LOC Skulls and Shackles

Game Master LitanyOfCurses

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Female Human (Varisian)

May as well take this as the opportunity to mention that this is Gen Con week. I'll be out of the picture from sometime on Wednesday until late Sunday or possibly Monday. Feel free to bot me as needed to keep things moving.

Female Human (Varisian)

Litany of Curses, a question on Summon Good Monster. By RAW, the Diehard feat that is granted is worthless since summoned monsters go poof at 0 hp. Wanted to see if you want to go with RAW or allow creatures that would be affected by that feat to gain the benefits of Diehard and not go away until they fall unconscious or die. Summon Good Monster still has other benefits that make it worth taking, but wanted to check on how you want to play that aspect of things before we get into a combat situation that might be affected by it.

You can replace diehard with +2 to fort save

Female Human (Varisian)

Ok, sounds like a good plan. Thanks!

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

I'm spending some of my gold before we set sail:

One Harrow deck
One Masterwork longsword
One cold iron longsword
One alchemical silver longsword

Because you always end up needing special metals when you least expect it. ;) Also, I need the Harrow deck for my upcoming Prestige Class.

It will take 5 days for the ship to be upgraded. While Rickety Squibs is about the size of a village, It is a hub of trade for pirated loot, you should not have trouble with your purchases

did you guys want to make an infamy check?

To gain Infamy, the PCs must moor their ship at a port for 1 full day, and the PC determined by the group to be its main storyteller must spend this time on shore carousing and boasting of infamous deeds. This PC must make either a Bluff, Intimidate, or Perform check to gauge the effectiveness of her recounting or embellishing. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + twice the group’s average party level (APL), and the check is referred to as an Infamy check. If the character succeeds at this check, the group’s Infamy and Disrepute both increase by +1 (so long as neither score is already at its maximum amount). If the result exceeds the DC by +5, the group’s Infamy and Disrepute increase by +2; if the result exceeds the DC by +10, both scores increase by +3. The most a party’s Infamy and Disrepute scores can ever increase as a result of a single Infamy check is by 3 points. If the PC fails the Infamy check, there is no change in her group’s Infamy score and the day has been wasted.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

The Cpatian is quite the story teller. While we have five dead days, I suggest we spend it drinking the night away, and telling tall tales. Might as well get that infamy score up!

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4
Quara Sher wrote:

I'm spending some of my gold before we set sail:

One Harrow deck
One Masterwork longsword
One cold iron longsword
One alchemical silver longsword

Because you always end up needing special metals when you least expect it. ;) Also, I need the Harrow deck for my upcoming Prestige Class.

We'll have to start calling you Quara of the three blades!

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4
LitanyOfCurses wrote:


I think it'd be fine to go inactive. I wasn't aware it could be transferred before I made this board.

Will do. I wasn't aware either, but let me know if you need any previous details.

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)
Amaric Drayden wrote:
Quara Sher wrote:

I'm spending some of my gold before we set sail:

One Harrow deck
One Masterwork longsword
One cold iron longsword
One alchemical silver longsword

Because you always end up needing special metals when you least expect it. ;) Also, I need the Harrow deck for my upcoming Prestige Class.

We'll have to start calling you Quara of the three blades!

You never know when you'll need a special metal weapon. ;)

Female Human (Varisian)

Quara, I think you're the one that needs to make the infamy attempts as our leader. Something tells me that shouldn't pass up these opportunities.

any one in the group can be the main infamy storyteller. I would prefer you have a consensus on who that is and make one roll.

To gain Infamy, the PCs must moor their ship at a port for 1 full day, and the PC determined by the group to be its main storyteller must spend this time on shore carousing and boasting of infamous deeds. This PC must make either a Bluff, Intimidate, or Perform check to gauge the effectiveness of her recounting or embellishing. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + twice the group’s average party level (APL), and the check is referred to as an Infamy check. If the character succeeds at this check, the group’s Infamy and Disrepute both increase by +1 (so long as neither score is already at its maximum amount). If the result exceeds the DC by +5, the group’s Infamy and Disrepute increase by +2; if the result exceeds the DC by +10, both scores increase by +3. The most a party’s Infamy and Disrepute scores can ever increase as a result of a single Infamy check is by 3 points. If the PC fails the Infamy check, there is no change in her group’s Infamy score and the day has been wasted.

Female Human (Varisian)

I am at best a +2 in any of those.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

I'm pretty good at the Intimidate checks, but after being press ganged to start, I hesitate to go down that path with others, lol.

Female Human (Varisian)

Atajay, this isn't for recruiting. This is for embellishing reputation. The two are separate rolls. And I don't think there is a mechanical difference if you use Bluff, Intimidate or Perform. They all have the same effect.

And the way I read things, we can assist when recruiting, but only one person can roll the Infamy checks. They are all or nothing so we should have whoever has the biggest bonus roll them.

Chava is correct
see the following link for a doc on infamy specifics

Link to Plunder and Infamy Document

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4

Bluff bonus is +8. I've not sailed with the crew, but I could make up some good stories about The Rabbit Prince's brave captain and crew, in future.

Female Human (Varisian)

Atajay still has you beat with a +9 Intimidate. Quara's got a +11 Perform though so I think she will probably be our Infamy lead. Interpretive dance is an interesting route to infamy!

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

The Dancing Captain!

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4

Ha, that sounds like our captain's MO, :)

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

Just wait until I get Spellsong and some charm spells under my belt! ;) Mwahaha!

I will be vacationing in Ireland until the 20th, I will not be posting until my return

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Have fun! Want us to do two more days of recruiting while you are gone?

Female Human (Varisian)

Quara, now that you're back, can you go ahead and make the Infamy check. LOC has posted the mechanic a couple times above. Looks like your Perform (Dance) is the best skill in the group for the check.

@atajay you have one more event before sailing it'll have to wait sorry

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

Blergh. Looks like I didn't get that first Infamy check with my natural 1. Sorry, folks...

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Ahahaha, the sailors in the bar wonder what just happened and why that strange Captain was gyrating towards them.

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4

Have a great time LOC, Ireland's awesome.

Female Human (Varisian)
Quara Sher wrote:
Blergh. Looks like I didn't get that first Infamy check with my natural 1. Sorry, folks...

That's all right! It's rolled (and not assisted) so you're not expected to make it every time. We'll achieve our reputation soon enough.

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