Other Mastermind |

Our existing campaign is at the beginning of the Varnhold Vanishing episode of the Kingmaker AP.
We wish to recruit a divine caster (needs to be a decent enough healer, but not necessarily dedicated; a witch could also work), lvl 6, 2 traits (one can be from the Player's Guide, though it is not mandatory), 25 pt buy, core races, APG, UC and UM fair game. HP are max at first, then half +1 after.
I'm mostly away these days, but I'll do my best to answer questions.
Please provide crunch without equipment, appearance, personality and motivation, and background. The fluff weighs probably more than the crunch, so put a lot of attention to it.
Recruitment ends Friday, same time as this post. If I see a clear winner, I might stop it earlier.

![]() |

Hyrum Ironbelly
LG Male Dwarf Cleric (Torag) 6
Init +0; Senses Perception +4; darkvision 60'
AC x, touch x, flat-footed x (+x armor)
hp 57 (6d8+18+6 FC)
Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9 (+2 vs poison, spells and spell-like abilities)
Spd 20'
Melee artificer's touch +7 (1d6+3, 7/day) or metal fist +7 (1d6+3, 7/day)
Space 5'; Reach 5'
Str 16, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 13, Wis 19, Cha 10
BAB +4; CMB +7; CMD 17 (21 vs bull rush and trip)
Feats (3) extra channeling, heavy armor proficiency, craft magical arms and armor
Skills (3 skills) Appraise +3/5 (natural stones and metals), Craft (armorsmithing) +10, Craft (weaponsmithing) +10, Sense Motive +13
Spells/Day (4/4+1/3+1/3+1/2+1, DC 14+level)
0th level: create water, detect magic, purify food and drink, stabilize
1st level: animate rope*, command, protection from evil, shield of faith, sun metal
2nd level: heat metal*, resist energy, silence, weapon of awe
3rd level: stone shape*, sacred bond, speak with dead
Special Abilities: +4 dodge vs giants, +1 attack vs orcs and goblinoids, channel energy 3d6 (5/day), Artfice and Metal domains, mending at will, metal fist (7/day), acid resistance 10.
Traits: defensive strategist (not flat-footed when I am an unaware combatant), Noble Born (Garess: You ignore the movement penalty for the first 5 feet of rocky difficult terrain you move through per round. This applies only to terrain made difficult by rocks or ruins. In addition, you gain a +2 trait bonus on Appraise checks to assess the value of natural stones or metals. Your family motto is “Strong as the Mountains.")
Languages Dwarven Common Celestial
Possessions (x gp)
Stat Math:
Str 14 (5 points)
Dex 10 (0 points)
Con 16 (5 points +2 racial)
Int 13 (3 points)
Wis 18 (10 points +2 racial +1 4th)
Cha 10 (2 points -2 racial)
Hyrum Ironbelly grew up in the Golushkin Mountains. He learned to swing a hammer before he learned to walk and he grew in the heat of the forge with the ringing of iron in his ears. His faith in Torag was as natural to him as the hammer in his hand and when his great Uncle Hrothgar Ironbelly died, he was chosen to take his place as the Forgemaster under contract with the Garess family.
He was 112, having served as Forgemaster for 20 years when the accident happened. A young heir of the Garess family was prone to playing near the forges, and as Hyrum has grown up in the same way, he thought nothing of it. At least until the young lad accidentally spilled a plate of molten iron on himself, maiming his face and losing his right hand in the process. In disgrace, Hyrum cut his beard and resigned his position, heading into the Stolen Lands to perform penance to Torag for his carelessness. He ended up at Oleg's where he recognized kindred souls in search of a new beginning. If he can serve, he will, with loyalty and pride and a deep desire to make up for his shame.
Hyrum is short for a dwarf and wide, his belly living up to its iron stove imagery. His beard is barely grown back in, and the black is streaked with thin bolts of silver. He frowns more than is usual, but when he is among friends he is a bold companion and prone to deep laughs. He sometimes has melancholy spells, which he counteracts by spending long hours at the forge, working and chanting prayers to Torag.
Hyrum seeks redemption above all, and in this business of building a kingdom, he sees his chance. If he can influence the kingdom to become a lawful, kind-hearted place, ruled by wise rulers and backed by the finest steel he can forge, then he will have seen his disgrace erased. Until then he will work, as is his way, slowly and solidly toward that goal. He's not one to judge; he feels that is the role of Torag, and he's prone to second chances, having been given one himself. He doesn't preach, prefering to show the faith through deeds and crafts.

