Other Mastermind |

"Mmh... That we don't know as well. We know he has troops waiting. That easier, as they're not moving much. They're in the hills north of Pitax. They're far enough from you, but they have a clear path to Frieland and Providence, once they deal with Tzatzlford, or they might ignore the town you freed from Drelev and go straight for your capital, for here, if they feel they have an opening..."
"That's for Irovetti's reserves. They're a threat, but Irovetti might want to keep them for his own safety. They would flank your army should you decide to march on Pitax..."
"Irovetti has some forces on the move. We know of three, and we don't think they're more. There is the Great Army of Pitax, led by General Avinash Jurrg. We think they've moved south of the great marsh and comping from the south on you, but we don't know whether they're targeting Tzatzlford or the farmlands of the Kameland, or Varnhold even..."
"Irovetti has also mobilized two much smaller forces. One is a raiding band of trolls and the other is large flight of wyvern. These we were not able to keep track of. they're too small, but they're mean nonetheless."
I've added a map at the top of the page.

Marcel D' Anjou |

Marcel ponders the information. "We should hit the trolls and the wyverns. That's more in our area of expertise, and we don't have to risk any of our people. We should focus on finding them, most likely the wyverns first as they move fast and can cause a lot of havoc in a large area. Nico, do you know how many there are in these groups?"

Kriger Eilifsson |

Drawing his hands down his face in frustration, the ranger can only shake his head at the seriously lack of odds that are in their favor. "You gotta be kidding me. An army of trolls? And wyverns? Is this a joke? How does he manage to form that kind of army? Are you kidding me?! Have I asked if this was a joke yet? And it's not a good one either, just so you know," he states adamantly. Leaning back in his chair and stroking his beard in thought, he eventually comes to an excellent and well thought out conclusion. "Well, we gotta take out those trolls. And the wyverns. But mostly the trolls. Because those things just won't die."

Oberlin |

"Or we eliminate the generals and officers of each army. Send the groups into panic or cause them to dissolve entirely, then deal with the army of Pitax more directly, army against army. There is something to be said for the chaos that can be caused by removing the head of the snake." Oberlin suggested.

Other Mastermind |

Looking curiously at the woman, "Yeah. That's me. Why do you ask?"
"Because your great reputation is just a pale reflection of the real thing. Truly charmed..." and she gives the ranger a long, perhaps predatory, look.
She turns to Oberlin: "That might work, but wouldn't a new general rise? Until you've take Irovetti, he'll just find a new general, no?"

Oberlin |

"Perhaps, but there is always a period of adjustment. And if the best people for the job are currently leading, then their sub-excellent replacements will be more hesitant in their new positions, seeing how their new elevation became available. That hesitancy and confusion would be exploitable." Oberlin argued.

Kriger Eilifsson |

Kriger Eilifsson wrote:Looking curiously at the woman, "Yeah. That's me. Why do you ask?""Because your great reputation is just a pale reflection of the real thing. Truly charmed..." and she gives the ranger a long, perhaps predatory, look.
She turns to Oberlin: "That might work, but wouldn't a new general rise? Until you've take Irovetti, he'll just find a new general, no?"
Kriger just stares a moment before raising a single eyebrow and breaking into a mischievous grin. He leans over near Marcel, "Nice find, buddy. I think she's gonna work out well," he shoots a wink and leans back out, keeping most of his attention focused upon this seductive woman, thinking of things he shouldn't be thinking of and will not be mentioned here considering... this is a family friendly game. ;)

Marcel D' Anjou |

Marcel grins. "You can try. Based on that look, you probably will. But do yourself a favor and leave everything behind: wallet, valuables, weapons, expensive clothes. All of it. Take enough money for an epic party, Spend all of it. You're going to wake up hungover, sore, and broke; maybe even believe you're in love."
He chuckles. "May as well not be robbed of everything too."

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Kalsgrim shakes his head. Looking down, he says "It is hard to know what to ask when there is so much we do not know." He looks up and meets her eyes. "I guess my question would be this. Knowing what you know, what would you ask if you were on this side of the conversation?"
Diplomacy 1d20 + 23 ⇒ (13) + 23 = 36

Other Mastermind |

To Oberlin, she nods and says: "It might give you an edge. In war, every stratagem adds up, yes? Just be mindful they might be aware of that as well and planning to kill you general..." and she gives Kriger a side glance.
She is taken aback by Kalsgrim's question, then her head tilts back as she laughs like a clear waterfall: "Ahahah! Excellent question! I'll answer once: How does he think he can win this war? But then I'll add a better one for free: What are you willing to give up to know what the second question should be?"

