About Alayini "Alayi" ErayaPhysical Description:
Height: 5"4' Weight: 125 LB Eyes: Solid black with orange cores. Hair Color & Length: Black but shimmering as if burning, waist length. Skin Color: Bronzed, but can pass for tanned in low light conditions. Other Features: Her ears are partially pointed, she has ridges going from her eyebrows to the back of her head, framing her hair and causing it to flow up before flowing back. Skills:
Weapon and Armor Proficiencies: A dervish dancer is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, sap, short sword, shortbow, scimitar and kukri (these last two replace rapiers and whips). Dervish Dancers are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields), and they can cast spells while wearing light armor and shields without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance (excepting spells received from other classes). Scorching Weapons (Combat): Elemental fire stirs within your body, boiling your blood and redering you resistant to flame. Gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against fire attacks and spells with the fire or light descriptor. As a swift action she can make up to two held manufactured metallic weapons become red-hot for one round, dealing 1 additional point of fire damage with a successful hit (does not stack with other effects that add fire effects to weapons). Traits:
Sword Scion: She begins with a longsword or an Aldori dueling sword (longsword chosen) and a +1 trait bonus on all attacks and combat maneubers made with such weapons. This is due to having lived all of her life in and around the city of Restov, growing up on tales of Baron Sirian Aldori and the legendary swordlords. Dreaming of joing since childhood, she has idolized the heroes, styles, and philosophies of the Aldori, seeking to mimic their vaunted art. She feels, however, that she needs to prove herself prior for petitioning for admission, and what better test than this expedition into the Stolen Lands? Reckless: She has a tendancy for rash behavior, often disregarding her own safety as she moves across the battlefield. She gains a +1 bonus on Acrobatics checks and Acrobatics is always a class skill. Class Feats & Features:
Spells: A Dervish Dancer casts arcane spells from the bard spell lists. She can cast any spell she knows without advance preparation, each one has a verbal componenant (song, recitation or music). Must have a CHA score equal to 10 + the spell level. DC for saving throws against equals 10 + spell level + dervish's CHA modifier. Can only cast a certain amount of spells per day, as alotted in the Bard Spells per day tables, modified by CHA score. Known spells are not modified by CHA. Bardic Performance: Trained to use her Perform skillto create magical effects on those around her for 4 rounds per day plus her CHA modifier (increases by 2 rounds each level after first). Starting a performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action after. If audable, subjects must be able to hear her to take effect (20% chance to fail if she is deaf). If visual, must be in line of sight to take effect (50% chance if she is blind). Distraction (Su): May use performance to counter magic effects that require sight. Makes a perform (dance) skill check for each round, any creature within 30 FT (including the bard) that is affected by an illusion (pattern or figment) may use the check instead of its saving throw, if the saving throw proves to be lower. If already under the affects of a non instantanious illusion (pattern or figment) it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the distraction, but must use the Perform skill check for the results of the save. Fascinate (Su): Can use performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with her. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 FT, able to see and hear her, and capable of paying attention to her. She must also be able to see and hear them. Combat or dangers nearby prevent this from working. Each creature to be affected receives a will save (DC 10+ 1/2 bard level + CHA modifier), if sucessful, cannot be targeted again for 24 hours. If fails, sits quietly and observes the performance as long as teh bard continues to maintain it, taking a -4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, though any potential threats to the target allow it to make a new saving throw (and obvious threats automatically break it). Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion) mind-affecting ability, relying on audible and visual components to function. Battle Dance: Dervish Dancers are trained to use the Perform skill (especially dance) to create magical effects on herself. This works like bardic performance, except the dervish dancer only affects herself, and does not need to be able to see or hear her own performance. All feats, abilities, effects that normally affect bardic performance affect battle dancing (except Lingering Performance or any other ability that allows a bardic performance to grant bonuses after it has ended). Battle dancing only applies benefits when the dervish dancer is wearing light or no armor, and cannot be maintained at the same time as other performance abilities. Starting the battle dance is a move action that can be maintained each round as a free action, though changing the effect requires the previous one to stop and the new one to begin as a new move action. The benefits end immediately when the dervish dancer is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action each round. Only one type of battle dance can be performed at a time. Dervish dancers begin with the ability to perform the inspire courage affects. Inspire Courage (Su) bolsters the dancer against fear and improves her combat abilities, granting a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects, and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon rolls. Fleet (Su): While performing a battle dance, a dervish dancer gains a +10 enhancement bonus to land speed, increasing every four levels gained after the 1st. to a maximum of +30 feet at 19th level. (Replaces bardic knowledge and lore master.) Cantrips: Bards learn a number of cantrips, or 0-level spells. These spells are cast like any other but they do not consume slots and can be cast again. Race Specific:
