Lord of The Rings (Inactive)

Game Master Killer Munch

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We could start out similar to the fellowship and then certain events can cause us to split off to accomplish different goals. This could become quite epic.

This is going to be epic! The other fellowship, hear their story

The Exchange

What do you suppose we'll be tasked with? Perhaps gathering up the rings of power given to the dwarves? I've always wondered what happened to those (though I've only ever read the trilogy + the hobbit, and that was long ago, so it may have been addressed...?).

Well there is lots of action around Mirkwood. That comes to a boil around this time.

There is quite a bit going on south of the mountains that Minas Tirith is on the north side. Pirates, Haradrim, Easterlings all are fighting south of the main action going on between Mordor and Gondor.

Arnor is always a fun spot. The Witchking lived there for centuries so it always come up in such discussions.

There are actually some fun stories that can be be just before or just after the Fellowship. There is lots of jobs, scouting here spying there and so fourth. They send out scouts while the hunker down in Rivendell. Radagast and Gandalf have contacts throughout the reagion giving them information. Who told Radagast the 9 crossed the Isen or did he see it himself?

We could be tasked with going to the Kingdoms of Men and help bolster their defense.

Beadwof could be called back to bolster Rohan and we could be a "Mercenary" Group he pulls together.

On Items: I have plenty of gold. 635GP to be precise. So if I get in I could be what Strider is in the Movies.

@GM: Also I have been wondering what is the Protocol for the event one of us Falls?

Do we get to make another character or are we just out of the game?

Well regardless of what happens, Deodin will do his best to defend his comrades.

As will I!

I already have a massive list of feat I plan on taking. Level 2 is already occupied by Saving Shield.

I currently have that one.

As for planning, I don't generally plan to far ahead. I may start out with some sort of layout, but it usually falls by the wayside as the character progresses. Reason being, because of what happens to them while adventuring. I like to 'keep it organic' if that makes sense.

The Exchange

Yeah, I'm the same way with backgrounds. Leave them vague and let the character come together on his own.

@Aza - a couple of healers kits and some pots of CLW would be handy. And I wouldn't complain about a masterwork composite Longbow...

Dark Archive

You get to make a new guy

@Deodin: I keep it off til 2nd to get the basic Fighting style feats for this guy.

@D-Kal: I am planning 2-3 Healer Kits based on how many healers we get. I am leery to put 400GP tied up into a single item this early on.

@Killer Munch: That makes me a lot more comfortable now.

@Azaelas: That makes sense.

Perhaps D-Kal has a point about switching Bhoors over to a Divine Hunter Paladin which would be a touch more healing. His history and so fourth would not change much. There is little said about religion in ME but perhaps he has devoted himself to the ideals of the west or the Valar.

I would have to switch some stats and feats around but the general back story would be basically the same.

ME only has Eru Illuvatar. Remember there is a reason why it is a "Christian" Book.

Yes but it has little structure to the religion, hence "ideals of the valar."

The question is how much do men know of Illuvatar. Not that I would not mind presenting myself as a "servant of the secret fire."

Certain groups know a lot of Illuvatar... I think the Valar are more like the Archangels in ME. So I guess you could say you fight as the representative of the Valar.

I am down for the switch if we think the extra heals is helpful and the GM approves.

I personally think this campaign fits better with the Variant Rules I am planning on using for mine, but I digress.

But we could really use all the Healing we could get. As well as Ranged Support.

Yeah that makes sense I will make the switch if the GM approves.

If Azaelas dies you might meet Theomir, The Longstrider. Especially if I can get him a Glove of Storing.

I would definitely argue against LOTR being a Christian book, as did Tolkien himself in many of his letters. The Silmarillion definitely has some similarities to other creation texts, but Tolkien vehemently argued against anyone who tried to call LOTR or the legendarium an allegory. Depending on the race different Valar attended to them more closely, ie the creation of the Dwarves by Aulë, and so they had similar traits and remembered him in certain ways. As far as Eru, beyond creation he only acts, once, maybe twice, and has no dealings with Arda, and for the most part the Valar, after that. In fact, Manwë was the only one to really keep in contact with Eru during the whole of the Silmiarillion.

