Albert Malek Garess |

"I concur with Lady Rilka. Let us return the child to his mother, and we will deal with this problem once I have located some.scrolls for the spells I will need to destroy that aberration."

GM_Coreyllon |

Anyone else have thoughts before you guys start hiking back? On a side note, please does Sir Andreas have a back up weapon? Or would someone like to hand him one?

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Andreas pulls himself up out of the water and scans the area for threats. When satisfied that they are safe, he turns to look at the distant island that they just fled from. He starts to step back towards the island wanting to return to help those that he left behind.
What have I done?
The angry cries echoing out to his ears and brings shame to his face. He looks to the skies as tears well up in his eyes.
We saved an innocent life but at what cost? I sacrificed all those innocent lives to save just one.
He drops to his knees on the shore, his head hanging low. The cold waters lapping against his armor as he remains silent. His mind in full blown meltdown at his failure, the knight remembers his father's words.
A true leader has the confidence to stand alone, the courage to make tough decisions, and the compassion to listen to the needs of others. He does not set out to be a leader but becomes one by the equality of his actions and the integrity of his intent.
He stands from the waters, turning in one swift motion and strides forward towards tig. He places a gentle hand on his shoulder.
Let us get you home to your parents.
He motions for the other to head out.
As they start to leave, he turns once more to look at the island.
I shall return.

GM_Coreyllon |

You find your mounts and begin riding back along the river towards your homes. The areas you travel through are unexplored wilderness. Tig seems deeply shaken by his experiences.
Are you riding straight to the capital or are you wanting to explore some of the wilderness as you go?

Rillka Cloudhopper |

Rillka votes for straight home... let's not get Tig killed in a random encounter!
Rillka listens as Andreas speaks at the riverside. As they are riding away, when he is few paces away from the rest, she leads Lucca close, and softly speaks to the knight, What you did was save an innocent child. And you didn't sacrifice anyone, you inspired some to stand up for what is right and natural. That some died... is sad, but their deaths were noble and their sacrifices gave their lives a value that none can take away. Pharasma will be kind to their souls. She then gives his calf a good hard punch, So pull it together Tall Folk, we need our King back to lead us... or I am taking Rhavi and we are starting our own kingdom!
She then steers Lucca back into the group.

Jackob Mulle |

I'm for straight home as well
CLW, Rhavi: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
CLW, Von Ulm: 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
The Oracle's magic mitigates the worst of Rhavi's and Von Ulm's wounds.
Once night falls Albert heals CMW, empowered by Heavens spirit: 3d8 + 6 ⇒ (2, 6, 6) + 6 = 20 hp.
"Well that could have gone better." Jackob wipes some blood off his face. "At least that think is pretty far from any habitations. We will have to deal with it someday though."

GM_Coreyllon |

Chances: 1d100 ⇒ 73
Chances: 1d100 ⇒ 1
Chances: 1d100 ⇒ 26
Chances: 1d100 ⇒ 94
That means?: 1d100 ⇒ 42
Wow...Is everyone mounted as you ride back? Is Tig riding with someone?
Roll perception checks. Someone can roll for Rhavi and Tig. Tig has a +1 bonus.

Jackob Mulle |

I spy with my little eye: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Rhavi spies with their little eye: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28
Tig spies with their little eye: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21
Something that begins with initiative
GM is this same day or have I been able to use the Empowered healing on Albert? Need to know how many spell slots I have available.

Albert Malek Garess |

Perception: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Albert is quiet for much of the ride so far, reflecting on strategies for defeating the creature back at the village before it can wreak more havoc. He's not paying attention to his surroundings.

GM_Coreyllon |

Its late the same day. Spend whatever healing you wish to spend on people.

Jackob Mulle |

Its late the same day. Spend whatever healing you wish to spend on people.
Well If I can bot Rhavi for a moment she would likely drink her CLW infusion for: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6.
Then I can give my 2 CLW's to Albert and Von Ulm. +9hp each unless you want me to re-roll from the earlier post.
That leaves me with 1 lonely 2nd level spell slot to my name.

GM_Coreyllon |

That works. Does anyone have any other healing or spells or shall we continue?

Albert Malek Garess |

Jackob, if you could also give me a couple of taps from my Wand of CLW, so I don't have to roll UMD, I would appreciate it.