Kriger Eilifsson |

To Oberlin, she nods and says: "It might give you an edge. In war, every stratagem adds up, yes? Just be mindful they might be aware of that as well and planning to kill your general..." and she gives Kriger a side glance.
Kriger harrumphs. "I'd like to see 'em try. And I mean that literally. Saves me the trouble of having to hunt them down," he grins, giving a wink.
She is taken aback by Kalsgrim's question, then her head tilts back as she laughs like a clear waterfall: "Ahahah! Excellent question! I'll answer once: How does he think he can win this war? But then I'll add a better one for free: What are you willing to give up to know what the second question should be?"
Kriger looks to the others. "Well? What are we willing to give up, fellas? I'm sure we've got something that's worth... you know... something." He shrugs.

Marcel D' Anjou |

Marcel watches the exchange between Nico and others carefully. The Sczarni can be useful allies, but they are not all powerful. The crime families do not operate openly. To do so in most law-abiding countries invokes unwanted attention - and that's bad for business.
"I would think the fact that Lord Kalsgrim allows you to operate in Frieland at all is worth the price." Marcel says quietly. "We negotiated this before this war - you provide information, I allow you to do business here. Your opportunities will only broaden when the merchant houses of Pitax are out from Irovetti's rule. AND we agreed to your initial terms regarding pieces of his personal wealth plus a say in who rises to power in Pitax."
Marcel moves around to make sure he is facing the Sczarni Mistress. "Very few Sczarni have ascended to such heights openly, Nicoletta. Don't push it." With a wry smile, he leans and says in a low voice:
"În plus, a avea un Kriger fericit și plin de viață este mai bun decât un Kriger supărat."

Marcel D' Anjou |

Marcel, I would need an appropriate roll. Intimidation?
Ok, I was really just going with an RP thing, because this is not in Marcel's wheelhouse. Was hoping someone else jumps in on this. I'll pick Diplomacy because I'm trying to show her we've given up quite a bit already, and we're better friends than Pitax; and because the Kriger comment is more of joking 'nudge nudge wink wink' than a threat.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

Other Mastermind |

Nicoletta raises an eyebrow at Marcel, then says: ”Allies then. My questions to myself would be: Who’s Irovetti listening to, and how does he figure he can win such a crazy war in this forsaken land?!”
She lets the questions sink in, then adds: ”For the first, we have been looking at Irovetti for a while now, and we know for certain that he has a powerful master... Mistress in fact, we believe. As to the second question, he is working on a weapon, a powerful weapon he believes will turn the tide in his favour...”

Malaswyn Tyddewi |

"Mistress?" Malaswyn raises an eyebrow, That's the second threat to the kingdom who answers to a Mistress...
Then he adresses Nicoletta, "A weapon? More Numerian magic?"

Other Mastermind |

Nicoletta shrugs: "We know very little. We followed and intercepted some correspondence between Pitax and a remote ruin north. We were wondering why Irovetti was sensing regular communications to a supposedly empty place, and getting replies even. The letters were cryptic, but referred to a weapon that would win them the war. What war? Well now we know. All we really know is where the letters were sent."

Oberlin |

Oberlin thought for a few moments, silent and eyes lost in thought.
knowledge geo, a certain ruin: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (14) + 13 = 27
know local: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (9) + 16 = 25
know history of a ruin: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (14) + 15 = 29
He cleared his throat, turning back to the group, "I think I recall something about a settlement in that region."

Kalsgrim Lodovka |
Oberlin thought for a few moments, silent and eyes lost in thought.
[dice=knowledge geo, a certain ruin]1d20+13
[dice=know local]1d20+16
[dice=know history of a ruin]1d20+15He cleared his throat, turning back to the group, "I think I recall something about a settlement in that region."
"Well enough to transport us there?"

Other Mastermind |

Oberline recalls the ruins as the former Whiterose Abbey.
It is located atop a foothill on the southern slopes of the Branthlend Mountains in the shadow of the great Mount Branthlend itself, about 80 miles north of Fort Drelev in the Glenebon Uplands.
Oberlin recalls dark tales about the place, as does Marcel. Together, they put together that Whiterose Abbey has been abandoned for decades. It was built by the church of Cayden Cailean, and for many years the priests who dwelt there were renowned for their rich and potent wine. The monks were considered blessed by Cayden Cailean for their vow of silence, and any liquid brewed in their blessed vats gained unusual potency and marvelous flavor, or so the tale goes. It is also said that Abbot Ildeben was murdered and the brethren poisoned by the abbey’s gardener, who went mad with jealousy after being repeatedly passed over for advancement.

Other Mastermind |

Oberlin wrote:"Well enough to transport us there?"Oberlin thought for a few moments, silent and eyes lost in thought.
[dice=knowledge geo, a certain ruin]1d20+13
[dice=know local]1d20+16
[dice=know history of a ruin]1d20+15He cleared his throat, turning back to the group, "I think I recall something about a settlement in that region."
Doable, but you only have rumours and a general location to work with.

Oberlin |

"I can get us there. I will need to find, or piece together with Marcel a better mental picture, perhaps from old stories or songs, but I have the appropriate magic to do so for myself and four others."
"To be more precise my Duke, I may be able to get us there in a few minutes, or it may take a day or two to ensure Marcel and I are able to describe the location well." Oberlin said with firm confidence.