Lord of The Rings (Inactive)

Game Master Killer Munch

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The Exchange

I suppose, but even so, 60 arrows should get me to my first buy. And even if it doesn't, I'm still a monk. I'm not some helpless wizard.

I'd certainly appreciate free stuff. For that matter, if you took Rich Parents, you could be like the party's Strider, handing out weapons and equipment to the scant-prepared party fleeing the Shire.
That said, I don't think anyone *needs* the extra gold. That's why it's there as an average. Shortbow still kills things, and 3 torches will still burn for a few hours.

Wow... I now have 22AC... If you wanna see the Armour pieces they are under the Equipment section.

And I have 67PP left over...

Crunch is up. Still working on backstory.

I am having problems with mine... I am still trying to figure out how everything could work.

I am thinking he was guarding a Hobbit/Halfling Merchant and was ahead of Boromir by a few days.

The Exchange

Gondor is led by stewards, and finds itself in a compromising position. I should think it in the nation's interest to seek out new provinces to claim in order to feed and supply the armies. Such provinces must first be explored and charted.
What do you think?

Also, that AC is disturbing.

That works as well... Gondorian Outrider... Standard Bearer Cavalier going into Battle Herald might be fitting.

For 225GP I could get Full-Plate level AC. Add in the Armoured Kilt and Shield I am looking at 23 AC or better.

...And here's me, still plodding along trying to decide what exactly to play...

The Exchange

I still think we ought to have a witch. In fact, I can hand you one as I'm rolling him up now (when I can't decide what to play, I make both).

A witch, huh? Quite possible, if we're allowed to have all that magic... I can make one myself, but checking out what you have would be nice. I'm still probably going to play a hobbit.

The Exchange

Alright, check out Terflynn, my human witch. I made him sort of a mystical roving hunter. He can use his spear and javelins against foes from a distance, or use his tricks to confound and evade them. I'd planned to take "Sleep" and "Charm Person", and perhaps "Beguiling Gift". Of course Spark, Read Magic, etc. Just tricks more than spells. And the Heal hex seems to be in keeping with the low-magic theme. Also, Disguise seems like a very universe-appropriate hex, and fortune can get allies out of a pinch (which plays up the lucky hero theme).


Looks interesting, I'll take a gander, and set about to be forming my own hobbit witch!

The Exchange

If you're going to do a hobbit anyway, you might as well make a ninja/rogue (burglar). There's nobody with Charisma in the group yet, so a ninja could work well. You could also cover the skill monkey role with that. The only thing really lacking in that scenario is the spellcasting/healing, which was minor in the first place. A nice sneaky ninja diplomat could be handy!


I was originally thinking of going that route, although I was undecided whether to do a rogue, ninja, or bard. I'm still not certain, because each has their advantages... I'm thinking a bard would be good to have, though. Combine some skill monkeying with a bit of spellcasting and healing. He'd probably be rubbish in combat, but he could help support, so I think that's what I'll do.

Fluff added.

The Exchange

A fine idea. It's no burglar, but it should cover the other roles nicely. I'm curious though, what measures, if any, are you taking to make the bard seem low-magic? I find the whole bardic performance thing a bit odd even for the Pathfinder universe (you're playing your piano in combat while still combat-ing? And that's... inspirational?). Have you considered any archetypes?


I'm not sure on how to play off the bard as low-magic. Maybe it'll be one of those deals where his very uplifting presence as the upbeat, ever-optimistic halfling who won't give up (see: Sam's speeches) is inspiring to his allies. Maybe he's a really good singer/lute-player/what-have-you. As for archetypes, I'm thinking Street Performer, although I was also considering an Animal Speaker to give him a slightly more natural theme.


Is recruitment still open I would to give it a go.

I was thinking a woodsman from the mirkwood region. Probably a twf ranger uses throwing axes for melee and ranged.

The Exchange

Excellent point on Sam's speeches, though those typically happened *outside* of combat, perhaps in that sense being more curative than inspiring (with regards to effects).
You could consider the ArchAeologist archetype, which would give you a little splash of rogue. Then you'd have it all!


Yeah, I figured he was just a good example of an inspiring hobbit. Really, a lot of the characters in LotR had a good speech or two throughout, so it's not unheard of to be inspired to great heights by something that's relatively mundane.
Archaeologist is also a good option, and I'll probably be looking at that to grab some extra burgling abilities, haha.