EDIT:It's been a bit since I read the Silmarillion, so Iluvatar may have acted a bit more, but I know he's pretty much absent and it's up to the Valar to figure things out through the majority of the book.

Tolkien did say it was not an allegory but he also said it was a profoundly christan and catholic work. "Initially by accident, intentionally on revision." There are plenty of stories in human history which are not allegory which do have themes and ideals that are presented.

Tolkien also pointed out that one of his main purposes in righting was reconstrunting a lost mythology of pre-norman Britian. So you see a lot of borrowing from norse tradition and elsewhere.

Even as a devout Catholic, he despised the structure of the church. He advised Christopher not to leave it because it was the only place that one could obtain communion. He even referred to the Christian story as the only "true fairy story" in his essay "On Fairy Stories" and even coined the term Euchatastrophe in reference to the incarnation of Jesus. But he believed that Fairy Stories were a sub-creation, so they may have parts of what he called "the soup" of similar stories to pull from, like your reference to the pre-norman Britain stuff, but if it would have been a Christian book it would have contained the Christian God. The world of Fairy to Tolkien was a world contained in itself, sub-created by it's author. When a book seller tried to peg him down on the theology of LOTR, especially referencing Tom Bombadill as an allerogy of God, he wrote the guy off, telling him that he was reading too much into the work, taking it too seriously.

BTW,I'm not here to start one of these crazy forum arguments, so I hope no one is getting offended by my coming back with "arguments." My major was religious studies and I took a whole class dedicated to Tolkien, so I love talking about this stuff! If anyone is getting offended or annoyed, I will immediately back off the religion topic, no worries!

I am not annoyed. Its cool Tanis. I think there a vast difference from a work like Bunyan's strict Allegory "Pilgrim's Progress" and a work like LOTR which while not allegory is inspired by and shares themes and perspective of the author's faith. Its not that a single character is analogous to Jesus but that there are themes of suffering, sacrifice and redemption.

I look forward to adventuring with you.

As I you! I just wanted to make sure to throw that caveat out there just in case anyone didn't like this. Religion and Politics, not always good for polite dinner conversations or gaming forums ;)

In other news, a large flock of crows were seen flying overhead.

Crabein from Dunland!!!

At first I was thinking it was a small cloud.

Tanis, that was why I put it in "".

The Exchange

Bhoors, let me know when the conversion is done. I'd love to look over it.

It would probably be this evening before I could get stats and so forth up. Also I wanted to make sure the GM was cool with it.

Though likey I would simply switch Wisdom and Charisma. And then smack Paladin in for class.

I just thought...

Why don't you put the 2 versions in their own spoilers and if the GM allows you to play the Paladin just use the Paladin Stat Block.

Sorry, Azaelas, didn't mean to make a thing out of it. It's just really the first time I've been able to jump into the posting here with a fun fact. I'm a lot newer to Pathfinders than obviously most of you all, so I haven't been able to contribute to the conversation about character building. Once I got my Elf Druid set I basically just watched what everyone was writing and scratched my head going "huh?"

Dark Archive

You can make your paladin and like D-kal i have red the Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings

The Exchange

Didn't realize you were new. Are you open to build tips? And have you read the guide to PbPs?

Oh it is fine. Just clarifying that there was a reason why I phrased it the way I did.

I for one have only 3 Years experience with 3.5/Pathfinder (played both for like 5 Months) but I have GM'd/Co-GM'd around 100+ Campaigns in that time.

Your druid seems really nice. Though you might spend some GP on a Dagger or Cestus for just in case Melee.

