Kingmaker: Retaking the Stolen Lands (Inactive)

Game Master Sault

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Sovereign Court

Though I'm not applying, I have read through many of the applications, and I must say most look outstanding. Congratulations to those chosen.

And so the time has come. Again thank you to all who applied I enjoyed reading everyone's stories and it was pretty hard to decide honestly. In the end a great meshing of stories and wide breadth of character choices is what did it for me.

The Party::

Garren Koldlak
Johnny Porters
Garion Erada
Salereon Gavriil

The Back-ups::

Sarya Melisandra
Zelyasa Greensting
Tholozzan the Traveler
Nerandeth Ildelaren

Players I will meet you in the discussion thread Back-ups I will keep PM you if you are needed but do not be afraid to poke in and see what is going on.

Again thank you for apply and I honestly wish I could have chosen all of you.

congrats to those chosen

Congratulations all! It was good fun getting there.

I eagerly wait my first can to say, ."Prithee, my Lord, modulate thy shrieks of anguish, lest thou alarm the ladies. Groan quietly, an it please thee, and keep this unseemly writhing to a minimum."

Garion turns his head, looking at Salereon, raises and eyebrow and gives a disapproving head shake. "All these years, Salereon, and I still sometimes have no idea what you're talking about."

Johnny starts to snicker and drops his head.

don't be knowin what you be sayin but it makes me laugh anyway. I've made some girls shriek and I ain't never had to be quiet

johnny bends over laughing.

Dark Archive

Johnny. Some facts should probably kept to yourself.

Thanks for the confraternity all. I'll repeat them to my fellow players. Well done all. Id love to see another campaign spawn from this recruitment thread. This was a great bunch.

ohh yes sir will do.

A passing Highborn lady over hears Salereon's comment and gasps.

For a knight of House Gavriil sir you seem to be lacking in chivalry.

She abruptly raises her nose and walks away with her entourage following close behind.

[ooc]P.S. The discussion thread is open. Also I can't seem to English today.[/occ]

Garion erupts into laughter, slapping Salereon across the back. "You do have your ways, my friend. If we've got any hope at all of picking up a lady or two by the end of this journey we're going to have to work on your style!"

Good Luck all.

Johnny moves over to to Garion and whispers That lady said Salerions chilvary was lacking. poor guy

I don't always english, but when I do... Pardon, donde esta supermercado?

Looking around in puzzlement, Friends, whence came offense? I did with exquisite politeness ask the knave to restrain himself, so that our lively entertainment would not offend delicate female sensibilities?

Good Luck All

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