Sallentine "Salt" Windson |

Varrish is one of the many Grand children of Halgra. That's a heritage that he is both proud of but also plagued by. With so many cousins and siblings around ,many of whom are still children, Varrish constantly felt like he was being hounded by youngsters. In a rush to grow up himself he joined the militia and moved out of the Ivory Hall a few years ago. Still he makes a point of visiting his kid sister Vitallia who is old enough this year that she will be getting her very own hopeknife.
Varrish has enjoyed his new life living in the barracks of the Long house. He enjoys the process of training with the other militia members and is proud of having been assigned as a trainee in Kurst Grath's unit, even if he is the lowest man on the totem pole. He takes great amounts of joy when he's allowed to accompany one of the patrols and has proven he has many natural skills and strong instincts when allowed out on the highlands surrounding the city. He knows that there are many people here in his home that are better and more skilled than he but still he is anxious to prove his worth to his family, his neighbors, and his friends.
All the choices are made... still have lots of maths and blanks to fill in. Varrish is a Ranger (Trapper Archetype)... figured I hadn't seen anyone with trap-finding yet so decided to try and nab that slot.

Barundar Hammerfist |

Barundar Hammerfist wrote:The crunch for the alias is done! Well...almost done. Just got to finish his gear selection. One more question I'd like to ask: would you be alright with me making Councilor Agrit a relative of my character, a cousin or (maybe preferably) an aunt? Or if not a named NPC, perhaps another unnamed dwarf living in Trunau?Yes, Barundar, as others have done, you can tie your background to any of the named NPCs in the Player's Guide.
Awesome. Thanks! I thought of one more question I wanted to ask if you don't mind indulging me. I'd like to take the Glory of Old dwarf trait but it specifically calls for the dwarf to be from the Five Kings Mountains. That's a long way from Trunau, though, so would you allow Barundar coming from Janderhoff instead and still using that trait?

Jack Daniels |

Jack Daniels wrote:Awesome. Thanks! I thought of one more question I wanted to ask if you don't mind indulging me. I'd like to take the Glory of Old dwarf trait but it specifically calls for the dwarf to be from the Five Kings Mountains. That's a long way from Trunau, though, so would you allow Barundar coming from Janderhoff instead and still using that trait?Barundar Hammerfist wrote:The crunch for the alias is done! Well...almost done. Just got to finish his gear selection. One more question I'd like to ask: would you be alright with me making Councilor Agrit a relative of my character, a cousin or (maybe preferably) an aunt? Or if not a named NPC, perhaps another unnamed dwarf living in Trunau?Yes, Barundar, as others have done, you can tie your background to any of the named NPCs in the Player's Guide.
Sure, Barundar. I am sure all the dwarf mountain clans have their legendary heroes.

Cabe Horguson |

Black Tom here, dotting with Cabe Horguson, cleric of Torag.
His unrequited love for Sara Morninghawk is like a physical pain in his guts. He's tried packing up and leaving a few time, but he keeps coming back. He's working as an apprentice in the smithy just to be around her, and has resigned to his fate.
He's fanatically steadfast and loyal to his friends, and devoted to excelling at his craft.
Will finish build as soon as possible.

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so, to inform you, Raltias is taking the rich parents trait to reflect that his parents where dragonslayers, and had stumbled upon a dragon's hoard. I will be considerate and not choose any magical items, most of the gold will go to armor and weapons for him and his mount. otherwise he will be generous with his gold. Any extra will be spent for the rest of the group if he is selected.
Edit: okay, William Raltias is almost done fluff and cruch wise, would just like some feedback or suggestions from you as the DM, or from other players who could possibly have some tie-in to William.

