DM Thron |
Hey all!
I am going to throw my hat in the ring to offer up to DM a Kingmaker campaign with several modifications to some of the core concepts of the game. Some caveats to clear up first:
1) I am interested in folks who post frequently and have a strong history on the boards. I don’t wanna run into a problem of people vanishing and needing replaced. I know it happens sometimes, but I’d rather avoid the revolving door affect if possible. Please post some of your prouder RP moments in your submission.
2) I will be including a PC of my own, as a background character to provide occasional input as necessary. It will be a Dwarven Cleric with a focus on Item Creation. NO, this does not give you Discounted magic items because Jean part of the group. But it will give you the chance to have an item you are emotionally attached to (example - a handed down suit of armor, a sword claimed as a trophy early in your life, etc) upgraded at regular cost without having to ship the item off or have to have a crafter brought in. If you want to get items at the crafting price, you’ll need to pay the feat tax yourself.
3) I prefer Roleplay over Roll-Play. Make a character who can interact with others, even f it is at a basic level of 5 Int, Wis, and Cha. And if you are he type of player to avoid roleplay posts and wait to contribute until it is Hack-N-Slash time, this may not be the game for you.
4) Here is the big one. You will ALL be in charge of your own section of the Stolen Lands. Each of you carving out your own section for your specific houses. So when a Kingdom Turn comes around you each have your own little area to build up and play in. How will this work? I’m glad I asked! There will be one PC, chosen by the party selected, to act as the overall Ruler. The rest, my dwarven character included, will serve as Lords/Ladies of Houses allied to the Ruler. There will be 5 distinct city seats dedicated to the group, to be chosen by the players, to get their lands going. The first chunk of time dedicated to the game will be Kingdom Turns to get the “settled” portion of the game caught up to where the story is. I expect each House to organically develop its own unique feel, like Game of Thrones/Brevoy.
5) Speaking of that, where are we in the story? A small bit of time before Book 3! That’s right. The party will be starting at Level 7 and will level up incrementally as I decide, not based on tracking XP values. To help you each flesh out your own Houses, the Leadership Feat (*GASP*) will be given to each PC for free! What nonsense does this mean!?!? No, you will not be traveling with a cohort. But the cohort and your other followers should be used to fill Leadership Roles in your own lands. When it comes time to adventure and explore, you will be entrusting your Lands to the care of these individuals.
6) I will be using some of the Downtime Rules for things like building personal buildings and hiring teams. If this interests you, feel free to inquire further.
Still reading? Still interested? Good! Here are the crunchy bits:
Starting Level - 7
Ability Scores - 15 Point Buy
Wealth - 23,500 gp. No more than 8,000 gp in any 1 item.
Traits - 2 traits, 1 of which must be a campaign trait. 1 Drawback allowed for a 3rd Trait.
Races - Core, anything more exotic needs confirmed by me, and a confirmation of exotic race does not guarantee acceptance into the game.
Classes - No to Gunslinger, Basic Summoner, and Occult Material. This is my personal preference.
Background Skills are in effect
Character Image - I personally like a reference image included with submissions. It helps to visualize characters in my head, and I use them for tokens on the map.
Maps - I will be handling maps using Roll20.
I’m sure I am overlooking something to post here, but for now, this should suffice to see if anyone is intrigued. If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask.
Arden Kain Brandt |
This is kain, if you wish, have a look over him and let me know your thoughts. the basic surmise is-
he was part of special unit in a frontier town before it was completely destroyed.
He lost sight of himself for few days, at the whim of rage. For awhile after, he sold his spear as a mercenary of sorts, never took the more questionable contracts. He wants to make sure what happened to him and his doesn't happen to anyone else.
At this point, he doesn't hold much hope, but he never knew for sure if members of his family survived. So he always looked for them in his travels.
He is gruff, and a little weathered, but has a compassionate heart. He does things not for glory, he put aside that foolish notion early in his life, but because he knows it is the right thing to do.
-adding, since we are starting at level 7, I'll likely add a little bit, mostly about how he found, and then raised, a baby Griffon that now serves him as his steed (monstrous mount feat line) He will be in his early 30s likely at the start.
I'll update his crunch today sometime
Helikon |
May I present:
Flaith Mênan of House Mênan
Magicae vincit omnia!
A support Sorceress, orginally from House Medyved!
Keante |
I really love the idea of a fey knight--not meaning he is of a fey race, but that he venerates and perhaps is beholden to fey beings.
The green knight archetype calls out in its description that such a cavalier might serve fey beings, but then it restricts the character to the Order of the Green (non-fey nature theme) when there is also the Order of the Blossom (fey theme) available. Maybe it's because the archetype was published in the Pathfinder RPG line and the Order of the Blossom is from a Player Companion.
Would you allow a green knight cavalier with the Order of the Blossom?
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel |
Keante |
I think I'd use this image for my green knight cavalier. And his deity would almost certainly be Cernunnos.
