Leinathan's Motteditor's Kingmaker PBP (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan


Battle on the Leng Ship!, round 3

1. Katerina
2. Denizens of Leng
3. Keerek (entangled, rooted) <--- You are up!
4. Heidan (entangled, rooted) + Thkrull <--- You are up!
5. Leng Engineers
6. Prazil + Spike
7. Leng Ship

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RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Looking like I may not get a chance to post for a couple days here. Sorry.


S'cool, Mott. No worries.

@Agnar - I liked your entry! I liked Mike Welhan's Green Strangler a bunch too, but you got my vote. And I have to confess, you have some serious talent, dude. Excellent job! =)

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7

I dug the faerie and voted for it, too. I liked the impetuous volatile nature of it; it seems to fit my concept of the fae well.

Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 10

Thank you, folks. Much appreciated.

Nice! You've got another vote.

Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey

Thanks. :)

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

I just wanted to wish everyone Happy Holidays and say thank you for putting up with my lack of posting over the past couple of months.
My mother-in-law is back home from the nursing facility and the family has arranged home health care for her so the twice a month drives down and back to see her and keep an eye my 85 year old father-in-law will finally slow down and I can get back to a more normal rate of posting.
Unfortunately that probably wont be happening until after the first of the year.
Again, thank you and (may your) God bless.

Good to hear that things are slowly working themselves out.

Also, Merry Christmas everyone!


So I guess Orin is REAAAALLY protective of Prazil. One successful grapple maneuver vs the little guy and Orin crits like a champ!

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

Yeah, despite trying to go non-lethal that's enough to crush a normal's skull.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ha! And Kereek thought he had a crush on Jon. Clearly it's PRAZIL he really cares about. ; )

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7

Once you go kobold, you never go back... (mainly because of the extensive trap network and devious in-fighting...)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sorry about the delay. Will move you on shortly.

I've been working on a real life version of this. I made my Will save and happily Laura failed her. : )


Congratulations, Mott!

Male Human(ish) Level 7 RPG Monkey


Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

Cleaning up the loot list, everyone gets 210 gp's from the sale of past loot and the Gyronna gem.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Thanks, Orin. And since I'm in the process of doing this in another game, everyone want to give me an inventory of their wealth. I think we should be close, but I suspect you're all a little under-wealthed. (Yeah, I made that word up.)

I'll play out the stuff with Grigori hopefully tonight.

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

According to my Herolab portfolio Orin has 10,752 gp's worth of goods and magic.

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7

Kereek is currently at 8,549 gp.

Treshiell has 4542 gp (537 gold coins and 4005 gp worth of gear) + the price of the haunting glass.


After adding 210gp from Orin's post above, Prazil's currently sporting a net worth of 9,112.40 gp.

Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 10

5275gp, ballpark, plus the value of his magical holy symbol.


Just a head's up - I'll be visiting an old college roommate this weekend and there's a good chance I won't be able to post much (if at all). If I do get the opportunity, I'll try and check in with my phone. Should be back to normal when I roll back into town Monday night.

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7


What is this 'normal' you speak of?

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Just wanted to say I loved that burst of activity. Good stuff there. If I'd known, I'd have given you guys a murder mystery ages ago!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

So have we figured out a second question?

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7


motteditor wrote:
So have we figured out a second question?

Working on it :)

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hey, guys, I'm excited to say I'm back in Superstar, so I might be a little sporadic again in posting. That said, let's pick a second question. :)

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7

Go forth and win, Mott!

Congratulations! I really liked the item but found the spinning around the target's head abit restrictive for some reason. Good job!

Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 10

I'm fairly certain he'll have to at least design an encounter, because that monster is boss!


Hey guys, I just wanted to drop this link here in case any of you guys are interested. Another pbp I'm in had a player vanish on us after a little more than a year of playing. We're looking for a replacement and if any of you would care to check it out, feel free to swing by the recruitment thread over here.