scranford |

Here is my 1/2 Elf wizard for your review. If selected I'll make a profile.
Male half-elf (Spireborn) wizard (sword binder) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: Arcane Anthology 11)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 18, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 8 (1d6+2)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee longsword +1 (1d8+1/19-20) or
. . quarterstaff +1 (1d6+1)
Ranged light crossbow +3 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks hand of the apprentice (6/day)
Wizard (Sword Binder) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +4)
. . 1st—burning hands (DC 14), mage armor
. . 0 (at will)—acid splash, detect magic, mage hand
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 17, Wis 12, Cha 12
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 15
Feats Dodge, Scribe Scroll, Skill Focus (Perception)
Traits affable, student of giantkind, theoretical magician
Skills Diplomacy +1 (+3 to gather information., +2 vs. giants), Knowledge (arcana) +7, Knowledge (history) +7, Perception +10, Spellcraft +9, Stealth +7; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Azlanti, Common, Elven, Giant, Sylvan, Thassilonian
SQ arcane bond (longsword), elf blood
Other Gear light crossbow, longsword, quarterstaff, wizard starting spellbook, 100 gp
Special Abilities
Arcane Bond (Longsword) (1/day) (Sp) Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level).
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Hand of the Apprentice (Bonded sword only, 6/day) (Su) As a standard action, throw melee weapon (use Int instead of Dex) and instantly returns.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
The story begins about 20 years ago, in the town of Trunau. There two brothers Gorkis, and his younger brother Loomis Meeson set out to build a farm in this unsetteled region. The adventure, and thrill of living on the frontier was too much to turn down... not to mention the land was cheap. So they set out and had a ready market for their crops. They were young healthy men, and took rapidly to the warrior training provided by the town, and soon integrated themselves into the town scene. As young men were wont to do they both began to think about families.
While Gorkis took the normal way and met a young woman named Jess "Crazy Jess" who's father owned a general goods store in town. Soon they were wed, and Gorkis spent more and more time in town, helping Jess and her father run the store.
Loomis however fell in love with a traveling elven woman. She had been a prisoner of an orc raid, and they had cut out her tongue in torture, before she was rescued. She was a good wife and eventually mother however, and the farm prospered. Quesprin was about four years old when tredgedy struck however. A surprise Orc raid caught them un aware while Loomis was in town, and though she was able to hide away young Quesprin, she used her hope knife to open her own veins to keep the orc's from taking her again.
Loomis was unconsoulable, and blamed everyone for her death most of all himself. Unable to live with his grief, and blaming his brother just as much for leaving the farm, he made away from Trunau never to set foot on this frontier basion again.
He moved to Korvosa with young Quesprin, into his parents small townhouse. He was unable to work much due to his constantly drunken state, but made sure that Quesprin learned to take care of himself. Unfortunately the young man took more after his mothers frail parentage than that of his burley father, and the young boy's fascination with books, and artifacts kept him from being too fascinated with combat. When the young 1/2 elf was 17 his father was stabbed in a drunken brawl outside a tavern. Quesprin was on his own, so he apprenticed with a local merchant in historical artifacts, and made enough money to make sure his grandparents were taken care of.
Then he followed his dream. He would see this Trunau for himself. He had read all he could about this area, and was fascinated with the stories of the Giants, and the precious artifacts that could be found if you were careful. Imagine his Uncle's surprise when the nephew he had not seen in 14 years showed up on his doorstep. After overcoming the shock he embraced the boy, and put him to work gathering artifacts to sell in the store. As the boy was neither sturdy, nor martially minded he had him taught in mannters of stealth, and noticing trouble before it found him. He even had a traveling elven mage teach him to use a blade from a distance.
So the story begins... or continues.
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Jack Daniels |

Okay, here are our applications so far:
Bjorn - Human brawler
Sir William - Human cavalier
Lumina - Human cleric of Iomedae
Elisen - Human arcanist
Dunwell - Human investigator
Pandora - Human fighter
Little Ben - Human druid
Falric - Halfling bard
Xanios - Half-orc alchemist
Liam - Half-orc druid
Barundar - Dwarf fighter
Quesprin - Half-elf wizard
Incomplete profile:
Varrish Windson
Cabe - Human cleric of Torag
If I missed anyone, let me know.

Jack Daniels |

Jack Daniels wrote:This would be my first PbP if I get in, but curious about this class line. When you say no Psionics, are you referring to the 3rd party book, or anything from Occult Adventures? I see the term banded around a lot in reference to one or the other....
Classes: No summoners or 3rd party stuff or psionics.
3rd party.

