Korinne Bryden |
To be fair, Korinne is acting a little subdued since she's feeling out of her element plus she still doesn't really know anyone well (yet). Give it a little time and she'll be more outspoken. For right now, she's assuming Rufus doesn't want to be interrupted while he's asking these questions.
You're right though, it's not like asking someone what they've got in mind is such a hard thing to do. If one of the other PCs doesn't beat her to it, she probably *will* ask very shortly :)
-Posted with Wayfinder
Korinne Bryden |
Okay, sorry for the wall-o-text but I was trying to cover several things in the interests of (hopefully) moving things forward. So enjoy a post wherein Korinne attempts to play mediator, suggests language lessons, has some internal dialogue and rambles about speaking Taal (halfling)! Or not; just let me know if she's talking too much and needs to can it for now >.>
On that note, I think it's bedtime.
Korinne Bryden |
Hey, just wanted to check in since I didn't make a gameplay post yesterday. The GM for the Carrion Crown game I'm in makes a habit of cracking the whip if people don't post regularly, whether to the gameplay thread or even to discussion just to say 'I'm here, but I don't have anything to add to Gameplay at this moment' or 'Hey, I've got <X> happening so bot me for now' - and it's rubbed off on me to where I try to do the same for the other games I'm in.
And speaking of gameplay, remember that OOC suggestion way back about not putting Rufus and Arawn together on the Away Team? I'm thinking Korinne is likely going to make that same suggestion IC the next time splitting up is considered! But in all seriousness, while I normally don't like a lot of PC-PC conflict in games, I'm really enjoying reading what both characters have to say and I think their players are doing a good job with being consistent with their characterizations. And the fact that this is the one game I'm currently in where the PCs haven't all been buddy-buddy or at least cordial with each other from the get-go actually makes it (for me) one of the more interesting ones.
Oh, and for the benefit of the folks that haven't been reading the dialogue in Halfling, I'll mention that in my last gameplay post Kor suggested that Rufus might want to start learning some Elven so that the party will all share another language besides Common. And so there's not quite as much spoilered dialogue and conversations where half the people present are left out (and thus require a translator)!
Anyhoo, it's about 5:30 am and I've been up all night so I can sleep today and work night shift tonight. I probably won't post anything else until some of the others have a chance to post, whether that's later tonight, Sunday or Monday. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a good weekend :)
*edit* Because my sense of humor gets weird and/or silly when I'm tired, here is a pretty accurate representation of how Kor is feeling at the moment. I mean technically we're at the point she suggested getting to, just not in the manner she'd hoped for...
GunMetal GM |
![Clockwork Librarian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_Robot-Librarian.jpg)
Yeah I've been enjoying this as well. I do have my concerns here and there but as long as everyone can keep things from getting TOO heated I'm ok.
Alayini "Alayi" Eraya |
![Yndri Ysalaa (The White Mage)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-14.jpg)
I think that the .... level .... of antagonism between the two, while palpable, is also well within bounds of civility... (if only because they are speaking about each other without the other's understanding). And I while I think that they will never be friends, they will in time at least have more understanding of each other's motivations. If anything, this is very entertaining as a social experiment, eh?
Might post something IC later on saying what Alayi and her other two apprentices are doing.
Castor Antares |
... Oh boy.
Um. DM. I think I just broke my brain looking back at my skill choices.
A lot of Castor's fluff, and my general idea of him, ran on him being a good listener, though not a skillful speaker.
And then I went and forgot to pick up Sense Motive, somehow.
Would you allow me to swap Spellcraft for it now, before we get much further in the game?
Boy, don't I feel stupid now.
I have an IC post mostly wrapped up that I'll post once this is resolved. (Because it impacts said post.)
Arawn Vasska |
![Jeggare Noble](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/32_House-Jeggare-Noble.jpg)
This has been interesting, that's for sure. It's going to need to come to a head sooner or later (probably sooner, I'm guessing). After that, the two will need to either come to some sort of mutual understanding, or there'll be a physical altercation...
-Posted with Wayfinder
Alayini "Alayi" Eraya |
![Yndri Ysalaa (The White Mage)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-14.jpg)
Heh... Alayi would be willing to be a mediator in an official dual between you two... which would, in its own right, grant some form of understanding (provided Castor is able to heal you guys before the loser bleeds out). ;)
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Hey guys, just chiming in as it's been a couple of days since my last post. Hope everything's fine with you and your other campaigns as well (alas, the GM of my other Serpent's Skull campaign has just put the game on hiatus due to family problems - I really hope it's nothing serious).