Ouachitonian |
I’m definitely interested. Got an Aldori Swordlord sitting on the shelf from another campaign that died early. It’s past time that a free Rostland rose again!
Actually, given that Leadership is not just in play, but free, I want to do something completely different, and maybe a little silly: a Druid, whose companion and followers are all animals he has awakened.
Selann Juris |
Hmm.... Quite a list.
Ouachitonian: Aldori Swordlord or Druid ??
Arden Kain Brandt: Cavalier?
The Chess: ????
Helikon: Sorceress
Ammon Knight of Ragathiel: Eliana Nym: Oracle/Paladin
Keante: Green Knight Cavalier
Saashaa: Mystic Theurge
I'd like to play. Wanting to keep it simple I was thinking of an Elf Wizard/Rogue/Arcane Trickster.
I'm new to this board. Have been playing PBP for several years on the now defunct board. (It got absorbed by TapaTalk and is dying....) Previous D&D experience back to 1977.
Love the concept as I read it. 15 point buy hurts but is doable.
Question: You say Core. Does that include Ultimate Magic?
Arden Kain Brandt |
Ok, kain is mostly updated to your crunch rules, added in a small blerb about how he found his griffon buddy, Valere Silverclaw. Though, I'm still undecided on a few things.
two questions, could I start with an item/permaneced spell to give my Griffon Magical attacks?
and, would you allow Order of the Hero to be used with the Gallant Archetype?
Saashaa |
Half-Elf Wiz (Teleportation) 2 / Cler 1/ MT 4
Init +0; Senses Low-light; Perception +11
AC 10
HP 41
Fort +5 ; Ref +3 ; Will +11 (+2 vs Ench)
Immune Sleep
Speed 30ft;
Spell-Like Abilities
Augury 1/1, Dancing Lights 1/1, Faerie Fire 1/1, Darkness 1/1
Str 10, Dex 10, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 15, Cha 14
Base Atk +3; CMB
Leadership, Breadth of Experience, Spell Focus (Abj), Spell Specialization (Dispel Magic), Dimensional Agility, Scribe Scroll
Appraise +8,
Diplomacy +6,
Fly +4,
Heal +9,
Knowledge Arcana +10,
Knowledge Dungeoneering +10,
Knowledge Engineering +10,
Knowledge Geography +10,
Knowledge History +10,
Knowledge Local +10,
Knowledge Nature +10,
Knowledge Nobility +10,
Knowledge Planes +10,
Knowledge Religion +10,
Linguistics +14,
Perception +11,
Sense Motive +9,
Spellcraft +14
Languages Common, Elven
Shift, Arcane Bond (ring), Knowledge (Domain), Fate (Inquisition)
Headband of Int+2: , Cloak of Resistance +2: , Belt of Con +2: , Altar of Nethys: ;
Money 3,500 gp
I forgot how long it took to make a Mystic Theurge. I'm working on the specifics of the character concept.
Nikolaus de'Shade |
Naw. As far as PC’s go, I’m trying to keep things as grounded as possible. Perhaps as your cohort?
Due to this I assume you wouldn't consider a minotaur? Thought I'd ask though! :)
Or a Ghoran?Also: I'm looking at a shifter - would you allow them to take Improved Natural Attack?
Keante |
Here's my application--I'm not sure if I've missed anything (it is very late). You asked us to post RP's one from an ongoing game that I'm quite fond of. My character is the Ogon Fox/Toshio Okumura.
Oh, and here's that image again to reference for this character.
+1 longsword = 15 (longsword) + 300 (masterwork) + 2000 (+1 enhancement) = 2315
+1 longbow, composite (+4) = 500 (bow) + 300 (masterwork) + 2000 (+1 enhancement) = 2800
+2 full plate = 1500 (armor) + 150 (masterwork) + 4000 (+2 enhancement) = 5650
+2 darkwood heavy shield = 257 (shield) + 4000 (+2 enhancement) = 4257
masterwork warhammer = 12 (hammer) + 300 (masterwork) = 312
masterwork dagger = 2 (dagger) + 300 (masterwork) = 302
belt of giant strength +2 = 4000
cloak of resistance +1 = 1000
ring of sustenance = 2500
total spent = 23,136
Garidan, the green knight
Human cavalier (green knight; order of the blossom) 1
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision, Perception +9
AC 26, touch 11, flat-footed 25 (+11 armor, +4 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 53 (7d10+1)
Fort +7, Ref +6, Will +5
Speed 30 ft.