Aroach1188 |
Nevermind, Doing a Seperatist Cleric of Iomedae
Flynn, NG Human Male Seperatist Cleric of Iomedae
Str: 14 Dex: 10 Con: 16 Int: 12 Wis: 16 Cha: 14
Hp: 51 Bab: +4 AC: 18 Speed: 20 ft Init: +4
Fort: +7 Reflex: +4 Will: +8
Diplomacy: +11
Heal: +12
Knowledge Religion: +10
Sense Motive: +12
Spellcraft: +10
Improved Init
Heavy Armor Proficiency
Extend Spell
Scribe Scroll
Spells Prepared:
Read Magic
Endure Elements
Shield of Faith
True Strike
Lesser Restoration x2
Resist Energy
Extended Bless
Bless Weapon
Resist Energy, Communal
Extended Protection from Evil, Communal
Heroism Domain
Destruction Domain
Touch of Glory 6/day
Destructive Smite 6/day
Channel Positive Energy 3d6 5/day, DC 17
Im gonna work out the fluff tommorow morning

Aroach1188 |
Flynn grew up as a child in the Orlovsky royal house, his mother of Orlovsky blood, his father, a local clergy in the church of Iomedae. Flynn spent much time with his father, helping him with various clerical duties while his mother was off on royal business. Flynn became well liked around the local church, and when he wanted to join the clergy there, he was a shoo in for the position. At the age of 22, Flynn was officially a member of the clergy of Iomedae. He served for a year, then took some time off to travel with a good friend of his, a cleric of Gorum. He learned alot from his trip, even to the point of accepting some of the creed of Gorum's church over that of Iomedae. He fell into some disfavor with both churches, and needed a place to go. When he heard of the fledgling kingdom forming in the greenbelt, he saw it as the perfect opportunity to spread the faith on Iomedae, expand the reaches of House Orlovsky, and maybe even one day become the head of a church in the new kingdom.
Flynn stands at 5'6 with long brown hair. He never took a liking to battle, but found much skill in magic, but that never stopped him from learning some basic swordplay. But like many members of his house, he prefers to try a diplomatic approach to dealing with hostiles, but if that fails, he will aid his allies in every manner possible.
As far as mechanics, he would fit the high priest role well, would be party face, support/buffing caster then would wander into melee to help clean up any enemies left. Next two levels will be Paladin so I can help more in combat, and free proficiency. Forgot to put down my traits as well, Magical Knack Cleric and Noble Born Orlovsky

Orne |

Not sure if you require a pure Divine Caster (Cleric 6).
But, here's a Cleric 4/Monk 2 concept.
Cleric 4/Monk 2 (Sensei-4 Winds)
Deity/Domains - Nethys, Rune/Knowledge
HP: 45, AC: 16
12, 14, 13, 14, 18, 12
BAB +4
All Melee & Range +8 (using Wisdom, Monk Weapons)
Traits: Noble Born - Lodovka, Underlying Principles
Feats: Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Craft Wondrous Item, Deflect Arrows
1 Climb +5
1 Craft (jewelry) +6
2 Diplomacy +6
3 Know (arcana) +8
1 Know (history) +6
3 Know (religion) +8
3 Linguistics +8
3 Perception +10
2 Prof (farmer) +9
2 Sense Motive +9
6 Spellcraft +16
1 Swim +5
Orne is noble and resolute, respecting life, freedom and beauty. His wish to create a place where all may come together and worship in peace. He is a vegetarian and a pacifict.
Giving others the benefit of the doubt, doesn't aways turn out well... so, in addition to his meditation, Orne adheres to a strict schedule of physical and martial training as well.
When not on the road of self perfection, he can be found tinkering and crafting iems of both beauty and utility.
Slender for his kind, he stand a hand over six feet. Offering a smile, he greets most with open arms.

Other Mastermind |

how soon do you need a replacement. I have an idea just need a backstory to match.
(reviving an old character but need to convert the backstory from Greyhawk to Pathfinder (and convert from 3.0 to pathfinder as well)
The deadline is Friday, but the start time will depend in what goes on in the IC thread.

Mr. Swagger |

How difficult do your combats tend to be? I guess I am also asking do you roll in the open or would you fudge dice to let players live? Either way works for me, but I don't want to overshadow anyone by making a really powerful character, if the others are not really powerful.
I am leaning towards Oracle at the moment, just because I have never played one.
PS:What sources are we allowed to use for crunch?

