos. She is still in New Stetven last time Idris checked.
Friend: Father Kilkynn of the Bulwark of Gorum; see above.
Acquaintance: One member of the swordfighting academy stood out to her: a young noble boy, younger than her, named Jakob Aldori, who despite his standing, never treated her with anything other than kindness.
Rival: Another member of the swordfighting academy, Joanne Yalven, whose parents were petty nobles but never missed a chance to lord it over the 'charity case' as she called Idris.
Enemy: She hates the smug, superior face of Count Brokav, the instructor who told her flat out that no matter how hard she tried, she would never amount to anything more than a living practice dummy for the real swordlord candidates. She doesn't care for killing or death except when necessary, but in her secret heart, she'd love to see Brokav's face when she ran him through with her sword after defeating him in a duel.

Lelouch Vi Orlovsky |

Haha, well I only made him as a Cleric originally as my real life GM at the time said I had to play a Cleric, so I figured I'd play one I found appealing. The whole party was afraid of him and he had a flawless plan to overthrow the ruler and take his place... :p
He was made specifically for this campaign so I'd really love to be able to take part. Kingmaker is the only campaign I'll ever play him in, so it'd be nice to get somewhere in the story with him.
My take on his Knightmare frames - His Armour. :)
Chainshirt - Gawaiin engraved into it.
Breastplate - Shinkiro engraved into it.
I doubt he'll afford Breastplate to begin with, so he'll start with a Chainshirt.

GM_Jacob |

@Paladin - Looks good. Thanks.
@Lelouch - I like it. Curious, though: are you attached to being a cleric? You don't have a deity, and if you were a sorcerer or a wizard you'd get lesser geas from your standard progression.
@Anton - The Aldori Swordlord is actually a prestige class. The swordlord archetype is essentially a convenient way to meet the prerequisites. I had to look it up because I was confused, too.

Lelouch Vi Orlovsky |

Pretty much, simply because that's who he is now, and he was built around being able to help (via channeling energy and spontaneous healing spells) by having his own mind control spells and having the option of overwriting them with spontaneous healing...only in the situations that proved most dire mind, as he likes the ability to manipulate those around him, turning foe to friend etc.
Will you be using maps for this at all, just so combat is easier to imagine or just text explanation?
Command and Murderous Command (hehe :p) are Cleric only spells btw, and I know it's strange, but I felt they should have been on the wizard spell list and yet, no matter how fitting they are for an enchanter, they are locked to the Cleric list.
With the lesser geas thing - What I was trying to do was to have it unlocked so instead of effecting a certain HD of creatures, it scales with him, so it could be his main power that would grow as his abvilities grow over the period of the game. The ability to control others as a standard action would be his main focus as far as spells are concerned, but due to the 10 minute casting time of "Geas", I won't ever be using the full version.

Kivan Corsan |

Pretty much, simply because that's who he is now, and he was built around being able to help (via channeling energy and spontaneous healing spells) by having his own mind control spells and having the option of overwriting them with spontaneous healing...only in the situations that proved most dire mind, as he likes the ability to manipulate those around him, turning foe to friend etc.
Will you be using maps for this at all, just so combat is easier to imagine or just text explanation?
Command and Murderous Command (hehe :p) are Cleric only spells btw, and I know it's strange, but I felt they should have been on the wizard spell list and yet, no matter how fitting they are for an enchanter, they are locked to the Cleric list.
With the lesser geas thing - What I was trying to do was to have it unlocked so instead of effecting a certain HD of creatures, it scales with him, so it could be his main power that would grow as his abvilities grow over the period of the game. The ability to control others as a standard action would be his main focus as far as spells are concerned, but due to the 10 minute casting time of "Geas", I won't ever be using the full version.
Might be something you have considered, but have you looked at the silent spell metamagic? Just have to look at somebody for 10 minutes and boom they are yours.
EDIT: Never thought of Lelouch as a cleric, but it works lol.

Paladin of Baha-who? |

@Paladin Just a suggestion but I would take a look at the aldori swordlord archetype for fighter. If you have and just didn't list it then disregard my comment.
I don't have the package for herolab that includes that archetype yet. I'll include it on the full sheet, although technically I won't have the archetype until the first power it replaces, at level 3. It's always a little confusing when you have an archtype with the same name as a prestige class. For example a Witch with the winter witch archetype who multiclasses into the Winter witch Prestige class would have the class listing as Witch (Winter Witch) 6/Winter Witch 2 or something.

Lelouch Vi Orlovsky |

Same originally, but I really tried to make it work. :p
His stats in str and dex will be purposely pathetic. Just gotta stay out of that combat huh!
As for spells, well I have that all figured out. He has to talk to cast his spells, so I'd say "Lelouch Vi Britannia commands you!" when he casts command for example, followed by the word/action he wishes the enemy to perform.
Commanding an enemy to run away through the middle of our party...for example. ;)

Tim Woodhams |

I liked you approach to GMing. I've been trying to come up with the right character for this since you put up the thread. Which I have but running out of time so a few things still finishing but none of them are urgent and there should be enough there for you to decide if you like my style.
So submitting Dregan.
The one thing I'm not happy with is my enemy, I'm happy about having a chat and changing it.

