GM Toothy's Wrath of the Righteous (Inactive)

Game Master Sir Longears

Current Map | Ruined Kenabres Map | Overland Locations | Loot!

Party Conditions:

Arrika [68/68 - grazed]
Brevon [61/61 - healthy]
Elriel [55/55 - healthy]
Hedda [63/63 - healthy]
Kelumarion [50/50 - healthy]
Rukzha [46/46 - healthy]

Aron Kir
Nurah Dendiwhar
Sosiel Vaenic

Party Exp: 23920/35000
Units of Food/Water: 32 (army's consumption/day: 5)
Additional Resources: 5 Goods

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Hi guys! For a couple months I've been tinkering with the idea to run a game on these boards and even if I'd like to run a homebrew, I decided to run this AP instead, postponing my homebrew to another time, at least until I can figure out every aspect of it.

First, it is mostly important to say that if you seek a game to rock everything with your ridiculous gestalt 30-point builds, this is not a game for you. I'm looking for roleplayers and not rollplayers. This AP was designed for 4 PCs with 15-point buy and this is how I'm gonna run it... and even with this low-power level, it looks like I'll have to buff some encounters to keep things interesting.

Many GMs also advise against Mythic but I've decided to keep it, even if a little nerfed... after all, you'll grab the demon by it's horns so it just makes sense to keep it.

Right, so lets get things moving... As you'll see, there is a lot of stuff down there and a quite a lot to do but bear in mind the I, as the GM, will devote many hours to get this game running so it is just fair that you also take a little time now to make great PCs!

Character Creation:

Starting Level: 1st like all APs.
Abilities: We'll be using a 15 point buy. I know many DMs use higher points, but you must remember that this AP will give you Mythic Levels, and it means lots of ability increases. No ability may be lower than 8 before racial modifiers and even so, only ONE ability might be lower than 10 before racial modifiers.
Classes: Anything from Paizo is allowed, with a couple restrictions:
-Barbarians, Rogues and Summoners use the unchained version.
-Gunslingers and Occult classes are allowed, even if I'm not a big fan of them. So bear in mind that if you choose one of those classes, you are in a slightly disadvantage.
Races: Anything from Paizo with 11 race points or less is allowed, although core races are much preferred. The only exception of the 11 point races rule are Tieflings and Aasimars that fit quite well in this AP and are considered core. To balance things, both Tieflings and Aasimars do not get their spell-like abilities.
Alignment: No evil. We are the good guys remember? Also, Lawful will have a preference against Chaotic. This doesn't mean that Chaotic is banned, but in a party of four, I'll pick no more than one Chaotic PC.
Traits: Two traits, one being a Campaign trait. You can take a drawback for an additional trait but I'll have the final word if it is a fair trade or not. Regarding the Campaign Traits, in this AP they are more important and far more restrictive so I'd prefer to take PCs with different Campaign Traits.
3PP material: Will not be allowed. Please do not insist.
Hit Points: Max at first level and then average rounded up or ask me to roll for you.
Starting Gold: Average for your class or ask me to roll for you.
GOLDEN RULE: I think I took precautions to not allow any insanely overpowered build but if I think you are min/maxing, your chances for being selected are smaller.

Anything you create for this game will probably work, even MAD classes and insane builds, like a melee wizard and the sorts... so it is your chance to try something different.

Additional Rules:

Background Skills: 2 additional skill points to be spent in Background Skills. Craft (alchemy) and Perform (any) are not considered background skills for Alchemists and Bards/Skalds respectively.
Wound Threshold: Wound Threshold will be used to once more trying to make it more challenging. If during gameplay I sense it is causing more trouble than help, this could be removed. Both PCs and enemies will be subjected to this system.
Critical Hit and Fumble Decks: These rules will only be applied to the PCs, since it is no fun to be beheaded by accident...
Variant Multiclassing: Allowed for anyone interested.
Stamina and Combat Tricks: Fighters receive Combat Stamina as a bonus feat at 1st level. Other classes might NOT select this feat.

Mythic Rules:

This will work almost like it was presented on the Mythic Adventure book but a PC will only recover ONE Mythic Point per day.

Also, please, PLEASE, do not build your PC already thinking in a specific interaction with the Mythic Rules... I emphasize this because once you get your Mythic Tiers and start selecting your powers, abilities and feats, if things are getting imbalanced, I'll ask you to change it or nerf it.

The Mythic rules should be just the cherry, not the core of your PC.

How to Submit a PC:

I'm far more interested in your PC's fluff than crunch so a nice Background are a must. I'm no novelist and do not expect you to be one, so I do not need a full novel... a couple paragraphs might be enough, with at least the following information:
-Where was born and how was your childhood;
-How entered your class;
-How did you end up on Kenabres;
-What is your PC's goals and ambitions;

Besides the Background, I'd also like a few sentences on how do you intend to RP your PC and what would be your primary and secondary roles within the party. Remember that I'm taking four PCs so one-trick monkeys will have a hard time.

About Me:

Firstly, English is not my first language (I think you already noticed) since I'm from Brazil (yes, we have internet here!) and I'll probably misunderstand a post or two and will definitely misspell and forget a preposition or use a phrasal verb incorrectly so please forgive me... I'll do my best to do not screw everything.

For my experience, I'm relatively new in comparison with many other GMs around here... I'm 25 yo and have been playing since 15, being the GM most of the time. As happened to many around these boards, my RL group disbanded because of life reasons and since then I joined these boards, even if this is my first attempt at GMing in these boards.

If you are worried about my number of posts (~1600), please take in account since when I joined (September) and an average post rate of 320 posts per month.

About the game pace, I intend to post at least 2 times per day and would expect for my players to, at least, post once during weekdays. During the weekends we could slow a bit, for life happens to everyone. Once I make a post I'll wait for 24 hours before moving along and if a player fails to post frequently, I'll have to remove him.

I'm looking for four players and will keep this recruitment open until, at least, the end of the month. If by its end I decide there is not enough players that I really like (honestly I doubt it), I may extend it another week.

Besides the four players, I'll also choose another eight for replacement reasons. If one of my PCs is removed/vanishes, I'll choose from these eight players instead of opening a new recruitment. In case of the death of a PC (it sucks but happens sometimes), I'll give its player the opportunity to make another PC but if he decides to not do so or we can't agree about the replacement, I'll also look into those eight spare PCs.

I'm debating between recycling an old submission (a half-orc scarred witch doctor) of mine or making a void wizard.

I'm a bit hesitant due to the way you apply nerfs though. Removing the strongest part of a character midgame is always going to make someone feel bad no matter how it's done. If you are going to ban stuff I think it might be better to be upfront about it.

Regaining only one use of mythic power will also feel a bit odd. It'll incentivize extended periods of rest and gathering power. Pbp games are always in danger of people losing interest followed by things slowing down which leads to even less interest. Any mechanic which foster inaction is a dangerous thing to introduce. Given this mechanic, will Steal Power be banned?

Do you like any of the following backgrounds as a starting point? If so I'll probably go with Rukzha, though maybe with a slight modication of the below, if not I'll look for something different:

Background 1:
Some people are suited for raising children, while some aren't. Ghortuk Scarskin had never planned on having children, he was too busy with his experiments, research and magic. However he couldn't very well refuse his twin-sister Azuka when she asked him to watch over her infant daughter so she could go on a dangerous and important mission. For that the two half-orcs had been through too much together, surviving in Belkzen Hold, escaping from there and finally finding a place for themselves amongst the crusaders of Kenabres. When Azuka didn't return he realized to his horror he was stuck taking care for poor little baby Rukzha.

Ghortuk treated the little half-orc just like everything else he possessed, as an experiment. Rukzha was frequently tattooed, scarred or made to try all sorts of mixtures. It was a tough life, but she didn't know any other and at least the experiments were good for one thing, she learned a lot. She quickly realized that not all of Ghortuk’s experiments succeeded. There were numerous animals he also experimented on that did not survive the process. In order survive Rhukza had to make sure her uncle’s experiments on her succeeded. Survival is a strong motivation and with her life on the line Rhukzha trained her keen mind to come up with good solution to a variety of complex and challenging problems.

Not only did Rhukzha survive, she thrived. She came to relish the constant experiments and challenges her uncle threw at her. If she had to deal with pain or other risks from the training, then that was an acceptable cost to pay in order to face new and interesting situations every day. In fact she even came to enjoy the process of tattooing and scarring, if only to learn how to master the craft. Naturally given how heavily her mind had been stimulated from an early age, her thirst for knowledge was insatiable. She learnt about magic and witchcraft from her foster-father, a skill he had brought with him from Belkzen hold. Through arcane seances, ritual scarring and a mystical mask they were able to commune with a enigmatic patron who provided them with fuel for their magic and abilities. A tenuous and fickle connection, but powerful all the same.

