GM Zahmahkibo's "Murder on the Throaty Mermaid"

Game Master Zahmahkibo

Map of the Throaty Mermaid

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I'll open the gameplay thread a few days before the official event start.

Misc. Procedural Info
To keep up a pleasant pace, I will be rolling for the party any opposed checks and saves. All proactive rolls will be left to the players, but I may provide prompting for specific skills now and then. If you cast a spell or employ an effect that offers a saving throw, please provide the DC in your post.

If your build includes any immediate spells, re-roll granting effects or other out-of-turn abilities, such as Saving Finale, Improved Iron Will, or Step Up, please let me know in advance so that I can make appropriate adjustments to the publication of rolls.

In combat, if any player has not posted within a day and a half of the last GM update, I will default to what I deem a reasonable course of action, based on circumstances and past behavior, that does not exhaust any non-trivial consumables. Out of combat, after a full day with no activity, I will proceed under the assumption the missing player(s) agrees to follow the current course.

If you predict that you will be unable to post for a day or two and inform us before hand, I will be willing to extend the window. You may also designate another player to dictate your character's actions during a brief absence with whatever license you wish to allow.

Everyone feel free to provide conditional directions, especially in combat, to a reasonable degree of specificity. Otherwise, actions within an initiative block will be resolved in the order they are posted, and delay actions will be assumed where it matters.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

Consider me dotted.

Grand Lodge

Max HP: 26; Current HP: 26; AC 11 (touch 11, FF 11); CMD: 7; F/R/W: +4/+2/+6 (+8 vs illusions)

Dot, though I don't think it will show up on the campaign tab until the gameplay thread is dotted.

The Exchange

Male Tian-Shu Human Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 3
Quick Reference:
[ HP 23/23 | AC 13/12/11 (MA:16/12/14), CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +2; Perception +6 ]

Hello, everyone! And Toshizo! It's you again! :D I see you're a bard now.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

Yeah - the Tien Katana Cleric thing was filled by another character I made and didn't want two of them.

I ummed and ahhed over what to do with the character - Samurai just didn't seem to hit the spot but I really couldn't change the characters name after 100+ posts so figured why fight it? A Tien bard can be groovy, add in Arcane Duelist and you have the Martial bent. I figure Exotic Weapon Katana at level 3 and I have a Katana wielding Bard... not many of those out there. I may take a dip level in Samurai as well but I think Bard is fun.

Actually.... given we haven't started play yet, and the guy is still level 1 until he starts and is locked in I may take that dip level now.

Will sleep on it.

Azeban and I go back a ways to first steps 1,2 and 3 when they were still legal.

Edit: Nah. Will be a bard 2 and just take the feat or the dip level at 3rd.

Sounds good. If anyone decides they would rather field a different PC, or wants to take a 1st-level rebuild before we start, that's totally fine.

Grand Lodge

Mind if we use this time to buy equipment and spend PP? I didnt need a wand of CLW before in his cleric incarnation.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

dwarven dot

Go for it, Helaman. The scenario will begin in medias res when you've already been several weeks at sea, but I'll give everyone another chance to have provisioned themselves before locking things down.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

Do me a favour if you could - at the end of the session do record these on the chronicle.

A lot of GMs on PbP - including myself on occassion, don't input purchases - Its a real pain keeping my own logs after that. I've one character who's going to take me about an hour to sort out thanks to a bunch of games online and a few P&P sessions. Lots of confusion because some of my P&P chronicles have the data recorded and my online chronicles are clean as whistles.

In any case.

2pp Wand of CLW
2pp on a MW +3 Str Darkwood Composite Shortbow (Value 75 for base, 225 for +3, 300 MW and 20gp for the darkwood) [Within the 750gp limit]
300gp MW weapon cast on Katana (so at least now I can use it as a +1 to hit)
5gp Musical insrument
210gp MW Leather Lamellar armour.

Sell Leather Lamellar armour (30gp)

- I'll adjust my profile in a bit

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

any chance we can open the game play thread to dot it?

And back to Vanilla Bard.

The Exchange

Male Tian-Shu Human Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 3
Quick Reference:
[ HP 23/23 | AC 13/12/11 (MA:16/12/14), CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +2; Perception +6 ]

I just found out that they just released chronicles for the Carrion Crown AP, which I'm a part of. I plan on having it apply to Azeban since he's the only one of my characters within the level range, but this will bump my character to level 3, if that's fine, GM?

