LOC Skulls and Shackles

Game Master LitanyOfCurses

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OOC Thread

base price
of 2,000 gp to squib the Rabbit Prince

Ship Improvements

The following ship improvements can be added to a ship.

Additional Crew Quarters

The ship's sailors have more space to sleep and eat.

The ship may support 10% more passengers, but its cargo capacity is decreased by 10%.

Craft (ships) DC 22; Cost: 2600

Armor Plating

Benefit: By attaching metal plates to the ship, the hull's hit points are increased by +15% and its hardness is increased by +4. This modification reduces a ship's cargo capacity by 15%. The armor plating slows the ship, imposing a –1 penalty on all sailing checks. The ship's tactical speed in ship-to-ship combat is not affected, but its waterborne speed is reduced by 20%.

Craft (ships) DC 28; Cost: 3900

Broad Rudder

Benefit: A wide rudder makes a ship more nimble, granting a +1 bonus on all sailing checks.

Craft (ships) DC 16; Cost: 500 gp

Concealed Weapon Port

Benefit: The ship's belowdecks area undergoes major reconstruction in order to house Large direct-fire siege engines, such as light ballistae or cannons, if they are in use in the campaign. A concealed weapon port can only be recognized on a successful DC 15 Perception check. Each concealed port reduces a ship's cargo capacity by 5 tons, in addition to the space required by the weapon itself.

Craft (ships) DC 16; Cost: 100 gp per port (in addition to the cost of the weapons)

Extended Keel

The ship's keel is longer than usual for a vessel of its type.

Benefit: The ship's measurements from bow to stern are 10% longer than normal, though cargo capacity is not appreciably affected. The ship is more stable, and grants a +1 bonus on all sailing checks. This improvement must be installed at the time of the ship's construction and cannot be added later.

Craft (ships) DC 19; Cost: 1300


Some ships sport fanciful carvings on their bowsprits.

Benefit: This modification is strictly cosmetic, with no real impact on game play. Players are encouraged to design their own custom figureheads, such as dolphins, mermaids, and other such creatures of myth.

Craft (carpentry) or Craft (sculptures) DC 10; Cost: 100–1,000 gp, depending on the port and the craftsman

Glass Bottom

The bottom of the ship is inset with wide windows, permitting those inside to gaze into the ocean.

Benefit: This has no effect on ship performance, other than making the ship's bottom only as strong as thick glass (hardness 1, hp 3, Break DC 8).

Craft (glass) DC 19; Cost: 650

Increased Cargo Capacity

An efficient remodeling of the ship's layout means more room for the ship's stores.

Benefit: The ship's cargo capacity is increased by 10%.

Craft (ships) DC 22; Cost: 1950

Magically Treated Control Device

Benefit: The ship's steering wheel or tiller is magically treated, doubling its hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (ships) DC 15; Cost: 1,000 gp

Magically Treated Hull

Benefit: The ship's hull is magically treated, doubling the ship's hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (ships) DC 15; Cost: 4,500 gp per square of ship

Magically Treated Oars

Benefit: The ship's oars are magically treated, doubling their hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (carpentry) or Craft (ships) DC 15; Cost: 100 gp per oar

Magically Treated Sails

Benefit: The ship's sails are magically treated, doubling their hit points and hardness. This improvement can only be added by a spellcaster with the Craft Wondrous Item feat.

Craft Wondrous Item, Craft (sails) DC 15; Cost: 500 gp per 5-foot-square of sails

Movable Deck

The features of the ship's decks are designed to be moved in order to disguise the ship as an altogether different vessel.

Benefit: After pulling up dozens of kingpins, the crew can slide the sterncastle forward on hidden rails, rearrange the position of the masts, extend the gunwales, lower the poop deck, transfer the ship's wheel, and make other cosmetic changes such as a new figurehead and different-colored sails. The secret pins, levers, and tracks can only be found with a DC 20 Perception check during a close examination of the ship.

