About Castor AntaresCastor Antares
Age : 23 Size : Medium, 5‘6", 125 lbs. Type : Humanoid (Human & Elf) A young adult half-elf with silvery white hair, Castor never seems to stop smiling. A close analysis of his traits reveals him to be a bit of a mutt. Strong elven and human ancestries are obvious, marking him as the son of an elf and a human, but various traits trace two clear stories: A drow somewhere in his ancestry, perhaps a great-grandparent, and some manner of orcish decent on his human side, much further away. His ancestry is very, very obviously mixed of all kinds of folk. Though his age, lanky build, and simple enthusiastic smile would lead a common person to dismiss Castor as « just some half-elf son of a local farmer, » his outfit tells another story. Castor is clad in the traditional garb of Desna’s clergy, a white silk robe with a black trim. He has chosen to forgo the traditional silk cap in favor of a hood sewn into the robe. The vestment itself has been fitted to be quite appropriate to a life of travel, and shows signs of pronounced wear and tear. A butterfly made of delicate iron filigree hangs from an intricate chain around Castor’s neck. Those with the appropriate knowledge would recognize it as a proudly-displayed holy symbol of Desna. A second pendant, this one wooden, hangs alongside it. It depicts a mug, the holy symbol of Cayden Cailean. Beneath his robe, Castor wears simple leather armor, the best his limited travel budget could acquire. A longbow and a pair of starknives are each ready to be drawn at a moment's notice. Castor makes no effort to conceal them when on the road, and they serve as a clear warning to those who would mean him harm. -------
Who is Castor Antares?:
Born of the union of Branton Welford, a pioneer of Chelish and Varisian descent, and Spica Antares, a traveling elven priestess of Desna hailing from Kyonin. The eldest of what would eventually be five children, two elder boys and three younger girls, the young Castor quickly took to his parents' sense of adventure, and even more so to his mother's faith. For the greatest part, his childhood was spent on the road with his ever-growing family. Having children was not going to stop his parents from having their adventures; it only enriched their travels.
Castor's parents would teach their son many skills. They taught him to pay attention to his surroundings and never to be caught off guard, explaining that the world was a beautiful but dangerous place. He was trained in the use of a longbow by his elven mother, and horsemanship and animal care by his father. Most of all, they taught him the ways of getting along in the wild. On his own, he picked up dregs of divine Orisons, though he would not truly acquire any divine magic until years later. Still, to this day, he has little in the way of formal education, and possesses limited knowledge beyond the road and the teachings of his faith. With time, Castor grew into a fine young lad, full of enthusiasm and optimism. He eventually left his parents' side to adventure forth on his own, touring the region to find his own way, promising to remain in touch through letters and the occasional fateful meeting. His siblings would soon follow suit, some of them joining caravans of travelers or bands of adventurers, others traveling on their own. Castor's younger brother, Orion, became a noble sellsword, hiring his services as a protector to merchant caravans. The eldest of his three sisters, Lyra, found a talent for song. She joined a troupe of wandering minstrels. Shaula, the middle sister, became a ranger, assisting travelers and merchants in reaching their destinations safe and sound, and bands of pioneers seeking to explore untamed lands. Finally, the youngest sister, Aludra, found herself possessing a courageous heart. According to letters Castor would receive only days before the beginning of the campaign, she was training at one of Desna's largest shrines in the region, seeking to ascend to the ranks of paladinhood. One day, as Castor traveled towards a small village whose inn was of shining reputation, he came across a chariot forgotten on the side of the road. A quick search of the area later, he found the chariot’s owner, an old merchant, desperately trying to administer first aid to an injured horse. The merchant explained that he had stopped by the road to rest and let his horse graze, and that wolves had taken them by surprise, scaring