Gryphon Gold's Rise of the Runelords Campaign (Inactive)

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Discussion for Rise of the Runelords here.

Character creation: 20-point buy, max hit points and gold pieces for your class, 1 bonus feat from the player's guide, and 1 trait from the standard list.

Free player's guide: Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide

Make sure you reade the guide when coming up with your character's background.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

Can I get a reserve spot? I would like to play RotLR. Let me know. Thanks.

I would be interested in playing as well since I cannot seem to find a game in my area. I just wanted to confirm that the trait is from the list in the RotRL Players Guide. Let me know what you will need from me next if I can play.

When you say the "standard list" of traits, do you mean this? Or do you mean the "regional feats" listed in the Rise of the Runelords Player's Guide? (I suspect you don't mean either of those...)

Anyway, I'm inclined to play a human Fighter (although if there are too many fighter types, I wouldn't mind playing a cleric or paladin.)

As to background, here's an idea. And if this idea is too off-the-wall, then veto it and I'll scrap it. Maybe my character, during his childhood, came from another world, and suddenly found himself in Irrisen, and grew up there. Hearing rumors that the White Witch took an interest in his otherworldly origin, my character ran to Varisia. Not knowing the explanation for his interdimensional trip, my character came to believe that he was brought to Golarion for a reason - that he had some destiny to fulfill. In fact, this "destiny" is a delusion, but his story of coming from another world - which others disbelieve - is perfectly true. My character continues to carry the few possessions he happened to have with him when he crossed over, including a cell phone (which long since lost its charge,) a ballpoint pen (long since dried up,) a small flashlight (whose batteries have long since died,) etc. Of course, none of these relics convince anyone else of otherworldly origin.

If you don't like that idea, I'll just play a Chelaxian. I feel compelled to give my character some sort of delusion, though. Maybe I could believe that I'm a cleric of Aroden. "He's not dead! He's testing our faith!" I pray to him daily, and fully expect to get clerical powers any day now. Of course, I get angry at any implication that Aroden is gone for good.

The standard traits are here: It's made up of the traits in that link you gave, minus the regional traits.

The regional feats from the player's guide is the list you choose your bonus feat from.

Celestial Half-Porc and Zaskar24, you're the first two on my reserve list.

Grand Lodge

Do you have any spots left? I would be interested in playing and have been thinking about playtesting a witch or an oracle.


Varisian Chronicler wrote:

The standard traits are here: It's made up of the traits in that link you gave, minus the regional traits.

The regional feats from the player's guide is the list you choose your bonus feat from.

Celestial Half-Porc and Zaskar24, you're the first two on my reserve list.

Sounds good to me. I have downloaded both of these already and also have a working concept for a character.

hey gryphon... just saw the link here and wanted to check in...will need a few days to hash out a character... but leaning towards a sneak type... tho that may change to a fighter ( still remains one of my fav classes =P )

Varisian Chronicler: I'll have my character stats and concept hopefully ready later on today. Am thinking young half-elf girl, varisian ethnicity, grew up on the streets of sandpoint, she has power but doesnt know how to use it (sorceror) ya dee ya dee ya da. I'll have it all detailed soon.

Since everyone else is posting what they are thinking of playing I am leaning towards a human Barbarian of Linnorm descent mixed with a quarter elven for a little flavor. Though he will not stay a Barbarian for the whole time.

seeing as we have a possible fighter and barbarian think im gonna go with a rogue... not sure bout race yet

Varisian Chronicler wrote:
...1 bonus feat from the player's guide...

That "Lone Wolf" feat in the Player's Guide would look really great... except that the "10% to stabilize" rule has been replaced with a DC 10 Con check (with a penalty equal to the negative hit point total.)

Since increasing the chance from 10% to 50% is (depending upon how you slice it) an increase in 40%, maybe this could translate to lowering the Con check DC from 10 to 2? (Obviously, the negative hit point penalty will still apply.)

What are your thoughts, Varisian Chronicler? (Or can I call you Joshua? Josh?)