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Ok, dropping in at last with Gerold Bewachen, a human investigator (steel hound). Gerold is a Trunau native who has more of a keen mind and clever hands than he did a back for farm labor and militia fighting. Not that he shirks his duty to the town - but he itches to know things, and he is always fiddling and tinkering with devices and alchemical mixtures.
Gerold might one day seek a different life beyond the walls of Trunau, but he has a certain fondness for his home. Even if he doesn't live the way that most people do in the embattled, walled-in farm settlement, he still considers it where he belongs.
Party-wise, Gerold is able to deal with traps, he has some alchemical abilities for support, and he is good ranged combat support (especially at 2nd level when he finally figures out how to fix up a gun).

Sallentine "Salt" Windson |

Okay Varrish is done... did about 5 minutes of a 10 minute background to flush him out a bit more.
Varrish is one of the many Grand children of Halgra. That's a heritage that he is both proud of but also plagued by. With so many cousins and siblings around ,many of whom are still children, Varrish constantly felt like he was being hounded by youngsters. In a rush to grow up himself he joined the militia and moved out of the Ivory Hall a few years ago. Still he makes a point of visiting his kid sister Vitallia who is old enough this year that she will be getting her very own hopeknife.
Varrish has enjoyed his new life living in the barracks of the Long house. He enjoys the process of training with the other militia members and is proud of having been assigned as a trainee in Kurst Grath's unit, even if he is the lowest man on the totem pole. He takes great amounts of joy when he's allowed to accompany one of the patrols and has proven he has many natural skills and strong instincts when allowed out on the highlands surrounding the city. He knows that there are many people here in his home that are better and more skilled than he but still he is anxious to prove his worth to his family, his neighbors, and his friends.
Points that capture the concept and story of the character.
1) Devoted Militia Member who proudly carries on the traditions of Trunau
2) Wilderness devotee who loves nothing more than putting his body to the test scaling a high cliff with the wind blowing around him, his only companions the birds.
Secret the PC keeps to himself
Varrish has a favorite spot outside of the city. It's a difficult climb but about half way up a cliff a quarter mile from the city is a small cave that you can't see from the ground. This is his personal get away from the world.
Secret kept from the Pc
Varrish' mother who married Halgra's son never talked about her childhood. She was raised in an orc settlement till she was "rescued" by Militia members from Trunau. She gifted and taught Varrish to use his double axe but would never tell him where or how she got it.
people that are tied to your PC by blood, love, rivalry, honor, etc.
1)Halgra is Varrish grandmother. As such you would think she would doat and watch out for him. You would be wrong. The woman has very high expectations for her family and her influence more than any other has caused Varrish to be a dedicated man.
2) Vitallia... Varrish younger sister she reaches the age of maturity this year. He is very protective of her and been in more than one fight to "defend her honor".
3) Cousins.... There are many of them.... and most are younger and anooying. Always wanting to hear another story about the Militia, or wanting a piggy back ride. Varrish makes a show of being a grump around them... but he cares for them very much and would gladly die for any of his kinfolk.
4) Patrol Captain Kurst Grath is Varrish' immediate superior and mentor in the Militia. The older man has spent many hours teaching and training Varrish.
Key memories that define your character as the person they are.
1) As a child never being able to turn your head or do anything without one of your aunts, uncles, or cousins being there.
2) The first Patrol that Varrish was allowed to go on. The way the wind felt in his hair, the suns warmth on his face, the smells of the wild. The freedoms of the wild places called to him.
3) Constantly having to hold his own against other kids growing up. Being the Half-Orc Grand child of Halgra does not make one popular with the other kids of the town.