Other Mastermind |

How difficult do your combats tend to be? I guess I am also asking do you roll in the open or would you fudge dice to let players live? Either way works for me, but I don't want to overshadow anyone by making a really powerful character, if the others are not really powerful.
I am leaning towards Oracle at the moment, just because I have never played one.
PS:What sources are we allowed to use for crunch?
I tend to group smaller encounters into bigger ones, to ease the flow and be more challenging. I'd say encounters can be quite tough. I roll in spoilers, and I would fudge in rare cases only.
The other characters are very solid I would think.
Core, APG, UM and UC. Other Paizo please ask. No 3PP.

Black Thom |

@Other Mastermind - Has the concept I've put forth offended?
He's a capable healer, combatant, protector and with divine items he's crafted and will craft can buff any member of the party. If alignment is an issue, I can work around it and make him LG.
If you could provide some feedback, I would appreciate it.
Black Thom

Other Mastermind |

I'll take that as a "no". :)
Sorry BlackThom. You posted as Orne, which inherits from another alias, so it tokk me a while to get that you were the same.
I've no issues with a partial divine caster. As I've mentioned, I'm far from the Internet these days. Are your plans ti stick with cleric after?

Orne |

Yes. - Black Thom. Sorry about the confusion.
Orne was a free servant who had come to the house of Lodovka as a child. Over the years he's has proved himself principled, generous and competent.
He would be a friend to Lodovka in the greenbelt. He would bring religion and civilization to the lawless savages.

Mr. Swagger |

Is the other cleric still in the party? I am asking because it seems you are recruiting for a backup healer for when the other cleric can't get to someone or is taken down. I was thinking more along the lines of someone who can heal, but also like to fight, and hand out buffs when needed. If the new recruit is going to be the primary healer then I will have to rethink my idea though.

Edward Sobel |

While he is not a combat heavy here is NICHOLAS AUGUSTINE.
don't have a complete back story yet but he is a member if a group known as the Healers of the White Hand detailed below. I applied the Middle Aged penalties and bonuses to the character.
Male Human Oracle (life) 6
NN Medium Humanoid (Human)
Init +1; Senses Clouded Vision, Darkvision; Perception +8
AC 11, touch 11, flat-footed 10. . (+1 Dex)
hp 33 (6d8)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +7
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3-1/20/x2)
Oracle Spells Known (CL 6, +3 melee touch, +5 ranged touch):
3 (4/day) Cure Serious Wounds (DC 18), Neutralize Poison (DC 18), Remove Curse (DC 18)
2 (6/day) Restoration, Lesser (DC 17), Cure Moderate Wounds (DC 17), Remove Paralysis (DC 17), Hold Person (DC 17), Blinding Ray (DC 17)
1 (8/day) Protection from Evil (DC 16), Bless, Detect Undead, Sanctuary (DC 16), Deathwatch, Cure Light Wounds (DC 16), Forbid Action (DC 16), Stone Shield
0 (at will) Resistance (DC 15), Stabilize, Read Magic (DC 15), Purify Food and Drink (DC 15), Create Water, Detect Magic, Mending, Sotto Voce (DC 15), Light, Enhanced Diplomacy
Str 9, Dex 12, Con 11, Int 15, Wis 15, Cha 20
Base Atk +4; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Cosmopolitan: Perception, Linguistics, Extra Channel, Extra Revelation, Selective Channeling
Traits Ease of Faith, Scholar of Ruins: Knowledge (Geography)
Skills Diplomacy +15, Handle Animal +9, Heal +10, Knowledge (Geography) +8, Knowledge (History) +7, Knowledge (Nature) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +6, Knowledge (Religion) +8, Linguistics +10, Perception +8, Sense Motive +11, Spellcraft +6, Survival +9
Languages Celestial, Common, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan
SQ Life Link (6 bonds, 160') (Su), Oracle Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (8/day) (DC 18) (Su), Protection Variant Channeling (±2 Sacred), Safe Curing (Su)
Oracle Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (8/day) (DC 18) (Su) - 0/8
Clouded Vision You cannot see beyond 60'
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Life Link (6 bonds, 160') (Su) Bond drains your HP to heal others.
Oracle Channel Positive Energy 3d6 (8/day) (DC 18) (Su) A good cleric can channel positive energy to heal the living and injure the undead; an evil cleric can channel negative energy to injure the living and heal the undead.
Protection Variant Channeling (±2 Sacred) AC bonus/penalty
Safe Curing (Su) Casting healing spells does not provoke AoO
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
FATHER NICHOLAS AUGUSTINE is a middle aged man that walks with a cane he appears to have very bad eyesight and often appears blind. he always presents himself in a caring demeanor speaking pleasently and offering aid wherever he goes.
he wears light blue robes and has a long white scarf with an embroidered red hand on each end. the scarf itself is heavier that a normal scarf and he will frequently use it as a tool as needed (reinforced scarf). He carries no weapons nor has any visible armor.
Healers of the White Hand are an organization devoted to healing the sick and tending the wounded. Though they are pacifists they also do not tolerate ousiders of the evil planes nor do they tolerate undead.
they are preservers of life and keepers of peace. Many of thier ranks are also diplomats and peace negotiators.
some rumors that may have circulated about them:
1) It is believed that they have the power to see when war is coming becuase when they appear war soon follows. (False this is onlt coincidence)
2)It is bad luck to bring harm to a healer of the white hand in time of war (this is only true becuase many have made it so there is no divne nor arcane power that cuases any bad luck)
Healers of the White Hand are pacifists though they do defend themselves they will seek to use magic and weapons in a subdual nature except if the enemy is an evil outsider or undead.
this is an organization of my own creation and has no real game mechanics except as fluff and role-play