While Ghortuk didn’t really broadcast much about his experiments and abilities, the inquisitors in the city were on a literal witch-hunt and he was practicing witchcraft. The fact that he basically tortured and molested the child in his care didn’t make things better. They didn’t believe that he had no connection to the demons and certainly not that he wasn’t using his power for evil, after all he had been torturing Rhukzha. The multitude of scars and tattoos she wore also made them suspicious of her and they brought them both infor questioning. The interrogation was as brutal as you can imagine. The inquisitors held nothing back when trying to uncover what they believed to be demons or their agents. Her upbringing had toughened Rhukza, but it hadn't prepared her for the sheer cruelty and creativity of the witch-hunters. Through a veil of tears she told them every wrong she had committed, sure that her next moment would be her last. Of course while they were harsh to her, her uncle received even worse treatment. She had to listen to his death-screams repeatedly as they kept him on the brink of death to extract information from him.

Just when she was sure her final hour had come, she noticed through the haze of pain there was a grand commotion as the entrance. Suddenly her bindings were loosened and she was infused with a blessed soothing light, taking away the worst of her pains. The Order of Heralds had heard about the child-torture the inquisitors had started with and they would not stand for it. Unfortunately the arrival of the Order of the Heralds had distracted the people keeping Ghortuk teetering on the edge of death and in the confusion he had slipped away.

After crying her eyes out over the loss of the only family she had ever had Rhukzha went with the Order of the Heralds. They took care of her and made sure she was provided for. She tried to learn their way of fighting with weapons, but found that it was not for her. However she discovered one small faction of the order, the sappers, that drew her attention more than any other. They were a group of alchemist and engineers and wielded a blend of science and magic to impressive results. She learned how to make bombs and other mixtures to solve all sorts of problems. The half-orc stayed with the order until she came of age. Rhukzha is now eager to put all she has learned into practice as well as learn more about the wide world around her.

Background 2:
The orcs of Belkzen Hold sometimes raid and kidnap humans in order to breed smarter and more clever offspring. They do not care if one of those they kidnap is a riftwarden on an important mission. Aliandra Kerzuk was such an unfortunate individual. Despite her potent powers, she could not withstand the ferocity of the orcs when they surprised her. Bound and gagged she was kept as a breeding slave to chief K'zaard the Drover of the cleft head tribe. He hoped to sire a son by her that would rival the power and cleverness of Hundux Half-Man. He was disappointed to discover that the child she bore was a girl, Rukzha. His mood didn’t improve when he learned Aliandra had escaped soon after. As some sort of punishment and to at least get some value out of his investment he gave the child over to the tribe shaman. He was a cruel man, practicing his art by mutilating himself and others.

Rukzha endured a rough childhood, being treated worse than a slave as the shaman’s apprentice. She learned about her mother from the other orcs, tidbits they had picked up from her time in captivity. She started yearning for a life outside the tribe and to get to know more about her mother. Luckily she was a quick learned and she picked up the skills from the orc shaman quite quickly until one day she was powerful enough that she managed to successfully escape. Life on the road was still rough for a young half-orc facing all the prejudice of the world. She heard about Mendev, a land where everyone were accepted, as long as they were good and willing to fight against the demons, a place where everyone could prove their worth. She also learned that Mendev might be a good place to start finding more information about the Riftwardens and her mother. After a grueling journey fraught with hardships and dangers she finally arrived in Kenabres, looking to better her lot in the world.

Background 3:
The orcs of Belkzen Hold sometimes raid and kidnap humans in order to breed smarter and more clever offspring. They do not care if one of those they kidnap is a riftwarden on an important mission. Aliandra Kerzuk was such an unfortunate individual. Despite her potent powers, she could not withstand the ferocity of the orcs when they surprised her. Bound and gagged she was kept as a breeding slave to chief K'zaard the Drover of the cleft head tribe. He hoped to sire a son by her that would rival the power and cleverness of Hundux Half-Man. He was dissapointed to discover that the child she bore was a girl, Rukzha. His mood didn’t improve when he learned Aliandra had escaped soon after. As some sort of punishment and to at least get some value out of his investment he gave the child over to the tribe shaman. He was a cruel man, practicing his art by mutilating himself and others.

Rukzha endured a rough childhood, being treated worse than a slave as the shaman’s apprentice. She learned about her mother from the other orcs, tidbits they had picked up from her time in captivity. She started yearning for a life outside the tribe and to get to know more about her mother. Luckily she was a quick learned and she picked up the skills from the orc shaman quite quickly until one day she was powerful enough that she managed to successfully escape. Life on the road was still rough for a young half-orc facing all the prejudice of the world. She heard about Mendev, a land where everyone were accepted, as long as they were good and willing to fight against the demons, a place where everyone could prove their worth. She also learned that Mendev might be a good place to start finding more information about the Riftwardens and her mother. After a grueling journey fraught with hardships and dangers she finally arrived in Kenabres, looking to better her lot in the world.

is a rough place to live, especially for women who are little more than property to the men. It’s no wonder then that some chose to escape the place to find better lives. What better place to flee to than Mendev, a place where everyone are accepted as long as they are willing to stand against the tides of darkness.

Once we go mythic I'll probably be looking to pick Coupled Arcana (from archmage) to cast both spells and hexes at the same time. Is that too powerful for your tastes?

Think I'll try a fairly basic fighter. Never used the stamina rules before.

Tentative dot...

How do you feel about classes with familiars or animal companions?

oyzar wrote:
I'm a bit hesitant due to the way you apply nerfs though. Removing the strongest part of a character midgame is always going to make someone feel bad no matter how it's done. If you are going to ban stuff I think it might be better to be upfront about it.

I see your concerns but banning something upfront would deny someone, that do not intend to abuse it, the opportunity to use it. I'm also not a tyrant and won't simply ban something... a lot talk between me and the PC will be happen before anything.

oyzar wrote:
Regaining only one use of mythic power will also feel a bit odd. It'll incentivize extended periods of rest and gathering power. Pbp games are always in danger of people losing interest followed by things slowing down which leads to even less interest. Any mechanic which foster inaction is a dangerous thing to introduce. Given this mechanic, will Steal Power be banned?

I'm not really concerned about these resting periods since they are practically impossible during the AP. Will not spoiler it for you, but rest assured that it will not be like this. This rule is important because once a PC has his full Mythic Powers each day, any day with a sole encounter is ridiculously easy... even boring.

About the Steal Power mythic spell, I'm inclined to allow it, since you need to spend a mythic point to cast it and the enemy could always resist it...

oyzar wrote:
Do you like any of the following backgrounds as a starting point? If so I'll probably go with Rukzha, though maybe with a slight modication of the below, if not I'll look for something different:

The first one is pretty nice... feel free to fully develop her!

Lady Ladile wrote:

Tentative dot...

How do you feel about classes with familiars or animal companions?

No problem at all with it. I'd just like to limit it at only one per player (like no wizard/druid) and probably would pick only one PC with an additional critter. An exception to this rule would be someone that uses the companion/familiar mostly for fluff and not for combat shenanigans.

I'll work on Rukzha then :). The background was originally made for a gestalt character(witch/alchemist), I'll have to adapt it to fit a single class witch.

I'm not familiar with wound thresholds at all, guess I have to read it if I do get selected...

Why do you need to spend a use of mythic power to cast Steal Power? If you cast it through the archmage arcana then of course you have to pay, but not if you cast it normally?

As a Scarred Witch Doctor can I pick extra hex as my first level feat despite the archtype replacing the first hex? Otherwise Rukzha will be rather limited in the things she can do every day until we reach level 2.

Had a character I made a while back for a WotR game. He was a Chosen One paladin with a bird familiar. Might make it again for this.

Rukzha Kerzuk wrote:
Why do you need to spend a use of mythic power to cast Steal Power? If you cast it through the archmage arcana then of course you have to pay, but not if you cast it normally?

Hum, now I know what is wrong... the link to the srd lists this spell as a Mythic Spell and all mythic spells need a mythic power to be cast... if used in conjunction with the archmage arcana, you need two points.

Even so, I'm still not really concerned about this spell since it still has a good chance of just failing (it is a save or suck spell), it has the chance of only stealing 1 point and even so, when you are fighting a Mythic Creature, perhaps it won't be wise to spend your turn casting this spell that would practically do not harm the enemy when it'll tear everything around!

Very interested in this.

I have a pacifist Oracle of Life who would go well with the redemption aspect of the campaign.