I can still use it on another character, of course, if you'd prefer to keep Azeban at level 2.

Also, Azeban spent 2pp on purchasing a Wand of Infernal Healing which hasn't been recorded.

That's fine, Azeban.

I'll open the Gameplay thread this weekend, once I've had a chance to write up a proper introduction. Once I do, please delete your posts after dotting to keep things uncluttered.

As far as recording purchases--honestly, putting digital Chronicles together is a bit of a pain already, especially without a full Acrobat license. I know the recordkeeping woes from my own characters, but it makes more sense to me to let the players record their own purchases in their preferred manner.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)


Received the PDF, will open Gameplay soon.

Gameplay is open for dotting.

The Exchange

Male Tian-Shu Human Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 3
Quick Reference:
[ HP 23/23 | AC 13/12/11 (MA:16/12/14), CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +2; Perception +6 ]

Should we do actions directly related to faction missions in spoilers?

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

So we're going to be doing the faction missions for credit even though they aren't required anymore? Or are they just for color?

The Exchange

Male Tian-Shu Human Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 3
Quick Reference:
[ HP 23/23 | AC 13/12/11 (MA:16/12/14), CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +2; Perception +6 ]

I really should have purchased this earlier, but better late then never.

I'll buy a Pathfinder Pouch as well as supplementary items to put into it along with my more . . . questionable items.

Purchase Breakdown:

Starting GP: 1,446

Items bought: Pathfinder Pouch - 1000 [1 lb]
Acid Flask - 10 [1 lb]
Alchemist's Fire Flask - 20 [1 lb]
Alkali Flask - 15 [1 lb]
Antitoxin - 50
Soothe Syrup - 25 [1/2 lb]
Twitch Tonic - 45
Antiplague - 50
Ioun Torch - 75
Spring-Loaded Wrist Sheath x2 - 10 [1 lb each]
Potion of Touch of Sea - 50
Potion of Remove Sickness - 50
Total expense: 1400

Remaining GP: 46

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

I wasn't aware that the missions weren't required anymore. When did that happen?

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

Season 5 (August 2013) guidebook did away with faction missions to earn the second Prestige Point. INstead each scenario has a Secondary Success Condition that if completed earns the second point. These Secondary conditions may not always be told to the players ahead of time.

Season 5 PFS Guide wrote:
Earning Prestige Each scenario provides the opportunity for you to earn 2 Prestige Points over the course of the adventure. These Prestige Points are tied to the completion of your mission, and are outlined in the Success Conditions section of the adventure. One of these conditions should be obvious at the start of a scenario, while the second may require creative thinking or may become apparent as the story progresses

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

Yup, there it is. And I also believe there is a blog back in September about it, too. I will see if I can find it again.

EDIT: Found it

Paizo Blog wrote:

Secondary Success Conditions At the onset of Season 5, the means by which characters earned Prestige Points changed dramatically. No longer was fame tied to performing faction missions, but rather its award would be tied to secondary success conditions—"secret" missions that were tied to going above and beyond the primary success condition or seeking out additional, perhaps unforeseen ways to further the goals of the Pathfinder Society. As part of this change, we retired the existing model of faction missions, but the earlier scenarios did not have any secondary success conditions established already as replacements.

I'm pleased to announce that we will have the Secondary Success Conditions—all 126 of them—available for download. After considering how best to distribute these, we decided it would be best to make the entire file available for download instead of adding an extra file to each download. I recognize that this makes it easier for the unscrupulous to peek at the secondary missions, but it also makes it far less onerous for GMs to acquire the updates all at once. I'm trusting the community to use this resource responsibly.

I will post the link here and it is at the top of the page.

As said in the Recruitment post, Murder on the Throaty Mermaid is a special case. The otherwise-outdated faction missions have been preserved as the new Secondary Success Conditions. Every faction has two parts to their mission, and you or your faction mates must complete both to receive the extra prestige point.

Sorry I missed that spoiler in Recruitment. So be it! Retro faction missions it is.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

I did too, sorry.

No worries. I had an inkling that not everyone had read the entire most when post people missed the special condition.

Gilroy - Please add a quick stat bar in to the race/class line in your profile. Boram's is a good example.