Other Mastermind |

Is the other cleric still in the party? I am asking because it seems you are recruiting for a backup healer for when the other cleric can't get to someone or is taken down. I was thinking more along the lines of someone who can heal, but also like to fight, and hand out buffs when needed. If the new recruit is going to be the primary healer then I will have to rethink my idea though.
The cleric is leaving the game.

Edward Sobel |

wanted to add a somewhat more usable and detailed background for NICHOLAS AUGUSTINE:
Across the waters of Lake Reykal at the point where East Sellen River joins with Stetven River a group of clerics of various faiths came together and they formed what is to be known as The Healers of the White Hand. Dedicated to the idea of peace and diplomacy and the right of all living creatures to be given a chance of life.
It is here the foundations are to be laid for the first High Temple of the White Hand, to be known as the Sisters of Grace Hospice.
Father Nicholas Augustine came to the Hospice (at the time it was nothing more than a small hut with only the sisters of Korada helping those in need) as a small boy He was blind since birth and left abandonded on the streets of New Stetven.
Nicholas was discovered by one of the sisters, Cerecceri, while coming to the market for supplies. She took pity upon the boy and brought him the the Hospice hoping to heal his blindness.
Though his blindness never healed Nickolas was taken in by the faith and he pledged himself to their cause.
As the years went by the Sisters grew older and passed on from this life but the faith of the Hospice continued on. now a church of nearly 100 followers and the Hospice now a two story bulding provideing a place of refuge for the weary traveller and beacon of hope and healing for the sick and injured. The Hospice has managed to maintain the strick adhearance to no violence of any sort on the Hospice grounds.
Warlords would schedule rooms to negotiate peace within its walls. Father Nicolas became in charge of spreading the word of the Hospice and the White Hand throughout the nation and to establish new shrines and houses of peace in the major cities.
Word soon came that a new kindom was begining to form in the south. Father Nicolas knew it was time to help the new kingdom and establish a second Hospice in the new kingdom.
So he set fourth on his journey south armed only with his faith.

Mr. Swagger |

--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
I don't know how my character came to find out about the charter or even if he does know about it. I guess we can figure that out if I get selected
In the game—My goal is to protect the party by using buffs and debuffs. Battlefield control will also be used at times as well as martial combat. Hopefully that means I won't have to channel or cure as much.
Personality-My character basically just likes to travel when possible. His other goal which is even more important than traveling is to protect people from the dangers of the world. When not out fighting he is encouraging people to live a full and happy life, and finding ways to make “problem” areas safer.

Jin Takashi |

For something different? A hexcrafter Magus (you said witch could work)
He's first level now. But if you are curious I will advance him.
How can he be healer?
Healing Hex! 1/day on everybody.
A wand of Infernal Healing is better than wand of CLW.
Can cast Gtr Infernal Healing
Max UMD with a Cassian familiar (Aid as SLA) who can use wands of lesser restoration or remove curse pretty easily.
Let me know and I'LL advance him...
And I PROMISE he'll kick a lot more ass than a cleric...

Mr. Swagger |

** spoiler omitted **
I did not include spells because I can change them out every day. That magus can probably do more damage, but anyone with UMD can heal hit points. I can get rid of people without every touching hit points.
Do you want master key that can solve unlock the solution to almost any problem or a very limited but powerful battering ram?
Strange tablet written in unknown language-comprehend language or tongues.
Worried about he fighter being charmed-PfE, PfC, PfL....You get the picture.
Silly monster with alignment based DR-I got you with align weapon
No rogue in the party-Find traps
Evil baddy sundered your weapon-Make whole
Need some interrogation help-Zone of Truth
Out in the middle of nowhere-Create Food and Water
Debuffs got you down-This is my speciality. Debuff B-gone
The NPC we needed to get the info from was killed by the overzealous barbarian-Speak With Dead.
Clerics Incorporated--We do more than just restore hit points.

