Leinathan's Motteditor's Kingmaker PBP (Inactive)

Game Master leinathan


Battle on the Leng Ship!, round 3

1. Katerina
2. Denizens of Leng
3. Keerek (entangled, rooted) <--- You are up!
4. Heidan (entangled, rooted) + Thkrull <--- You are up!
5. Leng Engineers
6. Prazil + Spike
7. Leng Ship

1. Save the day!
Something mysterious and dangerous is happening at Pitax's Rushlight Festival. You must save the day!

The Heroes

- Katerina the Maid [hp 99/120, status: 1 Dexterity drain]

- Keerek Sharpeye [hp 76/76, status: none]

- Prazil [hp 89/89, status: none]
. . . Spike, triceratops companion [hp 97/97, status: none]

- Heidan of the Wyld [hp 114/114, status: none]
. . . Thkrull, big cat companion [hp 82/82, status: none]

Alignment: NG
Size: 6 hexes (72 square miles)

Ruler: Baron Jon Surtova, +3 Stability
Councilor: Jhod Kavken, +4 Loyalty
General: Kesten Garess, +3 Stability
Grand Diplomat: Rupert Hentzau, +2 Stability
High Priest: Agnar Hrolfson, +3 Stability
Magister: Treshiell, +4 Economy
Marshal: Prazil, +4 Economy
Royal Assassin: Vacant, + x Loyalty, -1 unrest
Spymaster: Kereek, +3 Stability
Treasurer: Stevic Leveton, +2 Economy
Warden: Orin Ro, +4 Loyalty

Capital: Thronehold; population 6,769
Thronehold is mostly your typical small frontier town. Built on the shores of a glistening lake, Thronehold is all wooden houses and dirt roads. Despite being only a few years old, Thronehold has exploded in size over the course of its life due to the political support of Brevoy and the popularity of its rulers and heroes. Being so close to the Narlmarches, its primary export is lumber. A fort sits in the center of the town, the home of its rulers and its small militia force.


An unnamed boggard in the swamp, who appears to only want to be left alone, though communication is difficult with his limited grasp of Common.

Bokken, potion-making hermit
An older, slightly addled human, Bokken claims to be able to make various healing and other potions, offering a discount if the group will bring him enough fangberries to make seven healing elixers.

Dhavika, Stetven Sirens
A half-orc warrior, she seems to be generally friendly and quick to laugh, despite her intimidating features, with a prominent brow and pair of tusks jutting from her mouth.

Gaelle, Stetven Sirens
A red-haired human woman apparently in her mid-30s, she appears to be touchy about criticism toward her fellow Sirens.

Germalkin Raulfoodle Wimwicket Corynock Fudnab Waybell
A gnomish prospector, searching for gold

Hargulka, a troll lord, who tried to convince the Sootscale kobolds to leave Hartsland and ally with him.

Hari, Stetven Sirens
A Tian woman. She was missing from Fort Kazmir when the party awoke the morning after meeting her there.

Jhod Kaveken, priest of Erastil
A graying brown-haired, balding human, he was brought into the camp by Hari shortly afterthe party was exploring. Says he came up to the area from Galt, via Numeria, and was led here by a vision from his god about an old temple with a "not right" bear. After the party cleared the former temple of Erastil of a cursed bear, he moved there (recruiting Vandar as a guard) and began working to re-establish it as a working temple. He shows little sense of humor with fey in the area.

Jubilost Narthropple, gnomish explorer
Rescued after a kobold attack, he seemed more suspicious of the group's friendship with Kereek and Prazil than grateful. Offered to sell maps before resuming his exploration of the area.

Kesten Garess, leader of the Stetven Sirens
A blond man with curly hair, he claims to be from a Brevoy noble family. He now leads a small group of female soldiers, having been sent south to defend Fort Kazmir. In practice at least, he appears to be a formidable swordsman. He's also quite the ladies man, apparently incapable of even correctly remembering names of various men he's been introduced to.

Marcine, Stetven Sirens
An attractive Taldan woman with short-cropped brown hair. She appears to dislike snakes.

Mikmek, strong Sootscale kobold warrior
Mikmek am strong kobold warrior of Sootscale tribe. The black-scaled humanoid met big ones at delicious radish patch. He am very impressed by big lady one who speak proper, and give her radish. One radish! To share! He am thinking almost normal size hairy one not bad either.

Nagrundi, a troll ally of Lord Hargulka.

The Old Beldame, also known as the Swamp Witch or Elga Verniex
A crabby older fey-touched human woman, she claims to be a crafter of magical constructs, weapons, armor and other items. Prefers to live alone, with her home guarded by a pumpkin-headed scarecrow.

Perlivash, mischievous faerie dragon
One of two fey who seem to enjoy causing pranks in the northwest Greenbelt forest. They also alerted the group to an approaching danger at one point.

Ripper, aka Thamos Skel
A somewhat fatalistic human, he was part of a group of bandits -- led by Keldar -- that refused to swear allegiance to the Staglord. The rest were killed by the party during an attempt to rob Agnar Hrolfson. He said he would try to go straight in return for being allowed to live.

Stevic Leveton, owner of the trading post at Fort Kazmir.
A large Taldan man in his mid-40s, he has a close-trimmed brown beard and curly brown hair, though streaks of gray can be seen starting to appear as well as a bald spot at the back of his head. He took over the fort to get away from society. Seems to be incapable of talking without swearing. Married to Stevic.

Taerine Leveton,wife of Stevic
An attractive Taldan woman in her late 20s, Taerine helps run the trading post at Fort Kazmir, cooking for guests among other chores. She's trying to get pregnant.

Tyg-Titter-Tut, mischievous grig
One of two fey who seem to enjoy causing pranks in the northwest Greenbelt forest. They also alerted the group to an approaching danger at one point.

A former Thorn River bandit, he was captured during an assault on Fort Kazmir and helped the party defeat his former comrades in return for his life. After the fight, he chose to stay with the party. A human in his early 20s, he likely has Varisian and Kellid ancestors, evident in his dark hair. His nose appears to have been broken at least once. He apparently took it upon himself to spy on the Stetven Sirens after being left at the fort while the party explored, and eventually accepted a request to go to the Temple of the Elk to guard Jhod as he tries to re-establish the temple.

Stag Lord bandits: Celthric, Jex, Fat Norry, "Father" Avery Tessino, Cragger, Dirty Jeb