GM WhtKnt's Open Water - A Skull & Shackles Adventure Path

Game Master WhtKnt

Do you have what it takes to rise from the ranks of a lowly deck-swab to become a captain of your own vessel and sail the seas of Golarion with intent to commit acts of piracy? Find out in this adventure path!

Current Map
Loot Sheet

Chumtooth: HP 91/91; AC 18/13/14; F+8 R+8 W+3/+5; Init +3; Perception +13 (+12 in bright sunlight); Sense Motive +1
Dantes Goldforge: HP 50/50; AC 15/15/14; F+6 R+5 W+7; Init +5; Perception +0 (+2 w/familiar); Sense Motive +0
Faengrim: HP 84 (92)/84 (92); AC 19/12/17; F+9 R+9 W+4; Init +2 (+4 in water); Perception +14 (+2 in urban terrain; +2 vs aquatic humanoids; +4 in water terrain; +4 vs humans); Sense Motive +1 (+2 vs aquatic humanoids; +4 vs humans)

Plunder: 0
Infamy: 20
Disrepute: 15

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The Exchange

Female Gnome Oracle(Bones) 9| HP: 83/83 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 | Active conditions: none

Good luck!

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

Take care!

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Aaaaaaand the dice-roller strikes again!


The Exchange

Female Gnome Oracle(Bones) 9| HP: 83/83 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 | Active conditions: none

I am going to be offline until Monday. Feel free to bot me as you see fit.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

Moves will be delayed a day or three, we are dealing with a family crisis. Thank you for your understanding.

Good luck, @WhtKnt. I hope everything resolves well.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Best wishes everything turns out well. Take care of you and yours. We can wait a bit.

Grand Lodge

Family comes first, always.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

My wife's beloved aunt passed away today, so it may be a day or two more while we deal with that.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

I will be on vacation from the 5th of November to the 17th of November, inclusive, and will have very limited access during this time (I'm going to Disneyworld). If I am in your game, please bot me. If you are in my game, please sit tight and we will resume on my return. I will try to get as much posting in as possible prior to this time, but we are still dealing with a death in the family.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

Came back from vacation into a wasp's nest of things that need to be done. I'll need a few more days. I will post as soon as I am able.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Level as fighter.

Average hit points = 6 + 3 Con = 9

+1 to BAB
Weapon Training Bonus (spears): +1 to hit and to damage
3 Skills +2 Background

Considering Outflank teamwork feat, if anyone else is interested in taking it as well.

Otherwise, I will pick something else.

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link


@Chumtooth, Carmelia can start taking the Tribe spirit as her wandering spirit, allowing her to take any teamwork feat and then grant it to allies.

I'll level up asap, but it's going to be another level of shaman! Bring on the level 4 spells!

hp: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Grand Lodge

Give me more Ranger.

1d10 ⇒ 8

BAB: +1
Skills: +6
- Intimidate +1
- Know: Geography +1
- Know: Nature +1
- Perception +1
- Survival +1
- Swim +1

Feat: Extra Feature
(considered Outflank, but I don't think that Faengrim and Chumtooth- the two melee fighters- don't flank very often. If you think we do, I can easily change.)

Spell: Lvl 1 +1


Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

Deep Shaman 7/Executioner Slayer 2
HP +8 = 69
BAB +1 = 7 (also increases CMB and CMD)
Will +1 = 12
Skills +7 (4 (Class) + 0 (Int) + 2 (BG) + 1 (FCB)
- Craft (ships) + 1 = 11
- Disable Device +1 = 16
- Heal +3 = 23
- Knowledge (planes) + 1 = 8
- Sleight of Hand + 1 = 12

Feat: Spirit Talker (so much flexibility!)

Spells: Level 1 +1; Level 4 +2

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Carmelia, if you want to trade up to the Cloak of Resistance +2, I will take the +1 cloak off of your hands.

The only items I am interested in for Chumtooth are the poisons, but I will let them go to someone else if they really want them. Everyone else in the crew gets to pick before I decide on what I want.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)
Whtknt wrote:
The reason I presented the items as being identified is that at the level you guys are, it makes no sense to make you experiment. Dantes can pretty easily identify everything by taking 10, so I just save time and tell you what it is.

