Lord of The Rings (Inactive)

Game Master Killer Munch

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Dark Archive

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The name says it all i'll post character guide lines if theirs interest.

I'd be interested! I've thought about trying to do this sort of thing for a while.

My curiousity is peaked. *scribbles an arcane mark on thread to find later.*

I'd like to give this a gander...

I'd definitely be interested. Actually just finished reading the books, as well as the Silmarillion, so I think this would be a lot of fun.

interested in this for sure.

Dark Archive

To make characters do lev 1, 25 point buy, all core classes and ARG classes+archetypes in UC&UM, and all core races sept gnomes.

Will work one out, and have up later tonight.

I'm working out an Elf Druid, something simple that fits will into the middle-earth realm. It's not Legolas...

Average starting wealth? Just asking due to the high fantasy point buy.

At the moment I'm torn between Fighter or Ranger. Tough choice.

This is my guy, his full sheet workup is here -
This is obviously preliminary and his story isn't really fleshed out yet. Let me know if this works! - Fyrian

Hm, I think perhaps a human cavalier, a Rider of Rohan or something of that sort? Or perhaps a dwarven warrior. Or a roguish type...

I'll post back in when I've got something solid, haha.

This is Fallen_Mage. Submitting Deodin, a Shielded Fighter from the Kingdom of Gondor. Need starting wealth confirmation before purchasing equipment. Working on fleshing out his backstory, will post when completed.

Dark Archive

Average gold

I submit Beadwof, Horse Lord of Rohan. I love the low magic setting of LOTR

Dark Archive

O in case sum one wanted to know the group has not left the shire

So, from that comment, I take it this would be during the LotR book events? Cool. I'll probably go hobbit, then. Nothing like a good hobbit to keep everyone's spirits up.

Dark Archive

Yes it is

I think I'll stick with my Elf Druid either way. I'll make a reason for him to be in the Shire. Hobbits live in holes and that's about as close to the earth as you can get. That means a lot to a druid.

The Exchange

I'd like to ask about magic and guns. It seems both were uncommon, with guns being non-existent and magic being very rare, iirc. Are there restrictions accordingly?

Dark Archive

No guns and words of power magic

Call me interested...

The Exchange

Any racial animosities? Alignment restrictions? What about traits?
And can I have a ring of power? (jk jk)

I am interested. You might also get Pendagast in on this.

What storyline are we doing.

Are we playing the Fellowship? Thorin & Company? Forming a group that adventures outside of them? Like LotRO?

If you want Thorin & Company I have a conversion thread.

Dark Archive

A separate adventure and ONE trait with no evil i have posted the races in a older post

The Exchange

I was asking about racial animosities, not legal races.
Also, I don't think you've posted starting wealth yet.

Dark Archive

Look up for gold and i do not know what a animosities are.

Can we get the Deadline?

I will not be going Phalanx Fighter. So I will probably work him out as a Weapon & Board Fighter. Are we looking at a combat/battlefield, exploration, or defensive campaign?

By defensive I mean are we going to be defending villages like The Three Hunters did? (IIRC)

& I am guessing we are to figure out a reason our group is in the Shire. Mine can simply be I was protecting a Hobbit Merchant on his way back to the Shire.

EDIT(to save space):

If we are during the Fellowship or after Thorin & Company then Elves & Dwarves are kind of at Odds after the War of the Five Armies.

So Elves & Dwarves should be equal. If this is really Middle Earth we should be limited to the Race of Man(Human), Dwarf, Elf, & Hobbit(Halfling). As Half-Orcs are servants of Sauron, And Orcs should probably be reclassified as Goblinoids with PFRPG Orcs being Uruk and Hobgoblins as normal Orc, and Goblins as Goblins.

I have given a Middle Earth campaign way too much thought.

The Exchange

I have put too much thought into it as well. I was thinking that Wizard and Sorcerer classes should be banned (Gandalf was more like an Eldritch Knight or Magus), perhaps even ban the entire evocation school, give all casters diminished spellcasting, and start all PCs with "Toughness", "Diehard", and "Endurance" as bonus feats (seems to match the heroes in LotR trilogy).
I also had the same thoughts about race, though I think half-elf should be an option for flexibility (could call them "elf" in name though).

I think a witch (perhaps a hedge witch) would be handy and work well in this universe.
I for one am posting my half-elf archer, Treggor, for consideration.

I'll make some of the adjustments to my character tomorrow to try and fit a little more.


Wizards would be simply have Arcane Bond(Staff) and should have their staff be their spellbook like a Witch has their Familiar. Or maybe a Arcane Sorcerer that must have the Staff and all their spells come from their link to the staff. Should either version lose the Staff they become normal Humans without magic. Remember that Gandalf is not human he is more of an Outsider(Native). Maybe make a Maiar Race that is Outsider(Native) and only they can be Wizards. Call the Class Istari.

Half-Elf should just be a Human or Elf not a seperate Race. Instead they can just choose that their character chooses to take on the social implications being a Half-Elven character (Minor but there are some).

Remember Magic does exist. BUT it is more subtle. After all when Frodo/Bilbo (can't remember which) uses the ring in the middle of the town they just think he is some sort of Mage.