GoblinDog |

I am deff interested. I have Kingmaker, but i haven't had a chance to run it yet, i'm currently Gming Rise of the Runelords for a party of 6 in RL. Here is my submission of an Urban Ranger.
Cassius Blackmore (Human NG)
Urban Ranger/1
Init: +9 (Dex+ Misc.) (3+4+2) Speed: 30ft/20ft with armor
HP: 11 (HD+ Con+ Favorite Class) (10+1)
Str: 12 (+1) Dex: 17 (+3) Con: 10 (+0) Int: 14 (+2) Wis: 9 (-1) Cha: 12 (+1)
AC: 17 (10+ Armor+ Dex+ Misc.) (10+4+3)
Touch: 13 Flatfooted: 14
Fort: +2 Reflex: +5 Will: +0
BAB: +1 CMB: +2 CMD: 15
Longbow: +4 (1d8/x3)
+1 to hit/dmg when within 30ft.
+2 to hit/dmg if human
Short Sword +2 (1d6+1/19-20x2)
Disable Device (+7), Knowledge Local (+6), Perception (+3), Stealth (+7/+4), Survival (+3), Climb (+5/+2), Intimidate (+5), Swim (+5/+2)
1. Point Blank Shot: +1 to attk/dmg when within 30ft of range.
2. Improved Initiative: +4 to Init. Checks
Special Abilities:
1. Favored Enemy: Humans +2 bluff, knowledge, perception, sense motive, survival
+2 to attack and damage
2. Track: Add half level (min 1) to survival checks made to follow/ identify tracks
3. Wild Empathy: Add Cha bonus to influence animals
1. Reactionary: +2 bonus to Init. Checks
2. Bastard: -1 on Cha checks when dealing with Brevic nobility, +1 bonus on will saves
Gear: Longbow (3lbs), 40 arrows (6lbs), Hide Armor (25lbs), Backpack (2lbs), 25sq.ft of Fishnet (5lbs), Simple Lock (1lbs), Manacles (2lbs), 10ft. Hemp Rope(10lbs), Signet Ring, Chalk, Thieves Tools (1lbs).
Total Weight: 55lbs. Medium Load.
Cassius stands at 5'11 with light brown hair and blue eyes. He has a decent frame, but relies more on his reflexes to help him out. He has a scar close to his left lower ribcage from where he was shot with an arrow
Cassius was born Reynard Carter of his mother Nora Carter and Edmund Surtova, a noble from the house of Surtova. Nora worked as a server in the Iron Maiden Tavern. As a child Cassius did not know who his father was, and was mocked by other children. When he turned 8 his mother had his sister Amelia. From then on, Cassius was never alone, he finally had someone. He helped raise his sister when his mother was busy with work. They lived from gold piece to gold piece, which made it difficult for Cassius to eat well. Most of the time, he would make sure his sister ate well before he did.
At 16 he learned the truth from his mother about his father. Cassius wanted to meet this man, and finally have a father. Cassius spent his days shadowing and gathering information on his birthfather. Finally one day he confronted him on the streets, and was greeted with a kick to the gut by one of Edmund's personal guards. Cassius stood up and shouted, "I AM YOUR SON". Edmund walked over to the child, but just whispered, "I know who you are, but you are no son of mine...bastard. You will never be more then a street urchin". Cassius was once again hit by one of the personal guards, but the blow was enough to knock the child out.
Cassius awoke, but in an unfamiliar place. This is where he would meet Randal Blackmore. Randal represented a group of mercenaries called the Crimson Brotherhood. After a brief conversation Cassius joined the Brotherhood in the hopes to make money for his family. He now understood his "father" would never be anything more then a sperm donor.
At first he took contacts that involved shadowing certain persons and report their habits to other members in the Brotherhood. Slowly they began training him with the use of the bow and sword, and he soon picked up some important skills. Soon he began taking jobs that involved bringing people in for interrogations, which he also sometimes got to perform.
He also began seeing Olivia Tyndal, a cook at the Iron Maiden tavern. She was of the same age as him and they got along quite well. Things were serious, and could see himself being with this woman.
But his last contract was calling for something more then just shadowing and bounty hunting. This called for the assassination of Edmund Carter. Randal explained that he was giving the contract to Cassius as a "birthday present". While he hated the man, Cassius would never kill a man, unless there was ample reason. Randal did not like this answer, and while Cassius slept, he called the town guard on him that he planned to kill Edmund.
Cassius dodged the guards and escaped into the street. He waited out a few days, and made the decision that he could not stay in town or he would risk the life of his family. Before leaving town he saw his mother, Olivia and sister, and told them that once he gets settled some where, he would send word and they could come live with him. Whether Olivia would come, he was not sure.
Cassius escaped the town, but not before being shot with an arrow in the lower ribcage. For weeks he dodged Brotherhood members in the forests until he was able to heal from his wounds and join the expedition.
This is when he changed him name to Cassius Blackmore. He joined the expedition to get away from Brevoy, but hopes to get his family to move down with him.
Close Friend: Amelia Carter, his half sister. Growing up she was the only one there for him and he has grown a close bond to her. He hopes that she and their mother will come and stay with him once he gets settled with a new life.
Friend: Olivia Tyndal, a tavern cook where his mother worked. They were seeing eachother for over a year before the incident. Cassius and her write as much as he can, but its difficult for him to get her letters since he is always on the run. Her latest letter he got was a week ago and she still expressed feelings, which was a good sign.
Rival: Adrian Sunderfell, a brotherhood member. He was recruited shortly before Cassius, but they were very competitive. Adrian is a dangerous man who will not hesitate to kill anyone or anything that gets in his way.
Enemy: Randal Eyre, his former mentor and boss. He betrayed Cassius to the guard when he refused to take a contract to kill Edmond Carter. This forced him to completely uproot his life and leave his family. Randal will likely send Brotherhood members after him, he doesn't like having loose ends.
If you have any questions let me know, i may have left out some details cause i was rushing to get my submission in.

Paladin of Baha-who? |

Full Character sheet for Idris on Google Drive -- I'm pretty sure I have the sharing correct to look at it through that link. Let me know if it's bad in some way.