@Castor: I know your pain. I too always tend to put some ranks into Sense Motive, even to the detriment of other, more useful skills; for some reason, neglecting to do that gives me the idea of having to play a "gullible" character. So to say.
@Korinne: keep mediating like that and you'll become the closest thing this group has to a "heart" in no time :) Just dropping this to say I've been really enjoying how Korinne's been acting throughout this whole ordeal, empathic and level-headed. A pity Xelani's not there to witness that.
@Rufus: the point you've brought up about the River Freedoms and having our (hopefully) future fledgling kingdom pay some respect to them in order not to appear as would-be conquerors is very interesting. Once the group is re-united, I'm looking forward to delve deeper into this issue IC.
@Alayi: I'm also up for a bit of roleplaying as we wait for the Away Group to return. If that's okay with you, I'll wait for your post and respond accordingly.
Alayini "Alayi" Eraya |
![Yndri Ysalaa (The White Mage)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-14.jpg)
@ Xel That is fine, was planning on taking them to the back two catapults to begin removing broken pieces from them (I am assuming that the front two, having been in better shape, are probably stripped of broken pieces now... if not they will instead continue working on the removal of those pieces). And my Serpent's Skull ended for similar reasons last week as well... must have been the week for it.
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
Considering you have the highest Wisdom of any of us, I would hardly consider Castor as gullible. He might not have quite as much experience sifting through BS as some of the rest of us, I.E. those who have ranks in Sense Motive, but he would hardly qualify as gullible.
Experience with the rest of us would definitely qualify as reason for putting additional ranks into Sense Motive come next level.
Unfortunately, because my roommates are out of town for the next week and they left behind a sick cat I am likely not going to be able to post once I get home as I wll be stuck planing my butt on a chouch in the hopes that said cat will calm down enough to actually eat some of her food. Long story...
Castor Antares |
Yeah, the worst case scenario is that I'll take a hit to my other skills to adjust that. It does bother me to have one one misplaced skill point, though, which is why I figured I'd go ahead and ask if it was okay to fix my error.
(The game is still only beginning, by PbP standards, and the skill hasn't come into play yet.)
Alayini "Alayi" Eraya |
![Yndri Ysalaa (The White Mage)](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PF23-14.jpg)
"I can not imagine such going over well with Lady Alayi or, particularly, Lady Xelani. I do not foresee them taking action if it is what the rest of us have decided, though. Thoughts?"
Can't speak for Xel, but Alayi will have the following thoughts:
1) If the rest of you are for sending her to Brevoy for justice, she will not object (esepcially given she does not seem to want another option) or intervene... none can argue that she brought the sentence on herself.
2) While she will not think her less of a person for her lack of a hand, Alayi will not be able to train her in anything she knows (well, except dance maybe... and even that will be hampered in part because of her being disarmed). So between having students already and not having a tailor made rehab skill to teach her she won't have alternatives herself to provide.
(Subnote for two: even if she did have both hands, Alayi would view her attitude as being poison to her current batch of apprentices. After all, she would be undermining Alayi's efforts to get her four-six ex-bandits to stay that way.)
3) Her ultimate sin to Alayi will be unrepentance. While she will appreciate her being honest about it, it also means Alayi can be all in favor of sending her back to Brevoy in chains... if not just having her hung at Oleg's under the official presiding of the guards.
So bottom line, short of her changing her tune about repentance and wanting to live a different life on the way to Oleg's, Alayi will shed no tears for her.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Arawn Vasska wrote:"I can not imagine such going over well with Lady Alayi or, particularly, Lady Xelani. I do not foresee them taking action if it is what the rest of us have decided, though. Thoughts?"Can't speak for Xel, but Alayi will have the following thoughts:
1) If the rest of you are for sending her to Brevoy for justice, she will not object (esepcially given she does not seem to want another option) or intervene... none can argue that she brought the sentence on herself.
2) While she will not think her less of a person for her lack of a hand, Alayi will not be able to train her in anything she knows (well, except dance maybe... and even that will be hampered in part because of her being disarmed). So between having students already and not having a tailor made rehab skill to teach her she won't have alternatives herself to provide.
(Subnote for two: even if she did have both hands, Alayi would view her attitude as being poison to her current batch of apprentices. After all, she would be undermining Alayi's efforts to get her four-six ex-bandits to stay that way.)
