Gryphon Gold's Rise of the Runelords Campaign (Inactive)

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Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

Does Vuvo take up two squares? I'm confused by the icon with the E on it.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

The E? I think you mean the M. The one with the M is Markum, and the one without is Vuvo, Markum's faithful dog companion.

Grand Lodge

Yeah, one is Markum the other is Vuvo.


Okay so Kaddok can get hisself some flanking.

Hello everyone. I was told to put a character concept here for consideration. Do you think there's room in the party for a half-elf rogue/ranger? She grew up roaming the poorer districts of Magnimar, struggling to survive until she found a home in one of the local "organizations" (likely Night Scales, although her ambitions are more in line with the Gargoyles - I think she fits into either one, and will enlist her as a peon of the Gargoyles unless I hear otherwise), who saw potential in her looks and quick study. She has spent the recent years in Sandpoint, serving as one of the eyes and ears of the organization while learning the lay of the town and establishing herself as a familiar presence among the locals.

Her skills are rough, but should blossom in due time. If not, well, there's always another somewhere with the ambition to move up in the world, and ready to take her place...

[OOC: I'm envisioning a dex based half-elf ranger/rogue, more rogue than ranger. She would start with ranger 1, and then mix rogue and ranger for a couple of levels. If the game lasts past that, and she survives, we can see what she grows into in time.]

If this character concept has potential in your world, let me know, and I'll flesh out the numbers for her (Lona). Thanks.

Hey there,

Your concept would fit in great with the party. It looks like I'm going to need you immediately, so go ahead and stat your character.

If you don't mind, I'll set up your character's introduction tomorrow when I advance the game.

Varisian Chronicler wrote:
If you don't mind, I'll set up your character's introduction tomorrow when I advance the game.

Sounds great! I've got most of the numbers entered, and I'll drop the rest of the information in tonight, and be ready to go tomorrow. She's now one of my aliases.

Kaddok, what do you think about having your character assigned to chaperone the rest of the PCs wherever they go?

Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

Perfectly fine with me.

I'll be moving tomorrow, so I may be unavailable for a couple of days!

Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

Back from moving and ready to be stuck with the rest of the party!

Male Human Expert 5 / Wizard 3

So I was wondering ... which roles have been filled in the party again? ^^; It's been a while since the first character creation, and I forget. Which classes do you all belong to? My character's an Evoker-type Wizard.

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Hello, Lona here. I'm the Ranger/Rogue skills gal. And no, I am not a monkey!

Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

Kaddok is a monk. He fills the role of punching things.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2
Lona wrote:
Hello, Lona here. I'm the Ranger/Rogue skills gal. And no, I am not a monkey!

PUDDY: I don’t care for that term.

JERRY: Oh. Sorry, I didn’t know..

PUDDY: No, I don’t know too many monkeys who could take apart a fuel injector.

Anyhoo, I'm the fighter.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

So we don't actually have a main healer, right?

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

If we can pool for a wand of CLW, I can use the wand to heal (I believe it's sufficient that I have it on my spell list for me to be activate the wand without a check). And, wasn't there someone else in that boar incident that was casting some healing spells?

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

I'm just asking with thought to multiclassing and such, not to mention our chances of survival. ^^

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

I'm a druid, but I don't figure to be much of a main healer. My plan is to be a front line guy. In any case, a wand of clw will be pretty much standard gear for me.

Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

Well if Lym loads up on control spells we probably won't need a combat healer too badly.

Crippled monsters don't hurt you too bad, after all.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

I can do that. I can also take the Craft Wand feat, so we can make our own wands of CLW, and later CMW, provided Markum's willing to provide the actual spell. ;)

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

Gryphon Gold, did the weapon merchant lady have nothing to tell Lym about Goblin activity in the area?

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

I apologize if this question sounds dense. It's very possible that I'm just missing something that should be obvious...

...but how does Dax Thura know that the goblin is still there? For all we know, maybe the goblin came out of the closet, attacked Alergast, and then ran to some other room (assuming that there ARE other rooms in the house.)

Yet Dax writes that the dog sniffed the victim and started growling, implying that the goblin is still there. How does Dax know? Can the GM confirm this?

It makes a difference to me. If the goblin is still there, then I will join Markum to help him against the goblin. But if there's a chance the goblin is in some other room, I'll want to guard some other door just in case.

Grand Lodge

I don't know, I'm assuming because of what the mother said.

".... and Aeryn would say he saw a goblin come out of his closet.... My husband attacked the goblin and chased it back into the closet and clambered into a hole under an old fur. Then Alergast flew into a rage, tearing the closet apart to get to the goblin..."

The man is still blocking the hole. So, unless the goblin has another way out, he's probably still in there. There's no reason for us to think he has another way out. I also doubt the goblin would move the husband back over the hole if he escaped from it. So, I assume that the goblin is in the hole and have posted accordingly. If he isn't in their, then Vuvo was growling at whatever the actual danger was and went to the dead man to catch a scent or something and Markum's plan won't work.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

Okay, now I got it. For some reason, I didn't grasp that the hole was in the floor OF THE CLOSET. I don't know what put into my head the idea that the hole was in FRONT of the closet. Sorry to bother you about that.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

Actually, it might have been a mistake for me to take the lead, because my availability will be very limited soon. I'll be able to post freely for another day or two. Then for the next 5 days, I will be able to post very seldom. Then for the next 2 or 3 days after THAT, I won't be able to post at all. The GM might have to take over my PC now and then during that time. Or maybe the GM might pass control of my character to another player during that time.