Craft (ships) DC 28; Cost: 5200

Narrow Hull

The ship has been intentionally designed with a more slender hull, enabling it to slip through smaller spaces.

Benefit: The ship's beam (width) is decreased by 20%, and cargo capacity is reduced by 10%. However, the ship gains a +2 bonus on all sailing checks. This improvement must be installed at the time of the ship's construction and cannot be added later.

Craft (ships) DC 22; Cost: 1950


The ship bears a standard ram, usually sheathed in bronze or iron, mounted on its bow.

Benefit: A ship equipped with a ram deals an additional 2d8 points of damage with a ramming maneuver, and ignores the damage for the first square it enters of a solid object, and all damage from ramming creatures or other objects (such as other ships).

Craft (ships) DC 10; Cost: 1,000 gp (Colossal ship)

Rapid-Deploy Sails

The ship's rigging undergoes a wholesale change as improvements in engineering enable the sails to be raised and lowered much faster than normal.

Benefit: Any sail adjustments can be made in half the normal time, granting a +1 bonus on all sailing checks.

Craft (sails) or Knowledge (engineering) DC 25; Cost: 1300

Silk Sails

Few ship improvements are as beautiful as the addition of silk sails. These sails can be designed in whatever color the player desires; they are often embroidered with striking images of the sea. Such sails are usually imported from faraway lands. Silk sails give the ship superior rates of movement, as they capture and displace the wind more efficiently.

Benefit: A ship with silk sails gains a +1 bonus on opposed sailing checks to gain the upper hand. The ship's tactical speed in ship-to-ship combat is not affected, but its waterborne speed is increased by 10%.

Craft (sails) DC 16; Cost: 1950

Smuggling Compartments

The ship's bulkheads are modified so that gaps between them can serve as hidden cargo storage areas.

Benefit: This does not change a ship's cargo capacity. A smuggling compartment can hold anything that fits within a 5-foot cubic space. If you are using the plunder rules (see “The Life of a Pirate” in Pathfinder Adventure Path #55 for details on the plunder system), in general, two smuggling compartments are required to hold 1 point of plunder. A DC 20 Perception check is required to locate smuggling compartments in a search of the ship.

Craft (ships) DC 19; Cost: 500 gp per 5-foot-square compartment

Sturdy Hull

The ship's body has had additional supports and layers of wood added to it, making it thicker and more resilient.

Benefit: The hull's hardness is increased by 2, but the ship's cargo capacity is reduced by 10%.

Craft (ships) DC 16; Cost: 1300

Wooden Plating

For protection during naval combat, this ship has received additional wooden planks nailed to its hull.

Benefit: The hull's hit points are increased by 5% and its hardness is increased by 2. However, this reduces cargo capacity by 10% as extra room must be made inside for beams to support the reinforcements. The ship's tactical speed in ship-to-ship combat is not affected, but its waterborne speed is reduced by 10%.

Craft (ships) DC 25; Cost: 2600

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Dotting here, DM. Thanks again for picking up the pieces for us!

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4

Hedgehog here with a swashbuckler, nearly ready apart from rolling hit points, finalising equipment, and finishing back story. Are you happy to create him at 4th level, or would you prefer him to start at a lower level? Usual starting gold?

Litany, any other information you're needing from the first sourcebook?

Hi Nick,

4th level WBL cash

I don't think I need it. We'll start with improving your vessel, and getting you in debt :) which will push you out into the world and start pirating. lol

I do realize your group will be on the good side of things, so I'm figuring up scenarios to keep you on that side of the line that are also lucrative...ya know so you can pay off the boat :)

Once you guys figure out the improvements, we'll be able to get into the full swing of things

One Note:

Movable Deck:

The features of the ship's decks are designed to be moved in order to disguise the ship as an altogether different vessel.