@Killer_Munch: I should have my full character around Tomorrow or Friday.

Until Then just know he will be a Basic Fighter. If you really need a caster I might build a Witch, Magus, or something.


I swear one of my characters will be a Paladin, Inquisitor, or Fighter that wields an Axe and is Pathfinder's Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter.

The Exchange

Good point about Gandalf's race, but for simplicity I'd call it human. Also, good point on the staff. I might say the same thing, except make it a staff magus and allow the staff-hand to act as a free hand for casting purposes.
I'm not sure I follow you on the half-elves. I meant just include them as basically an alternate elf build for the sake of mechanics.
Yes, magic *does* exist, but you don't see much magic in battle (aside from forces like ghost armies, supernatural creatures, and big boss baddies). Most of it seems to be tricks, illusion-esque, as well as perhaps some things like abjuration magic and some less arcane-focused spells.
Also worth mentioning, it seems manual, long-term healing (mundane and magical) is the only kind, so I'd say any cure spells, etc, should be limited to once per day per subject, and the heal skill should be more valuable.

On a related note, I thought a witch with the heal hex would make the most sense for a support caster. It seems very elvish. You could take utility spells and focus on, say, a bow and a curve blade for combat.


I think the reason why we don't see much combat spells is more to do with fact that Gandalf doesn't want to be seen as the Mighty Blasting Mage. I think most combat spellcasting is more Countering the enemies spells or Siege Mage style casters.

On the Healing, I think it is more of the fact that they don't have a Cleric or such caster. And that major magic is rare. Or is saved for major illnesses or injuries.

Class-wise: I am mainly leery of tracking expendable resources. BUT I found a nice way to handle it so I will look into Digitizing Brina my Elf Witch who focuses on Archery. Or even bringing in Doromir(named after a Celtic/Nordic Hero and means Mixer of Bloods strangely) an Elven Archer Alchemist.

A Little Suggestion:

Might I suggest we use my Modular Spell Slot System? It is basically allowing one to break/combine spell slots into lower level or higher level slots on a 1-for-1 basis. So I can have my Level 3 spell slot broken down into 3 1st level slots for extra cures or such. I actually have found it allows one to limit spells to say 5th level or 3rd level Spells without making Casters get upset.

Heck, I might go Human Magus and just modify this profile.

Ok am I the only one that is having troubles getting their full concepts gear using Average Wealth?

Going for a Boromir style build. I can't afford the Chainmail, Longsword, Shield, & my Fighter's Kit. Back to the Drawing Board. I will look at a Witch though I have played very few and am probably going to go with a Parody of the Witch from Brave in terms of Personality.

Also what is the Max Level we are aiming for? And can we use Piecemeal Armour?

Just a placeholder...

The Exchange

I had to shaft my build from 100gp (before frills) to 35gp. My longbow went down to a shortbow, I'm only carrying 60 arrows now (still arguably "enough" for most situations), lost the dagger & short sword, and I have no food. Still, it makes sense for a very light or just-set-out adventurer. You just have to re-conceptualize your character away from a post-Fellowship hero PC to a just-separated-by-destiny previously-NPC.

I was thinking more of a Lightly Armoured Gondorian Soldier...

I am thinking I will drop it down to a Light Shield and hopefully upgrade later.


Monk's Kit:

This kit includes a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, rope, soap, torches (10), trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
Cost: 8GP Weight: 22 Lbs.

Also look into Stone Arrows. They are 80 for the cost of 20 Iron Arrows.

The Exchange

Interesting. Thanks.

I learned of Stone Arrows in a Stone Age game I am playing in on here. It is now my default arrow material.

They are 1GP for 80 and 8lbs total or 25CP for 20 at 2lbs each.

Also I am aiming for a Gondorian Soldier but to do it you need at least 200GP just for Boromir's Fellowship Gear. A typical Gondor Armour is Full-Plate or at least Half-Plate.

Maybe I will just pick up a Great Sword and leave off the shield then at level 2 pick up EWP(Bastard Sword) & hopefully acquire a Bastard Sword & a Shield of some kind.

EDIT: Or I can Mock up 4 Mirror Armour as a form of Chainmail... Then I can probably swing it...

Dark Archive

Well that would depend on the armors (i.e. chain shirt, and lether will not work THAT good) and their might be like 5 half-orcs right now

Is Kikko+Armoured Kilt legal? Best thing I can find to mimic his gear cheaply.

& what do you mean? On races I was meaning the PC Races.

In the end I am going RP>Optimization.

@D-Kal: If you wanna save 1GP, if we both get in, we might could get you a Longbow & I could take your Shortbow. Seeing that I now have 74GP free.

Ok, here are my current stats.

