Gryphon Gold's Rise of the Runelords Campaign (Inactive)

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And by the way, Nasserath, thank you so much for offering to roll up a cleric. If I could have foreseen the future, I would have played a cleric myself. I'm not so sure I'd be willing to do so now that I've created a fighter. (Varg, as he is now, couldn't become a true cleric, since he worships a dead god. Unless, some time down the road, somebody makes him see the error of his ways...? But that would go against the "Indomitable Faith" trait.)

Male Human Expert 5 / Wizard 3

If his faith is really that indomitable, maybe he could find out about the corpses of dead gods floating in the Astral Plane and that it is possible, with great effort and much time, to restore them? ;) Plot hook for another campaign, perhaps ...?

Male Shoanti Human Cleric 1

sorry for taking so long but got most of the sheet finished just needs a backstory but here's the cleric

Wicked so everyones sorted. Any idea when we can get started gryphon?

Looks good.

I apologize for the delay, but I've realized now isn't a good time for me to start the campaign. Instead, I'll start at the beginning of the week after Christmas.

That makes perfect sense to me. I look forward to this starting up.

this gives me a bit of time to finish the backstory

also look forward to the start

Brilliant. sounds good.

Any idea when this will start?

At the beginning of this week.

Human Wizard 4 / Rogue 2

Campaign thread

Who's still here?

Female Half - Elf Sorcerer 1


Male Ulfen Fighter 2
Varisian Chronicler wrote:
Who's still here?

Are you asking who is still following the discussion thread, now that the game has started?

Human Wizard 4 / Rogue 2

I'm asking who's still playing.

Me, I am. Right here Mr. Dm sir! Or mam!

sorry im here too but with the holidays work and fam have been crazy...will get back to my norm shcedule by weekend

Human Wizard 4 / Rogue 2
Celestial Half-Porc wrote:
Can I get a reserve spot? I would like to play RotLR. Let me know. Thanks.

Half-Porc, let me know if you're still interested.

Any idea when this will pick up?

I'm interested - regular player but not PbP.

I'll look through the character creation and submit proposal.

Paizo Employee Developer

I will gladly join if there is room, or go on the reserve list.

Grand Lodge

I'll submit a druid in the next day or two.

Male The rules don't contain a specific for a mix of all races..... Drafter 20/Father 8

I will give up my spot to one of these guys. I have a lot of PbP's goin anyway. Thanks for the invite anyway Gryphon.

Gryphon: Is the pbp dead or is it gonna get going at some point?

Human Wizard 4 / Rogue 2

Submit a character within the next couple of days, and I'll let you know if you're starting now or not. I'll probably take at least two of you to start immediately.

Allan, I think it's best if you leave instead of waiting around.

gryphon gold wrote:
Allan, I think it's best if you leave instead of waiting around.

Yeah I think I'll drop thanks for the opportunity anyway.

Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Here's my submission. Hope I get chosen.

Grand Lodge

If there is any room available I was thinking of trying out either an Oracle or an Inquisitor as a playtest.

Male Human Expert 5 / Wizard 3

I'm still around. I'd just stopped watching this OOC thread ... *sigh* Why oh why is there no pm option on these forums?

Markun, your sheet looks good. You're in. Post in the adventure thread and make a Perception and an Initiative check.

Grand Lodge

Will do, but please note that I've added my animal companion, a riding dog, and modified my back story some.

Ok, now what am I doing wrong to get my rolls? This is a lot different and quite awhile since the last time I played Pbp. Like almost 2 years since I played in a PbP.

There shouldn't be any spaces between your brackets. For example, use "[dice]", instead of "[ dice]".

Likewise, use "[/dice], instead of "[ /dice]".

Alternatively, you can use the dice roller at and link to the results.

1d20 ⇒ 20

So hopefully this works.

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Just playing around and trying to get the hang of this.

Thank you Varisian!

Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

If you need him, here's your friendly neighbourhood law-enforcing monk:

Kaddok Broken Sky

Kaddok, your sheet looks good, and I'd like to have you in the party. If you could, please start posting immediately in response to my latest post in the campaign thread.


Aurora- Gnome Sorcerer (draconic, tattooed) 14| HP 88+11/88+11| AC 17 (21) T 13 FF 15 (19)| Fo +9 Re +9 Wi +12| Init +2 Percep 26| Spells 7th Lvl 3/4, 6th Lvl 5/6, 5th Lvl 7/7, 4th Lvl 8/8, 3rd Lvl 7/8, 2nd Lvl 8/8, 1st Lvl 8/8, Cantrip at will

Markum lets out a war cry while Vuvo barks his anger. The two of them run toward their diminutive foes.
They target different opponents, but stay close together just in case.
Attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14 Damage 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5

Attack 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18 Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9 Trip 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18

Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

Whee first post!

20s on initiative and tumble -- so of course I rolled crap for my attack. @_@

I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be out of town and away from a computer starting tomorrow and will be back the evening of the 18th. See everyone when I get back.

Grand Lodge

Aebliss, two things
1. Your avatar for Lym is messing with me. You have probably noticed that my base avatar and your character's avatar are the same.

2. Where are you getting the words for your spells. For some reason, I feel like I should know those words.

Grand Lodge

Varg Proudheart wrote:
Could someone please explain to me why charge attacks aren't allowed during the surprise round? A charge may be taken as a standard action if you're limited to taking only a single action in a round. Why should a surprise round be different?

I figure it's a dm ruling. I don't like it, but I hope it will come back to help me later.

Dax Thura wrote:
Varg Proudheart wrote:
Could someone please explain to me why charge attacks aren't allowed during the surprise round? A charge may be taken as a standard action if you're limited to taking only a single action in a round. Why should a surprise round be different?
I figure it's a dm ruling. I don't like it, but I hope it will come back to help me later.

It wasn't a DM ruling. I was just wrong. I'll fix the surprise round next time I update.


In your last post, did you mean to attack the goblin adjacent to you?

Markum, Vuvo's hit on the mount was negated by the rider.

Hold up on posting until I finish the summary on round 1.

Grand Lodge

Ok, sorry. I gotta look up the rules on riding animals. I didn't know you could negate damage.

Male Human (Shoanti) Monk 1 (Favored Class)

Durf. I never even thought to check this thread. I am dumb. Sorry boss!

Male Human Expert 5 / Wizard 3
Dax Thura wrote:

Aebliss, two things

1. Your avatar for Lym is messing with me. You have probably noticed that my base avatar and your character's avatar are the same.

Sorry about that, but it took me a while before I found one I was happy with. ^^

Dax Thura wrote:
2. Where are you getting the words for your spells. For some reason, I feel like I should know those words.

I'm using Latin and a little bit of Ancient Greek. I was involved in a lovely pbp campaign on a Ravenloft fan site, and those who played caster characters compiled a nice selection of spells to give the game some more realism.

Sidenote: sorry for replying so late. I haven't been checking this thread for a while again.

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