I think there may be some confusion about what was going on in game.

Carmelia was asking if we should search the rest of the building for any hidden caches of treasure.

She was also interested in the Cloak of Resistance +2 to take in place of her Cloak of Resistance +1

Faengrim was expressing interest in the Mithril Shirt to replace his current chain shirt.

I was saying, in character, that everyone else in the party can have first choice, and I will take what's left. Whatever isn't claimed, we'll sell or store.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

I'll list what else you find in the building when I get a chance, probably later today.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)
* The putrefying remains of an eviscerated, almost skeletal humanoid creature with a long tail, sharp claws, elongated skull, and needle-like teeth

I saw what you did, there. *chuckle*

The Exchange

Female Gnome Oracle(Bones) 9| HP: 83/83 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 | Active conditions: none

What did he do? I am thinking I might only want the skeleton for animation purposes. But I am thinking it is too much paperwork to have a lot of undead, so I am thinking of trying to create basically one big one.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)
Navasi wrote:
What did he do? I am thinking I might only want the skeleton for animation purposes. But I am thinking it is too much paperwork to have a lot of undead, so I am thinking of trying to create basically one big one.

Look at the description, then imagine it alive and healthy, fighting Sigourney Weaver, who is operating a mechanized cargo-loader exoskeleton.

By the way, anyone have any ideas on what we should do with the LIVE displacer beast that is also on the list?? I wonder if Tessa has a menagerie, or wants to start one.

The Exchange

Female Gnome Oracle(Bones) 9| HP: 83/83 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 | Active conditions: none

Ah, yes - of course!

Skinwalker (wereshark-kin, seascarred) Ranger 10| HP 76 /104 (114) | AC 19 Touch 12 FF 17| Fo +10 Re +10 Wi +5; Evasion | Init +4 (+6 in urban; +8 in water)| Percep +18, Low-Light Vision

I do like the idea of offering it to Tessa Fairwind or some other collector. Even just releasing it to keep

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

It looks like the Kiss of Vengeance still has the same stats as the base sailing ship. Scanning through the player's guide, there are quite a few upgrades that we could make.

With Wisdom of the Ages, Carmelia's base Craft (ships) check is actually +16. If Dantes would be willing to add the Crafter's Fortune spell to his spellbook, that would boost her to +21.

That makes the available modifications:

  • Additional Crew Quarters, DC 22, 2000 gp
  • Armor Plating, DC 28, 3000 gp
  • Broad Rudder, DC 16, 500 gp
  • Concealed Weapon Port, DC 16, 100 gp
  • Increased Cargo Capacity, DC 22, 1500 gp
  • Movable Deck, DC 28, 4000 gp
  • Ram, DC 10, 1000 gp
  • Smuggling Compartments, DC 19, 500 gp/compartment
  • Sturdy Hull, DC 16, 1000 gp
  • Wooden Plating, DC 25, 2000 gp

Beyond that, while Carmelia doesn't have Craft Wondrous Items, Dantes does. Would it be possible for the two of them to work together to craft some of the magical items? If not, then could I swap out the Spirit Talker feat for Craft Wondrous Items? This would open up:

  • Magicall Treated Control Device, DC 15, 1000 gp
  • Magically Treated Hull, DC 15, 13500 gp
  • Magically Treated Oars, DC 15, 1000 gp/oar - We don't use oars for our ship

The sail modifications (Magically Treated Sails, Rapid-Deploy Sails, Silk Sails) may be a bit more challenging as we don't have Craft (sails), but they're not impossible if that's the direction we really want to go. Silk sails in particular (DC 16 Craft (sails), 1500 gp) would be useful as they would increase our waterborne speed by 10%. Both Carmelia and Dantes could theoretically pull off an untrained +10 to Craft (sails) with Crafter's Fortune.

Because the modifications reduce waterborne speed, I don't recommend armor or wooden plating. The broad rudder, silk sails, and sturdy hull seem like the most useful mundane modifications for now. If we can do magical modifications, everything would be great, depending on expenses.