Tanis Ambrodel
Male Elf Druid 1
CN Medium Humanoid (elf)
Init +5; Senses low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 14 (1d8+5)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +5; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep; Resist elven immunities
Speed 30 ft.
Ranged Shortbow +3 (1d6/x3) and
Sling +3 (1d4+1/x2)
Spell-Like Abilities Lightning Arc (6/day)
Druid Spells Prepared (CL 1):
1 (2/day) Obscuring Mist, Cure Light Wounds, Entangle (DC 14)
0 (at will) Flare (DC 13), Light, Detect Magic
Str 13, Dex 17, Con 14, Int 11, Wis 16, Cha 7
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 14
Feats Toughness +3
Traits Reactionary
Skills Climb +5, Heal +7, Perception +9, Survival +9
Languages Common, Druidic, Elven
SQ elven magic, nature bond abilities (air), spontaneous casting, wild empathy
Other Gear Arrows (20), Shortbow, Sling, Sling bullets (10), Backpack (empty), Fishing net, Flint and steel, Rope, Trail rations (10), Waterskin, 34 GP, 2 SP, 2 CP
Special Abilities
Druid Domain (Air) Granted Powers: You can manipulate lightning, mist, and wind, traffic with air creatures, and are resistant to electricity damage.
Elven Immunities +2 save bonus vs Enchantments.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Elven Magic +2 to spellcraft checks to determine the properties of a magic item.
Lightning Arc (1d6+0) (6/day) (Sp) 30' Ranged touch attack deals 1d6+0 Electricity damage.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, distinguishing color and detail.
Spontaneous Casting The Druid can convert stored spells into Summon Nature's Ally spells.
Wild Empathy -1 (Ex) Improve the attitude of an animal, as if using Diplomacy.

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And I updated my background

Tanis grew up amongst the wood elves. His affinity for nature exceded even his evlen brethren. Growing up he spent many nights, and as he got older, weeks, months, alone and away from his family and kindred, exploring the vast forests, hills, dales, and plains of the surrounding country. His love for natural things and the woods so great that even though he once saw the sea, he found it so very easy to resist it's call.
As a wanderer and a druid Tanis has gained a great affinity for the Hobbits. Though they do use basic technology to continue their agrarian lifestyle, they still have great respect for nature and the earth. They don't use their technology to try and expand their culture, but simply subsist. And in the simple ways, that they wear no shoes and that they live in holes in the ground, Tanis feels like they have an affinity for the earth that has been lost in many other societies in Middle-Earth. He spends a great deal of his free time in The Shire, mostly helping to teach the Hobbits new and different methods of horticulture and assisting them on their journeys as a guide and a little protection, though the paths and journeys he takes them on are mostly peaceful and evasion and cover rather than fighting has gotten them through many perils. Tanis wishes to expose his small friends to as little violence as he can, as the world outside The Shire is rife with more than it's share of woes and violence, he sees no need to bring them into that world.

All I did from before was to drop a trait so I only have one. I didn't change any of the spells I have, I believe they would be something that and elf would have the ability to access, especially one with druid qualities, such as the wood elves. If there is anything you see in there that you don't like, Killer Munch, let me know.

Dark Archive

Yes it's ok and I ment 5 who are not evil/have defected

The Exchange

I would think a half-orc would at least need to stay disguised to avoid attracting unwanted hostility (like a short sword through the chest).

Stone arrows certainly seem convenient, but a little... off, RP-wise. I'll just hope I have a chance to buy more before I start having to punch my way to victory.
Probably jumping on that kit though.

EDIT: Can you link me to that kit? I can't find it anywhere.

Dark Archive

Probably in UE

Ultimate Equipment Adventure Gear. If you scroll down you will find it.

Also on my alias you will find a Small Key Items Stat Block. It has a link to his Mythweaver Sheet.

Boromir was noble and favorite sun, you could take rich parents and have your gear or you could by the four-mirror armor wich is 4 plates large front, large back, 2 small side plates over chain. You put the tunic on over that he wore in the movie and there you go chain mail for 45gp. Its what I'm wearing. And I'm all about shield guys my teamwork feat I can give out is shield wall. if selected

The Exchange

I've never even noticed the UE header in the nav before. Crazy.
I'll have to get that pack later though, since I can't afford both a bow and a pack. Besides, I can get by with what I have now.

Don't worry about my bow. A shortbow works for now. It's more fitting of a scout anyway. It's not optimized, but everyone has to start somewhere. Fighters just start somewhere a little less modest. Though I bet our AC will be comparable (unless you go longsword & shield).

EDIT: I agree that rich parents might suit your character concept, though scale mail or piecemeal should also work (as would kikko, but that seems a bit odd). If I were you, I'd probably do a chain shirt based piecemeal.

It was only added earlier this week apparently.

I am leery of Rich Parents unless the Campaign is Low-WBL. If it is then I would take it. Get a Longbow and probably trade it with D-Kal before to long. Gondor as a whole is surprisingly Rich in Middle Earth terms... So Rich Parents would fit... Guess I technically could get Additional Traits later on for Reactionary and say Indomitable Faith.

Also Kikko is from what I understand the Eastern Version of Chainmail. It is designed to be light and flexible. Heck, it basically is heavier Studded Leather in its construction...

Hmm, Guess if D-Kal and myself both get in we could have some connection prior to the start of the Story. It would allow me a story reason to buy him a Monk's Kit and such. Also if you are an Elf you can say you prefer Stone as it is an ancestral thing. Elves and Hobbits are known for their Memorabilia(Read: Bobbles) and Nostalgia.

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