Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Since I don't feel like we're on a tight schedule, Xelani would probably be in favor of spending a day scouting the zone / disarming traps, if not for the danger they might pose to the unwary traveler. If that counts towards the XP reward for fully exploring the hex, all the better.
Other than that, since we're here I'd suggest going as far as the westernmost boundary of our charter before turning back. The most time-efficient way to scour the Greenbelt is probably something resembling a serpentine-like path, as it minimizes the times the same trail must be trodden again in order to reach new unexplored hexes.
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
Hey all. Sorry I haven't posted in at least a couple days. Both work & legal aspects of Mom's death have picked up. Consequently, I wind up getting home late & even more tired than usual. If I wind up slowing play down as a consequence, please 'bot' me GM Gm. I should be back to a more frequent posting before the end of the week.
Edit: I also like Xelani's plan as far as mapping goes.
Castor Antares |
Castor's level up summary:
HP: 15 (average rounded up, so 5, I assumed, +1 constitution.)
Skills: +1 rank to Perception, Sense Motive, Survival, and Knowledge(Religion). Favored class bonus used to get a skill point.
Spells: +1 level 0 spell per day, +1 level 1 spell per day.
Channel Energy DC is now 13.
(Level 2 is not the most exciting level for a cleric, heheh.)
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
As we now have mounts, yes, I think taking advantage of our increased speed to map out those areas we can move fast in quickly would be helpful.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
@Korinne: according to his backgroud, Arawn is a Surtova descended from a secondary branch, though after leaving port Ice he picked up the surname Vasska. I don't know if he told anyone about it during the few days we spent together; I think he said (ooc) that his story should have been pretty well know in the right circles, but the only one with ranks in Knowledge (nobility or local) would be Rufus...
As for exploring, I'm all for it - where are we exactly, though? I was under the impression we're currently somewhere along the south Restov road, and thus outside the eastern edge of the map... Does the top row of hexes fall within our charter?
Korinne Bryden |
@Xelani - Yeah, speaking OOC I realize that unless Rufus knows something then nothing will likely come of Korinne's question. But I felt it was something she would ask, you know?
And regarding exploration, it was sort of an in-character agreement/suggestion to line up with mapping out the more open hexes now that we have horses. If it makes more sense to return to Oleg's start from there, then that's fine :)
GunMetal GM |
![Clockwork Librarian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_Robot-Librarian.jpg)
Sorry for the lack of posting. Things have been busy on my end.
As to the top row(the As) Xelani, those are outside of the charter. You can consider those to already be mapped as they are rather close to the border with Brevoy. You are correct in saying you took the eastern road.
The Mites are at E6. You can either go by Oleg's to refresh supplies(In reality it only took you a few hours to get to where you are right now on the road) or you can just start exploring at B8. If you go to Oleg's and then head out, let me know if there are any specific locations you want to "swing" by. Most recent suggestion or first suggestion(IC or OOC), depending on when I check in, will be what you guys do.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Hey, no worry GM^2.
So I take it the cart was attacked in an hypothetical A8 / A9 hex, which is where we are...
Personally, I think cutting down diagonally through B8 would be a sensible and time-saving choice, but we probably don't have enough supplies as of now to reach the mites all in one swing. As it stands, I suggest we go back to Oleg's => resupply, inform Kesten of our intentions => reach the mites' lair through C5 (which I know is a forest hex, but we still haven't explored it and it's nearby so...), D6, E6
Castor Antares |
Hey all, posting this to all my games because I don't have much time:
I'll be very busy today; I'm on the tail end of my software engineering studies, and today is the commitment ceremony for the Quebecois Engineers' Organization.
As you can guess, this will leave me little time for PbP.
See you all tomorrow!
Castor Antares |
A heads up to all my groups: I'm entering some of the craziest three weeks of my studies. I'm only that much away from graduating, and I have a lot of work to do. My posting will likely be somewhat lackluster during that time, so please forgive me for this.
Feel free to bot me as needed.
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
On the subject of Rufus' Bard spells known, what do the rest of you think of this one?
School divination; Level bard 1, druid 1, inquisitor 1, ranger 1, shaman 1, witch 1
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, M/DF (a smooth stone)
Range touch
Target one creature
Duration 8 hours (D)
Saving Throw Will negates (harmless); Spell Resistance yes (harmless)
The target instinctively knows the shortest, easiest, and fastest way through the wilderness. For the purpose of determining overland speed, the target treats any trackless terrain as though there were a trail or road, and any terrain with a road or trail as though there were a highway. Up to one creature per caster level traveling with the target can also benefit from the effect. The spell functions only outdoors and does not function in magically altered terrain.