RePete |

I wish to submit Finjit Trigesh. CN Gnome Sorcerer (earth elemental).
Thank you for your consideration.
Finjit Trigesh HP: 9/9
Female Elemental (Earth) Sorcerer 1
CN Humanoid (Gnome)
Init: +4; Senses: Darkvision (60ft); Perception -1, Sense Motive -1
AC: 15 Touch: 14 FF: 12 (+3 Dex, +1 AC, +1 Size)
Fort: +2, Ref: +3, Will: +2
MWK Dagger +1 (1d3-1/19-20x2)
Light Crossbow +4 (1d6/19-20x2) +1 Hit/Damage in 30ft
Spell Like:1/day: Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Speak with Animals; DC: 15
SQ: Change any energy damage spell to acid damage; Elemental Ray (acid) 7/day
Spells Known:
Level 1: (4/day)
1) Color Spray - DC: 15
2) Mount
Level 0:
1) Ray of Frost
2) Detect Magic
3) Mage Hand
4) Message
Str: 8 Dex: 16 Con: 14 Int: 14 Wis: 8 Cha: 18
BAB: 0 CMB: -2 CMD: 11
Feats: 1b) Eschew Materials; 1) PBS
Traits: Rapscallion, Desperate Resolve, Trumau Native
Trained Skills: Bluff (+8), K (Arcana) (+8), Spellcraft (+6), UMD (+8)
Background Skills: Lore (Trunau), Lore (Gnomish History)
Gear: Light Crossbow (35g); 10 Bolts (1g); Sorcerer’s Kit (8g); Haramaki (1g); MWK Dagger: 25g
Alternate Racial(s): Academician-K (Arcana); Darkvision
Finjit’s clan has lived in the area of Trunau for as for back as they can trace. For generations they dwelled deep inside the mountains. That is until the orc’s drove them out of their cavernous homes and into the surrounding farmland. Finjit’s great grandparents helped hold the line at Kestrel River. Refusing to retreat any farther from their ancestral lands, they stayed when the coward Lastwall abandoned them. The Trigesh family has kept The Vow ever since.
As soon as Finjit was old enough to hold a weapon, she began training to take her place in the local guard. Unfortunately, to her parent’s dismay, she was frail. She seemed to lack even basic martial abilities. She grew bored of the daily training more and more easily. The only lessons she seemed to pay much attention to involved the magical arts. Finjit was fascinated by the wizards skills. The desire to learn was evident, her intellect fell shy of the mark. Accepting she would never survive a fight toe to toe with their enemies, they handed her a crossbow. She was instructed in its use and ordered to pepper raiders from a distance.
One morning Finjit was practicing with her brow. Attempting, and failing, to improve her aim. Upon missing the target on her fourth consecutive attempt, she... went off. The frustrated gnome threw her crossbow down and while shaking her first, a green bolt shot from it and obliterated the target. Caught off guard, her parents rushed her to the local clerics. The clergy probed and inspected her for a time before handing her to the magical sages.
It took some time before she figured out how to control these outbursts. Extatic she would be able to provide definitive help finally, she began to regularly volunteer to go with hunting parties and take shifts on the wall. In her spare time she enjoys entertaining the other children with her tricks and studying magical artifacts.
There may come a day when she's forced to leave her home to protect it. Rest assured, she will return. Nothing could ever replace Trunau.