Orik - Please add Initiative, Perception, and SM to your quick stats.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

Orik's stat line should be updated now.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

Crap has hit the fan with work. Will post as best I can for the next 48-72 hours. Please bear with me.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

entering my peak 'in the s&@+' zone. Will be flaky for the next 24 hrs. I did call out I'd be iffy for the next 72 hours about 2 days ago

No worries, thanks for letting us know.

I'll be traveling and without forum access starting around noon Saturday to evening Sunday (EST).

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

I am due to fly o/seas on short notice for a project - I will have delayed posting for the next 3 days. I hope this does not equal 'No posting' and will try to put something up.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

Sick today ... Bear with me

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

Did we lose our GM?

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

I hope not. Business travel, wife hieing off to Europe and sickness caused a drop in posting. Will be online again soon.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 HP 15/19 | AC: 14 /T: 10 /FF: 14 | Perc. +8 | F: +5 / R: +0 /W: +6 | CMB +5 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +3

Sorry, had company in town while dealing with home repairs and a tree service that destroyed my lawn. Back to normal schedule now.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

Curious if this game is now defunct? Two DM posts in May are not a very hopeful sign.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)


Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

What steps would we have to take if the game is defunct? Would we have to get ahold of a different GM to take over or does the scenario just get scrapped?

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

Dunno. I think we likely disband and are able to re-play the scenario. I will send an email to the online VC's who put the PbP gameday together.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 HP 15/19 | AC: 14 /T: 10 /FF: 14 | Perc. +8 | F: +5 / R: +0 /W: +6 | CMB +5 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +3

Bummer. Thanks for taking the lead Orik.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

Email sent to the Online VO's. I could shift to running this, but I don't own the scenario...Waiting to see what they reply back with, if anything.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

I haven't bought it either but I do have access to it, so I could run it figuratively. Never GMed before. It would be better to get someone else to join and be the GM.

Grand Lodge

M Dwarf 5 Fighter HP 49/49; AC 22/11/21; F+7, R+4, W+2* | Init +2 | Percept +6* | SM +0 |

Here is the response back from Jesse Davis the organizer for the PBP gameday event:

"We contacted the GM - we'll let you know what we find out here soon. If we do not hear back from him soon we will work something out.

Sorry about that"

The Exchange

Male Tian-Shu Human Sorcerer (Rakshasa) 3
Quick Reference:
[ HP 23/23 | AC 13/12/11 (MA:16/12/14), CMD 13, Fort +3, Ref +4, Will +4 | Init +2; Perception +6 ]

Thanks for the heads up!

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 HP 15/19 | AC: 14 /T: 10 /FF: 14 | Perc. +8 | F: +5 / R: +0 /W: +6 | CMB +5 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +3


Liberty's Edge

Regional Venture Coordinator - Online

Sorry, guys - we tried to contact the GM a couple of times but have not received a response.

What would you guys like to do at this point?

You only made it to the first encounter, so you can walk away from it as if you had not played it - or - we can try and find a replacement GM for you guys to finish it out if we can.

Just let us know what you would like to do.

If you can, please email us at after you decide so we can make sure we do not miss your decision.

Sorry about that again - know it is frustrating to lose a GM in the middle of a game.

- Jesse [IronHelixx]

Orik Fistbreaker wrote:

Here is the response back from Jesse Davis the organizer for the PBP gameday event:

"We contacted the GM - we'll let you know what we find out here soon. If we do not hear back from him soon we will work something out.

Sorry about that"

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Filcher (Rogue)/1 HP 9/9 | AC: 17 /T: 15 /FF: 13 | Perc. +8; Sense Motive +6| F: +1 / R: +7 /W: +3 | CMB +3 | CMD +13 | Speed 20 | Init. +4

So, what do you guys say? I could go either way.

Liberty's Edge

Male Half-Orc Inquisitor 2 HP 15/19 | AC: 14 /T: 10 /FF: 14 | Perc. +8 | F: +5 / R: +0 /W: +6 | CMB +5 | CMD +15 | Speed 30 | Init. +3

Either way.

Grand Lodge

Init + 2/AC16/Touch12/Flatfoot14/CMD 14||HP 20/[20]| Fort:+5 ;Ref:+5 ;Wil+1|Percept +5/Sense Motive +9 CMB +4 (+4 bonus on saves made vs bard perform, sonic, and lang - dependent effects) +2 Saves vs Divination Magic. Perform 7/[9] Male Angel Blooded Scion of Humanity Aasimar / Tien Background Bard 2 (Favoured)

I'm out.

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