D-Kal & Loup:

Hobbit(Halfling) Bard sounds awesome. Maybe build a Face character who is a Merchant and you can be my client. Yeah, I am slightly out of it... Bloody NyQuil.

EDIT: Background is now up. Hopefully I can finish expanding it after I watch the movies again tomorrow and read up on Gondor on the wiki.

The Exchange

Loup & Aza:
I've heard that multiple people using reach weapons can be a powerful defensive formation. Unfortunately that requires higher STR, which doesn't well suit many character types. Just a thought.


What are you getting at?

The Exchange

I was just suggesting that for a lower magic game, defense might be more valuable. Perhaps we could adjust builds accordingly. But given the STR requirements,it may not be feasible. Just looking for a weigh-in on that concept.


I would say Archery and Shield/Armour Focused Characters would be the best.

So Deodin, Yourself, and Myself should be fine. The other thing we might need is High Initiative to get that first strike. Also a good movement speed meaning I might aught to upgrade my Armour as I gain Armour Training.

Beadwof will do good if he can get a Mounted Hit-&-Run build quickly. Tanis will do nicely as well.

If we all play in the campaign and have Loup we should be a nicely well rounded party for this campaign. Heck, we might even be more well rounded than the Fellowship was. ;P

We would have a Charger/Lancer, Twin Fighters (1 Shield Focused Tank & My switch Hitter Sword-&-Board), your "Arrow Turret" of a Zen Archer, A Elven Druid, & then Loup. If Loup goes Bard or even Rogue we shall be golden.


Maybe I should go Dwarf? Then every Race shall be represented. The Problem is what feats should I take? Should I go TWF to THF Switching Ranger (Gimli style) or go straight THF like Balin? or Sword-&-Board Fighter as I am now?

The Exchange

Good points. No need for a more coordinated strategy when there's already so much balance. I must say I don't think my "arrow turret" will be all that until perhaps level 3, when I can get PBS and hopefully a +1 bow. But I felt like a Zen Archer was a good way to get into some decent archery at level 1, so hopefully I'll still be useful.

If you want to go Dwarf, and you're not all about AC, consider a barb. You can open up some excellent sword & board (or, rather, dwarven waraxe & board) options with TWF and shield bashing. You'll also have plenty of HP for soaking up damage from all sources, and you can even grab Steel Soul and be tough on casters. Or, if you prefer, you could pump CON to 18, take toughness, and have 20HP at level 1. Couple that with around 20 AC and 1d10 axe damage, plus full 30ft move speed and no need to full-attack (keeping you more mobile), you'd be a pretty good steamroller. The only thing I'd be wary of is boring, repetitive play. You just axe every turn and never die. Not much else to you. Of course you could dump some stats to get more Int and rely on skills to broaden your horizons.


I think I will stay with my current Sword & Board Fighter. Even if it doesn't use the Shield for anything other than defense for a while & maybe later on I will switch from my Wooden Shield to my Buckler for a bit easier Switch Hitting. Luckily, if all 6 of us make the cut then we might have Beadwof with Shield Wall for those last ditch defensive moves.

Add in that I know have a 23 AC using my "Gondorian Chain" & my Shield.

Zen Archers will get the most attacks out of any Archer earlier on at least without finagling.

In the end, my longbow is just to have a Ranged Attack option.

I like Cavaliers but I prefer Gondor's Fluff over Rohan's. Though a Cavalier(Standard Bearer)/Bard/Battle Herald Build might be cool if I could build around to avoid dealing with tracking the Mount.

Odd Realization:

A lot of the Fellowship, those that would actually be PCs (Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas, & Gandalf), would work only if allowed to use the Gestalt System...

Aragorn, Gimli, & Legolas would all be Fighter/Ranger Gestalts. Gandalf I say would be something like an Oracle/Sorcerer Gestalt.


A Ranger using my Gondorian Chain minus the Kilt might be nice. The Question is are the Goblins & Orcs going to be the same thing just with a different name like they are in LotR or are they actually going to be different?

Dark Archive

Yes it is and i am ending it is 3 days

Ending as in moving on, or ending as in you're done?

Dark Archive

Ending as in no more new submissions. i'll look over the characters and pick them at a later date.

Here's my cruch, fluff later...