It's one of the slower pbp's I'm in, with posts from each of the players maybe twice a week. We're level 3 and about to head back to Thistletop to take down Nualia in the first chapter of Rise of the Runelords.

I'd love to play in another game with any one of you guys, so if you're interested and care to submit a character, you'll have my happy endorsement =)

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Let's see if we can finish up this scene. Honestly, Grigori doesn't have that much more information he can give you, so it's not worth holding up everything to try to figure out the perfect question. :)

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7

Boxers or briefs?

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

Boxer briefs

Are there any more agents that Pita has hired in our kingdom?

Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 10

Well, if we know he was hired by Pitax to cause dissent and he wasn't awake to see his killer, then if we want to focus on his murder I suppose the best way to carry on from this avenue would be to ask if he noticed anyone or anything suspicious before he retired for the evening that might give us an avenue of investigation. Otherwise, I'm out of ideas.

Edit: Ninja'd by Orin. Or we shift back to Pitax and ask that question.

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]
TetsujinOni wrote:
When you are maintaining detect magic to study an item to identify its properties, this suggests that the concentration requirement normally precludes taking 10? Is this accurate and intentional?
Jason Bulmahn wrote:
This is intentional.

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

Loot List updated. Everyone gets 46 gp's and 4 sp's from the loose change.

Ring of Swarming Stabs:

Aura faint transmutation; CL 5th
Slot ring; Price 6,000 gp; Weight —


This ring is crafted of hardened leather strips, into which bits of fur, feathers, bone, and ivory have been woven.

Twice per day, when the wearer is flanking an opponent, he can as a swift action deal an additional 1d6 points of damage on a successful melee attack against that opponent. This is a sneak attack for any effects that reduce or negate such damage.


Forge Ring, guidance, creator must be able to sneak attack; Cost 3,000 gp

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

Orin would like the +1 arrows, but other than that I don't see anything else that would catch his fancy.
Agnar gets the Sound Burst scroll by default since he's the only one who can use it (it's Bard/Cleric (Oracle) only).
Kereek and Treshiell can wrestle over the Scare scroll as they both can use it (my money's on Treshiell, although Kereek is small and wiry).
The cure potions can be doled out to whoever wants them and the Undetectable Alignments can be sold.
Aganr and Treshiell are the only two who can benefit from the Pearl of Power, so it should go to one of them.
The other stuff can go to whoever wants it or it can be sold for cold, hard, cash.

Treshiell already has a Pearl of Power, although it's only for lvl1 spells.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

With all the Superstar monsters being revealed today, I may be a little absent for a bit while I catch up on them and work on potential R3 entries (plus my folks are coming to visit this weekend).

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

That's okay, Mott. I think it's going to be more bookkeeping than adventuring for a while.
Also would it be possible to get an updated map soon.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'll try to get you a map this week.

Oh, P.S. if you want to vote for me, I'd certainly appreciate it. :)

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]
motteditor wrote:

I'll try to get you a map this week.

Oh, P.S. if you want to vote for me, I'd certainly appreciate it. :)


Male Human (Ulfen) Cleric 10

I have to say, it's the best dragon out of the bunch, and a couple notches above the other one with a similar theme.

RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16


I've added Tatzlford, which is your first other settlement, plus Hargulka's lair, though you didn't explore that text (IIRC), so it's on top of the blacked out area.

HP 76/76, AC 21, T 14, FF 18, F+5, R+7, W+8, Perc +12, Init +7

We really need to explore the hexes around Tatzlford as soon as we're able. Who's up for a troll extermination?!?

Male Half elf Spell-less Ranger 7
Character Information:
[HP: 62]; [Armor Class: 24; Touch: 16; Flat Footed: 22]; [BAB: +7; CMB: +11; CMD: 27]; [Saves: Fortitude: +6; Reflex: +7; Will: +3]; [Initiative: +2]; [Perception: +16]

No, we really didn't. We kind of made a beeline to his lair once we discovered it. I would really like to explore the northwest corner of our map first. Maybe making our way down the side to the trolls.

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