I will put in the stat block later today then. I guess I will play my viscious axeman more like Captain America than Wolverine. lol

Well, I'm new in the sense that I played one home game for a few months, picked up the core rulebook, and then the GM left town and the game ended so I haven't really played sense. I'm just getting started out in pbp. I've read some pbp guides and am currently playing in two pbp's here, so I've got the rhythm of that down. I am open to tips and suggestions, but don't be too offended if I don't take them all only because I'm trying to not over-complicate things for myself. I do have access to a lot of the materials, but I'm trying to get some more gaming under my belt before I stray too far from the core rulebook. I'll definitely look into getting a dagger, I had thought about it and then never really gone and done it.

The Exchange

Why are you switching from TWF to axe & shield?

@Tanis - yes, a dagger is an always.

Added the dagger.

No that was a personality change from CG to LG. I will still fight with double axes.

He still could TWF with and Axe and Shield. My fighter is going to. Though for the later TWF Feats I will need either Stat increases or a Belt of DEX for them...

Here is the alternate Bhoors

Male human Ranger 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2 ; Senses Perception +6
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 dex)
hp 12 (1d10+1)
Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +2
Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Handaxe +3 1d6+4 20/x2
Melee Handaxe +3 1d6+4 20/x2
Ranged Axe, Throwing +3 1d6+4 20/x2
Ranged Throwing Axe Primary +1 1d6+4 20/x2
Ranged Throwing Axe Secondary +1 1d6+4 20/x2
Ranged Shortbow +3 1d6 20/x3
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 10
Base Atk +1, Cmb +5Cmd +17
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Armor Proficiency (Light) (PFCR 118), Armor Proficiency (Medium) (PFCR 118), Double Slice (PFCR 122), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Two-Weapon Fighting (PFCR 136)
Skills Acrobatics +0, Climb +4, Handle Animal +4, Knowledge (nature) +4, Perception +6, Stealth +2, Survival +6
Languages Common
SQ Favored Enemy, Ranger Wild Empathy
Combat Gear Handaxe, Axe, Throwing, Throwing Axe Primary, Throwing Axe Secondary, Shortbow, Scale Mail
Note: He uses throwing axes both in melee and ranged. I listed them as hand axes because of the generator I have. I did adjust the crit multiplier on the axes. Because a hand axe is x3 while throwing axes even used in melee is x2. The idea being that he can strike and throw with the same axe.

Alternate stats for Divine Hunter Paladin:
Male Paladin 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15 (+5 armor, +2 dex)
hp 11 (1d10+1)
SR 0
Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2
Armor Scale Mail, Medium
Spd 20 ft/x4
Melee Handaxe (throwing axe used melee) +3 (1d6+4) 20/x2 Two-Weapon Primary (light Secondary)
Melee Handaxe (thowing axe used melee) +3 (1d6+4) 20/x2 Two-Weapon Secondary
Melee Melee Dagger +5 (1d4+4) 19-20/x2
Ranged Throwing Axe +3 (1d6+4) 20/x2
Ranged Throwing Axe +1 (1d6+4) 20/x2 Thrown 2 weap. Primary (lt.Secondary)
Ranged Shortbow +3 (1d6) 20/x3
Special Attacks Smite Evil [1] (PFCR 60-61)
Str 18, Dex 15, Con 13, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
BAB +1, CMB +5, CMD +17
Feats Armor Proficiency (LIGHT / MEDIUM) (PFCR 118), Double Slice (PFCR 122), Precise Shot (PFCR 131), Shield Proficiency (PFCR 133), Two-Weapon Fighting (PFCR 136)
Skills Heal +4, Profession (woodcutter) +4, Ride +2, Survival +5
SQ Aura of Good (PFCR 60), Detect Evil (PFCR 60)
Traits Pioneer (Campaign: Kingmaker) (PFAP: KgMr PG 11 - 12)
Languages Common
Gear Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Hooded Lantern, 10 trail rations, Backpack, Flint & Steel, Whet Stone, Explorer's Outfit, Climber's Kit, Earthenware Mug, Small figureines, Quiver, 20 arrows, Soap

I won't be getting the Divine Bond till 4th level which I was going to apply to my axes. Now my intent was to use the throwing axes for both melee and ranged (kinda like tomahawks).

additional stuff:
Additional Possessions; Bedroll, Winter Blanket, Soap, Explorer’s Outfit, Climbers kit, an earthenware mug made by his grandmother and various small wooden figurines in various states of whittling.