the animal and chasing it into the woods. The merchant had scared the predators away with a torch, but the damage was done, and the horse would die if nothing was done. Feeling for the merchant, Castor invoked divine power and cured the animal’s wounds. Thankful, the man offered to give Castor a ride to town and, upon their arrival, offered the young cleric a sizeable reward: A mare from his stables as a travel companion. Castor tried to refuse, shocked by the man’s generosity over what had been a small act of compassion, but the man insisted and Castor was forced to relent. The next morning, he left the village on horseback, riding the mare that would become his most trusted companion for years to come. Still, one cannot simply traverse the country, doing good where good is needed, without butting heads with various folk. More than a few miscreants curse the name of the white-haired half-elf with an iron butterfly. Small-name thugs, cutthroats, and bandits are numerous on the roads, and more than a few had their attempts at theft and pilfering cut short by his coincidental presence. Rumors have it that a notorious local bandit chief has offered a satchel of gold to whomever would bring him the young upstart's head. Some years after parting ways with his parents, Castor decided to travel to his grandfather's homeland of Varisia, to discover more about his human roots. He had visited the nearby Kyonin more than a handful of times, but his father's homeland was a new discovery to him. In Varisia, he met relatives of his father, kind and generous people who worked their land earnestly, and met each day with a blessed smile. Castor enjoyed his stay, bringing news of his father and family in Brevoy. However, he did not feel at home with this side of his family, gracious hosts as they may have been. He was a stranger of another culture and almost another race. His great-grandfather had left his childhood home at quite a young age, dissatisfied with his family's sedentary farmlife. He had had a son in Brevoy, who shared his heart for adventure, and that son had had children of his own, who found themselves led even deeper down the wanderer's path. As much respect as he held for his human roots, he could not deny that, in his heart, it was his mother's elven side that held the strongest pull. His departure, however, had not left him entirely unattached. Over the course of an evening spent at a celebration joining Chelish farmers and Varisian caravaneers, he had met Moonshine, a wandering human bard in the service of Cayden Cailean's faith. Their shared love for the road and the good terms between their faiths had soon blossomed into a whirlwind romance, but they were both young and flighty. Neither he nor she was truly ready to make a true commitment. After some weeks spent traveling the region in each other's company, the two eventually went their own way, promising to meet again one day. On the last night before Castor departed, they chose the brightest star in the sky, and decreed it to be theirs, and that they would think of one another whenever they saw it. To this day, each wears the symbol of their lover's deity in addition to their own, as a sign of trust and protection. As the campaign begins, Castor, freshly returned from Varisia, hears word of an expedition being organized to reclaim the Stolen Lands. At first, he only means to come and extend Desna's blessings to the would-be explorers, but he is asked to join the expedition after the word runs that having a cleric of the goddess of travelers and luck would be a great help. Not one to refuse an adventure, Castor immediately accepts, with a solemn promise to help make the expedition a true success. To his surprise, as the expedition prepares to depart, he is approached by his parents, who have come to see their son off. Each of them has a gift to bestow upon him, for luck: His mother, a practiced bowmaker, presents him with the finest longbow he had ever seen, a composite longbow tuned exactly to his use, etched with Desna's holy symbol. His father, meanwhile, offers him something Castor knows quite well: A form-shifting memento passed down the Welford family line, which they simply know as "The Tool". With it, Castor's father assures, few situations will have him lacking the proper tool. Determined to make his family proud, Castor sets off with a smile, onwards to meet those who would be his companions for the time to come...