Granted, it won't be that useful for us all until he is either third or fourth level as a Skald, depending on how GMGM interprets the line I emboldened...
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Thirded. Potentially very useful, even if it would kick in in full force only by the time we reach the second part of the AP. (I agree about the very ambiguous wording, btw)
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
Actually, knowing the tree was inhabited by dark Fey, Rufus would prefer not to even approach within sight of it unless with the intent to make an immediate assault. Something he doesn't think we are prepared to do today. If possible, he would have asked Nakpik to bring us just out of sight of the tree & then we would make camp for the night.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Agreed. Xelani's spent all of her daily Lay On Hands uses to patch up Crak after Rufus cracked it. Some rest would be appreciated – tomorrow, we take on the mites.
GunMetal GM |
![Clockwork Librarian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_Robot-Librarian.jpg)
This is my fault for not really being more descriptive of how large the tree is but this is a REALLY big landmark in the area. While you haven't quite been really near it, the tree itself is probably massive and it sits alone on a large hill. It is visible from even 12 miles away(Basically, the moment you enter the "hex" you can see it). It is actually visible from the Kobold's cave entrance. The area you are in is mostly just flat lands with a few hills here and there.
With that in mind, I am more than willing to hand wave my words and say that you guys camp at/around the kobold's cave entrance if that is what you want. Let me know if that is ok with you. Again, sorry for not being more descriptive.
![]() |
Hey guys, sorry to butt in here but I have a message for your GM.
Hey, remember me? I am in another Kingmaker game that needs to replace a couple of players, and since the last game we were in together died but you "took one for the team" and took over this game, I thought of you. I just sent you a PM with details, so if you want to be a player in a Kingmaker game again let me know.
As you were. :)
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
I'm guessing the tunnel ceilings are only about 5' high. What about the room ceilings?
Is it possible to charge?
If we are going to treat this as a combat, we should try to keep them from raising an alarm.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
With three of us being somewhat accomplished archers and there being only two mites, sniping them could be a possibility – if we're not terribly unlucky they might be dead before the surprise round even ends.
Of course, that would almost assuredly leave no maneuvering room for a diplomatic approach anymore. Though the chances of it succeeding are probably so small, and the drawback in the form of alerting the whole lair of our presence so significant, that I'd probably call it a fool's gambit anyway.
tl;dr: I'd suggest opening up with a volley of arrows, and then we roll initiative. Barring abysmal rolls it should suffice, methinks.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Thought about that, but I'm afraid if they don't have at least 5 HDs (which I doubt, for our own sake at least!) – or some sort of Aura SQ – they wouldn't register anyway.
(This is also why I didn't bother to use it with the kobolds)
GunMetal GM |
![Clockwork Librarian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_Robot-Librarian.jpg)
@Rufus: sorry i thought i had placed this in the ooc. the low ceiling is only conferring a -2 to attack. it does not impeed you movement. so yeah charging is doable. the low ceiling is through the lair so the attack penalty will affect you in this room.
Rufus Fitzroi |
![Gruhastha, the Keeper](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/PZO92112-Gruhastha_500.jpeg)
@Rufus: sorry i thought i had placed this in the ooc. the low ceiling is only conferring a -2 to attack. it does not impede you movement. so yeah charging is doable. the low ceiling is through the lair so the attack penalty will affect you in this room.
Yeah, this place is a nightmare for anything taller than a dwarf, I definitely remember that much...
Meta-gaming here, but Rufus would have, (make that should have), argued rather heavily from his recollections that there really isn't a diplomatic option with these guys, particularly not if we are trying to get them to give up something of the kobold's.If the archers try to take the Mites out, then Rufus will see if he can get himself between the mites & the exit. That way he can try blocking any escape attempt they make, if they make an escape attempt.
In retrospect, Bard is superior to Skald if we have primarily ranged combatants...
Inspire Rage just gives Rage bonus, whereas Inspire Courage gives bonuses that also benefit ranged attackers...
Forgot that he is almost the only melee character in the group, sorry.
Xelani Fyodorova |
![Samaritha Beldusk](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A8.-Half-Elf-Cyphermage.jpg)
Ditto. Skald is more thematically appropriate to Rufus than bard anyway. And since we've more or less agreed that anything that transpires here can be considered as a paraphrase of in-game discussions, I'm completely fine with Rufus having warned us of the futility of a diplomatic approach beforehand.
GunMetal GM |
![Clockwork Librarian](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/A18_Robot-Librarian.jpg)
While I realize I am not the fastest poster to begin with, I will be pretty much out for the next few days, probably until Monday.