Okay, Varisian Chronicler / Josh, you've said nothing about my unconventional character idea, so I assume (or rather, I HOPE) that you're OK with it. So here is my first draft of my PC. What do you think?

Male Human Expert 5 / Wizard 3

I am definitely still interested!

My character concept: female Half-Orc Wizard. She's a historian by trade, and wandered into the area in hopes of studying the local artifacts.

If that's alright, I'll get started on character creation.

I think I have my concept fleshed out and I am starting to creat the character.

Aaron, I am fairly new to the boards and was wondering if you could point to where I can creat a character sheet like you did. I cannot seem to find it yet.

I was also wondering how you wanted us to post our characters for you to see Varisian Chronicler? The way Aaron did or another way?

Itsgottabeodin: There are no spots left. You would be 3rd on the reserve list.

Aaron: I'm going to deny that first character concept. I'll get back to you about the Lone Wolf feat.

Everyone else: All other character concepts are fine.

Varisian Chronicler wrote:
Aaron: I'm going to deny that first character concept.

Ah well. Rather than have me throw out the whole thing, how about if I could say my character started out in Irrisen? And how about if I give him the whole "delusion he's a cleric of Aroden" thing, like I described earlier? Then I can keep the same trait and feats.

Hey guys i've sorted my character but how do i get it onto a character sheet like Aaron Bitman had?

Allan_Treebeard wrote:
Hey guys i've sorted my character but how do i get it onto a character sheet like Aaron Bitman had?

I am wondering the same thing myself. I have looked around but have not found it yet. THough I did figure out how to create a new log in, I have just not tried it yet. I still don't have a name for my character.

There's more than one way to do it, but my way was to use an alias. Hit "My Account" on the upper-right part of the page, enter your password, and on the left, you'll see a box labeled "Messageboard Aliases." The bottom link in that box says "Create a new messageboard alias." Hit that, and you can enter the name, time zone, and avatar. Once you enter that info, you should see your new alias listed in the aforementioned "Messageboard Aliases" box. You can then hit the "Edit" link next to that alias to enter your stats and fluff.

And by the way, Josh, if you OK my idea about my character being from Irrisen, then I guess he should be Ulfen. (He'd get Skald as a bonus language...)

Aaron Bitman wrote:
There's more than one way to do it, but my way was to use an alias. Hit "My Account" on the upper-right part of the page, enter your password, and on the left, you'll see a box labeled "Messageboard Aliases." The bottom link in that box says "Create a new messageboard alias." Hit that, and you can enter the name, time zone, and avatar. Once you enter that info, you should see your new alias listed in the aforementioned "Messageboard Aliases" box. You can then hit the "Edit" link next to that alias to enter your stats and fluff.

Thank you Aaron. Is there a template that you used for your character or is just something that you created yourself? Can it be copied and pasted onto your profile out of a word doc?


If there is some standard form that we should all use, the GM should dictate what that is. I just looked at a standard Pathfinder character sheet, and used that as a guideline for the order to put my info in.

ok, got the basics of the rogue written down just gotta type it up and should be good to go... should be ready by this eve or tomorrow

Aaron Bitman wrote:
If there is some standard form that we should all use, the GM should dictate what that is. I just looked at a standard Pathfinder character sheet, and used that as a guideline for the order to put my info in.

Ok, and that sounds about right to me. I was looking yours over but do not want to do anything with a sheet until DM gives a definitive answer on a specific layout. Though I do like yours.

Let's see if this works. My first draft, and hopefully only draft, for my character

Go to

Aargh, what am I doing wrong. Someone? Help please?