The Antares Clan:
The Antares clan is a family of family of elves, half-elves, and the occasional integrated member of another race who live on the roads of Brevoy and the neighboring areas, though their origins can be traced back to the nearby Kyonin. They are devout followers of Desna, who believe the stars to be guiding lights watching upon the living. It is rare for a member of Clan Antares to grow strongly attached to a place. Their culture is one of travel and discovery. They are traveling bards and storytellers, preachers in Desna's name, pioneers, and wandering merchants. Most of their number rarely remains in place for more than a few days. They are oftentime distrusted of other elven clans: Stargazing is a much beloved hobby of theirs, and this attachment to the night has led some of the more distrustful elf clans to believe that they may have stronger connections to the Drow that they let on. While it is true that many members of Clan Antares display drow-like physical traits, most particularly their silvery hair and sharp eyes, members of the family assert, whenever asked, that they want as little to do with their race's dark counterpart as they possibly can. There is little in the way of social obligations to the clan. One's kin are perceived as friends and allies, and one's elders as mentors and guides, but, as followers of the ideals of freedom, the clan does not believe in social obligation. A very "live and let live" disposition regarding love and marriage has led the Antares Clan to be one of the more diverse elven clans out there, counting within its ranks not only humans, but smatterings of races oftentimes less favored by elves, including dwarves, half-orcs, gnomes and halflings. -------
The Welford Family:
The Welford family tree can be traced back to Cheliax, stemming from before the diabolic takeover of the nation. Disgusted by what they perceived as increasing corruption of the royal family, the Welfords of the time opted to leave the city and establish farmsteads in more rural regions, where they merely desired to live in peace. Frequent encounters with Varisian caravaneers, however, brought wanderlust to some of the younger members of the clan. Amongst them was Castor's great-grandfather, Lambert Welford. Lambert, a hardy man, dreamed of more than simple farm life. He and his Varisian wife, Eriana, traveled far and wide, eventually settling in Brevoy, where they had children. Their son, Geralt Welford, and their eventual grandson, Branton, both became pioneers. During an expedition near Kyonin, Branton was grievously injured by a dire wolf but, as luck would have it, a band of Antares-Clan elves were nearby. The wandering elves took the man into their care until he could recover. It is during this period of time that Branton and Spica would fall in love. Spica would soon split off from her group and join her now-husband's travels. The rest is, as they say, history. -------
Some would describe Castor as "happy-go-lucky" or perhaps even "carelessly foolish and foolishly careless," but he prefers to see himself as someone who does not back down and trusts that, between his own talents, the blessings of Desna, and just a little bit of luck, everything will work out for the best.
Castor prefers to avoid conflict where unnecessary, often taking up a position of mediator in disputes and preferring to back down when confronted. However, he has no compunctions against returning fire against an unreleting opponen. While he may appear free-spirited, foolish, and often distracted, spending his life on the roads has imparted Castor with sharp senses and an even sharper judgement. He is quick to notice nefarious individuals trying to make a fool of him. Castor respects the idea that law is necessary to keep less savory folks in line and protect the meek. That said, he believes that law should be confined strictly to that role, and refuses to let society dictate how people should live, so long as they do not hurt others. Castor prefers to pray at the break of dawn, while the stars are still high above and the sun is peeking at the edge of the horizon. As a new day begins, the stars make a graceful exit, parting ways with the living, but not before imparting their blessings of luck for the day to come. This ritual has conditioned him into being a very early riser. Castor favors virtues of respect and kindness, and has a generous heart. However, he takes badly to abuse of his generosity or that of others, decrying such actions as discouraging generous folk and embittering the world one step at a time. -------
AC 18, Touch 14, Flat 14
Speed 40 ft (+10 with Travel Domain)
Str 12; Dex 18; Con 10; Int 12; Wis 18; Cha 14 Feats • Selective Channel
Traits • Pioneer (Skill chosen: Perception)
Racial Traits: • Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.
Domain Powers: • Agile Feet (Su): As a free action, you can gain increased mobility for 1 round. For the next round, you ignore all difficult terrain and do not take any penalties for moving through it. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.
------- Magic ------- Spells:
Domain Spells Known
Prayer time: Early morning
Trained Skills:
• Perception +11
Spoken Languages: Common, Elven, Celestial
------- Appearance ------- A healthy black mare with a blonde mane and feathering at her hooves, Capella is clad in both a saddle and a set of saddlebags marked with Desna's holy symbol, the starred butterfly. Cared for at the best of her master’s ability, she seems content with her daily lot. -------
Tricks known: Come, Exclusive, Heel, Stay, Throw Rider, Work N Large animal
AC 15, touch 13, flat-footed 11 (+4 Dex, –1 size, +2 natural)
Speed 50 ft.
Str 20, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 17, Cha 11
Unless specifically trained for combat (see the Handle Animal skill, a horse's hooves are treated as secondary attacks. -------
Gear worn or readied -Clothes and Armor • Traveler's Outfit • Masterwork Chain Shirt -Weapons • Masterwork Composite Longbow (SR +1) • 2x Starknife • Quiver(10 arrows, 8 blunt arrows, 2 whistling arrows) -Accessories • Belt pouch (Containing 408 gp, 3 sp) • Spell Component Pouch • Waterskin • Iron Holy Symbol(Desna) • Wooden Holy Symbol(Cayden Cailean) Gear in masterwork backpack
Carried by Capella