Jackob Mulle |

Ok, was planning on waiting for nightfall and healing you for 20, But I suppose it's not too meta-gamy to heal you right before a possible encounter if you are so low that a fall from your horse will kill you.
tap1: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
tap 2: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Have 17 shiny hit points

GM_Coreyllon |

You guys are traveling through unexplored, dangerous wilderness with an army of Lizardfolk potentially coming from behind you with a dark god. I think healing is a reasonable thing to do if you want to spend the resources. But we will assume that you are happy with where you are now.
Arcana+Inspiration: 1d20 + 1d6 + 16 ⇒ (20) + (6) + 16 = 42
Hydra Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Ser Andreas Init: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (9) + 2 + 1 = 12
Rillka Init: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 5 + 1 = 13
Rhavi Init: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 1 = 20
Jackob Init: 1d20 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 + 1 = 16
Albert Init: 1d20 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 2 + 1 = 20
The group rides along the river bank. The area along the river is mostly muddy swamp in this area which makes it slow going even while riding.
After several hours the fear of an army of lizardfolk led by their dark god subsides and you push on as fast as you can. Late in the day you have passed Candlemere and are passing along the river that links the Candlemere and Tuskwater lakes. The sun is beginning to set and discussion of finding a reasonable campsite starts up when everyone but Albert, who is looking forward to talk to the group while the others occasionally glance back at him, notice a rippling in the water near some large boulders in the river.
A large reptilian head surfaces that reminds several of you of the blood caiman you fought at the lizardfolk village. Then a second reptilian head, followed by a third head rise to the surface as all of them seem to start moving towards the bank you are riding along. A forth and fifth head rise to the surface behind the first three, and then continue rising on two long sinuous necks as all of them hiss at your group!
Rhavi calls out, "That is a Hydra, a large, cumbersome magical amphibious beast that heals rapidly!"
Initiative: Bold Names Go!
Albert [19/35]
Rhavi [24/31]
Jackob [25/35]
Rillka [22/22]
Sir Andreas [14/43]
Hyrda [?/?]
If anyone wants to know more about Hydras, make a Knowledge: Arcane check.
So there is no path. Areas with just grass can be traveled through normally. Areas with bushes or the sand (which is actually muddy ground) are difficult terrain. Technically, Albert is surprised, but since everyone else knows what is happening we will say you alerted him and move into normal actions. So everyone can go![/b]
[ooc]On a random note. A hydra is not the worst thing you can run into around here. It's close...but not the worst. So there is always that.

Albert Malek Garess |

"Keep your distance! Sir Andreas and I will take the lead."
Albert takes out his pearl of power and uses it to restore his shield spell.
Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Jackob Mulle |

"Don't fight it! just Run!
GM. No access to the map. But this shouln't take a map.
Lights and glowing multi colored fog gathers around the oracles hands. With a word Jackob sends the glowing, dancing cloud towards the Hydra.
Standard action: cast Hypnotic Pattern to only catch the Hydra. 150' range and a 10'spread should make this possible. HD effected: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (4, 1) + 4 = 9 Will dc 15 or Fascinated if it has 9 hd or less. Duration Concentration +2 rounds
"Weapons down, stay away, it only works if you do not threaten it!"
Move action: Ride directly away from the Hydra.
No Spells remaining.

GM_Coreyllon |

The map should allow access to now. Does the group listen to Jackob, Albert or do something else?

Jackob Mulle |

The map should allow access to now. Does the group listen to Jackob, Albert or do something else?
Is it just me or is the grid hard to see on this map? GM_Coreyllon how far can my 50' move horse get going due up on this map? I think the edge is ~30' away but I can't tell exactly. In any case after casting the spell Jackob is riding up going around the right side of the big clump of bushes if Butternut can get that far. I would take a guess and move my tokens but the map says I need "edit" access to do that.

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

I have heard tales of such creatures but never imagine that they would be real.
He pulls back on the reins as his horse instinctively places them between the enemy and the group.
Albert take point and get us out of here. Ride and pay attention to the terrain for dangers that could take out our mounts.
He looks over his shoulder at the creature as it moves towards them.
Rilka keep Tig close by you and follow Albert. The rest cover their backside. I am not fighting that thing, but I am the best to survive if it catches up to us from behind. Ride hard.

Rillka Cloudhopper |

Those who fight and run away, live to level up and return prepared….
Killka keeps Tig near as they ride away from the beast; but they are a step behind Jackob and not waiting for Albert. Tillman will keep an eye out for him, knowing that he and Andreas both have a thing for attempting heroic last stands.

Albert Malek Garess |

Albert takes point and begins leading the group away from the river.
"To me! To me! We do not fight today, if we can help it."

GM_Coreyllon |

The group takes to the hills and races away. Even through the thick brush and muddy ground, the horse are faster then the giant monster lumbering behind you and after a short ride for the hills the creature gives up and returns to the river.
The rest of the journey back to town is tiring, but over the next two days you are unmolested and find your way back to the capitol.