Name: Nial mac Oengus Race/Sex: Human male (50% Ulfen, 25% Chelaxian, 25% Elven)
Class/Level: Barbarian 1 Alignment: Chaotic Good Size: Medium
Height: 6’2” Weight: 197 lbs. Hair: Reddish-Brown Eyes: Greenish-Brown
Homeland: Varisia Deity: Gorum & Cayden Cailean XP: Next Level: 2000

STR 16 +3 +0 +0 HP: 14 Initiative: 2=2+0
DEX 15 +2 +0 +0 AC: 15=10+3+0+2+0+0+0+0
CON 13 +1 +0 +0 Touch AC: 12 Flat-Footed AC: 13
INT 12 +1 +0 +0 Fortitude: 4=1+3+0
WIS 12 +1 +0 +0 Reflex: 2=0+2+0
CHA 11 +0 +0 +0 Will: 1=0+1+0

Base Speed: 40’/8 squares Armored Speed: 40’/8 squares

Base Attack Bonus: 1 Spell Resistance: 0
Combat Maneuver Bonus: 4=1+3+0 Combat Maneuver Defense: 16=1+3+2+0+10

Bastard sword: +4, 19-20 x2, slashing, 1d10+4, 6lbs.
Dagger: +4, 19-20 x2, piercing/slashing, 1d4+3, 1lb.
Shortbow: +3, x3, piercing, 60’, 40 arrows, 1d6, 8lbs.
Gauntlets: +4, x2, blunt, 1d6+3, 2lbs.

Studded Leather: +3, light, -1, 15%, 20 lbs.

Special Abilities
Fast movement: +10’ to movement
Rage: 5 rounds, +4 STR & CON, +2 Will, -2 AC

Acrobatics (Dex): 5=2+1+2
Climb (STR): 6=3+1+2
Intimidate (CHA): 4=0+1+3
Knowledge (Local:Varisia) (INT): 2=1+1+0
Survival (WIS): 5=1+1+3
Swim (STR): 6=3+1+2

Resilient: +1 to Fortitude saving roles

Big game hunter: +1 to hit and +2 to damage against large and larger opponents
Power attack: -1 to hit and +2(+3) to damage when activated
Combat reflexes: 2 Area of Opportunity attacks a round even while flat-footed
Explorer’s outfit: 8lbs.
Backpack: 2lbs.
Bedroll: 5lbs.
Flint & steel: -, in right belt pouch
Small steel mirror: 1/2lb., in left belt pouch
2 Belt pouches: 1lb.
6 days trail rations: 6lbs., backpack
50’ silk rope: 5lbs., backpack
Signal whistle: -, around neck
Whetstone: 1lb., right belt pouch
2 flasks Alchemist’s fire: 2lbs., left belt pouch
2 Waterskins: 8lbs., slung over shoulder

Total Weight Carried: 75.5

Light Load: 76 lbs. Lift Over Head: 230 lbs.
Medium Load: 153 lbs. Lift Off Ground: 460 lbs.
Heavy Load: 230 lbs. Drag or Push: 1150 lbs.

Copper Pieces: 8
Silver Pieces:
Gold Pieces: 11
Platinum Pieces:

Nial’s story thus far
Nial was born to adventuring parents. His father, Oengus Menn mac Conall, is a renegade Ulfen from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings who left after refusing orders to slaughter the women and children of a rival King. More of an opposite could not be found for Oengus then Nial’s mother, Larali, a Half-Elven member of the Pathfinder Society who first me Oengus while she was just beginning to explore the ancient ruins of Varisia. In time the two became partners in exploration and later lovers. After a number of years of adventuring the two established a trading post in the wild upland area of Varisia within a couple of days travel to any number of ancient ruins. After the establishment of the trading post Oengus and Larali had their first and only child, a son that they named Nial mac Oengus in the tradition of his father’s people.

Nial grew up talking with the people who came to the post running around and learning to fight from the various adventures as much as he spent trying to get out of the lessons his mother insisted he learn. Shortly after reaching his 16th birthday Nial decided to make a name for himself and decided to head towards Sandpoint, the nearest port, to seek his future.

I guess this is one way to do it.

The format used for Aaron's character, 'Hasim', as well as Zaskar's character, 'Nial', are both fine.

Zaskar, if you click on your name, it'll take you to your list of aliases, and you can click on that character's name to go to Nial's profile. More easily, though, if you post under the 'Nial' alias, you can click on that name and go to that profile.

Male Human Diviner Wizard 6

For example, posting under this alias, anyone can click on my name at the top of this post and be directed to Lecian's profile page.

