
Morgin Ironfold's page

8 posts. Alias of Kobolum.

Full Name

Morgin Ironfold




Druid 1






Green Faith


Common. Dwarven. Druidic. Sylvan.

Strength 10
Dexterity 12
Constitution 14
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 17
Charisma 10

About Morgin Ironfold

Campaign Traits: Pioneer, Devotee of the Green
Racial Traits: Fey Thoughts, Fey Magic
Feats: Toughness.
Profession: Herbalist
Speed: 20 ft.
HP 12/12
Fort +4 Ref +1 Will +5

Morgrin Ironfold had a childhood that is barely worth mention. Born to two iron working dwarves in a small farming village he was ultimately expected to take up the family trade of trader and metal worker, but from an early age it became obvious that the he was different from the common dwarf. He would continually ask questions of nature, the process and meaning of life and death, the functions of the universe, and what was the universe like before creation. His parents always had the common answers or no answers at all, which of course led to Morgrin being disappointed.

As Morgrin grew older and more estranged to everyone around him, due to his talk of plants and animals and bugs that nobody else really cared about, it was with only mild surprise that instead of taking on the family trades or leaving to fulfill some short-sighted ambition that he became the village's first and only herbalist.

From then on it was a modest and quiet life living in a shack and tending to his home grown plants. Receiving the occasional visit from the villager who got into a drunken fight or injured due to some random accident. It's was a life he would have been fine with if the nicknames and jabs hadn't started, "Always pay respect to Old Man Greenbeard or he'll put you in the ointment he'll use to heal your family." Or, "Old Man Greenbeer dyes his beard with the guts of bugs who mock him and braids his beard with the bones of the animals who laugh." None of the jokes were made with any malice but that didn't mean it hurt any less and eventually after trying and failing to get the villagers to stop he had had enough. He had packed his few things, told his parents he was leaving the village and left.

From then on Morgrin traveled from village to village acting as a healer because he had found little other practical use for his knowledge of herbs and remedies, and found he had enjoyed travel. He would eventually meet a druid of the green face and to become a follower as well. Soon after that he had heard of a charter of the Stolen Lands, the land South of his old home and he found the idea of visiting that land of untamed wilderness appealing.