GM Zahmahkibo's "Murder on the Throaty Mermaid"

Game Master Zahmahkibo

Map of the Throaty Mermaid

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Grand Lodge

Max HP: 26; Current HP: 26; AC 11 (touch 11, FF 11); CMD: 7; F/R/W: +4/+2/+6 (+8 vs illusions)

At this point, I don't imagine we're finishing it before the end of game day. It would be nice to save the scenario to make a good run at it.

I also don't mind continuing, so either way for me.

The Exchange

Male Tian-Shu Human Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 3
Quick Reference:
[ HP 23/23 | AC 13/12/11 (MA:16/12/14), CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +2; Perception +6 ]

I don't think we can finish before the game day, so I'll have to vote walking away.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 HP 15/19 | AC: 14 /T: 10 /FF: 14 | Perc. +8 | F: +5 / R: +0 /W: +6 | CMB +5 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +3

Let's call it quits then.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4


The Exchange

Male Tian-Shu Human Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 3
Quick Reference:
[ HP 23/23 | AC 13/12/11 (MA:16/12/14), CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +2; Perception +6 ]

Has anyone emailed the moderators?

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