IIRC: We have 5 Characters submitted & 2 characters in the works. That means a total of 7 Characters. 2 More & we would have the same number as the Fellowship.

One more & we will have the surviving number of said Fellowship.

If I get in, then die, & Get to build another Character:

If the scenerio happens I would go for a Dwarven Axe Fighter with a Dwarven Double Waraxe. Get the Cleave Chain and the Hewer Feats(if applicable). I get Tingly just thinking of that...

If all else fails:

I will help with running and building the Enemies.

Submitting Thugren.
A dwarf barbarian who is searching for lost treasure and adventure to bring fame to his name. Willing to tackle any enemy and drink barrel loads of alcoholic beverages.

Updating a proper back story and sheet soon.

posting interest, I'll see what I can come up with.

thinking hobbit monk(underfoot adept)

And then there was 9...

The Exchange

So who's going to be the ring-bearer?
*not it*

I haven't seen any wizards submitted yet, unless I missed something.

But then again, wizards are 'rare' in Middle-Earth.

D-Kal wrote:

So who's going to be the ring-bearer?

*not it*

Not. It.

@Deodin: We might be seeing a Halfling Bard. Other than that... Nope no Arcane Caster that I have seen.

In all honesty I would rather see a Dwarf before a Wizard in this type of Campaign.

The Exchange

I don't think "dwarf" is a class.
I'd still like to see a witch or Magus. Especially staff Magus.

Basic story done. Will expand it with more precise details when I have a bit more time.
Character sheet complete.
This dwarf barbarian is ready to adventure.


lucerne hammer 15gp/12lbs
hide 15gp/25lbs
armoured kilt 20gp/10lbs
heavy steel shield20gp/15lbs
heavy pick 8gp/ 6lbs
dungeoneering kit 15gp/25lbs
pathfinders kit 12gp/22lbs

total = 105gp
weight = 115lbs

Character Sheet::

Thugren Diamondheart
Male Dwarf Barbarian level 1
NG Medium Humanoid(dwarf)
AC 16(18 with shield), touch 11, flat-footed 15(17 with shield)
hp 16 (1d12 +con bonus)
Fort +6, Ref +1, Will +2
hide armour(+4AC)
heavy steel shield(+2AC)
armoured kilt(+1AC)
Speed 30 ft. never changes
Initiative +1
Lucerne Hammer +4(1d12+4)
Heavy Pick +4(1d6+3)
Str 16, Dex 13, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD +15
Feats: Cleave
Skills(4 per level):
Languages Common, Dwarven
Other Gear: pathfinder kit, dungeoneering kit.
Outfit: Explorer's outfit
Remaining GP: 0gp
Special Abilities
Defensive Training: Dwarves gain a +4 dodge bonus to AC against monsters of the giant subtype.
Hardy: Dwarves gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability: Dwarves gain a +4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground
Craftsman: Dwarves are known for their superior craftsmanship when it comes to metallurgy and stonework. Dwarves with this racial trait receive a +2 racial bonus on all Craft or Profession checks related to metal or stone
Stonecunning: Dwarves gain a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Darkvision: Dwarves can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Hatred: Dwarves gain a +1 racial bonus on attack rolls against humanoid creatures of the orc and goblinoid subtypes because of their special training against these hated foes.
Weapon Familiarity: Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Fast Movement: +10 base speed
Rage: 9 rounds/day. free action. +4 strength and constitution(+2HP). +2 will saves. -2AC. Fatigued for twice as many rounds as raged.


Thugren stands 5' 3" and 220lbs. Looking rather harmless sitting at the inn table with a drink in one hand and a handful of food in the other. His jovial face though hard to tell behind the beard was young. He talked whenever his mouth was free enough, not always empty. He did not seem to care about any social etiquette. But most seemed to like him anyway. Unless you mentioned his race. He would tell tale after tale of his clans conquests. At which he seemed to always be through hero, and would get a bit too excited when retelling battles. Several dishes had been broken on previous occasions.
It is easy to tell that he knows what he is talking about even if he exaggerates his part and you would not be keen to go against the battle rage of this crazy dwarf.