Windle Thetra |

Submitting Windle Thetra, formless adept psychic, for consideration. Crunch is partially updated at the profile, but needs a bit more work.
He's actually one of Halgra's grandchildren, the son of one of her daughters lost in a raid, though he doesn't advertise this (and he hasn't said anything to Halgra about it). He's in Trunau to learn more about his late mother and thus progress in his chosen psychic path.
A pale-skinned man clad only in a pair of plain cotton trousers kneels before a trio of shaven-headed Vudranis wearing similarly simple clothing, waiting as the three commune unspoken, their eyes closed. After some time the three open their eyes as one, a decision reached. The woman on the right, Third Rishi, speaks. "Chela Windle. Your talent is undeniable, and all the more noteworthy in an Avistani." Inured to the casual insult after his years in Jalmeray, Windle (for that is his name) does not react outwardly. The man in the center, Fourth Rishi, continues. "You have learned much of the art of the mind, which makes your failure to reliably achieve even the first step to abandonment of form incomprehensible." The third, Second Rishi, adds, "Rather than send you away, we have elected to call the First Rishi back to corporeality and seek that one's advice." All three then look beyond the kneeling man, where an androgynous and youthful Vudrani has silently appeared, as if from the air.
The three bow in unison, pressing their heads to the floor; Windle turns and does likewise. The new arrival gazes down at Windle, eyes twinkling with ancient wisdom touched with merriment. "So you are the problem so pressing that I am summoned into flesh again? Confounding my finest chelas?" The harshness of the words is belied by the tone, filled with warmth and empathy. "Something tethers you to form, young man. Let us see what it is. Try to achieve the first step, and I will follow in your mind." As Windle straightens up, the First Rishi places a hand on the top of his head. Windle focuses his mind on untying the first bonds of flesh, the bonds of appearance rather than structure. As has happened so many times before, though, the effort comes to nothing. The sense of disapproval from the three junior Rishis is palpable, but no such condemnation comes from their teacher. "This is not a failure of technique, young man. It is a subtle complication of emotion, and nothing that my chelas would be familiar with. The essence, you see, of the Formless Way is Abandonment. That is, relinquishing a thing desired; the extinguishment of that desire is the keystone of the emotional state needed to progress. My chelas came to me from wealth and importance, turned away from these, and attained great wisdom in giving up the desire for them. You, though, feel that you have been abandoned yourself, and you are fleeing from what you should instead wish to hold to. One would think that the Formless Way would be easier for those with little or nothing to lose, but it is not so." The three junior Rishis no longer look on with disapproval, but with great curiosity. First Rishi smiles at them. "There are apparently still things I can teach you. Pay attention, chelas! Now, Windle. If you want this, I can lead you to the memory that is at the heart of your trouble. I will not know it myself, but I will know when you do." Windle nods, and the world falls away before him.
A rude building lit by candles and lamps, the smell of livestock strong in his nostrils, and his father--still young and healthy--angrily shouting at a woman in armor as she wipes blood from a blackened blade. "I could have saved her if she hadn't been so bound up by your idiotic Vow! The orcs would have had her for less than five minutes before I got there, and they wouldn't have had a chance to do more than lay a finger on her. But no! You people are insane, the lot of you!" His father pulls a dagger (a hopeknife, the word comes to him) from a chain around his neck and hurls it at the woman. "She killed herself with this, and now our son--your grandson--is going to grow up motherless. Because she abandoned him."
The memory fades, and the world returns around him. Tears streak his face. First Rishi nods, no longer smiling. "You have seen. Now try again." Windle again tries the untying of bonds. This time, though, he succeeds, his body beginning to blur at the edges. First Rishi smiles again and looks back at the other three. "You see? His technique is fine. You've taught him well. But I fear that his intellectual understanding of his problem can only take him so far. Windle, you must meditate on how to resolve the emotional aspect of your block; if you can't do that you won't be able to progress further."
Windle stands a little straighter and shakes his head. "No, First Rishi. I know what I will have to do. I must see for myself what made my mother do what she did, and I cannot do that here. I must return to where I came from...to Trunau."

Jack Daniels |

Updated list of applications:
Bjorn - Human brawler
Sir William - Human cavalier
Lumina - Human cleric of Iomedae
Elisen - Human arcanist
Dunwell - Human investigator
Pandora - Human fighter
Little Ben - Human druid
Falric - Halfling bard
Xanios - Half-orc alchemist
Liam - Half-orc druid
Barundar - Dwarf fighter
Quesprin - Half-elf wizard
Varrish Windson - Half-orc ranger
Cabe - Human cleric of Torag
Gerold - Human investigator
Windle - Human psychic
Finjit - Gnome sorcerer

Morti Hearthstone |

Add Morti Hearthstone, Dwarf Inquisitor, if you will!
To the questions:
1. Morti has become closest to Tyari Varvatos in the months he's spent in Trunau, respecting her commitment to this generally forsaken town. In her choice to carve out a niche for herself here, rather than following her sister's path, Morti also sees echoes of his own push against family expectations.
2. Beyond simple admiration for the courage and determination of the people of Trunau, Morti hopes to make his own name as a strong arm against evil, and sees this town as an excellent place to do that. He also hopes to find in Belkzen opportunities to advance his family's interests, perhaps in the conquered ruins of the old dwarven strongholds.

Barundar Hammerfist |

Let me add my own well-wishes! Even right now it looks like you could put together three or four full, diverse parties. With time left to go for more to arrive, I don't envy your task!
I had a couple of questions I'd like to ask, as well:
First, does the background that I gave Barundar meet your requirements of explaining what he's doing in Trunau?
And, if so...
Do you have any preferences for how long Barundar would've been in the city? My own thought was that he'd be a relatively recent arrival, maybe even fresh off the boat (so to speak), but I'd be curious of your thoughts before setting that in dwarf-hewn stone.