3) Her ultimate sin to Alayi will be unrepentance. While she will appreciate her being honest about it, it also means Alayi can be all in favor of sending her back to Brevoy in chains... if not just having her hung at Oleg's under the official presiding of the guards.
So bottom line, short of her changing her tune about repentance and wanting to live a different life on the way to Oleg's, Alayi will shed no tears for her.
You might as well have been speaking for Xelani. Without even a modicum of repentance (even one born out of fear) according her the same treatment we gave to the first batch of bandits would probably be a futile endeavor - if not outright dangerous.
Agreed, a death wish spoken in times of distress tends to be an unreliable clue of a person's true character (particularly when said person feels like a cornered beast whose words have nothing to gain her anymore), but unless her attitude fundamentally changes, there's little that can be done; and that before even taking into consideration Arawn's observation about the Levetons having to share their roof with their one-time tormentor.
If, on the other hand, the GM wants to give her some hidden depths to explore, perhaps because of Castor wanting to better assess her nature and her story before making a decision... by all means, I'm all for giving it some more time. In the meantime, should you opt not to give her any mercy may I once again renew Alayi's suggestion of having her executed at Oleg's instead of sending her back to Brevoy (where she would end up hanged anyway)? Other than working as a PR coup both with the prisoners and the Levetons, it would be a sign that we're able to administrate justice by ourselves, without having to rely on external authorities. After all, if it's just a matter of jurisdiction it might be worth noting that her crimes have been committed in the Stolen Lands, which are technically part of the River Kingdoms, rather than in Brevoy...
Korinne Bryden |
@Xelani - Heh, Kor certainly wouldn't call herself much of a mediator, but you gotta do what you gotta do. Since she doesn't feel as if she's doing a very good job of it at the moment, she's hoping that maybe they'll be more inclined to listen to a priest (Castor) than Jane Nobody Sorceress. As far as level-headed goes, she tries but she only has so much patience before she reaches the point of saying 's*** or get off the pot guys'. She's been trying to be nice since the other PCs are still virtually strangers at this point. For what it's worth, she hasn't disagreed with everything that Arawn has had to say but Rufus did win some respect points with his apology back at the trading post so that's why it probably seems like she's been taking his side a little more.
@Castor - I like the idea. Considering that everyone else in the group seems to enjoy talking and talking, it's a refreshing change of pace to have someone along who can be a good listener and good at reading people.
@Alayi - A duel? Kor would just suggest the two have a few drinks and then step out back to settle matters; it seems to work pretty well for the common man. Sure, someone will probably end up with a broken nose or something but once the dust settles an understanding has usually been reached. Not to mention it's a good excuse to come back inside and drink some more ;)
@Rufus - That stinks, I hope the cat is able to eat and gets better from whatever sickness she has.
GunMetal GM |
![Clockwork Librarian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_Robot-Librarian.jpg)
hey guys, Apologies for the delay in posting. Been a bit busy with RL issues.
@Castor: I am ok with that change. Depending on the speed you guys go, it may be a while before you hit level 2 and I'm ok if that was you're original intention.
Korinne Bryden |
An OOC response to Rufus' thought processes - Kor made that comment since from her perspective, she's mostly seen the two of them ignoring/overriding each other on what to do and how to go about it at every turn. Based on general observations (and generalizations) of male behavior in the past as well as not having a direct link to either one's mind, a power struggle seems the most likely explanation to her and is what she went with.
I'm sorta waiting to see what Castor and Arawn do before posting since their actions will influence hers somewhat.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
An OOC response to Rufus' thought processes - Kor made that comment since from her perspective, she's mostly seen the two of them ignoring/overriding each other on what to do and how to go about it at every turn. Based on general observations (and generalizations) of male behavior in the past as well as not having a direct link to either one's mind, a power struggle seems the most likely explanation to her and is what she went with.
I'm sorta waiting to see what Castor and Arawn do before posting since their actions will influence hers somewhat.
Oh I'm not saying there isn't jockeying for dominance going on. I'm saying 'To Rufus' it is less about dominance & more about not being anyone's 'hired killer'. I did point out that he has the lowest Wisdom of anybody in the group after all & part of how I play his low Wisdom is not necessarily being that good at 'self reflection'...