Benefit: After pulling up dozens of kingpins, the crew can slide the sterncastle forward on hidden rails, rearrange the position of the masts, extend the gunwales, lower the poop deck, transfer the ship's wheel, and make other cosmetic changes such as a new figurehead and different-colored sails. The secret pins, levers, and tracks can only be found with a DC 20 Perception check during a close examination of the ship.

Craft (ships) DC 28; Cost: 5200

this improvement will replace the base price of 2,000 gp to squib the Rabbit Prince. Plus you'll be able to change your lines whenever you need.

I sent an IM to Werner. Hopefully he'll post in soon. I'm ready to start whenever you guys are.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

We definitely need a 4th, unless you want to run Penta as an NPC, DM.

The Exchange

Oooh, I like the moveable decks idea. I've not heard from Werner for a while in the games, maybe he's on holiday?

I should have more time for gaming tonight, so should have Amaric ready to go.

4d10 ⇒ (8, 7, 3, 10) = 28 hit points

full hp 1st level

Yes we need 4. I'm just waiting on Werner, before making requests for someone new.

In the mean time, you three can customize. the Rabbit Prince.

Remember that you may want to add ship weapons.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

How much gold to we have to plan our ship alterations, dm? Weapons should be our first addition, I'd think.

The Exchange

LitanyOfCurses wrote:

full hp 1st level

Does that mean I can drop the lowest die? :)

From the previous thread, I think you were looking into fitting a ram and cannons (extortionate prices!). Also smuggler's compartments. Because everyone gets boarded sometimes.


You currently have 1 plunder in the hold of your ship.

for ship improvements 1 plunder = 1000gp

Rickety offers to underwrite their burgeoning careers as pirates as a major shareholder in their ship; the PCs will have to pay him one-third of all plunder
they recover until they have paid him off in an amount equaling 150% of the refitting costs

Realistically you could pay back 30-40k in improvements, if you prize the ships you attack...selling them as well as taking plunder.

@ Crazy

Drop 1st roll

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Sounds like Rickety has made us a pretty darn fair offer.

I think we need increased cargo capacity and the moveable deck. Four smuggling compartments to hold a couple extra points of plunder might be a good call. And of course, we need cannon and a battering ram. Those are my initial thoughts.

@ Crazy

for HP you could take 10 hp for 1st level, then use the first 3 rolls for 2nd-4th...and save the 10 roll for 5th level once you reach it, if you'd like

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4
LitanyOfCurses wrote:

@ Crazy

for HP you could take 10 hp for 1st level, then use the first 3 rolls for 2nd-4th...and save the 10 roll for 5th level once you reach it, if you'd like

Sure, happy to go with that. I've also take 2 hit points for favoured class. Equipment purchased, and I'll try to get up character background just now.

Well its been a week since Quara posted, and almost 2 weeks for Raven.

Do you know of any proven posters in your other game who might be interested?

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

Dot - sorry dor delay will check later.

The Exchange

Most of the original players in this game came from my other campaigns, but I'll ask again. You might also pick up some lurkers that way.

AC 16/12/14 HP 13/21 F+1 R+8 W+3 Init +4 Per+4

Just saw CHH's post in one of his threads. Was going to see about reviving Nachni, but looks like a lot of overlap with Quara. You guys have a bard, swashbuckler, and sorcerer. Anything else? What are the build rules?

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

I'd like to recommend we take:

Broad rudder

Smuggler's compartments

Sturdy hull

and maybe those Rapid-deploy sails.

I can make us a figurehead myself. ;) Craft (carpentry) 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 Hee-hee hoo... When Quara is done, the figurehead will be a beastly chimera of rabbit and tiger, with a fierce snarl and a baleful smile. :D

Hi Nachni,

you'd be 4th level use WBL for equipment.

I believe the point buy is 20. Full hp 1st, roll, or use average after.

The group is mostly good aligned, but you can play any alignment other than CE.

2 traits, one must be from Skulls and shackles players manual.

Pathfinder Classes/feats/traits/Archetypes.