Background: Bhoors Thistledown is a Woodsman living in the lands between the great river and the Mirkwood. He was raised by his maternal grandmother Hilde. His mother had died in childbirth and his father passed just before his 10th birthday of fever, from a wound attained while logging. Bhoors was mentored by several of the other men in the small community after the death of his father. He was able to learn quite a bit; hunting, trapping, tracking, and worked in his teen years with the timber crews and huntsmen. About 4 years ago his grandmother died. Since that time Bhoors has spent more and more time wandering farther and farther into the wilds. He lives off the land and trades in pelts and furs when his travels bring him to civilization. He has grown increasingly concerned in that there is increased activity among the wildlings, and orcs in the region. Though he only speaks Westerness he has a fondness for maps and learning of places that for him have always been far off.
(While I am not sure where we will beginning Bhoors is a wanderer so that might be the explanation. If he has encountered forces that are working against the orcs or the enemy he would gladly lend an axe. His village is south of Beorn’s Carrock. Nearest human settlement would likely be Rohan. If the action is starting near Gondor tracking orcs between the Misty Mountains, Isengard and Mordor could easily lead him toward Gondor. At the close of the War of the Ring Saurman has agents in Bree and the Shire. If these exist tracking such unsavory suspicious types might have drawn him to Bree.)

Appearance: Bhoors is crowned with a head of firey red hair worn long, held out of his face by a wide sage green bandana. It has been a week or so since his last shave. He has bright alert greenish eyes. He has a smirking charm when he speaks when the situation is friendly that cuts his through his hard wild general look. He is clothed in deep maroons, browns and greens easily. His clothes and gear appear well kept though well weathered. He wears a sturdy suit of scale mail, whose scales are dull grey iron fastened on to a deep maroon leather backing. Knot work patterns race along leather straps and accents depicting bears. Around his waist is a broad leather wrap fastened with three thin belts chased with knot work bears. Amongst his gear a short bow and several light axes, worn on each hip and cross his back.

I am open to suggestions. To tweak here and there. I know that Paladins are not the greatest two weapon fighters. But I really wanted to keep that plan of being a wood chipper. I noticed a real lack of skill points.

The Exchange

I really like the addition of precise shot to that build.

@Aza - I thought a 1 STR Longbow was 100, +100 for masterwork?

@Tanis - why no armor?

Yeah I think overall its a help to the group compared to the ranger. I am doing my best trying to keep the same character concept. In the end I think he will be more duty and honor driven (LG) comapred to the ranger I was ensisioning who was good but not as duty bond. Subtle difference but that's what makes it fun. I still took the pioneer trait so that survival was a class skill which gives you a free horse!

I think my concept calls for Quick Draw so that I can seemlessly move between melee and ranged.

Initially my thought was the whole Druid, super close to nature, doesn't feel the need to be encumbered by too many man-made things. Also I definitely built him to be ranged. But, I guess a bit o' leather wouldn't hurt, even for a Druid!

The Exchange

I was thinking quick-draw, but I didn't want to squelch your fighting flare. You can still draw 2 weapons with a move action when needed. Double slice is good if you expect to be mostly melee, but that's a tough call to make.

@T - check out quilted armor if you like. Not much AC, but DR vs things like goblin arrows.

That's pretty cool, especially because of the Goblin Arrow thing, but unfortunately Druids get very little starting cash. I'll go with the leather, I already updated my stats.

A hide shirt or hide armor might do very well for you Tanis.

Well D for Bhoors I figured he is a switch hitter. Throwing is short ranged as it is. Quick draw will be the next feat probably. Once I have mulit attacks I will want to Strike, strike, throw and still have two axes at the ready.

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