If a more martial character is desired, I'd like to work on a half-orc paladin or cleric.

I can write more fleshed out apps for both/either, let me know if you have a preference.

Asha was born in one of the matriarchal tribes that roam the distant savannahs of the Mwangi Expanse. Taken as a slave when she was a child, she was passed from one master to another until she ended up owned by a respected scholar in Egorian. The professor treated her better than most and even gave her a smatter of education. When he died, his will granted her freedom. Unable to reconcile her own gentle nature with the cruel and ruthless life in Cheliax, Asha gathered all her possessions and left. Although part of her wants to return to her tribe, the goddess Iomedae is pulling her in the opposite direction - Asha needs to do the goddess's work before she can go home. (Trait - Touched by Divinity)

Murob Dura:
Her father is a crusader from Lastwall; her mother was an orc chieftess from the Hold of Belkzen. You know the story... girl's tribe raids boy's country, boy leads retaliation raid, girl fights boy, boy defeats girl, girl thinks boy is tough warrior and not so hard on the eyes... well. After her tribe was defeated, Murob Dura's mother came to Vigil with her captor. One thing led to another and in a few years the couple had 3 healthy children - two boys and a girl. The orc enjoyed the city life and the domestic bliss less and less, and in the end she decided to take up a posting on the border with Ustalav. Her children have followed in their parents' martial footsteps - both boys have enrolled in the army, while the girl has joined the church of Iomedae as a paladin/battle cleric.

Silver Crusade

Well here is Sabrina De'Foe,

All adjusted for the current creation rules

I had this little guy in another game, but it seems to have gone dark... so I've retooled him for this one. And since you said insane builds would work, I can't think of one more out of the way than this fellow.

Submitting Kivyx, a kobold chosen one paladin of Apsu (even though he doesn't know it yet), and his companion, Blot the toad. (Still need to make the crunch for his familiar, but he's mostly their for fluff... until level 7, at least).


Dark Archive

I may make a teifling palidian. I want to go for a whole turned away from her heritage thing going on. I'll have it up in a bit.

Kittenmancer wrote:

Very interested in this.

I have a pacifist Oracle of Life who would go well with the redemption aspect of the campaign.

If a more martial character is desired, I'd like to work on a half-orc paladin or cleric.

I can write more fleshed out apps for both/either, let me know if you have a preference.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **

Both are "ok", but I'd like something with more connection with the AP... Both are servants of Iomedae but that is all, they were not born near the worldwound, had not 'suffered from it' and simply were led there... they look too generic, like many of the other crusaders that went there...

I'd like more personality in any of those.

Regarding which one I prefer, it is difficult to answer since if any of the two evolve into more fleshed PCs any of them could get a spot, depending on the other party member... You should work on the PC you'd like to play most.

Rukzha Kerzuk wrote:
As a Scarred Witch Doctor can I pick extra hex as my first level feat despite the archtype replacing the first hex? Otherwise Rukzha will be rather limited in the things she can do every day until we reach level 2.

Did you miss my question about Rukzha's feat? You answered another part of the post. Or is it the case that you'll follow RAW as closely as possible? If so I guess I'll have to find something else.

Rukzha Kerzuk wrote:
Rukzha Kerzuk wrote:
As a Scarred Witch Doctor can I pick extra hex as my first level feat despite the archtype replacing the first hex? Otherwise Rukzha will be rather limited in the things she can do every day until we reach level 2.
Did you miss my question about Rukzha's feat? You answered another part of the post. Or is it the case that you'll follow RAW as closely as possible? If so I guess I'll have to find something else.

Sorry, indeed forgot to answer. Go for it!

I'm not feeling like a Cleric of Calistria would make sense for this.

Dark Archive

As a teifling, could I replace the spell-like ability with a separate trait?

I'd like to use that slot for something else anyways

william Nightmoon wrote:

As a teifling, could I replace the spell-like ability with a separate trait?

I'd like to use that slot for something else anyways

Sorry but that doesn't make sense to me... the spell-like ability was removed because tieflings are a powerful race. If I allow you to take a separate trait in place of something you would not receive, you'd end up with the standard tiefling...

I'm going to say no to this.

I'm dotting in, I have an ideal character concept to run past you.

I'd like to play a mind-blade magus, but a couple of slightly changed things if you'd allow. Firstly - would it be possible to take the Canny Defence rule instead of armor proficiency as in the Kensai archetype? I really love the idea, particularly on a semi-psychic, that magi can actually sense the attack coming before it happens and dodge it, rather than relying on armor.

Secondly, would you allow the arcane pool to add 'agile' to weapons which would normally be allowed it? I'd like to go high dex but there's no way to do a high dex mindblade without agile...

I'll submit a character either way but it would be great to see what you think of this idea.

Silver Crusade

Dang I missed that Aasimar's loose thier spell like ability. oh well, not like I ever use Alter self anyway.

Nikolaus de'Shade wrote:

I'm dotting in, I have an ideal character concept to run past you.

I'd like to play a mind-blade magus, but a couple of slightly changed things if you'd allow. Firstly - would it be possible to take the Canny Defence rule instead of armor proficiency as in the Kensai archetype? I really love the idea, particularly on a semi-psychic, that magi can actually sense the attack coming before it happens and dodge it, rather than relying on armor.

Secondly, would you allow the arcane pool to add 'agile' to weapons which would normally be allowed it? I'd like to go high dex but there's no way to do a high dex mindblade without agile...

I'll submit a character either way but it would be great to see what you think of this idea.

If the Canny Defense replaces all armor proficiency, including shields, I'll allow it.

Regarding the 'agile' ability, I'll also allow it if, like the other weapon abilities, it can only be added at 5th level.

For a bard: can he belong to the kitharodian academy and work towards fame in it?

Dark Archive

Here is a teifling psychic I want to apply. She's a teifling, but I hope that doesn't effect the selection too much. Here is the fluff so far

Background and Fluff:
Adriala was left in the woods as a child, to die. Fortunately for her, an old ranger found her. The ranger took her in and raised her to adult. As she grew, she showed signs of strong psychic powers. She began to teach herself to harness this power through perfection. Soon she was able to move objects and create light. She soon left her adopted father and headed out to find her place.

Adriala has never truly been attached to any place. She always was accused of heinous crimes she never committed. People shunned her for her blood. And they only shunned her more for her powers. She always kept to the side, obeying the laws and keeping out of the spotlight. She kept moving, finding order in constant change.

Adriala is 5'9" with pale ivory skin. Her horns are curved down and over the back of her head. Her eyes are pure white and her lips are a deep blood red. Her tail is long and pointed with a spade. Her feet are cloven hooves, and she keeps them wrapped in cloth to muffle the sound.

Adriala is a cheerful person when you actually get to know her. She is usually silent about most things, but finds those who break promises to be the worst people. She is dedicated to perfecting herself in both body and spirit. She feels distantly that she was ment for something else. She wanders the land, hoping to find what.

I intend on being an offence spellcaster. I'm in the midst of building stats, but I have the concept down well. Out of combat she will be a debater. I plan on using her to argue with anyone who needs it as well as be able to bluff her way out of direct contact with the enemy.

Otherwise I plan on being a quiet psychic who is searching for her true place in life.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hey GM Toothy,

Please consider Choko'un for inclusion in your game.

I think below is all the information your requested at this time.

Please let me know if you have any questions and thanks for hosting!

Choko'un fluffy parts:

Choko’un is a true son of the Zenj, slightly shorter than a normal human standing at 5’5”. The man’s torso looks to be sculpted from ebony; his sinewy frame is padded with lean muscle. Short wiry hair and deep brown eyes frame a mouth of strong, white teeth.

There is no doubt that he stands out in Kenabres, both for his lack of armor and lack of civilized clothing in general. The small monkey hanging around him doesn’t help him fit in either.

The young man is wearing a conglomerate of furs and hides from different animals. His body is adorned with various feathers and animal tokens; a large lizard claw with a pearl in its grasp hangs from his neck on a leather thong. A large hunting knife at his side, a hardwood spear in his right hand while he scratches the chin of a small golden monkey.

And smiling; he’s always smiling as if enjoying every moment of his life.

Choko’un was born and raised in a village of warriors in the Kaava Lands, east of the Bay of Senghor in the Mwangi Expanse. While not an outstanding specimen of physical might, the young man still trained as warrior and participated in his tribe’s hunting forays. It was in one of these outings that his life would change forever.