Hibo |

Greetings. Helga Slagstone, ley-line guardian witch reporting for consideration.
Thank you for being a GM. We don't have enough of them.
Helga has never known her father. Her mother had an affair with another dwarf that she met while adventuring. She married her husband for the good of her clan but never truly loved him, but it was her duty. Once the affair was discovered and her clan marred, she fled the mountains for the Orc Holds. She was intent on suicide by orc to end her shame.
It wasn't until she had arrived in the Holds that she realized she was with child. She quickly made her way to the nearest settlement she could find and has been working as an alchemist and raising her daughter ever since.
Helga was born and raised in Trunau. Her mother died a few years ago in an orc raid and Helga has begrudgingly taken over her small alchemist shop. She would rather be studying and learning, reading through books or talking to others more knowledgeable than she.
Occasionally Helga has felt like exploring the world like her mother, but the feeling is usually fleeting once she sees another dwarf. Most of the dwarves in Trunau don't give her too hard of a time, but enough do that she fears what others that do not know her would think or even do. She stays in Trunau because it is her home, the only one she has ever known. She has a few friends, mostly non-dwarves, and is capable of supporting herself.
She is not a typical dwarf. She carries her mother's warhammer but that's where the stereotype ends. She practices arcane magic, dislikes armor of any sorts, is not found of the forge or working metal, but does have an affinity for the rock and stone around her. She also has an affinity for light and darkness, fire and water, heat and cold, and air and wind as well.

Jack Daniels |

Okay, here we go. I know I am going to disappoint a lot of you and I want to thank you for your submissions: you really made the process quite difficult and as someone said, you could really pick a number of parties. Well, without further delay, the selected players are:
Please report to the Discussion thread. I will be back if someone drops out or fails to appear. Thank you again.

Jack Daniels |

I am back, recruiting a 5th player (1 player only), as we just lost our cleric. The adventurers are 3rd level now and are currently defending the town from an orc raid. The party consists of:
Halfling bard/alchemist - unhittable until now when he fights defensively
Human Arcanist - knowledge junkie and enchantment specialist
Dwarf Inquisitor - bad-ass intimidator
Dwarf Fighter - master of dorn daegar and part-time fireman
So we definitely need a healer-type. Same character creation rules as this recruitment thread. 3rd level (max hp at 1st level +1/2 +1 per level). Wealth will be 1500 gp. Any questions, let me know. Will keep this open until I get enough good applications.

rungok |

Here you go!
I present to you Feldrin Lightleaf, an Evangelist of Sarenrae and overall nice guy. The basic reasoning for him coming is that he was about evangelizing in the nearby area and came posthaste when he discovered the orc attack coming.
Feldrin Lightleaf
Male half-elf cleric (evangelist) of Sarenrae 3 (Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 40)
NG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +2; Senses low-light vision; Perception +11
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+4 armor, +2 Dex)
hp 21 (3d8+3)
Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +7; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger +2 (1d4/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike +2 (1d3 nonlethal)
Ranged mwk light crossbow +5 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 13, 1d6+2), countersong, fascinate, inspire courage +1, sermonic performance
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
. . 7/day—rebuke death (1d4+1)
Cleric (Evangelist) Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +7)
. . 2nd—cure moderate wounds[D], shield other, spear of purity[UM] (DC 16)
. . 1st—burning disarm (DC 15), cure light wounds[D], cure light wounds, shield of faith
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light, vigor
. . D Domain spell; Domain Healing
Str 11, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 12, Wis 18, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +2; CMD 14
Feats Scribe Scroll, Selective Channeling, Skill Focus (Perform [oratory])
Traits blessed touch, cleansing light, seeker
Skills Diplomacy +6, Heal +9, Knowledge (arcana) +5, Knowledge (history) +5, Knowledge (nobility) +5, Knowledge (planes) +5, Knowledge (religion) +5, Linguistics +5, Perception +11, Perform (oratory) +11, Sense Motive +8, Spellcraft +5; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven, Giant, Orc
SQ elf blood, public speaker, spontaneous casting
Combat Gear scroll of bless (5), scroll of cure light wounds (10), scroll of cure moderate wounds (5), scroll of protection from evil (5); Other Gear mwk chain shirt, crossbow bolts (30), dagger, mwk light crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), flint and steel, hemp rope (50 ft.), holy text (Sarenrae)[UE], mess kit[UE], pot, scroll box[UE], scroll case, scroll case, scroll case, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, wooden holy symbol of Sarenrae, 261 gp
Special Abilities
Bardic Performance: Fascinate (1 targets, DC 13) (Su) One or more creatures becomes fascinated with you.
Bardic Performance: Inspire Courage +1 (Su) Morale bonus on some saving throws, attack and damage rolls.
Cleric (Evangelist) Domain (Healing) Granted Powers: Your touch staves off pain and death, and your healing magic is particularly vital and potent.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6+2 (5/day, DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Public Speaker (-5 DC to hear) An evangelist gains Perform as a class skill. In addition, she is trained to project her voice with great skill and effect; the DC to hear her speak in difficult conditions is reduced by an amount equal to her class level plus her Charisma modifier (
Rebuke Death (7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch heals 1d4+1 dam to negative HP target.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Sermonic Performance (standard action, 10 rounds/day) An evangelist gains the ability to deliver a select number of supernatural and spell-like performances through the force and power of her divinely inspired preaching and exhortation. This ability is similar in all respects to bardic performance as us
Sermonic Performance: Counterspell (Su) Counter magical effects that depend on sound.
Spontaneous Casting An evangelist does not gain the ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells by sacrificing prepared spells. However, an evangelist can spontaneously cast the following spells by sacrificing a prepared spell of the noted level or above:
He is a half-elf evangelist of Sarenrae, and was traveling in the nearby area preaching the good word of the Dawnflower. He came as fast as he could when he heard that the town was under attacks by orcs.
He's six foot six inches tall, but only 140 lbs. His hair starts orange at the roots and fades into strawberry blond by the time it gets to the tips, which hangs down to his collar. He has glittering blue eyes and a sharp chin.
[EDIT] Small change: Replaced Cleansing Light with Student of Giantkind (Diplomacy). It will be reflected in the final character.