Mr. Swagger |

I think Jin is just saying he found another way to satisfy the healing requirement of "decent enough healer" and if Witch could work, why not Magus.
Clerics are wonderful!
I know. I was just having fun. :)
edit:I made that last post for fun, but look through all the spells they are more versatile than I though. If I get in I think this will be fun. I might go with a swiss army idea as far as playstyle.

Other Mastermind |

For something different? A hexcrafter Magus (you said witch could work)
He's first level now. But if you are curious I will advance him.How can he be healer?
Healing Hex! 1/day on everybody.
A wand of Infernal Healing is better than wand of CLW.
Can cast Gtr Infernal Healing
Max UMD with a Cassian familiar (Aid as SLA) who can use wands of lesser restoration or remove curse pretty easily.Let me know and I'LL advance him...
And I PROMISE he'll kick a lot more ass than a cleric...
Sorry, but we would need something closer to a full caster.

Malaswyn Tyddewi |

This cleric of Sarenrae is a character I played in a pbp of Kingmaker that did a bit of the first book and then the GM quit. I have updated to level 6 but only given basic gear (sword, bow armour) as requested.
I really enjoyed his back story and in-play he taps into a part of the Elves of Golarion book which says that elves don't tell people what to do, they just provide ideas and examples: he is a bit of a wise sage who makes a lot of metaphorical comparisons and allergorical descriptions. A peacemaker but still fun and sometimes unusual character in RP.
In combat he has a nice mix of buff and battlefield control, plus plenty of opportunities to heal (has healing domain). I would normally get a wand of lesser restoration but if that's not available then a couple of those would probably leap onto the spell list.
I really enjoyed playing him and would love to get back into Kingmaker with him.
As he aged Mala became increasingly devoted, spending more and more time in the temple and beginning to commit his life to the Dawnflower. Unfortunately Malaswyn had no instinctive grasp of the divine spirit and he laboured on as a lay devotee. Eventually Mala took a vow of commital to Sarenrae's service, committing himself to the church for 100 years.
First he spent 20 years in Kyonin's temples, then another 30 labouring at the altar in Qadira, beneath the long shadow of the Zenith of the Dawnflower. Over these years he absorbed Qadiran religious culture, learning to wield a scimitar with confidence and dancing the joyous celebrations of Our Lady in Fire.
This was followed by the most difficult of Malaswyn's devotions: 30 years of toil supporting the secret celebrations of the Dawnflower in Taldor. In this time he learnt to be more alert and handle life's dangers with greater care.
After all of this drama and tension Malaswyn was pleased to move on to Rostland and has learnt to love the simple decency of Rostlanders, taking pride in honest work and treating neighbours with warmth and kindness.
Mala expected to return to Kyonin after his 100 years of devotion and serve faithfully in the temple alongside his mother. However, fate, and his faith, had something else in store for Malaswyn.
After a quiet celebration with his friends in Rostland, Mala laid down his head, expecting an unsettled sleep on the final night of his sacred service. Little did Malaswyn know how unsettling and surprising his night would be...
That night, in his quiet, secluded bunk Mala had a dream vision. He was visited by the Holy Sunlord Thalachos, Herald of Sarenrae and told that his service would continue, one of Thalachos' 11 holy doves settled on his chest and gave a sharp peck, then the dream faded.
When Malaswyn awoke he bore a sharp wound in his chest, still bleeding slightly, and, still half-asleep and moving as if in a dream, Mala laid a hand gently on his chest and sang out a merry prayer to the dawn. In the next moment a golden light flowed out from his palm, across his chest, and closed his wounds.
Malaswyn went quietly from the temple, seeking to experience the dawn of his healing with personal contemplation of the Dawnflower's grace. As he walked past ripening fields and into a broad glade beside a stream he saw a tattered piece of paper dancing on the air amidst the motes of dust, dancing with them in the sunlight, glittering with dew. The paper danced for an unnaturally long time without snagging on a branch or falling to the floor. When Malaswyn stepped forward to see the paper more clearly it drifted on breeze and pressed flat across his heart.
Lifting the paper he saw that it was a charter, calling for brave souls to settle the Stolen Lands.
Malaswyn has been called for a purpose.