It was particularly cloudy day when the hunting party was ambushed by the halfling tribe of Paa-sha, the virtual boogey men of the jungle and said to worship a particularly vicious demon lord. While in captivity, Choko-un witnessed the ritual slaughtering of some of his tribesmen; their bodies being fed to a grotesque caricature of a demon. Their hunger not nearly sated, the demon-worshippers continued their frenetic dance and gorging orgy. When it was time for Choko-un to give up his flesh and spirit, the clouds parted overhead and even the foliage seemed to make way.

A brilliant ray of sunlight struck the demon and literally fizzled his body to ash in mere seconds. Another ray struck Choko-un and he involuntarily flinched, closing his eyes. A moment later when he opened them, he was astounded to see the halflings watching him, mouths agape and fear in their eyes. He saw that his body, his entire being was bathed in golden light. The demon-worshippers fled in terror and even the few tribesmen of Choko’un bowed and looked upon the man with awe. They too fled.

Choko-un was overcome with sleep and could do naught but embrace the dream. In this dream, he saw a golden lady calling him, telling him to come north, that he had been chosen. He woke up with small, golden monkey at his side. The monkey was somehow connected to him and it urged the man north.

Choko’un took his time to wander in the jungle but his dreams were incessant. He never went back to his village but made his way to the coast, to the city of Senghor. In that city, he befriended an old knight who, maimed from battling demons, taught him some more about the Sun Lady, as Choko’un had come to call her. The knight somehow recognized Choko’un’s gift and started teaching him about Iomedae or the Sun Lady.

They visited the place where the Sun Lady eradicated a coven of witches and freed the city. The old knight that this was immortalized in Iomedae’s Second Act and that there was much more to learn.

Urged by the knight, the golden monkey, and his relentless dreams, Choko’un boarded a ship and eventually made his way to Kenabres.

Choko’un has been described as stubborn and hot-headed but that could probably be said of many young men with a driving passion.
A recent arrival in Kenabres, the man longs to belong to a community soon and hopes to be able to serve the Sun Lady in her fight against the demons.

His connection to the sun is uncanny and the witch will at times bask in its light and just listen. He can be seen praying to and thanking the sun for its aid often during the day.

A risk-taker who lives for the moment; he is uncomplicated in his desires. He is loyal to his peers and to his internal value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting something done. He excels at finding solutions to practical problems.

Choko’un is adaptable, action-oriented, and focused on immediate results. Living in the here-and-now, he's a risk-taker who lives fast-paced lifestyle. He is impatient with long explanations.

The young man is assertive and outspoken - he is driven to lead. He has an excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. He tends to be intelligent and well-informed. He values knowledge and competence, and usually has little patience with inefficiency or disorganization.

Kaku, the golden monkey, is mischievous and will sometimes frustrate the witch with his innocent pranks.

Although new to the area, Choko’un is very interested in getting to know his ‘Sun Lady’ and do her will. I would imagine that he would clash with the more lawful worshippers of Iomedae.

In combat, he will be a debuffer first with some battlefield control spells and a healer second. Out of combat, he will provide ample knowledge skills and some decent utility spells.

The Archlich wrote:
For a bard: can he belong to the kitharodian academy and work towards fame in it?

He can definitely be a member if you can find a good reason for him to be in Kenabres. About advancing in the faction I'll have to think about since I do not know how I can tie it to this AP. Do you have any thoughts?

Still working on stats but is my character's concept alright? I can change it if you don't like it.

Was originally thinking paladin, but with so many other paladins (and at least two folks mentioning Chosen One which is what I'd been leaning towards), I think I will take a slightly different tack and work on a cavalier :)

Dark Archive

Lady Ladile wrote:
Was originally thinking paladin, but with so many other paladins (and at least two folks mentioning Chosen One which is what I'd been leaning towards), I think I will take a slightly different tack and work on a cavalier :)

Yes I choose to be a psychic instead...

I'm just hoping I did enough to get a spot.

Dark Archive

I have a question, how will our characters ascend into mythic status? Will it be "oh, you're all mythic now" or will it be discovered early game?

Lady Ladile wrote:
Was originally thinking paladin, but with so many other paladins (and at least two folks mentioning Chosen One which is what I'd been leaning towards), I think I will take a slightly different tack and work on a cavalier :)

These were my exact thoughts, even considered a Cavalier. Haha.

I am now leaning toward a Celestial Bloodrager though.

Vindér Farseer at your service! Proud to offer his life in the fight against the unrighteous.

Background is all in the profile. I'll need to tweak the stats to the 15 point buy, but that shouldn't take long.

Most important thing to know is that Vindlér is essentially inspired by Heimdall, the far-sighted hero of Norse mythology, particularly as he is represented in the Marvel universe. He is frequently a rather grim individual, but has a tendency to loosen up when the mead starts to flow. I'll probably RP him as a realist. With his focus on Divination magic, he is concerned with knowing and telling the truth rather than sugar-coating things. His primary combat role in the party will be a tank warrior, but he could also provide defensive buffs to allies or provide divination services to help the party strategize for upcoming encounters.

Thanks for offering to run this campaign! WotR is definitely the right AP for this character. I hope you think so too!

I will submit Ulfric to this game. I will need to adjust his point buy to 15 from 20 and would take the Runeborn trait instead of the Carrion Crown trait he currently has. [Would need the fluff for the trait as I only ave access to it via D20]. I would also need to reduce the amount of gear he has at the moment.

Ulfric's backstory is not the grandest, but I believe it suffices. His main character traits are that he is generally trust worthy and helpful to those in need and goes out of his way to to what is right.

I've begun to rework this character for 15 points and reset to first level; I'd played him up through 3rd level in a previous WotR game, but since the GM for that had made some changes I'm not expecting anything.

Have some fluff and background:
Melchesiech (not his birth name) was born in Kyonin in 4561 AR, scion of a family of wizards and scholars, and for a time it seemed that his life’s path was set for him. His intellectual gifts were recognized early on, allowing him to receive training in magic from his childhood and, though studious enough, his louche ways also earned him a favored place among Calistria’s worshippers. He was, in short, a dilettante. The death of Aroden did little to change this; it was something important to humans, of course, but elves could afford to wait a century or two and see what its effects would be.

Then word of the First Mendevian Crusade came to Kyonin, and something in the nascent wizard’s heart began to change. Treerazer's depredations in the south of Kyonin were a known quantity, but this was a new thing. The change was subtle at first...a growing urgency to his studies, but that could easily be attributed to the deaths of his parents, supposedly slain in Tanglebriar. But the years became decades, the news from the Worldwound grew grimmer, and the changes continued...not only internal, but also in appearance; the chameleon nature of elvenkind saw to that. His fine, bishounen features hardened and became angular, hawklike; his long blond hair darkened, and a strange mark appeared on his back, the spiral symbol of the Riftwardens. His nights were troubled by dreams of Kyonin’s fall and the death of all he held dear, and so his days filled with arcane studies to the exclusion of everything else. Finally he was ready, and in recognition of his new dedication he left his old name behind him in Kyonin, taking as his name an ancient Sovyrian word meaning only "Weapon." His goal was nothing less than to see the Worldwound closed, bending the power of Elven high magic to the task.

What Melchesiech did not know until he came to Kenabres was that he was not the first (or even the second) crusading elf with that name. His parents, whom he thought had died in Tanglebriar, had actually joined the crusaders in Kenabres decades before, both calling themselves Melchesiech. They went missing soon after they arrived, though, lost on a mission into the Worldwound.

His alignment is starred because he has deliberately made his personality a better match for the Inevitables, whom he believes are best capable of aiding in his quest to close the Worldwound. His self-sacrifice, though, is ultimately a Good act. So he generally acts LN, but is at heart LG (for the moment).

In appearance, Melchesiech is a blade-thin elf with sharp, ascetic features that in many ways match his hawk familiar. His movements are precise and well-controlled; though possessed of the usual elven grace, in his case his rigidity of posture and stillness when not actually doing anything combine to give the impression of a well-made clockwork automaton. He has little or no emotional affect, again evincing an atypical level of self-control for an elf. (In his case, it is clearly not boredom; he is engaged with the world, but attempts to show no visible emotion beyond an occasional intense curiosity.)


Have some more mechanical stuff, plus party role:
Obviously, he's a wizard, concentrating on defenses and debuffs. I'm considering making him a variant multiclass bard, to represent his scholarship. The fluff for his inspire courage would be lecturing (rather like an archivist).

Submitting Deimne mac Cumhaill


"For your services I give this land to you and your children for as long as they remain true to me and perform the ritual of remembrance on the land every year on this day.
Truly I say of the Fenian clan,
In every generation there will be two.
One leading and one loyal,
One merciful and one just,
One courageous and one wise,
One of knowledge and one of awe,
One of rock and one of soil,
One shield and one sword,
One the glory and one the rune,
One to bleed and one to die."