GM_Coreyllon |

As Sir Andreas and the small council return to the capital, they find the city in an uproar. Joy and appreciation for the safe return of Tig are hampered by rumors flying of several deaths in the few days the group was out looking for the lost boy.
The group sees Tig returned to his parents and then quickly finds themselves gathering in the main room of the inn with a roaring crowd. The other members of the full council who are in town currently also make their way to join in on the hearing. Akilina has a woman in tow with her and she motions the woman to stand near where the council sits. Merideth, a farmer from north of the town also moves forward with a tiefling in tow.
Akilina motions for the crowd to stop yelling and after a bit she complies. She then tells the council, "There are apparently several deaths or murders around the capital. I have been dealing with some family mattters, so I asked Saoirse to investigate, but she has had little time to do it. Still, I brought her here to tell you what she knows."
Before Saorise can speak, the farmer Merideth intervenes and says, [b]"A bunch of my animals were killed a couple of days ago as well. I went to the Druid in the forest and he sent Duzz to aid in figuring out what is doing this to my cows."

Duzz "Li'l Lamb" |

"Greeting, Lords and Ladies." And then there was silence, at least for a moment. Duzz had this power, whenever he spoke for the first time among strangers, his strong voice carrying over and surprising folk. And then there were the murmurs and the comments of surprise. Always the same, but this did not make it any easy for his anxiety. At least this time no one was bleating about him being possessed by a demon, not yet at least.
For this voice, imagine Patrick Warburton as Kronk in The Emperor's New Groove.
"Old Then has sent me..." Because he was probably tired of Duzz sleeping the whole day. That wasn't fair, of course, because that was what one was supposed to do when on vacations. Some people did take long vacations, about a year-long. "... to help with the cows but also to talk about the proper ways for this booming town to grow and prosper alongside the precious earth, and trees, and waters and sky. And animals." His stretched fingers are weaving together to paint a better picture. Old Then did not used the word "booming" though, but he was old beyond what was reasonable and had long reached that age were people stop giving a f@&* about what people thing about their words.
He sounded very certain of his abilities and that would not be fair. "If I can and I'm allowed, of course."
Duzz is reasonably handsome, with curly blond hair, deep dark eyes, an easy smile, and absolutely no hint of facial hair. He could pass for a regular halfling if not for a pair of ram horns on his head and his goat legs. He is fit and agile, even if there is some laziness on his gestures. While his appearance is already striking, his most memorable characteristic is his voice, which is deep and powerful and much more fitting to a hulking orc than to a small halfling.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

At Akilina's gesture, the tall, stunning young woman that steps forward, does so with the fluid grace of a dancer, introducing herself with the ease of one likely equally comfortable in a rowdy tavern, or a high court. Long fiery hair with a patch of snowy white, compliments eyes that shine with the color of amber, standing out starkly against her pale, almost flawless complexion, accented by a subtle hint of freckling, and a beauty mark at the corner of her mouth.
Her garb is both colorful and complementary, with flair of color and personality, highlighting an elegantly tooled chain shirt reminiscent of roiling clouds. A simple, well-made rapier adorns her hip.
Her eyes taking in each of the council members, the woman performs a small curtsey, the gesture feeling as much an honorific as an introduction. ”It is a pleasure to be before the council, though I wish it were under different circumstances.” she begins in a voice filled with a strong musical resonance, yet a disarmingly familiar warmth.
”I have been working with Lady Akilina, to help her keep abreast of the goings on within this blossoming community, and under her direction, have been investigating the odd set of disappearances over the last few days.”
”The first was Saki, a barmaid who works here at the inn actually….she apparently never made it home after her last shift, and the current fear is that some ill fate befell her. The second was a boy named Beven who watched over a flock of sheep. He hasn’t been seen in well over a day, and the people I’ve talked to so far seem to believe he’s been killed. Possibly quite violently.”she continues, letting the impact of her report settle on the council as she meets the gaze of the council.

Jackob Mulle |

Jackob turns to the newcomers.
"Welcome, a glad meeting though with bad news."
to business.
"I wonder if the three incidents are related? Where did Saki live and when waas her last shift? Where was Breven's flock and where were Merideth's animals killed?"
Jackob will not ask about Saki's residence if he knows where she lived. But I will need that info. :7)

GM_Coreyllon |

You can make a Knowledge Local check or Jackob doesn't know. If you want to start asking people in the crowd you can make a diplomacy to gather information. But people seem shocked at the news and no one immediately responds.