I think the group could benefit from divine/martial or divine character most, but you can play anything you want.

Please wiegh in on ship modification if you like

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Yes, we'd be happy with any sort of character, but the DM has the right of it, I think, on party needs.

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4
Quara Sher wrote:

I can make us a figurehead myself. ;) Craft (carpentry) 1d20+7 Hee-hee hoo... When Quara is done, the figurehead will be a beastly chimera of rabbit and tiger, with a fierce snarl and a baleful smile. :D

I'm loving it! That will be great.

I agree with all the ship modifications. I'd also put in for improved armaments, a couple more ballistae at least and enough to make a broadside if we can swing it.

Welcome aboard Nachni! Quara you are getting a whole new crew to go with a whole new ship.

Increased Cargo Capacity

Benefit: The ship's cargo capacity is increased by 10%.

Cost: 1950

Movable Deck

Cost: 5200


Cost: 1,000

4x Smuggling Compartments

Cost 500 gp per 5-foot-square compartment

Broad Rudder

Benefit: A wide rudder makes a ship more nimble, granting a +1 bonus on all sailing checks.

Craft (ships) DC 16; Cost: 500 gp

Sturdy Hull

The ship's body has had additional supports and layers of wood added to it, making it thicker and more resilient.

Benefit: The hull's hardness is increased by 2, but the ship's cargo capacity is reduced by 10%.

Craft (ships) DC 16; Cost: 1300

Rapid-Deploy Sails

The ship's rigging undergoes a wholesale change as improvements in engineering enable the sails to be raised and lowered much faster than normal.

Benefit: Any sail adjustments can be made in half the normal time, granting a +1 bonus on all sailing checks.

Craft (sails) or Knowledge (engineering) DC 25; Cost: 1300

2x Ballista 500 gp 3d8 19–20 120 ft.

The ballista can be mounted fore and aft on main deck with 270 degree arc. You will need to add weapons ports to add anything more

Using a downpayment of 1 plunder. The price of the upgrades come to 13,250 gp

Your team will need to pay back 19875 gp to Hake

Please let me know if this is finalized, and we'll move forward

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Sounds good to me!

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)
Amaric Drayden wrote:
Quara Sher wrote:

I can make us a figurehead myself. ;) Craft (carpentry) 1d20+7 Hee-hee hoo... When Quara is done, the figurehead will be a beastly chimera of rabbit and tiger, with a fierce snarl and a baleful smile. :D

I'm loving it! That will be great.

I agree with all the ship modifications. I'd also put in for improved armaments, a couple more ballistae at least and enough to make a broadside if we can swing it.

Welcome aboard Nachni! Quara you are getting a whole new crew to go with a whole new ship.

Welcome aboard! ;D

Is everyone cool with hitting slavers? We can ransom what crew we don't kill, loot whatever valuables they have, and the 'cargo' can become the citizens of Hake's growing city - a citizenry with good reason to feel indebted to us.

Good karma and profit! :D

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

Let's boogie! >:D

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

I seem to have missed a level-up somehow...


Bard level: 4

Base attack bonus +1

Saves: Ref. +1, Will +1

HP: Half of maximum (4) +1 + 2 Con. bonus, +1 favoured class bonus, total becomes 30

Ability score +1. Score chosen: Strength. Strength becomes 14.

+1 Slot, 2nd. level, total becomes 2 2nd-level slots/day
2 New 2nd-level spells known.

Spells selected: Locate object (handy for finding our next target), Summon monster II (for emergency backup; also handy in case we need to slow down escaping targets. Think 'fire elemental in their sails)

Skill points: 7
Bluff +1 (total becomes +8)
Diplomacy +1 (total becomes +11)
Intimidate +1 (total becomes +7)
Knowledge (arcana) +1 (total becomes +8)
Perform (dance) +1 (total becomes +11 - due to Versatile Performance, Acrobatics and Fly likewise become +11)
Profession (sailor) +1 (total becomes +5)
Swim +1 (total becomes +6)

If we can make a few private purchases, Quara is in the market for a Harrow Deck, so she can start using her Harrowed-feat. ;)

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4

Yeah I am cool with the additions, the Rabbit Prince is going to be a tricked out ship.