The words spoken by the God Aroden to Fingal first of the Fenian clan, on the destruction of the cult of the demon lord Deskari in 4433 AR.
At least so say the bards of the Fenian clan. Certainly there had been twins in every generation that could be remembered and as was tradition that one of them always lead the clan. In the last generation it had been my father Cumhaill and uncle Finnegas, in this generation it is me and my brother Oisín.
Our father, and with him our mum, had been the one to die. Leaving uncle Finnegas to raise us and teach us. Many of clan Fenain have abandoned the old ways once the demons attack and drove us from our lands in the northmounds, they said that now the God Aroden was dead so was his promise. Uncle Finnegas never believed this and stayed true to our god, after all he points out that there continues to be twins born into each generation and the rest of the prophecy has held true.
Uncle Finnegas taught us much of the traditions of the clan, as he saw it his most important duty was to maintain the clan's link with the land given to us. Every year he would leave to do this and when we became men he took as with him, he showed the the way back to the Northmounds, the signs of the demons and how to avoid them and if all else fails where to strike them. Once at the Northmounds he would perform the ceremony of renewal where he bled on the land, before making the dangerous way back.
However as much as he could teach me there was so much more I wanted to know, the blue spiral birthmark on my chest and impression I got just before anything happened. When I asked him about our parents he could tell much about my father as a man but little about there death. They had been members of a group called the Riftwardens and left on important mission just after we were born, but he had no idea what they were doing. When I pressed him and it became clear I would leave to seek the answers, he gave me an old spell book of my parents and Oisin gave me his greatsword, Dyrnwyn. The spell book had my birthmark embossed in its cover and sword had worn grip that felt right in my hands. With little idea of where to go I left to seek out the Riftwardens.


Deimne has tough battered look, his nose looks to have been broken a few times and his body shows scars of battles won. When combined with his blue facial tattoo give an intimidating appearance that isn't properly deserved. He wears his hair greased back out of his eyes and his facial hair cut roughly. His clothes are a mix of the Kenabres style covered in the traditional furs of Kellid clothing.

Personality traits:
Deimne is driven by duty. Duty to his clan, his twin brother and to his lost parents. This shows itself in a desire to die fighting the demons that have taken his clan's land, and his parent's lives. He doesn't have a death wish as such but has resigned himself to the fact that he will die fighting the demons and wants to make his life worth much as possible while doing so. He is generally rather pragmatic and has no problem with the concept of a small evil in the pursuit of the greater good. However when it comes to demons there is no room for compromise, you kill them before they can kill you, you kill them before they can trick you and you kill them in any way that you can.


Short: Find the Riftwardens and make sense of what happened to my parents
Medium: Get revenge on my parent's killers and the demons that have stolen our land
Long: To be the one who dies, so that Oisin might be the one to live

Level progression notes for GM:
Deimne will take wizard (foresight subschool) levels for the next 5-6 level then eldrich knight. I don't expect to take another level of ranger so the archetype of Demonslayer won't play much of a roll.
I started him with ranger because I felt it represented his upbringing better (and let me get more of the skills I wanted).
If not having a arcane class until 2nd level is problem mechanically I can easily exchange the first two levels and have him start as a wizard and pick up ranger at level two.


Deimne mac Cumhaill
Male Human (Kellid) Ranger (Demonslayer) 1
Neutral Good Medium Humaniod/Human

Init +0

• Defence
AC 14, touch 10, flat-footed 14
HP 15 (10, +2 Con +3 Toughness)
Fort +4, Ref +2, Will -1
BAB +1

• Offence
Spd 20 ft.
Greatsword +4 (2D6+4 19-20x2) (+3, 2D6+7 if power attack)
Dagger +4 (1D4+3 19-20x2)
Unarmed +4 (1D3+3 provokes 20x2)
Longbow +1 (1D8 20x3)

• Statistics
17 Str, 10 Dex, 14 Con, 14 Int, 8 Wis, 10 Cha
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 14
Favoured class: Wizard

• Feats
Power attack:You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
Toughness: You gain +3 hit points. For every Hit Die you possess beyond 3, you gain an additional +1 hit point. If you have more than 3 Hit Dice, you gain +1 hit points whenever you gain a Hit Die (such as when you gain a level).

• Skills (6 +2 Int +1 human +2 background= 11 ranks per level) (Armour check penalty -3)
Knowledge (Arcana) 1 rank = +3
Knowledge (Local) 1 rank = +3
Knowledge (Geography)# 1 rank = +6
Knowledge (History)# 1 rank = +3
Knowledge (Nature) 1 rank = +6
Knowledge (Planes) 1 rank = +3
Perception 1 rank = +3
Ride 1 rank = +1
Spellcraft 1 rank = +6
Stealth 1 rank = +1*
Survival 1 rank = +3 (+1 when tracking)

*Armour check penalty applied
#Background skill

• Languages Common, Hallit, Abyssal

• Racial Traits
+2 to One Ability Score (Str): Human characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Medium: Humans are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed: Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Bonus Feat: Humans select one extra feat at 1st level.
Skilled: Humans gain an additional skill rank at first level and one additional rank whenever they gain a level.
Languages: Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic)

• Traits
Riftwarden Orphan: You bear a strange birthmark on your body—something you’ve learned is the Sign of the Seeker’s Spiral, a rune associated with the secret society known as the Riftwardens. You have researched this rune, and have learned that the mark sometimes appears on the children of Riftwardens who have been exposed to particularly strange planar energies. Unfortunately, you never knew your parents, for you were raised by a foster family in Kenabres. Your foster family has confirmed that both of your parents were Riftwardens, and has further confirmed that your parents went missing on a secret mission into the Worldwound less than a month after you were born. You're not sure what happened to them, but you're certain they're dead—and your gut tells you that the one who murdered them yet lives! In any event, you’ve long felt magic in your blood, and casting spells comes easily to you. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all concentration checks.
Associated Mythic Path: Archmage. Multiple Characters: You should be siblings with any other character that takes this trait, so that you share the same missing

Magical Knack (Wizard): You were raised, either wholly or in part, by a magical creature, either after it found you abandoned in the woods or because your parents often left you in the care of a magical minion. This constant exposure to magic has made its mysteries easy for you to understand, even when you turn your mind to other devotions and tasks. Pick a class when you gain this trait—your caster level in that class gains a +2 trait bonus as long as this bonus doesn't raise your caster level above your current Hit Dice.

• Special abilities
Favored Enemy (Ex) (Evil outsiders): At 1st level, a ranger selects a creature type from the ranger favored enemies table. He gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures of his selected type. Likewise, he gets a +2 bonus on weapon attack and damage rolls against them. A ranger may make Knowledge skill checks untrained when attempting to identify these creatures.
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter (10th, 15th, and 20th level), the ranger may select an additional favored enemy. In addition, at each such interval, the bonus against any one favored enemy (including the one just selected, if so desired) increases by +2.
If the ranger chooses humanoids or outsiders as a favored enemy, he must also choose an associated subtype, as indicated on the table below. (Note that there are other types of humanoid to choose from—those called out specifically on the table below are merely the most common.) If a specific creature falls into more than one category of favored enemy, the ranger's bonuses do not stack; he simply uses whichever bonus is higher.
Track (Ex): A ranger adds half his level (minimum 1) to Survival skill checks made to follow or identify tracks.
Wild Empathy (Ex): A ranger can improve the initial attitude of an animal. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person (see Using Skills). The ranger rolls 1d20 and adds his ranger level and his Charisma bonus to determine the wild empathy check result. The typical domestic animal has a starting attitude of indifferent, while wild animals are usually unfriendly.
To use wild empathy, the ranger and the animal must be within 30 feet of one another under normal visibility conditions. Generally, influencing an animal in this way takes 1 minute, but, as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.
The ranger can also use this ability to influence a magical beast with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2, but he takes a –4 penalty on the check.

• Equipment
Carried by Deimne
40 arrows in a quiver
Pouch, Belt
Containing 7 gp worth of small coin
Spell component pouch
Ranger's kit
Traveler’s outfit
Cold weather outfit
Wooden holy symbol of Aroden

Party role:
Firstly he is a tanks and front line fighter, he will never have good AC but can make up for that with spells like displacement and good HPs. Secondly he is a party buffer and utility spell caster. Thirdly he will have a little direct damage magic for when direct damage swords don't work. He would probably work best as a second fighter type in a party but if he was the primary tank he duel path into guardian to support that side of things.