Ugun, half-orc witch |

Hey GM,
Please consider Ugun, half-orc witch for inclusion in your game.
He's not your typical healer but would be a great asset to the party.
His crunch is in the alias as well as a 10-min background for his fluff. I think that should give you a pretty good idea of what this guy is about. However, I can write up a traditional fluff (appearance, background, and personality) if you want.
Please let me know if you have any comments and thanks for your consideration.
Game on!

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Grombar Klagk
Male dwarf shaman 3 ( Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 35)
CG Medium humanoid (dwarf)
Init +0; Senses low-light vision; Perception +5 (+7 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 16, touch 10, flat-footed 16 (+6 armor)
hp 27 (3d8+9)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +6; +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training
Speed 20 ft.
Melee warhammer +3 (1d8+1/×3)
Ranged light crossbow +2 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 3/day (DC 13, 2d6), hatred, hexes (enhanced cures, ward APG)
Shaman Spells Prepared (CL 3rd; concentration +6)
2nd—cure moderate wounds , sickening entanglement ACG (DC 15); lesser restoration S
1st—bless, obscuring mist , protection from evil ; detect undeadS
0 (at will)— dancing lights , detect magic , guidance, resistance
S spirit magic spell; Spirit Life Wandering Spirit
Str 13, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 13, Wis 17, Cha 14
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 13 (17 vs. bull rush, 17 vs. trip)
Feats Extra Hex APG, Selective Channeling
Traits battlefield caster, strength of the land, student of giant kind
Skills Acrobatics -3 (-7 to jump), Appraise +1 (+3 to assess non magical metals or gemstones), Craft
(alchemy) +5, Diplomacy +6 (+7 vs. giants), Heal +10 (+11 circumstance to treat wounds or deadly
wounds), Knowledge (local) +5 (+6 regarding giants), Knowledge (nature) +6, Knowledge (religion) +6,
Perception +5 (+7 to notice unusual stonework), Spellcraft +7, Survival +7 (+9 to avoid becoming lost
when using this); Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise to assess non magical metals or gemstones, +2
Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Orc
SQ spirit animal (greensting scorpion named Nuhluck)
Combat Gear scroll of cure light wounds (x3) , wand of cure light wounds (15 charges) , wand of shield of
faith (8 charges) , alchemist's fire (3), bloodblock APG (2), healer's kit, smelling salts APG (2); Other Gear
mwk breastplate, crossbow bolts (10), light crossbow, warhammer, bandolier UE, belt pouch, candle (10),
compass, flint and steel, hip flask UE, holy text (Trudd) UE, iron holy symbol of Trudd UE, masterwork
backpack, mess kit UE, pot, prayer book, silk rope (50 ft.), spell component pouch, surgeon's tools UE,
trail rations (5), waterskin, musk ox, bedroll, bit and bridle, blanket, feed (per day), hammer, riding saddle,
saddlebags, 284 gp, 1 sp, 1 cp
Special Abilities
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Deliver Touch Spells Through Familiar (Su) Your familiar can deliver touch spells for you.
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enhanced Cures (+3 cap) (Su) For cure spells, any level caps in the spell become oracle or shaman level.
Familiar Bonus: +4 bonus on initiative checks You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Greed +2 to Appraise to determine price of nonmagic goods with precious metals or gemstones.