Thugren comes from a small clan of dwarves that descend from the great dwarves kings of millennia ago. Their newly acquired mountain home far north east of the shire is home to several hundred dwarves all claiming allegiance to the clan.
Thugren is the son of one mastersmith and his story starts here.
Growing up on the mountain is tough for most. But not the dwarves of Thugren's clan. The mountains are their home and they wouldn't change that for anything. Not even all the gold in the world. But don't tempt them though.
Contending with the goblins on the other side of the mountain often, the warriors of his clan were always prepared. The ancient mines were particularly dangerous and often raided by the goblins. Constantly at war, Thugren learnt at a young age how to handle himself in battle. Well not really. You see, the first time he fought a goblin, it had stabbed Thugren first in his arm with its dagger. Seeing his blood and feeling pain from the wound made him angry. He roared and swung his mace over his head crushing the goblins head. The massive exertion of energy left him feeling tired when the battle ended, but he was elated at killing his first enemies.
Not just pesky goblins threatened them though. The mountain giants and cave trolls were more serious threats. Thugren had his fair share of those battles too.
He favoured the hammer, crafting one for himself. A Lucerne hammer, to crush goblins and penetrate the armour the giants preferred.
An uncle of his had left the clan recently in search of a stash of treasure. Following clues he said mentioned the shire. Thugren had heard many stories of the shire and its halfmen. Excellent food and drink to rival the dwarves. Thugren swore to go see it someday.
When his uncle had not returned for 5 years, he decided to go find out what happened. Packing his gear he left. Headed to the shire to find his uncle and chase lost treasure. Minor scuffles along the way make the adventure exciting for Thugren and he decides he rather likes the adventurers life. His youth is on his side and he is ready to follow along any adventure that comes his way. Several humans tell him there is certainly treasure somewhere near the hobbits land and a dwarf or two is known to have gone that way.
Heartened by the news he hurries on. Always taking the time to stop and every inn and tavern along the way. Often paying with small services rendered by his crafting skill. For everything he accidentally broke he usually fixed or crafted three more.
Finally after several months of travel he stops at an inn run by hobbits. His first taste of treasure is the incredible drink and amazing food they have to offer. More rumours of other dwarves also serve to let him know he is o the right track.

D-Kal wrote:
I don't think "dwarf" is a class.

It used to be.

I would build a Dwarven Magus or Witch but that doesn't fit plus I am planning on practicing with a Caster in a PbP soon so I might be able to play one in the future.

EDIT: Yay! My wish came true!

D-Kal wrote:
Especially staff Magus.

A Staff Magus? That is unbelievably perfect! Why didn't I think of that before? I just might make one later for the hell of it.

...Dang. Try as I might, I can't seem to get into the hobbit bard I'm making. I may try making a rogue instead, but I'm not sure I'll be happy with that either... I may end up dropping from the running for this.

Loup Blanc wrote:
...Dang. Try as I might, I can't seem to get into the hobbit bard I'm making. I may try making a rogue instead, but I'm not sure I'll be happy with that either... I may end up dropping from the running for this.

Staff Magus?

I'd still like to try playing a hobbit, though, and I don't see a hobbit staff magus working out too well, even if I focus more on spells than weaponry... I dunno. Maybe a hobbit rogue is just the stereotypical character the party could use at this point.

So, I'm really not sure on hobbit or not, but checking out the staff magus, I've come up with a very strange concept... I'll try and work something up and post in with it.

I forgot Staff Magus doesn't Synergize with the slingstaff...

An Alchemist might be interesting.

And why is it I am now wanting to see a Hobbit Rogue... Maybe with Well-Prepared.

Hobbit rogue would be interesting, but here's what I'm contemplating now...


So, looking at the archetypes, it would seem that the Staff Magus stacks with the Skirnir archetype. Thus, I could potentially create a Magus that doesn't do sword-and-board, but rather uses board-and-board. If I make him a hobbit, he'll lose some damage output, but could potentially rock at survivability just by virtue of a ridiculous AC, even at low levels. Probably a lot less spellcasting, but in a lower-magic setting like Middle Earth, this could be even better.

Maybe go straight Skirnir and wield a Slingstaff or Club?

This allows you to keep the Armour later on.

True that, and I'm realizing some things between Skirnir and Staffer aren't conducive. For example, the Staff Magus getting a shield bonus later on, and the fact that they aren't proficient with shield bashing...

You might look at Ravingdork's Obrist. Use Phalanx Soldier 3 and Skirnir X.

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