Beyond that, Faengrim mentioned getting additional crew. We have two weeks to do that, and so the more socially-oriented characters could trick, convince, or press-gang folks as appropriate.

Closer to the regatta, Carmelia could do a Divination to ask a question about the race. The night before, she'll prepare a Bountiful Banquet (or two) for the crew to ensure that we don't need to stop to eat on the first day of the race (if it's multi-day). It also seems silly to bother to Read Weather, but we could, just in case it's different than we expect. Beyond that, I'm probably going to devote most of my spell slots to spells designed to control water, wind, and buoyancy (depending on the GM's ruling on whether spells like Carrying Wind or Tailwind/Tail Current would have any appreciable effect on the ship's sailing.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Sturdy Hull, Broad Rudder and Silk Sails seem like no-brainers.

Wood or Armor Plating might also be good options.

The Exchange

Female Gnome Oracle(Bones) 9| HP: 83/83 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 | Active conditions: none

Hello all - sorry for going silent with no warning. My wife's mother passed away this weekend, and between that and the holiday season, we are scrambling to get everything in order. I am posting this same note to all of my groups, so some of you will likely see it more than once.

I suspect I won't be only until after Christmas, and maybe not even until after the new year. I will try to catch up on games where I can, but I don't expect to be very successful. If I am a player, please feel free to bot me or drop me as needed. If you bot me, all resources are available to you - I am not worried.

For those I am running, I certainly won't me able to organize combat as I will be remote. But feel free to continue RP if available and I can answer questions as I get a chance.

Thank you for your patience and understanding, and for those of you that celebrate, Hanukkah Sameach, Happy Kwanzaa, and Merry Christmas!

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

That's rough. Sorry to hear that, PJP. My best wishes to you and your family. Good luck with everything, and we'll hope to see you in the new year.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

I am against dropping people, particularly in the case of family crises (Gods know, I've had my share), so I'll hear no talk of that. Take care of business, and we'll be here when you get back to us.

Grand Lodge

Condolences, Navasi. Take your time and take care of your family.

The Exchange

Female Gnome Oracle(Bones) 9| HP: 83/83 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 | Active conditions: none

Thanks! I am back, now, with a short hiatus here and there for the next few weeks, but nothing that should slow me down too much.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

I have not forgotten you, folks, just been busy. Hope to have something posted tomorrow.

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

Awesome! Thank you, WhtKnt.

The items that seemed most appealing were the Sturdy Hull (1000 gp), Broad Rudder (500 gp), Silk Sails (1500 gp), and Magically Treated Hull (13500 gp). Total 16500 gp. This will increase the Hardness by 2, reduce cargo capacity by 10%, provide a +1 on sailing checks and an additional +1 on opposed checks to gain the upper hand, give a 10% increase in waterborne speed, and double both the hit points and hardness of the hull.

Not too shabby for two weeks work. Any feedback from the rest of the crew? And do you want me to roll any checks, or just assume that I take 10 and get the work done during the two weeks between personal effort and supervising crew?

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

I'm guessing the Master of Gales is a high level caster. If he's monitoring for cheating, he's going to know all the usual tricks. He might even have summoned critters in the water guarding the hulls and rudders from sabotage.

Apart from maybe picking a fight with some of his key crew members, I can't think of a way to cripple Harrigan without the high likelihood of getting caught and disqualified.

Grand Lodge

Again, I agree that it's a bad idea. Even if Faengrim successfully pulls off the sabotage, chances are, he'll get caught.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Carmelia, you and I are tied for Profession - Sailor ranks (+14). Would you care to do the honors, or should I?

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

I'll happily take this first leg of the race!

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

Sorry guys, I've been very busy. I will try to get a post up tomorrow or the next day. We're getting new roof put on our house and doing some major renovation (adding an expansion), in addition to a convention coming up in early March for which I work.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

There will be a delay of game. I apologize to everyone, but this is unavoidable. We are putting an expansion onto our house and when they opened the wall, they found extensive (very extensive) termite damage. So In addition to the uncontrolled chaos of having my home torn apart and remodeled, I am dealing with a rather expensive termite treatment bill (and they just keep finding more). Finally, I have a convention coming up that I serve on staff for (running the entire game room and taking care of the website). This has left me frazzled and has overcome my depression meds to the point that I am on the edge of a razor over the abyss.