Amaric's fine with the anti-slavery stance. Given his story, vengeance and liberation will be his mainstays.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Sounds good to me, Quara.

Female Human (Varisian)

I think I'm close. Core idea is a summoning focused cleric, but one that could still provide a wide range of divine support. I'm using the Herald Caller archetype from the Monster Summoning Handbook Player's Companion for the basic chassis.

I've been really up in the air about two things. First is whether to go with a reach cleric build or simply go with a strength build. I'm leaning toward the reach build you see here. Its definitely MAD, but figure I can make up for what I'm lacking in WIS and CHA down the road.

I also gave some real serious consideration to planning to go with the Tattooed Mystic prestige class. I've always wanted to try it, but with the small group, I think the straight up cleric will probably help more. There are a couple of required feats for entry that would cause me to skip combat feats and it also gives up a few levels of spellcasting relative to just sticking with cleric.

I've got a little more gold to spend, but figured I would open it up for thoughts or comments before wrapping things up.

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4

Chavakala looks like an intriguing character, super. Just got the Monster Summoning Players a Companion and thought the herald caller archetype looked like fun. Which deity are you thinking of choosing? Litany was playing a warpriest of Calistria previously, and there is a NPC cleric of Besmara among the crew. Or there was, there's been a real change up of the roster, anything could happen.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

I've not reading the Summoner's book yet, but I do think a summoning based character would be handy with us having a small party now. From what I know without reading the sourcebook, you look very handy.

Female Tiefling (Beastbrood) Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

As for the Tattooed Mystic - not everything is about game balance and planning. Play what you like; we're all here to have fun, right? ^_^

Female Human (Varisian)

She'll be worshipping Desna. Liberation domain. I think the traveling aspect of Desna fits well with the themes of the AP and helps explain how she has gotten here. I figure she grew up in Riddleport. I'l give the Tattooed Mystic some more thought while we travel today.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

I've never seen a Tattooed Mystic in action, but a lot of the PrC's look neat to me. I still will play a Veiled Illusionist one day, but I've not had the chance yet.

LitanyOfCurses wrote:

19875 gp to Hake

Below are the new statistics for the Rabbit Prince

The Rabbit Prince (Sailing Ship)
Colossal ship
Squares 3 (30 ft. by 90 ft.) Cost 23,250 gp
AC 2; Hardness 7
hp 1,620 (sails 360)
Base Save +6
Maximum Speed 90 ft. (wind); Acceleration 30 ft.
CMB +8; CMD 18
2x Ballista 500 gp 3d8 19–20 120 ft.
The ballista can be mounted fore and aft on main deck with 270 degree arc.
Ram: Ramming Damage 10d8
Propulsion wind or current
Sailing Check Profession (sailor)
+2 bonus on all sailing checks
4 x Smuggling Compartments
Movable Deck
Control Device steering wheel
Means of Propulsion 90 squares of sails (three masts)
Crew 20
Decks 3
Cargo/Passengers 150 tons/120 passengers


When summoning please post stats in spoiler tag. It will help me a great deal. Thanks

Female Human (Varisian)

I'll do that and will also add my most common options onto my profile page too.

The upcoming drunken recruiting event sounds like the perfect time to join up! :)

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Did we ever calculate the gear we won last chapter for selling purposes? All I have written down that I collected was 345 gold and the Charisma circlet +2. I'm sure we got more than that, but don't recall if we divvy'd everything up.