From April 1st to April 10th I'll be away from home and may not have 'net access.

My time away from home has been cut short, so I'm available now.

Male Ulfen Fighter 2

Unfortunately, this will probably be my last chance to post for another 3 or 4 days.

Lona, how'd you get Acrobatics, Disable Device, Escape Artist, and Sleight of Hand as class skills?

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

They're not class skills. I bought them as non-class skills (without the +3). I'll pick up the +3 at level 2 when I become ranger/rogue. Until then, it's purely Dex and rank. If I read correctly, in Pathfinder, it's one point for one rank in a skill, and class skills get +3 bonus.

Edited to add: Among the skills I bought, only Stealth and Perception are class skills for a ranger. The rest are waiting for level 2 to blossom. As a decoder, the three numbers in each parenthesis represent, respectively, Stat, Rank, Misc (class bonus, race, feats and traits, etc).

Ok, I understand it now.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

Hello all. Looking forward to joining you and eviscerating some goblins and other assorted baddies. If you need it, my e-mail is

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Welcome to the game Praxim. That means I'm no longer the young humanoid on the block! Ooh, and you're level 2. Could this mean...

Lona is dancing with anticipation that she can soon do rogue'ish things in a more rogue'ish manner.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;
Lona wrote:

Welcome to the game Praxim. That means I'm no longer the young humanoid on the block! Ooh, and you're level 2. Could this mean...

Lona is dancing with anticipation that she can soon do rogue'ish things in a more rogue'ish manner.

The fact, my dear, that I am level 2 is simply a reflection of my superior-to-you nature, but fear not, as the superior hero, it is my sworn duty to protect you and all other weaker innocents from harm. Rejoice, for Praxim will soon be here. All fiendish monsters and stuck pickle jars shall fear my coming.

Hit points will be max for 1st level, and half-max plus one for 2nd+ levels.

Praxim, you ready?

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;
Varisian Chronicler wrote:
Praxim, you ready?


F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

I assume you want Praxim when the party finishes with these tunnels they're exploring, but if you want him to follow them in, let me know.

E-mail for anything you don't want other players to see. gmnazard(at)gmail(dot)com

Yes, I'll need you as soon as the party is done there.

Here's the backstory I plan on using for you: You arrived in Sandpoint and found the mayor, offering to help protect the city from it's recent goblin troubles. Just yesterday, she took you to see Sheriff Hemlock. The three of you discussed the matter, and Mayor Deverin and the sheriff have asked you to find the heroes of Sandpoint and join them in their protection of this city, while Sheriff Hemlock is out of town seeking help from Magnimar. He leaves later that day.

Today, you've gone to the Rusty Dragon to find the heroes.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

That sounds find. Of course, once he finds no heroes at this Rusty Dragon, he'll start asking around to see if anybody knows where the are or where they've gone.

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1
Praxim wrote:
Lona wrote:

Welcome to the game Praxim. That means I'm no longer the young humanoid on the block! Ooh, and you're level 2. Could this mean...

Lona is dancing with anticipation that she can soon do rogue'ish things in a more rogue'ish manner.

The fact, my dear, that I am level 2 is simply a reflection of my superior-to-you nature, but fear not, as the superior hero, it is my sworn duty to protect you and all other weaker innocents from harm. Rejoice, for Praxim will soon be here. All fiendish monsters and stuck pickle jars shall fear my coming.

Being the greedy rogue that Lona is, she would like to remind the DM that the current group is light on equipment and levels compared to that self-righteous man looking to join us right now :)

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

Welcome to the game, Praxim. ^^ Always good to have a Paladin on board.

And Lona isn't the only character eagerly anticipating level 2, heh.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

It matters not. Praxim will always be better than everybody else.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16

Ho ho. So you ascribe to the Miko Miyazaki school of Paladinhood? ;)

Lym Blackhand wrote:
Ho ho. So you ascribe to the Miko Miyazaki school of Paladinhood? ;)

I don't know the reference, but I can guess at its meaning. I personally do not, but Praxim is slightly full of himself.

Female Half-Orc Evoker 10/Cyphermage 6; Init. +2; Perception +12; Darkvision; Arcane Sight; Fly 40 ft.; AC 23 (+3 Dex*, +1 armour, +1 Deflection, +1 natural, +3 Mage Armour, +4 Shield); HP 91/104; Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +16
Nazard wrote:
Lym Blackhand wrote:
Ho ho. So you ascribe to the Miko Miyazaki school of Paladinhood? ;)
I don't know the reference, but I can guess at its meaning. I personally do not, but Praxim is slightly full of himself.

It's a reference to a character from the webcomic Order of the Stick. It looks like it's going to be even more interesting with a character like Praxim along. ^^

Lona wrote:
Being the greedy rogue that Lona is, she would like to remind the DM that the current group is light on equipment and levels compared to that self-righteous man looking to join us right now :)

I'm aware. As soon as the party decides to rest, everyone will be level 2.

F/R/W: +25/+23/+22 AC/T/FF: 33/19/26; CMD: 36; Perc: +22; Init: +9; Max HP: 179; Current HP: 168; Temp 0;

Hooray!! Level raise!

Oh wait...not for me...

Praxim makes a paladin pout

Female Half-Elf Ranger 1 / Rogue 1

Lona sticks her tongue out and makes a face at Praxim, until she realizes that she's not hitting any more accurately than she was before! The horror of it shows on her face as she realizes that she may have to use...nay, even ask, that haughty snooty paladin to shield her from harm!

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