Kanya Ismahe

Quara Sher's page

258 posts. Alias of Aebliss.

Full Name

Quara Sher


Tiefling (Beastbrood)


Bard 3; Init. +1; Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.; AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour); hp 30; Fort 3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)







Special Abilities

Bardic knowledge, Bardic performance, Bent body, Cantrips, Countersong, Darkvision, Detect thoughts, Distraction, Fascinate, Inspire courage, Prehensile tail, Skilled, Tough skin




Besmara, Calistria, Cayden Cailean, Gozreh, Milani


The Shackles


Aquan, Common, Goblin, Infernal

Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 8
Charisma 18

About Quara Sher

CG female native Outsider (Beastbrood Tiefling) Bard 3

XP: +400

Init. +1; Senses Perception -1, Darkvision 60 ft.

AC 14 (+1 Dex., +1 natural, +2 armour)

hp 30

Fort +3, Ref +5, Will +3 (+4 vs. enchantment)

Speed 30 ft.



Str 14, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 8, Cha 18

Base atk +3; CMB +4; CMD +14

Eschew materials

Acrobatics +11 (Versatile Performance)
Bluff +8 (1 skill rank, +4 Cha., +3 class skill)
Climb +6 (1 skill rank, +2 Str., +3 class skill)
Craft (carpentry) +7 (2 skill ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill, +1 trait)
Diplomacy +11 (2 skill ranks, +4 Cha., +3 class skill, +2 racial)
Fly +11 (Versatile Performance)
Heal +7 (2 skill ranks, -1 Wis., +3 class skill, +1 trait, +2 kit)
Intimidate +8 (1 skill rank, +4 Cha., +3 class skill)
Knowledge (arcana) +8 (4 ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill)
Linguistics +5 (1 ranks, +1 Int., +3 class skill)
Perform (dance) +11 (4 skill ranks, +4 Cha., +3 class skill)
Perform (sing) +8 (1 skill rank, +4 Cha., +3 class skill)
Perform (wind instruments) +8 (1 skill rank, +4 Cha., +3 class skill)
Profession (fortune teller) +3 (1 skill rank, -1 Wis., +3 class skill)
Profession (sailor) +5 (3 skill ranks, -1 Wis., +3 class skill)
Sense motive +5 (1 skill rank, -1 Wis., +3 class skill, +2 racial)
Stealth +5 (1 skill rank, +1 Dex., +3 class skill)
Swim +6 (4 skill ranks, +2 Str.)

Prolong Magic
Ship's Surgeon

Aquan, Common, Goblin, Infernal

Bardic knowledge
Bardic performance 8 rounds / day
Bent body
Detect thoughts 1/day
Inspire competence +2
Inspire courage +1
Prehensile tail
Tough skin
Versatile performance (Perform (Dance))

6 / 4 - 2
Spells known:
0 - Dancing lights, Daze, Detect magic, Mending, Message, Summon instrument
1 - Cure light wounds, Ear-piercing scream, Grease, Hideous laughter
2 - Locate object, Summon monster II

*NOTE* Cure light wounds is always cast at +1 caster level: trait bonus.

346 gold, 1 silver, and 2 copper

Artisan's tools
Belt pouch
Brass knuckles
Case (map or scroll)
Cold iron longsword
Dagger x2
Entertainer's outfit
Fortune teller's deck (quality)
Harrow Deck
Healer's kit (20 uses)
Heavy mace
Holy symbol (wood) x5
Leather armour
Masterwork longsword
Mirror (small, steel)
Rations x10
Rope (silk, 50 ft.)
Silver longsword
Sling bullets x10
Tindertwigs x6
Traveler's outfit

Quara is clearly not a normal human. A short coat of fur covers her body, its markings those of a tigress. Her eyes are bright golden, and she has a tail. Despite, or perhaps because of this, she is a sensuous creature, oddly alluring.
Underneath the fur, Quara is buxom and limber. She has the full, dark hair of a Vudrani, cut at shoulder length for her convenience, and the muscles built up working on ships. Her clothing is often daringly cut, the better to distract people from the cunning intellect behind her golden eyes.

Quara was born on the fabulous island of Jalmeray, Kingdom of the Impossible, to what seemed to be a normal human couple. Appearances were deceptive however, a fact which came to light when Quara reached her twelfth birthday and her body underwent the Change, betraying the taint of Rakshasa blood on the part of either her father or her mother.
Before this time, Quara had been considered a bit selfish and a bit unruly, but she never felt that she was unloved. She had a love for dance and music that her parents had cautiously encouraged, hopeful that their daughter would one day become an artist of note. That dream -- and the familial affection -- ended when their child collapsed without any visible reason, sprouted fur and a tail, and her eyes blazed like those of a great cat. Quara's previously loving parents fell to bickering, accusing each other of carrying the taint, and banished 'the untouchable' from their home.

One year as an untouchable, cleaning up garbage and sewage for 'her betters', was more than enough to convince Quara that she needed to seek her fortunes elsewhere. Using the stealth she had learned dodging the eyes of people who were more likely to kick her than thank her for her hard work, stowed away on the first ship out of Jalmeray that entered port. When she was discovered, she managed to persuade the ship's captain to take her on as an unpaid deckhand. She promised the man that she would do her best to learn everything he had to teach.
It probably helped that Quara was still slender enough due to her youth and the recent starvation diet afforded an untouchable to pass for a young boy at the time. By the time better food and work in the healthy air caused her natural attributes to blossom, she was skilled enough at a number of shipboard tasks for the ship's officers to overlook her gender as long as she worked hard.

Life as a deckhand and then a sailor was hard, but rewarding for Quara. She cared little for the strict discipline enforced by officers, but she revelled in the barely-controlled anarchy that existed between the common sailors. Putting in to port and indulging in strong licquor and other vices was a great release, and she never failed to toast the island of Jalmeray, "May it and its bleeding castes sink into the ocean!" If her employers found her to occasionally be unruly and overly self-indulgent, she at least made up for it with a genuine passion for the sea and whatever ship she sailed on.
Quara showed an aptitude for the carpentry work that always needs doing on board a ship, and once she learned to hold a saw, it was only a matter of time before the ship's sawbones had her held him make a peg-leg - and to 'remove' the crushed limb said peg was meant to replace. Accidents will happen, and Quara rose to the challenge. In the years since, she has actually become a competent physician, in addition to her other skills.

The tiefling has surely found her niche in life. Whether it was in the teeth of a gale or on a dreary cargo run, Quara always had a song to lighten her shipmates' spirits, and many a captain found cause to appreciate the way she laughed in the face of the greatest dangers to threaten the ship, thus stiffening other sailors' backbones. If she was ever asked how she could face every calamity with such a happy grin, the tiefling always replied, simply, that at least she would live or die on her own terms, in a life she had chosen, not one that was being forced on her.