+2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 WIS: Ifrits are passionate and quick, but impetuous and destructive. Native Outsider: Ifrits are outsiders with the Native subtype. Medium: Ifrits are Medium creatures, thus they neither suffer any penalties nor gain any bonuses due to size. Normal Speed: Ifrits have a base speed of 30 FT. Darkvision: Ifrits can see in the dark up to 60 FT. Forge-Hardened: Some Ifrits are not decended from efreet, but instead have azer or salamander blood in their veins. Instead of a spell-like ability, such ifrits gain a +2 racial bonus to Crafting armor and weapons checks, as well as saves to resist fatigue and exhaustion. Energy Resistance: Ifrits have fire resistance 5. Fire-Starter: Some Ifrits derive a sadistic satisfaction from watching others burn. Anytime the ifrit causes a creature to catch fire, she gains a +1 morale bonus on the next single attack roll, saving throw, skill check or ability check she makes in the next round. She only gains this bonus the first time she catches a particular creature on fire; subsequent ignitions do not provide this bonus. (Replaces Fire Affinity racial trait.) Languages: Ifrits begin knowing Common and Ignan. Ifrits with a high INT score can choose from the following languages: Aquan, Auran, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran. Random Crunch:
Hit Points: 10 Hit Dice: 1d8 Armor Class: 17 Touch Armor Class: 13 Flat-Footed Armor Class: 14 Saving Throws: Fortitude: +1 Reflex: +5 Will: +2 Initiative Bonus: +3 Base Attack Bonus: +0 MAB: +1 (+2 with Longswords) RAB: +3 CMB: +1 (+2 with Longswords) CMD: +14 Spell Resistance: 5 vs. fire Spells per Day: Level 0: Infinate Level 1: 2 Level 2: 1 Level 3: 1 Speed: Base Speed: 30 FT Armored/Encumbered Speed: 20 FT Lift/Push: Light Load: 50 LB or less Medium Load: 51-100 LB Heavy Load: 101-150 LB Lift Over Head: 150 LB Lift Off Ground: 300 LB Drag or Push: 750 LB Experience Points: 0 Spells:
Items Equiped:
Armor Studded Leather: Armor Bonus: +3; Max DEX Bonus: +5; Armor Check Penalty: -1; Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 15%; Max Speed: 30 FT; Weight: 20 LB Light Steel Shield: Armor Bonus: +1; Armor Check Penalty: -1; Arcane Spell Failure Chance: 5%; Weight: 6 LB Weapon Longsword: DMG: 1d8; Critical: 19-20/X2; Type: S; Weight: 4 LB Shortbow: DMG: 1d6; Critical: x3; Type: P; Range: 60 FT; Weight: 2 LB Other Entertainer's Outfit: Patterned after the Varisian dancing garbs, these bright red and yellow dancing garments are designed to accentuate the curves as she dances. Bells and cymbles are attached to the wrists, feet, and the belt to provide an audible element to the dance. Items Owned:
Name*****Weight*****Value Studded Leather Armor*****20 LB*****25 GP Light Steel Shield*****6 LB*****9 GP Longsword*****4 LB*****15 GP Shortbow*****2 LB*****30 GP Entertainer's Outfit*****4 LB*****3 GP Arrows (20)*****3 LB*****1 GP Bard's Kit (Modified)*****20 LB*****26 GP (Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a flint and steel, ink, an inkpen, an iron pot, a journal, a mess kit, rope, soap, 10 tourches, 5 days of trail rations, and a waterskin.) Spell Component Pouch*****2 LB*****5 GP Artisan's Tools (Weapons)*****5 LB*****5 GP Artisan's Outfit*****4 LB*****1 GP Total Weight & Value: 70 LB / 120 GP Wealth:
0 PP 3 GP 0 SP 0 CP Backstory: Early Childhood:
Alayi, as she likes to be called, was born in the city of Restov to a blacksmith father and his entertainer wife. Both were human, but the father had elemental blood somewhere buried in his veins that decided to express itself with her birth. Had she been born in another town or another kingdom her looks might have been enough to brand her as a permanent outcast or a mark of shame to her family. In Brevoy, however, it is adherance to local customs and laws that grants acceptance, not physical looks. As such, she was welcomed as much as can be expected, though whispers did sometimes pass about the... virtue... of her mother, Hashara. From a very young age she was bred on tales of Baron Sirian Aldori and his legendary swordlords. She would run around with her friends play acting battles and pretending to be fighting the various foes of the kingdom. When she wasn't, she would be learning dance moves by imitating her mother. As she grew older, she started combining the two, implementing her dancing moves into her fighting style. Adolescence:
As she grew into her adolescence, Alayi began apprenticing for her father as a weaponsmith. Her blood made her a quick study, allowing her to withstand hot temperatures and craft the raw metal as if it spoke to her. The fact that she could super heat metal she was touching for a minute or two made her invaluable when it came to finishing iron into steel. Still, her heart was only partially in her work. She still wanted to be a swordlord, or at least a dancer like her mother. She convinced her father to train her in the use of the longsword properly. Combined with her skills in dancing and her natural grace and acrobatic skills, she developed a style of combat all of her own. Adulthood Until Now:
Now, twenty two, she has decided to achieve her lifelong dream of becoming an Aldori swordlord. Yet how could she, a blacksmith's daughter, be taken seriously if she submitted an application? The local lords have put forward a call for adventures and heroes to retake the stolen lands. Just the feat of bravery she would need to seriously submit an application to join their order and be trained in their ways. Should she succeed anyway. Worldview & Alignment:
Alayi views the world as a place in need of order, laws, and heroes. She isn't necessarily a good person, but she is an honest one and one that is a firm believer in establishing order. |