Korinne making that comment is going to be one of the reasons why he is able to see it. Much as, in the first Campaign, one of the other PC's calling him on what happened when he lost his temper during the first bandit interrogation was how I handled him learning some other things in that one...![](/WebObjects/Frameworks/Ajax.framework/WebServerResources/wait30.gif)
Odentin |
Hey guys. Just to let you all know, I'm going to be bowing out of this game. There have been some personal things and IRL stuff that have broken my concentration and damaged my ability to enjoy playing. It's become more of a chore for me to come and post, rather than the fun and excitement I should have been feeling.
Not all of it is bad, though! When I say "personal things" I'm referring to things like, "My wife is pregnant with our first child." and, "I'm finally able to rebuild my wife's computer so that we can play WoW together." So don't worry about me.
In truth, I'm apologizing, for leaving. I hope you all continue on and have a blast with the game. I love all of the characters chosen for this, and I really wish I could have seen it through to the end. I may still come back and lurk and catch up from time to time, if I get a free moment.
Irnk: To be clear, I do love Rufus, and wish I could stay to witness he and Arawn hash out their differences. I think we could have been better off without the OOC bickering, and I apologize for my part in that. I just want you to know that I'm not excluding you from my statement above.
Have fun, all! Perhaps we'll meet again, on the fields of battle. I hope so.
Korinne Bryden |
Hate to see you go, but I'm glad that it's due to good things rather than bad! Congratulations on the pregnancy and I hope you guys have fun together in WoW :)
-Posted with Wayfinder
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
As has been said, your first child is an unequalled reason to find your 'free' time disappear. I wish you both all joy & many enjoyable raids together, or whatever the two of you like doing on WoW.
I am sorry to hear that the game was becoming a chore, but I am pleased to learn you have more enjoyable, though more exhausting, chores to replace it with.
Limnen_euron |
A game is only such as long as it's fun, so whatever one's reasons are for bowing out they're always understandable.
If chief among those reasons is such a wonderful occurrence, not only no apologize is obviously needed, but by all means, allow me to wish both you & your soon-to-be family of three all the best as the short but enjoyable time we've played together comes to an end.
Goodbye, young princeling ;)
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
Castor, would you consider praying for this spell this morning? Oh, crap, we don't have Happs' body, nevermind...
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
@Rufus: I'm answering you here since, after my previous post, I feel I have nothing to add to the discussion IC. By all means, there's nothing wrong with pushing; indeed, it is the very thing that moves a PbP forward.
(Also, I'm sorry to hear about your recurring RL problems - here's to hoping they get better sooner rather than later!)
Also looking forward to interacting with you (and Korinne and Castor too), as I feel that after the "tumultuous" discussion we had at the very beginning, splitting immediately after never gave our characters the chance to properly get to know each others. As I anticipated, I'm planning to have a talk with you about the River Freedoms, and the general principles that move Rufus in his endeavor, which I'm rather curious about both IC and OOC.
Re: prisoners. My vote would be to keep the able bodied "small fries" busy both as Alayi's apprentices and digging the moat (an effort which would require some serious manpower). Kressle, on the other hand, can meet whatever fate you wish. I don't want to be that paladin that tries to push her morality on the whole group, so I won't chime in on the matter. That said, if Castor (if I understood well) would like to have some more time with her to reach his decision, Xelani would support him. If not, she would respect whatever decision the group actually responsible for bringing her down would take.
Korinne Bryden |
Like the others, I hate that things are being difficult for you again Rufus. Hang in there; we'll be here when you feel up to being more interactive again.
@Xelani - I'm looking forward to getting to RP more with you and Alayi as well. Korinne will probably engage in "getting to know you" smalltalk with all of the PCs (over time) now that we're all back together.
-Posted with Wayfinder
Korinne Bryden |
I have to say, all of this is making me tempted to pick up the supplement about the River Kingdoms. It would make some of this a little easier since Korinne probably should know a little more about this region than what she's shown. Then again, she did say that history was one of her weaker subjects >.>
-Posted with Wayfinder
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
My one disappointment with 'People of the River' was that Paizo didn't do what they did with 'Varisia, birthplace of legend' and publish more Campaign Traits for previous AP's relevant to the book.
Granted, there are a LOT more Varisian AP's than there are River Kingdoms AP's, but a sidebar with a couple would have been nice.
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
The more I think about it, the more it occurs to me that Rufus'/my reasons for not wanting 'Brevic Justice' in the Riverlands may wind up being a lot more 'meta' than we want to deal with. It is just before class for me right now, but I will be posting more later today. Expect a long out-of-game post.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Before we get too embroidered in potentially lengthy legal discussions, are there any objections to the following points?