Rillka Cloudhopper |

Rillka mostly listens and takes notes as people in the crowd speak, particularly about where events occurred and when. She will ask individuals in the crowd what she can, focusing on facts, when things occurred, where they occurred, any details.
Kn Local: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Kn Geography: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20 Any connections - roads, valleys, waterways
Rillka does speak to Tall Folk for a moment, Sir Andreas, I would recommend that we have Saoirse and Duzz join our company, as they seem best informed of these events.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

As Rillka suggests having herself and the goat-man Duzz join them, Saoirse looks askance of Akilina, excited at the prospect of being of further service, and determined to get to the bottom of this potentially deadly mystery.

Duzz "Li'l Lamb" |

"So the rumors about this boy Beven goes from missing to killed and then to killed violently?" That was quite a sequence of leaps to the point of putting the whole report in a very questionable light.
Duzz smiles at Rillka and bows slightly.
There was just too many information missing to even bother starting with the theories. "If you give me some time, I could talk to the remaining of Merideth's cows as well as the sheep Breven was watching. If there are dogs or cats that live around the inn, they might also know about Safi."

GM_Coreyllon |

For new players. I assume everyone reads spoilers, be it the combat spoilers or the player info spoilers. If I really only want a single player to know something I will PM them. With that in mind, please just keep in mind what you as a character knows when determining your comments or actions. If you are too busy or wish to only be aware of what you know, you do not have to read the spoilers for other characters. That is up to you. I mainly just use spoilers to keep the boards neat.
You believe Beven tended to be more west of the town as he watered his sheep at the lake instead of a river or well from what you saw on your own outings around the town.
Merideth's cows would have also been somewhere to the northwest of the city probably based on what you know.
Geography There are no roads or waterways that directly link the three. Merideth and Beven probably both used the lake or small creeks to water their animals. But there is no obvious connection based on geography other then all of them lived outside of the small capital.

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Andreas nods at Rillka and turns to the council.
This should be investigated. We should purchase some livestock in Restov to replace those that were lost. Everyone is struggling to make this new city work. The loss of livestock puts more stress on an already stressful life. It is the least we can do to help those in need. I also agree with Lady Rillka... The more eyes on this the better.
He turns to the citizens.
I appreciate the information that you have given us. I would ask that you pass along any other details you may have, not matter how small or insignificant it may seem. I also would ask that Duzz and Saoirse come forth.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

Saoirse responds with a bow.
"I would be happy to do so, M'lord." She says stepping forward, eager to proceed with the investigation.

Rillka Cloudhopper |

Rillka eyes the pair; they balanced one another in so many ways. Although she could barely contain a laugh when Saoirse bowed to Andreas.
For love of Shelyn, do not think about calling me “lady”. she says to Saoirse, with a smile, friendly, but serious.
And thank you both for taking such efforts for our city. Rillka’s look, tone and emphasis of “our” is one of genuine appreciation for the efforts of a peer.
You have a plan, Tall Folk? Hopefully something that starts with a hot meal, a hot bath, and a nights rest? Rillka asks Andreas.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

Saoirse grins in response to Rillka's friendly warning. "Aye, duly noted." she replies with a smirk.

Duzz "Li'l Lamb" |

"As you wish, M'lord." Duzz replies to Rillka, as she requested. When anxious, some humour always helped him.
Don't think there is anything else to do before actually looking for the clues, specially if it is late in the day. Otherwise, Duzz would proceed to talk with the animals. Since it is unlimited, he'd ask at least half a dozen animals in each location.

Sir Andreas Eisfalke Von Ulm |

Purchase what supplies you need and meet us here tomorrow morning. We will discuss what leads to run down and go from there. I want this taken care of as soon as possible. I do not like to see our citizens hurt in any way.
While his voice is calm there is a tone of concern underneath.
If you would indulge me later this evening, I would like to know more about the two of you.

Saoirse Oparaeal |

"Of course." Saoirse replies with a nod.
Once the council meeting ends, She confers with Lady Akilina, before heading back to the room she rents at the inn to ready the rest of her gear, not thinking of anything she needs to purchase in preparation.

GM_Coreyllon |

For the new players, I keep referring to it as the capital, but the name of the capital is actually Sturmulme.
Saki's body is largely ready to be interred, but Beven's body has not had a chance to be prepared yet as it was found shortly before you all returned to town.

Duzz "Li'l Lamb" |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
"I'll be happy to talk later, Sir Andreas, preferably over a mug of ale and a bite or two of something nice." Some strong ale would be nice. Any ale would, to be honest... oh, how he missed them. Wine was also nice, as well as the stronger stuff, but ale, oh, it was something else. The dark one from the Two Foxes in Arvendale and the picles.