Melee +1 longsword one-handed +12 for 1d8+5 (Power Attack for -2/+4) or
. . +1 longsword two-handed +12 for 1d8+7 (Power Attack for -2/+6) or
. . masterwork warhammer one-handed +12 for 1d8+4 (Power Attack for -2/+4) or
. . masterwork warhammer two-handed +12 for 1d8+6 (Power Attack for -2/+6) or
. . masterwork dagger +12 for 1d4+4 (Power Attack for -2/+4)
Ranged +1 composite (+4) longbow +10 for 1d8+5
Str 18, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +7/+2; CMB +10; CMD 22
Feats Endurance, Diehard, Athletic, Swift Iron Style, Power Attack, Totemic Initiate (lesser spirit totem), Swift Refuge, Swift Sprint, Leadership
Traits Ambitious (social), Bastard (campaign)
Alternate Racial Traits Heart of the Fey replaces Skilled
Untrained Skills (armor check penalty not applied) Acrobatics +2, Appraise +0, Bluff +2, Craft +0, Disguise +2, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Heal +0, Intimidate +2, Perform +2, Sense Motive +0, Stealth +2
Trained Skills (armor check penalty not applied) Climb +9, Diplomacy +11, Handle Animal +12, Knowledge (geography) +7, Knowledge (nature) +9, Perception +9, Ride +12, Survival +9, Swim +9
Languages Common
Gear +1 longsword, +1 composite (+3) longbow, +2 full plate, +2 darkwood heavy shield, masterwork warhammer, masterwork dagger, belt of giant strength +2, cloak of resistance +1, ring of sustenance
Special Abilities
Challenge (Ex) 3/day. Swift action choose target. Add level to damage of melee attacks.
Beast Tongue (Ex) Use diplomacy on animals. Counts as druid's wild empathy.
Implacable Knight (Ex) Gain Endurance and Diehard as bonus feats.
Sneak Attack (Ex) As rogue ability. 1d6. Increases at level 8/14/20.
Ferocious (Ex) Not staggered when below 0 hit points.
Woodland Stride (Ex) Druid ability. Move through natural undergrowth at normal speed, no damage or impairment.
DM Thron |
Selann Juris: Core is limit to races primarily. Classes are any true Paizo source (except Occult and Gunslinger) that can be found on the PRD. The only alternate rules I’m incorporating are Background Skills. Ultimate Magic is accepted.
Vegecannibal: There are plenty of exotic options for Monsters as Cohorts with the base rules already.
Arden Kain: any item you buy of a companion/mount comes out of your own staring funds.
Nikolaus: Improved Natural Attack would be okay, but it wouldn’t be giving them Improved Unarmed Strike for free when not in a shifted form.
Nikolaus de'Shade |
Selann Juris: Core is limit to races primarily.
Nikolaus: Improved Natural Attack would be okay, but it wouldn’t be giving them Improved Unarmed Strike for free when not in a shifted form. I wouldn't expect it to :) that's what the feat is for!
Thanks - can I get a final ruling on whether Minotaurs (linked above) and Ghorans are viable for PCs or should I just stick to core?
I'm imagining a roving court where their defined 'lordship' is more of a hunting ground/territory than a centralised kingdom, so a nature-y race (i.e. not one with a well defined social hierarchy and history of building) fits better I think - which is putting me off all of the core races. If that's a problem I'll go away and think of something else.
DM Thron |
Digger: 1) They are granting lordship to a dwarf for “reasons,” so an exotic branch of Human can also be done as such. Give me a reason why they would grant a Tian a Lordship in your backstory. Example: The dwarf I’m submitting made substantial donations to the colonization effort. 2) I am open to any and all alignments, so long as you are able to work with others and the Swordlords have a realistic reason to overlook personal alignment to allow lordship. Example: The Bolton’s and Greyjoys of GoT are obviously evil, but still have lands and titles.
Tick: That shouldn’t be a problem. I will review all entries equally at time of recruitment closing.
DM Thron |
Selann: per the rules for Arcane Magical Writings, you could also pay another caster to copy a spell out of their spellbook.
“In most cases, wizards charge a fee for the privilege of copying spells from their spellbooks. This fee is usually equal to half the cost to write the spell into a spellbook (see Writing a New Spell into a Spellbook). Rare and unique spells might cost significantly more.”
So, to pay the fee for copying, then to actually write the spell, you basically pay 1.5 times the cost to just write the spell into the spellbook. Keep tabs on pages used as well. And how many copies of spell books you make. For example, my long-running wizard has 3 spellbooks total, and has made backup copies of two of them.
If you have questions whether or not I will allow a spell, post it here. But so long as it is from anything on the official PRD and is not a racial spell, it will likely be okay. But I reserve the right to say nay on certain abusive spells.
Viscount K |
Hm. HMMMM. I've wanted to pick up a Kingmaker game again for a long time; I had a game a while back that died right in the middle of book three, and I had a blast while it was running. Never quite felt like starting completely over, though. This seems to satisfy that itch basically perfectly. Yep, think I'm gonna have to dot this and start looking for a concept that fits.
Lucius Pence |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Here is the crunch for Digger's submission. Still need some fluff details like the names of the magic weapons and his vigilante identity. Will ponder during lunch and write up the fluff when I return.
Short version: Lucius is a womanizing new lordling from a less than reputable background, who secretly and with the help of his friends and allies, fights against injustice with lethal grace.