- We send for parts from Restov, whatever Alayi requires to better fortify this outpost. Money can be taken out of a sort of "common stash"
- We let Kressle decide on her fate, her options being being sent to Restov, most likely to the gallows OR be executed here, in the Stolen Lands OR die standing in combat against Rufus;
- Come tomorrow, we start exploring the Greenbelt
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
I concur, that or the bear are our strongest (only?) leads as of now... Though I have to admit, I'm a bit scared of facing them before hitting at least 2nd level :shivers:
Oh, and I still have to ask Kesten if to cash that bounty we need to handle the bandits to Restov or if proof of defeat is sufficient (AKA: do your apprentices count towards it?)... If it's the former, then we might already have enough money to place those orders...
GunMetal GM |
![Clockwork Librarian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_Robot-Librarian.jpg)
You can also go to the bandit fortress...You guys do have an entrance way into there but I will admit, it is EXTREMELY dangerous to go there at this point.
To save a simple question: You just need proof that they have been "dealt with". Also, there was a typo. I said 8, you only need 6. So just showing Kesten that you've captured 6 bandits is enough. You are currently at 7: 4 Minions, Happs, Kressel, 1 minion from Kressel. So if you just mention to Kesten about it, he will put in the "request for reward".
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
Before we get too embroidered in potentially lengthy legal discussions, are there any objections to the following points?
- We send for parts from Restov, whatever Alayi requires to better fortify this outpost. Money can be taken out of a sort of "common stash"
- We let Kressle decide on her fate, her options being being sent to Restov, most likely to the gallows OR be executed here, in the Stolen Lands OR die standing in combat against Rufus;
- Come tomorrow, we start exploring the Greenbelt
I am in full agreement with all these points.
Edit: One of the big complaints about Kingmaker on the forums is that the final installment kind of comes out of left field, there is so little foreshadowing...
The fact is, the fact that in all that time that Rufus mentions the Stolen Lands have so effectively resisted 'civilization' when all the lands around them have not is really the biggest foreshadowing of the final installment there is.
Yes, I just gave away, or at least hinted at, some of the meta-plot of this AP...
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
You can also go to the bandit fortress...You guys do have an entrance way into there but I will admit, it is EXTREMELY dangerous to go there at this point.
Yeah, that was screaming BOSS FIGHT! so loud I was afraid of even mentioning it :)
To save a simple question: You just need proof that they have been "dealt with". Also, there was a typo. I said 8, you only need 6. So just showing Kesten that you've captured 6 bandits is enough. You are currently at 7: 4 Minions, Happs, Kressel, 1 minion from Kressel. So if you just mention to Kesten about it, he will put in the "request for reward".
Nice. So we can, say, have this "request for reward" sent even now and specify that we'd like it part cash, part... ugh... parts for catapults, oil, spikes etc.?
@Rufus: understandable, and even without knowing of this particular "theme" in advance it stands to reason that there's something out there who has always spelled the doom of anyone trying too hard to tame the Stolen Lands. For the time being, one of the meta-meanings of my last IC post was: let's start small, so that when we face progressively stronger foes we'll be ready for them (which is, well, the pattern of every level-based RPG ever created, after all). As of now, if I recall correctly from the Player's Guide, we're still the rookie team sent out to survey the "n00b zone".
Korinne Bryden |
I'm also in agreement with all of the points Xelani raised. Going to find the mites would (if I remember correctly) take us back by the bandit camp and further on, which might be of interest to any of the characters that would want to try and find Happs (or what might be left of him) as well as to anyone who wants to see if any of the bandits tried to return to the camp or not. Of course it would also make sense to start with the areas closest to Oleg's and gradually expand outward from there.
And no, let's not call on the Stag Lord juuuust yet :)
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
At this point, even though it would seriously suck, I will laugh my ass off if Kressle takes the 'die fighting' option & manages to kill me in the process...
It would be seven different kinds of hubris...
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
So, that rogue... vanilla or were you thinking archetypes?
Since there seems to be a consensus (at least as far as the more pragmatical matters are concerned), I might want to have a post up later asking Oleg for permission to better fortify this fort and Kesten to send a request for reward to Restov, to be paid both in cash and tools (I'll leave it to gmGM to decide how much those would cost, even a very rough estimate).
I'll let Rufus (or anybody else who captured her) talk to Kressle to present her the various options.