Knight of the Forgotten Festival

Game Master Curos Mirran

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Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
Grumbaki wrote:

That said, what program is this? Could be useful to have for future number crunching.

I have it on my phone

thunderbeard wrote:
Not saying Power Attack needs to be a part of every build, just...there's a reason most people call it the "most powerful feat."

I consider Breadth of Experience to be the most powerful feat

Thanks Bandw2. Very interesting program

Tenro wrote:
thunderbeard wrote:
Not saying Power Attack needs to be a part of every build, just...there's a reason most people call it the "most powerful feat."
I consider Breadth of Experience to be the most powerful feat

How so? I took it for flavor. But how is +2 to knowledge better than power attack?

Knowledge. There are ten of them, so that is 20 skill points right there, +2 more if you add in Psionics and +2 more if you add in Path of War. There are 30 professions listed as "common", so that is another 60 skill points. Even better, they aren't actual points but bonuses, so you can exceed level.

The knowledge bonus can mean the difference between knowing that creature's weakness or hitting it with attacks that do next to nothing.

Profession means gold in downtime, but that varies from campaign to campaign. I am a player in a campaign where Profession: Canoeist became the most important skill as we tried to navigate downriver while evading obstacles and out-pacing our enemies. You never know when that stuff is gonna come up. That makes it far more interesting than a few more points of damage (though i did live through more than one AD&D battle that was won with Produce Flame, a 1-damage spell).

anecdotal, anyway, but hey. haha!

Yeah... with Unchained uses of Profession and a Traveler's any-tool, Breadth of Experience can be amazing. And it's amazing with Unchained Kirin Style, although that's much better for a fighter/magus than a monk or inquisitor (because of swift action economy).

Ok then, I'm suddenly quite happy to have chosen it!

Especially given that as two of our characters are musically inclined, it might well mean at some point we will be forced to start a band...

After looking through all the characters, the party that looks like it would be the most interesting and fun is as follows:

Grum Son of Baki: Elemental monk of tons of punches
Tenro's Zamiell: Mind bender
Thunderbeard's Zanton: Man of many talents, painter of fun.
Nadia: Support/utility
Jerard: Secondary heals, skill monkey, local shop clerk

I'll use Tuesday to finalize characters with everyone. The campaign will start on Wednesday. Looking forward to this.

Thanks for all who joined in this thread.

Excellent! Thanks for selecting me!

Zamiell wrote:
Excellent! Thanks for selecting me!

What he said.

Interesting to see that we ended up with a dwarf, gnome, catfolk, half-elf and human. Quite a diverse group

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