Role playing:
Deimne is fairly to the point about most things, including speaking before thinking, acting promptly rather than delaying the problem. That said he can be fairly cunning and devious and has moral problems with deceiving demons and their pawns.
Oi plan ter 'av a wee bit av an Irish feel ter 'is speach. If this proves too hard to understand (particularly to English as a second language people) I can write normally and describe the Irish lilt to his accent.

Dark Archive

Okay, I have my fluff down a bit better.

Background and Fluff:
Adriala was left in the woods as a child, to die. Fortunately for her, an old elven ranger found her. The ranger took her in and raised her. The elf, who was a woman, taught her how nature worked. She showed her how one little squirrel could effect the whole forest.

As Adriala grew, she showed signs of strong psychic powers. She began to teach herself to harness this power through perfection. Soon she was able to move objects and create light. As soon as she was old enough, she left her adopted mother and headed out to find her place in the cycle of life.

Adriala has never truly been attached to any place. She always was accused of heinous crimes she never committed. People shunned her for her blood. And they only shunned her more for her powers. She always kept to the side, obeying the laws and keeping out of the spotlight. She kept moving, finding order in constant change.

She believes that this world has to have order, somewhere. Even if that order looks like complete chaos. She sees attachments everywhere. Little strands of web that connect one life to many others. She sees how killing one thing can have dramatic effect in the long run, and she uses this philosophy to guide her life.

Adriala is 5'9" with pale ivory skin. Her horns are curved down and over the back of her head. Her eyes are pure white and her lips are a deep blood red. Her tail is long and pointed with a spade. Her feet are cloven hooves, and she keeps them wrapped in cloth to muffle the sound.

Adriala is a cheerful person when you actually get to know her. She is usually silent about most things, but finds those who break promises to be the worst people. She is dedicated to perfecting herself in both body and spirit. She feels distantly that she was ment for something else. She wanders the land, hoping to find what she truly is ment for.

So, my plan with her is to be a nice, yet harsh person. She values life and order above all else.

As for RP, I'm staying psychic all the way, and planning to use her powers to enhance herself to be able to smite her foes and make a good glass cannon character.


Howdy there, I just wanted to say that I am super interested in joining this AP. Wrath of the Righteous was actually the first AP that I ever played but we didn't even make it through the first book before real life prevented our DM from being able to run it any longer. It was a huge bummer. But now I have the chance to try something entirely different both in terms of my character and the fact that this is play-by-post. I wrote up a longer history than I expected so I put that behind a spoiler, along with the in character sample of rping with him since that might be confusing just tacked onto the rest of the post. And I also hid the crunch since like you said that's less important here. But here are a few of the other things you asked for about him. Any questions or things you want fleshed out just asked, I'm really looking forward to getting involved in this if I'm picked for the party.

Party Role - He's a witch so he's all about debuffing with a little bit of support thrown in there as well. I dont really see him doing a lot of damage, hopefully just enabling others to shine even more because he's there. Because he's a cartomancer he can use touch spells as a ranged attack by throwing harrow cards. I've never played with it but it seemed like a cool idea that I wanted to explore with a character so we'll see how that goes. It also fits into the whole, fortune, misfortune theme I've got going for him.

Personality - He's a little shy and awkward around people in one on one situations. But he loves performing, his adoptive father was a gnomish bard which is where he picked up card tricks and the like. He's a bit of a book worm when left to his own devices though. Witch carries a bad connotation with him and he really wants to prove that his power can be good and not just negative, so there's a bit of self-doubt there and a willingness to prove himself to others. He's a good person at heart though, willing to do what it takes to do good, even if that doesn't always line up with what is lawful or even agreed upon by others.

Appearance - He's a bit short and lanky, not very strong by any means. But he has long and fairly nimble fingers, something he puts to good use with his hard tricks [and the reason he has slight of hand as a background skill]. Naturally he has blond hair and blue eyes and tends towards being pale. Rupert, the bard who raised him, taught him a lot about stage makeup though. So most often he uses makeup and dyes to put on a "stage face", something he is generally more comfortable performing in front of people in. The icon I chose to represent him is a decent approximation of what the "stage face" might look like.

Character Background:
Liam remembers very little of his birth parents. He was raised by Rupert Teller, a Gnomish Bard who had settled down in Nerosyan and claimed to have known Liam's family for some years. Rupert took care of him and saw that he was educated properly and tired to ensure that he grew up to be a respectable young man. In many ways Rupert was a father to him, so much so that Liam took on the trade name of Teller to honor his adoptive father. But like any child there were some nights when he would lay in bed, unable to sleep, just trying to picture his parents faces, their smiles and laughs, anything about them he could hold onto. When Liam was twelve, he begged Rupert to tell him more about his parents. Eventually, with some reluctance, Rupert mentioned that Liam's father had been a diviner. In retrospect it was obvious how that little piece of information would go on to shape Liam's life, but at the time it seemed a harmless but interesting enough fact to satisfy Liam's curiosity. Rupert should have known better. Liam's passion to learn about divination was insatiable and he began looking for anything he could find about the subject.

It came as a surprise to both of them when at the age of fourteen Liam began to show signs of being a Cartomancer, one who masters a harrow deck and draws out its powers. It was a surprise because it was discovered almost entirely by accident. Liam had been doing card tricks alongside Rupert’s performances and someone in the audience made a comment about how cheap tricks were nothing next to seeing a harrowing performed. Liam, always somewhat quick to rise to a challenge, said anyone could read a harrowing deck—it just took a flair for the dramatic. To prove it be asked around and discovered that another member of the audience had a beaten up harrowing deck, he offered to draw for the man who’d interrupted earlier and refund the man if the fortune didn’t come true. Of course Liam fully intended to be vague and bluff his way through the reading, using answers that couldn’t help but to come true. But as he shuffled the cards and listened to the man’s question, he felt a strange power thrum through him. His shuffling took on a rhythm that he didn’t entirely feel in control of and when he drew the first card he couldn’t explain why but it felt right, like he couldn’t have possibly drawn any other card. The fortune was somewhat vague, but far less than he had intended, and the experience left him feeling very strangely indeed. He was shocked when the next night the man came up to him after the show and apologized for doubting him, he said that the fortune proved true indeed. Unfortunately the fortune had been that the man would lose everything the next time he gambled. That was the first of many unfortunate fortunes that Liam would draw for the people of Nerosyan. He began carrying the harrowing deck with him, and at times he would feel compelled to offer a drawing for a certain individual. But almost every time that he did, the fortunes were negative, warning of bad things to come. This went on for several years, until Liam began to get something of a bad reputation around certain parts of Nerosyan. There were those who muttered behind his back that he was actually cursing the people that he read, hexing them, that he was a cruel witch. Although neither Rupert nor Liam could explain it there was no cruelty in what Liam was doing, but as is often the case that didn’t matter much to some people.

When Liam was sixteen he was beaten bloody by a man whose wife had been cheating on him, a misfortune that didn’t really even have anything to do with what he had asked of Liam the night before. Rupert was distraught when Liam stumbled back to the inn that they had permanent rooms at. After cleaning him up Rupert decided that it was time to tell him a bit more about his parents. They talked for hours, Rupert explaining that his parents had both been Riftwardens, a secret society whose marking is the same was the odd scar on Liam’s shoulder blade. He told Liam that his family had a history of magic in their veins and that his parents had been so determined to use their talents for good. They had been on the way to the Worldwound on a mission from the Riftwardens when they disappeared. Last they had been heard from was somewhere around Kenabres. Rupert said that although he had no proof, he had to believe that they were dead and he suspected foul play was involved. When Liam asked why, after all this time, Rupert decided to tell him all this the gnome just shook his head. Rupert said that he saw a lot of Liam’s father in him and he didn’t want the same thing to happen to Liam. Liam’s father had wanted to use his abilities for good and in all likelihood it had cost him his life. But Rupert went on to say that he saw that he couldn’t just be scared of what might happen any longer It was clear that Liam had special talents that needed to be utilized and that hiding the truth about his parent’s death because of that was unfair. Liam thanked Rupert and said he would need some time to think things over.