Hatred +1 Gain a racial bonus to attacks vs. Goblinoids/Orcs.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Shaman Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (3/day, DC 13) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spirit Animal (spirit animal (greensting scorpion named Nuhluck)) If spirit animal is slain, cannot use spirit magic or prepare new spells.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Ward +2 (1 at a time) (Su) Ward another, granting +2 to AC and saves until hit or fail a save.
Musk ox
N Large animal
Init +0; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception +9
AC 13, touch 9, flat-footed 13 (+4 natural, -1 size)
hp 22 (3d8+9)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +1
Immune immune to cold weather effects
Speed 40 ft.
Melee gore +7 (1d8+9)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks stampede, trample (2d6+9, DC 17)
Str 22, Dex 10, Con 16, Int 2, Wis 10, Cha 4
Base Atk +2; CMB +9; CMD 19 (23 vs. trip)
Feats Endurance, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Acrobatics +0 (+4 to jump), Perception +9
SQ docile
Other Gear bit and bridle, blanket APG, feed (per day) (2), riding saddle, saddlebags
Special Abilities
Docile This animal's natural attacks are treated as secondary unless it is trained to fight.
Endurance +4 to a variety of fort saves, skill and ability checks. Sleep in L/M armor with no fatigue.
Immune to Cold Weather effects Immune to the effects of cold weather.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in dim light, distinguishing color and detail.
Scent (Ex) Detect opponents within 15+ feet by sense of smell.
Stampede (Ex) Trample improves with multiple tramplers.
Greensting scorpion ( Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 232)
N Tiny magical beast (vermin)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 20, touch 15, flat-footed 17 (+3 Dex, +5 natural, +2 size)
hp 13 (1d8); fast healing 1
Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +3
Immune mind-affecting effects
Speed 30 ft.
Melee sting +7 (1d2-4 plus poison)
Space 2½ ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks poison
Str 3, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 2
Base Atk +2; CMB +3; CMD 9 (21 vs. trip)
Feats Stealthy, Weapon Finesse B
Tricks Come, Down, Fetch, Perform, Seek, Stay
Skills Climb +11, Diplomacy -3, Escape Artist +5, Heal +3, Perception +9, Spellcraft +1, Stealth +17,
Survival +1; Racial Modifiers +4 Climb, +4 Perception, +4 Stealth
SQ come, down, fetch, improved evasion, perform, seek, stay
Special Abilities
Come [Trick] The animal will come to you on command.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Down [Trick] The animal will break off combat on command.
Fast Healing 1 (Ex) Heal damage every round unless you are killed.
Fetch [Trick] The animal will get a specific object.
Immunity to Mind-Affecting effects You are immune to Mind-Affecting effects.
Improved Evasion (Ex) No damage on successful reflex save; half on failed save.
Perform [Trick] The animal will perform tricks.
Poison: Sting - Injury (DC 10) (Ex) Sting—Injury; save Fort DC 10; freq 1/rd for 6 rds; effect sicken for 1
rd; cure 1 save.
Seek [Trick] The animal moves into an area and looks around for anything that is obviously alive or
Stay [Trick] The animal will stay where it is.
Grombar was born and raised in the Five Kings Mountains, his live as a tribe shaman took him all over the range learning from great spiritual leaders of the dwarves. He has recently been commissioned to travel to Trunau to help in leading the few dwarves that live there in their ancestral Gods. Grombar has never been away from the Five Kings Mountains and this will be his first foray along the surface for a greater distance traveling from city to city in the Mountains.
Grombar has always had a knack for healing and assisting those in need of pain relief. His talents are to going to be useful in the town of Trunau which is constantly under constant watch of the Orcs.