Female Human (Varisian)

I'm going to go ahead and go the Tattooed Mystic route (although it won't kick in until we all gain two more levels). Will be fun to give it a go. I do have to make some adjustments to my profile as a result. Probably won't be tonight, but I'll get it squared away over the next couple days. Biggest change will be swapping in Spell Focus (Conjuration) and Varisian Tattoo (Conjuration) for Combat Reflexes and Improved Initiative. I still need to decide if I'm going to leave the Dex at 14 or drop it to 8 and put more points into Wis and Cha.

BTW, I'm not planning to go Sacred Summons so we don't have to decide whether it applies to Celestial creatures (RAW it doesn't). Instead her standard action summons won't come along until she gets her second level of Tattooed Mystic and she can get the Pouncing Beasts Mystic Tattoo.

I will probably plan to research creation of additional types of magical tattoos. There are a pretty limited number of them available in the books right now, but since she'll be picking up a number of abilities related to their creation, it seems like a good plan. Its a few levels before that kicks in too, so plenty of time to bounce around ideas.

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4
Atajay wrote:
Did we ever calculate the gear we won last chapter for selling purposes? All I have written down that I collected was 345 gold and the Charisma circlet +2. I'm sure we got more than that, but don't recall if we divvy'd everything up.

I seem to remember you liquidated it all when you reached port, but I'll check the original threads to be sure and if not still have the treasure lists so can calculate everyone's shares for you.

Actually as I think of it Litany was acting as party treasurer.

Male Half-Elf Swashbuckler 4

Speaking of which, just saw on the messageboards a note about inheriting a game from another GM. Litany would you want me to sign over the original game threads? That way you would have a say over if/when the game could be retired.

un-liquidated Loot

8 4-pound silver ingots (20gp each)
6 pearls inside colossal sea creature's tooth (75gp each)
422sp in assorted coins
512gp in assorted coins

scrimshaw shark's jawbone (250gp)
scrimshaw hammerhead shark skull (250gp)
harp made from orca jaw set with pearls (500gp)
walrus tusk set with gold and inlaid with map of Shackles (400gp)

4 +1 heavy crossbow bolts
1 silver spearhead
lesser bracers of archery

1 feather token (anchor)


If you liquidate the pool, I wish you would for a fresh start... remember you and Quara would only get a 1/6th share of the total each, as the remainder would go to the lost players.


I think it'd be fine to go inactive. I wasn't aware it could be transferred before I made this board.

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Quara, if we sell everything except the 4 +1 bolts, since I don't know to price them, that would total 7614.2, taking half of that for sale price would be 3807.1. Dividing that by six means that you and I each get 634 gold 5 silver and 2 copper.

If anyone could price the four bolts, I'd add them in!

Remember goods like

8 4-pound silver ingots (20gp each)
6 pearls inside colossal sea creature's tooth (75gp each)
422sp in assorted coins
512gp in assorted coins

scrimshaw shark's jawbone (250gp)
scrimshaw hammerhead shark skull (250gp)
harp made from orca jaw set with pearls (500gp)
walrus tusk set with gold and inlaid with map of Shackles (400gp)

Are full price

Magic Items, weapons, armor sell at half price

20 +1 bolts =2301

4+1 bolts= 460

Sale price 230

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

The bracers were 5k. The feather token was 50. The bolts are 460.

Is a silver spearhead viewed the same as a silver spear? A silver shortspear costs 91 gold. Is that comparable?

yeah silver spear

Male Human (Preacher) Inquisitor 15 | AC 23/17/21 | HP 97/105 | F+15,R+16,W+14 (Stalwart)| +1 v charms, compulsions) (Stalwart)| Init.+12, Perc+18, SM+24 | Judgment 5/day |Determination 5/day |

Okay, that means the gear we can sell for full price totals 2564.2. Divide that by six means that Quara and I each take 427 gold, 3 silver and 7 copper.

The weapons that we sell for half and then divide total 5601, divided by half, split six ways totals 466 gold, 7 silver and 5 copper per share.

Adding those two together mean that Quara and I each pocket a nifty 894 gold, 1 silver, and 2 copper. That is the corrected total. Ignore the last post's total.

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