Yes, I made a mistake in my earlier instructions. To edit your info, you should not hit "Edit," but the name of the alias, as Josh just said. Sorry about that.

Okay, once again, I'm assuming that the GM would approve of my character idea. (I was wrong the last time I assumed that, but that was with a weird character. This time my character is more conventional.)

So here's my revised character. What do you think?

Hi guys. Marilis Vahn is ready to roll. Let me know if anythings wrong chronicler.

Male Human Expert 5 / Wizard 3

I'm back after two days (busy, busy, busy) and I've finished Lym Blackhand. I've bent the rules a little, filling her bonus language slots with local languages instead of the traditional Half-Orc bonus languages, to reflect her background as a scholar. If that's a problem, I can change it and shift some other things around.

So I think I have it figured out. Maybe. Is there private message capability on the forum? I have kicked around some and have not found anything.

hehe, well unless im missing someone... we are without a healer...taking a group pole...what would we need more? a rogue or cleric...i have the rog finished save for the typing it up at the same time i have a clear idea for a healer just would need to know who to finalize

Personally my vote is for both. Unless Aaron decides his fighter is going to multi into either or one of our numerous spell-casters. A Conan clone is not what I am aiming for with this character.

i think im gonna go with rogue but for my trait was going to take rich parents bringing my starting gold to 900... then gonna buy a cure light wounds wand for 750 giving me 150 to buy the rest of my gear

That is one way to deal with the situation. Now as long as we do not run into any undead we should be fine. Though it is going to kind of stink to have you have to worry about healing and fighting instead of straight fighting. Though you could "loan" it to one of our spell-casters to solve that problem.

the other thing i was thinking was i could be a ranged rogue and provide cover fire while i rush to whoever would need healing but like you said we would still have to worry about undead

Nasserath: Just be whatever you prefer to play we'll work out group balance along the way. One of the casters can just use a wand of CLW, or if you want to be a cleric I was thinking about multi classing into rogue. so eithers good.

What the heck, it wouldn't be the first time I played in a group that lacked a cleric or other healer of some type. I'm also sure that it will not be the last.

I do have to say that this is shaping up to be a fairly rough and ready looking group. I'm looking forwards to getting started.

Oh and I might be wrong but zaskar dont you need exotic weapon proficiency to use a bastard sword??

Allan_Treebeard wrote:
Oh and I might be wrong but zaskar dont you need exotic weapon proficiency to use a bastard sword??

i think you can use as a 2hand as a martial weapon but to use in 1 hand would need the feat... could be wrong though

Allan_Treebeard wrote:
Nasserath: Just be whatever you prefer to play we'll work out group balance along the way. One of the casters can just use a wand of CLW, or if you want to be a cleric I was thinking about multi classing into rogue. so eithers good.

that works... will roll up a cleric then...just finished working around the house (wife is 9 months pregnant and is doing her nesting thing... means lots of work for me heh lol) but will try to have finish by the end of the evening...

Allan_Treebeard wrote:
Oh and I might be wrong but zaskar dont you need exotic weapon proficiency to use a bastard sword??

You are correct, I do. To use it one handed. Two handed it is considered a martial weapon which is how I am using it thus the higher damage bonus.

ah ha! makes sense. so were almost sorted then, im tingling with anticipation :)

The character sheets looks good so far.

Here's how I'm modifying the Lone Wolf feat: Once a day, the first time your condition is 'dying', you automatically stabilize. After this on the same day, if your condition is 'dying', you must make a DC 6 check to stabilize. You also get a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves.

Varisian Chronicler wrote:

The character sheets looks good so far.

Here's how I'm modifying the Lone Wolf feat: Once a day, the first time your condition is 'dying', you automatically stabilize. After this on the same day, if your condition is 'dying', you must make a DC 6 check to stabilize. You also get a +1 bonus on Fortitude saves.

Thank you! I've modified my character sheet accordingly.

(When you say "Make a DC 6 check, I assume you mean a Con check with a penalty equal to my negative hit point total.)

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