Liam spends the next few years saving his money and trying to find out whatever he could about both his own powers and the Riftwardens. As to the latter he could find almost no information in any books, scrolls or stories around Nerosyan. But he was able to learn have to better control his own abilities. If people were going to see him as a witch, let them, but he wouldn’t let himself be held back from the fear of that label any longer. Once he got past his fear, he was finally able to start learning what it meant to be a Cartomancer. Liam felt that he would need to be able to control his powers if he was going to hide them while in Kenabres. That was his plan now, to go to Kenabres and try to find out what happened to his parents. But everyone in Mendev had heard horror stories of the Kenabres Witch Hunts and both Liam and Rupert were horrified at the idea of Liam being accused of witchcraft while there. But after several years of preparation Liam is ready to set out to Kenabres. Rupert bought him a beautifully painted and sealed harrowing deck, along with a polished dark wood case to keep it protected on the journey. He also got him a light crossbow, although Liam was a fair hand at juggling knives, Rupert wanted him to have something with a bit more oomph to it should anyone harass him on the road. With gifts and goodbyes exchanged Liam set out to uncover the secrets of his own past.

IC RP Sample:
Liam's fingers shuffled the cards over and over again, without any real thought into what his was doing, his eyes staring off into the middle distance as he walked down the street. He did this while dodging around people shouting and calling to each other in the street. Kenabres was lively but Nerosyan, the capital, had been his home for years and he had managed during holidays when twice Kenabres' population had been on the streets celebrating. But being new was a problem all on its own. He wasn't good with people like Rupert had been. His gnomish adoptive father could meet someone new and be best friends with them after a story and a pint of ale. He had generally been happier doing card tricks or burying his nose in a book than carousing with people in the inn all night. With a sigh he stopped shuffling and slipped the deck back into its carrying case. Speaking to himself he said, "Oh well, everyone like's card tricks. Lets just hope that they dont burn me as a witch for doing a few to attract some attention. Just need to find a place to put on my makeup and set up first..."

Liam Teller
Male human (Iobarian) witch (cartomancer) 1 (Pathfinder Player Companion: The Harrow Handbook, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 65)
CG Medium humanoid (human)
Hero Points 1
Init +2; Senses Perception +0
AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 8 (1d6+1+1)
Fort +1, Ref +2, Will +2
Defensive Abilities
Speed 30 ft.
Melee dagger -1 (1d4-1/19-20)
Ranged light crossbow +0 (1d8/19-20)
Special Attacks hexes (cackle[APG], evil eye[APG], misfortune[APG])
Witch (Cartomancer) Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +7)
. . 1st—ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 15), ill omen[APG]
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, guidance, light
. . Patron Time
Str 8, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 18, Wis 10, Cha 10
Base Atk +0; CMB -1; CMD 11
Feats Extra Hex[APG], Extra Hex[APG]
Traits pragmatic activator, riftwarden orphan
Skills Craft (alchemy) +8, Fly +6, Heal +4, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (planes) +8, Perception +1, Sleight of Hand +3, Spellcraft +8, Use Magic Device +8
Languages Common, Draconic, Elven, Gnome, Infernal
SQ human witch, witch's familiar
Other Gear dagger, light crossbow, backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candle (10), chalk (10), flint and steel, harrow carrying case, harrow deck[UE], ink, inkpen, mess kit[UE], pot, soap, spell component pouch, torch (10), trail rations (5), waterskin, 14 gp
Special Abilities
Cackle (Su) As a move action, extend the duration of other hexes by 1 rd.
Evil Eye -2 (7 rounds, DC 14) (Su) Foe in 30 ft takes penalty to your choice of AC, attacks, saves, ability or skill checks (Will part).
Misfortune (1 round, DC 14) (Su) Foe in 30 ft must take the lower of 2d20 for rolls (Will neg).
Witch's Familiar (Ex) Gain the services of a special familiar that stores spells.

Wow, given the GM said he'll only take one of each trait it'll be real though competition for the archmage slot.

GM Toothy wrote:

If the Canny Defense replaces all armor proficiency, including shields, I'll allow it.

Regarding the 'agile' ability, I'll also allow it if, like the other weapon abilities, it can only be added at 5th level.

Done - I will post a character today (hopefully)!

Sovereign Court

Got the invite so..........
I'm submitting Goron Boulderstep, a dwarven Paladin with the stonelord archetype. He's a guardian and not fully stat out since he was from a previous WoTR campaign. For a feel of how he would play, I'd suggest lookign through the posts made by this character in his previous WoTR campaign.

Goron Boulderstep:

Goron is a new crusader in the Iron Hammers, a small dwarvish force dedicated to Torag. Holding the current position as assistant quartermaster. With his trusty hammer, He envisions himself smiting evil demons and finding himself one day being blessed with an Holy Earth Companion sent from Torag himself. He prides himself in being tough and not giving way so easily and if given the chance would like to learn to take up the reins of leadership. He may not be a good speaker but sometimes, you know you just have to hammer the point home. His sincerity the only Hammer in his arsenal.

His history seems pretty much unremarkable. Born in Kenabres to parents already involved in the Parevious crusades and surviving long enough to have him is a blessing from Torag himself he is often told. A blessing further strengthened when his family was attacked by a pack of stray demons. He was the only survior, the bodies of his parents and cousins forming a protective wall of steel over him, the youngest in the family. Since then he has given it his all to be as strong as possible, striving to live up to his family who gave up their lives for him. The Iron Hammers, the order his family belonged too took him in and gave him the training he strived for but he always deemed himself inadequate.

Goron Boulderstep Appearance:

Clad in a simple armored cloak, blackened with soot though armed with a great hammer on his back, over a light wooden shield, with yet another well used hammer in his belt. This dwarf seemed armed to the teeth until you look and noticed that he looks younger then his peers though his eyes.
Yes his eyes look far older then his age would tell. His beard isn't as white as his elders but his eyes could compare with theirs. They speak of hardships endured, of pain carried and most of all. Hope.
Hope that he'll rise beyond what he is capable now.
Hope that he finds companions who deemed him worthy to fight alongside with and vice versa.
Hope that someday they'll win.

Roles He'd play:

His primary Role would be one of a tank. In the Front lines with Hammer and shield or dealing the damage with his Longhammer. With a granted companion, he would also be able to better shield his party.

His scondary role would be an attempt to be of the face though his char may not be among the best, he would be striving to put skill in Diplomacy to calm and encourage his allies.
He could also be the Door opener or trap setter if needed.

Ok, got my fighter done, haven't decided on where I will ultimately take him (thrower or just melee).

Ragnar the pious
While the Ulfen guard is well known (the bodyguards of the Taldan Emperor), the Ulfen shield is not so well know. This is a small, rather obscure organization of Ulfen paladins, war priests and clerics from the Lands of the Linnorm Kings who do not seek the wealth that comes from retirement from the Taldan bodyguard position, but rather the eternal glory of defending their world from the demonic infestation of the World Wound.

Ragnar, however, isn't exactly one of those. He's the descendent of an Ulfen couple who were in that organization. His parents died in the fighting when he was in his early teens, and he was raised by a holy order of Iomedian paladins in Kenabres. However, he never had the force of personality to join the ranks of paladinhood and became a simple soldier. He has fought in few enough battles as yet (well none), mostly serving guard on the battlements of town. He knows that someday he will get an opportunity to make his dead parents proud, inspiring tales to be told back in the long houses of their homeland.

Ragnar is tall, broad, and blond. He's not particularly sharp or witty, but honest and quite devoted to Iomedae. In spite of his physical presence, he seems to fade into the background in most situations since he has always been around so many people with appreciably more forceful personalities.

Ragnar the pious:

Human fighter 1<br/>
LG Medium humanoid (human)<br/>
'''Init '''+2; '''Senses '''Perception +6<br/>
'''AC '''21, touch 13, flat-footed 18 (+5 armor, +2 Dex, +1 dodge, +3 shield)<br/>
'''hp '''13 (1d10+3)<br/>
'''Fort '''+4, '''Ref '''+2, '''Will '''+1<br/>
'''Speed '''30 ft. (20 ft. in armor)<br/>
'''Ranged '''throwing axe +3 (1d6+3)<br/>
'''Str '''16, '''Dex '''14, '''Con '''14, '''Int '''10, '''Wis '''12, '''Cha '''8<br/>
'''Base Atk '''+1; '''CMB '''+4; '''CMD '''17<br/>
'''Feats '''Combat Stamina, Dodge, Power Attack, Shield Focus<br/>
'''Traits '''child of the crusades, seeker<br/>
'''Skills '''Acrobatics -4 (-8 to jump), Climb +1, Handle Animal +3, Perception +6, Profession (soldier) +5, Survival +5<br/>
'''Languages '''Common<br/>
'''SQ '''dodge, power attack, shield focus<br/>
'''Combat Gear '''oil (5); '''Other Gear '''scale mail, heavy steel shield, throwing axe (3), backpack, candle (2), chalk, hammer, hemp rope (50 ft.), hooded lantern, piton (4), sack (2), tindertwig (4), torch (2), 64 gp<br/>
'''Special Abilities'''<br/>
'''Dodge [Combat Trick]''' Up to double Dex bonus in stamina points, increase dodge bonus from Dodge by stamina spent.<br/>
'''Power Attack -1/+2''' You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.<br/>
'''Power Attack [Combat Trick]''' 2 stamina points to use Power Attack only until end of turn, instead of the start of the next turn.<br/>
'''Shield Focus''' +1 Shield AC<br/>
'''Shield Focus [Combat Trick]''' Up to 2 stamina points to increase bonus to shield's AC bonus.<br/>

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Wow, lots of posts! Will try to answer all questions!