I am not shutting the game down, just letting you know that my posts will be sporadic for the next several weeks until we get this resolved (hopefully by the end of the month). I will try to update as often as I can, but please be understanding if there is a long delay.

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

Best of luck to you, WhtKnt, whenever you see it. Mental health, work, family, etc. are all more important than the game. We'll see you when you're able to get back. Thanks for being forthcoming.

The Exchange

Female Gnome Oracle(Bones) 9| HP: 83/83 | AC: 12 (11 Tch, 12 Fl) | CMD: 14 | F: +6, R: +4, W: +8| Init: +1 | Perc: +8, SM: +6 | Active conditions: none

I am in a similar boat, so this works just fine for me! Good luck on your project and hang in there!

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

Okay, the convention is passed, so I can breathe again. I tried to make an update last week, but the site locked me out and with the convention, it has taken until today to fix it. Termite problems continue. My wife and I are sleeping on the couches because our bedroom wall has a large hole in it and are eating out every night because we can't get into our kitchen to cook. Dust is everywhere from their drywalling and sanding and paint fumes fill the house. However, I should be able to resume semi-regular posting in the next day or two.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Yikes! You've definitely had a rough time of it. Thanks for the update. Looking forward to the next post whenever you get the opportunity to do so.

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

Whew! Continued best wishes, and we're happy to have you returning.

Grand Lodge

You can eat by candle light in your dusty bedroom with the hole in the wall and reminisce about your broke college days and how great a time that was. Or, at least that's what they would do in the movies.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Dantes is the one with the Knowledge, Geography. If he can make the roll, we should be golden.

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link


Then there's the speed. Our max speed should be 99 ft/rd (with the waterborne boost from the Silk Sails). I don't think we need to quite go full tilt, but we're also really killing our checks and have lots of great bonuses. Still, I think this is going to be a big balance of risk and reward.

A couple important notes:
In addition to gaining the +2 circumstance bonus from the Charts of the Fair Winds, Dantes should also get a +5 enhancement bonus from Tears to Wine. If Faengrim can aid (or Navasi), then that would a +2 bonus. Carmelia can also offer Guidance to provide another +1 bonus. So that's a real solid base to start with!

We should all be getting the Tears to Wine bonus for our Perception checks, unless the spell has run out, in which case it almost seems worth it to recast.

Next, Carmelia has the following hex in effect right now:
Wind Sight (Su): The shaman ignores the penalties on Perception checks caused by wind and the first 100 feet of distance.

So she's probably in a good spot to be a lookout.

So do we want to try to push for a 90 ft and hope we keep rolling well? Or do we want to pull or speed back and all-but guarantee safety, but possibly risk losing some of our lead?

I'll dish some of this in the thread as well.

Male Kuru Ftr 5 / Rg 5 (pirate) l AC 19 T 14 FF 16 l HP 111/111 l F +10 R +10 W +5/+7* l Init +3 l Perc +14 (+13*)

Clarifying Question: We need three successful checks. Must they all be Knowledge Nature or all be Survival, or can we do, for example one Knowledge Nature and two Survival checks to succeeed?

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

You can attempt either one for each check. You can divide them up as desired.

Female Sea-born Changeling Deep Shaman 8 / Executioner (Slayer) 2 | HP: 71/78 | Perception +24 (+1 vs traps), Sense Motive +25 | Speed 30 ft | AC 25 Touch 14 Flat 22 | CMD 22 | Fort + 9, Reflex +10, Will +13 | Init +3 | Active: Visualization of the Mind, Bless, Shield Other (Chumtooth), Tears to Wine, Life Link

About how much time has passed since the beginning of the race? I want to check our buff status.

I think Dantes should make the primary nature checks. But we should make sure hec has fully leveled to 9, as ii looks like the character sheet is still at 7.

Dark Archive

Maps: Car. Crown || Forge of Heroes || Skull & Shackles

The race has been underway for about an hour.

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