GM Turmoil |
Game Expectations
1. Posting Frequency: My games tend to run a little quicker than average. Before signing up, consider how much time you can devote to the game. I prefer players who can post once per day on average, if not more. I understand that everyone occasionally has a busy day and just can't find the time to post. I try to avoid this but even as the GM I sometimes miss a day. But not posting for several days is not acceptable. It slows the game down and makes it less interesting because your character will be left behind in the action. And if you disappear during combat and hold things up for a day, I will skip you and move on.
2. Posting Quality: Take advantage of the medium and write some description. Tell us what your PC is doing or what they look like; put up some dialog and start a conversation with your fellow PCs. It makes the game immensely more engaging, immersive, and entertaining. I will admit, it can sometimes be hard to spice up combat posts. Bottom line: be willing to make an effort role-playing in my game. If you aren't up to that challenge, please consider playing a different game. If you aren't much of a writer or are new to PbP, don't be intimidated. I/We will help you improve! But if you sign up for my game and make too many posts with just dice or just ooc text, I will give you a warning and if your quality doesn't improve I reserve the right to ask you to leave the game.
3. I also try to be pretty open as to what is allowed and options that are a little outside the box, I really enjoy seeing what creative players come up with. If I ask for a roll, and you feel that you have another option that may work better, there is no harm in asking. The best way, and by that I mean the fastest way to do so and keep things moving is to first off, make the roll I asked for, (because sometimes the answer will be no, but that's generally because the Scenario specifically says so and I can't control that), and then to both ask if you can do something else instead, and then also make the appropriate rolls for that alternative option as well.
GM Turmoil |
@ Arboreal: The core game is full right now. I'm holding one spot for someone who is checking if they have a charcter free. If not, then the slot is yours and I'll shoot you a PM.
HERE is the link for the core game
GM Turmoil |
Alright, it looks like both tables are full now. Thanks to everyone for the interest and I'm glad to see it filled up so fast. This is what it looks like so far.
1. Dystopian Dream, Paladin 2
2. Glominatar 2, Sorcerer 3
3. kuey, Gunslinger 1
4. Fromper
5. John Woodford, Telekineticist 2
6. Lady Isabel, Investigator 2
1. (Reserved)
2. Nefreet, Fighter 1/Druid 1
3. Saving Cap'n Crunch
4. Granta
5. Riceak Hawklight, Cleric 2
6. Darathys Kressen, Barbarian 2
If everyone could go ahead and check in to the discussion for each game. Feel free to dot the gameplay and make introductions. I will get them both started tomorrow morning.
Again, HERE is the link for the Core game.