@Fabian: I really like Choko'un, even if my initial idea was for taking PCs more tied to the worldwound itself... I think I'll forget this rule and take PCs from far away!

@Velkaria: I like her, she is different from what we normally see on these boards (a good kind of different). My only concern is the big number of paladins submitted... In a party of four I'll only be able to take one, so many of you might be disappointed...

@Lady Ladile: A cavalier is nice just bear in mind that you won't be able to use the mount every combat. This AP isn't as dungeon heavy as many others but still has its fare share.

@Adriala Nightmoon: Like I said in the OP, I'm not a big fan of the occult classes and I must be honest that for Adriala be picked I need you to convince me! I see you are still working on her and you are doing a good job, so keep doing this! I'd like more identity on her... from her background, she could be in a Skulls and Shackles, Carrion Crown, Jade Regent... there is nothing that ties her to a WotR game and I'd like to see that. Tell me about the woods, who was the ranger and how do you felt about her, her powers just popped from nowhere or has a reason behind it, she has no attachments with nowhere so why would she help the people of Kenabres? About the Myhic event it is tied to the campaign and is quite special, so do not worry about it now!

@The Pale King: Celestial Bloodrager is really interesting! Really looking forward to see what you can bring! Just worried about the huge amount of melee frontliners so far...

@Vindlér Farseer: Really nice work! My only concern is his 'inquisitor' role. I've always seen inquisitors as individuals that fight his deities primal concerns and looks like Abadar is more concerned about counting coins than fighting the Worldwound... why did you picked him as your God? Why not Iomedae for exemple? (Not a complaint, just looking for a reason!)

@Ulfric Bjarnasson: Ulfric seems nice but I'd like more connection with the AP. I saw you built him to enter in any campaign and for this I'll give you an advice: narrow your focus... most GMs like custom built PCs and generic ones generally are not picked.

@Melchesiech: I like him but would like to know more about his current business in Kenabres.

@Tim Woodhams: Awesome PC! Not anything to add and lacking an arcane caster until 2nd level will not be an issue.

@Liam Teller: Really like him.

@Nightdeath: I'd like you to flesh Goron more... you need to convince me to pick him instead of the other paladins around. (Also, regarding the invite, just to make things clear, I sent the same message to everyone on the excel file, so no spot is set... the invite was just to join the recruitment!)

@drbuzzard: Ragnar is looking good! Will keep a look at him as you keep developing his background.

Now I think it is a good time to tell a couple things about campaign recruitments and submitted PCs. It is true that I'm kind of new to these boards but since I joined I've been quite successful in joining games.

Aside from minor campaigns that do not too much attention, I've managed to enter in 4 out of 5 campaigns with huge competition (more than 300 posts on the recruitment thread - 2 homebrews, a Hell's Rebels game and a Kingmakers game), so here is a couple tips:

1) Try to figure out the GM preferences: If I said I do not like occult classes too much, try to avoid it unless you really want to play one and, if it is your case, make it awesome... no, really, really awesome. It is time consuming and might even so result in nothing but if you get picked it'll be worthy.

2) Look the other PCs already submitted and try to make something different: If there is few stealthy ones, perhaps it is a good thing to do... You never really know about the campaign and if it has many traps, the GM might have to take a rogue and if you are one of the only ones around, better for you!

3) If you want to play something with a great competition, try to make it better: Look in the other players PCs and thing 'is my PC better than this?' if the answer is no, there is a good chance that the GM will get the same answer and not pick you! If the other PC has a nice background, make one great! If they are all sword and board, perhaps a two-handed would be nice...

4) Make the GM see your PC in the game: Usually there are plenty of sources to tie your PC to a particular campaign and the better you do it, the better your chances. Generic PCs submitted to a ton of games will not be able to compete against a tailor made one! It is sad and causes you to do a lot of work but it WILL make your chances of being picked go up!

Sorry for the long post but I think it will help you in this recruitment and on other ones!

Dark Archive

Sorry for my lack of tie in with the world. I know almost nothing about the world...:/
But I'll do my best :)

Adriala Nightmoon wrote:

Sorry for my lack of tie in with the world. I know almost nothing about the world...:/

But I'll do my best :)

Adriala, here's a LINK to the Player's Guide for Wrath of the Righteous. It's a free download. Here's a LINK to the Pathfinder Wiki, which has a whole lot of information about the world of Golarion. You'll definitely need these if you want to make a character that fits in with the campaign.

Dark Archive

Thanks, this will help greatly.

Oh, for my mythic path I want to go guardian or Marshall. The lack of a psychic mythic path sort of leaves me with the non-spellcaster paths. Trickster seems like a good choice though

Dark Archive

I've changed my mind. I'm keeping the character but changing her class. I'll likely still be a spellcaster, but a witch or Oracle instead.

Edit: since Adriala was raised by an elf, could I have her starter
languages replaced by those of an elf?

now don't get me wrong, I really want to play a psyonic class, but I found that there are practically no mythic opertunities

GM Toothy wrote:

Wow, lots of posts! Will try to answer all questions!

@Melchesiech: I like him but would like to know more about his current business in Kenabres.

Melchesiech in Kenabres:
Melchesiech has come to Kenabres for two reasons: first, to find a group of crusaders that could use some magical support; and second, to visit the Librarium of the Broken Black Wing and speak with Beltran Ravenken regarding the fate of his parents. The second, he thinks, may provide a solution to the first, as well, if Beltran can connect him with an appropriate group. The Armasse festival is, to him, a distraction--it makes finding a decent place to stay (much less getting to the Librarium) more difficult, and although there will likely be a large number of crusaders present it'll be much harder to pick out an appropriate group to attach to. Besides, there are likely to be a lot of others like him there, so the competition for places will be much stiffer.

He arrives the morning of the festival, and hasn't had a chance to find a place to stay (which is why he's carrying all his belongings). Caught in the crowd that's congregating at Clydwell Plaza, he's unable to get to the Librarium, and has given up on trying before the end of the festival. In short, although he tries his best not to show it, he is in a truly foul mood as our story begins.

Dark Archive

Okay, so, now I'm using her as a witch. Her focus will be healing and assistance.

Background and Fluff:
Adriala was left in the woods as a child, north of BLANK, to die. Fortunately for her, an old elven ranger, Silivina Nightmoon, found her. The ranger took her in and raised her to adult. As she grew, she showed signs of strong strange powers. Silivina saw this, and took her to a group of witches who saw the power she had and took her in as a disciple. They showed her how to draw magic from the spirits in nature.

As Adriala learned the witch's magic, she found that above all she loved life. She saw those who broke promises and hurt others out of spite to be the most evil of all. Finally, when she had come of age, Adriala left to find her destiny

Adriala has never truly been attached to any place. She always was accused of heinous crimes she never committed. People shunned her for her blood. And they only shunned her more for her ties with witches. She always kept to the side, obeying the laws and keeping out of the spotlight. She kept moving, finding order in constant change.

She believes that this world has to have order, somewhere. Even if that order looks like complete chaos. She sees attachments everywhere. Little strands of web that connect one life to many others. She sees how killing one thing can have dramatic effect in the long run, and she uses this philosophy to guide her life.

When she came to Kenabres during her travels and has found that out of everywhere she's been, it is the most accepting. In fact, she actually saw other plainstouched and thought she could finally fit in. So she stayed and began to use her skills with healing to help the local healers. She mingled with the peasants and healed the poor of their sickness. She thought if she did what she could, no one would hate her anymore.

Adriala is 5'9" with pale ivory skin. Her horns are curved down and over the back of her head. Her eyes are pure white and her lips are a deep blood red. Her tail is long and pointed with a spade. Her feet are cloven hooves, and she keeps them wrapped in cloth to muffle the sound.

Adriala is a cheerful person when you actually get to know her. She is usually silent about most things, but finds those who break promises to be the worst people. She is dedicated to perfecting herself in both body and spirit. She feels distantly that she was ment for something else. She wanders the land, hoping to find what she truly is ment for.

Here is a better, remade background. It gives the name of the ranger and explains what she's doing in Kenabres.

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