Inarus the Wanderer |
Updated Background
Life is not easy for a tiefling. Especially one who looks like Inarus. His body is covered in hard black spikes. They jut from his body, leaving him looking like he is wearing a patchwork suit of armor. That, and of course, his tail, is a sure fire give away of his tainted heritage.
Born in a small village on the north-eastern coast, it was built far from any land trade routes and without much arable land. Without any good way to make an honest living, the locals instead became wreckers. Luring ships at night towards the rocky coast, watching as they floundered, and then looting the wreckage, that was their trade. This practice began during the Asmodeab purges under The Victor. Fleeing cultists came to the secluded village, and before long had converted the populace.
Inarus never knew his mother. He was told that she died in childbirth. Where she came from, he did not know, but he had his suspicions. When he was born, his deformities were readily apparent. In most places, a child such as him would have been put to death. To his fortune, however, among the wreckers was a priestess of Asmodeus. She was the midwife who delivered him, and she claimed him for her own. Raised by the woman, he was groomed not to take her role, but instead to be a defender of her temple. Raised to be a monk, he was trained to use his 'divine gifts' to the fullest of his ability. She declared, with false prophecy, that he was destined 'to wander the world, spreading the gifts of Asmodeus!' What she really meant was that she would do so, and would use the child as protection and proof of her favor.
Raised exclusively by the priestess, Inarus had a very skewed outlook on life. He learned to lie at an early age, for falsehoods were the currency of Asmodeus. He learned how to intimidate, using his fearsome appearance to his fullest advantage. But he never learned how to trust others, or how to make a real connection. His mistress (for she was not his mother and never claimed to be), never even pretended to love him. Rather, she taught him the hard truth. That he was born to serve, and that those who served would be rewarded and those that rebelled would be destroyed.
Upon reaching adulthood, the village of wreckers found their fortunes turning for the worst. Ships were beginning to avoid their stretch of land. They turned to the priestess of Asmodeus, demanding that she do something about this. They had tithed her and her church in return for prosperity. So...fearing a lynch mob, she declared that it was the will of Asmodeus that they turn to piracy. This was not true, of course, but it kept her head firmly on her shoulders. Using the many wrecks, they fixed and built their own ship, and took to the seas. They thought that they were divinely favored, and would succeed where others had failed.
It would of course, come as little surprise, that the Navy had other ideas. After a few good raids, their ship was found, pursued, and boarded. Most died in the boarding action, with a few taken prisoner to be made an example of.
After burning their village (the location of which the captured pirates unwisely bargained away), the last few were taken to Branderscar prison. The most infamous prison of Talinguarde. Since being interred into the grim prison, he has not seen any of his fellow villagers, and can only guess at their fate. Chained to the wall, the tiefling can see well enough in the dark, but he sees little chance for breaking free. All he can do now is pray to Asmodeus to save his servant from this certain fate.
Darkness Rising |
Thanks. Rigel is definitely guilty of the crime she's charged with - she's a follower of Asmodeus, after all. I just thought it would be more amusing (to Asmodeus, I mean, not to Rigel) if she was charged and convicted of the correct crime, but for the wrong reasons (if you see what I mean). But I can re-write if that's preferred.
Also: I wrote the 'I don't remember what happened' to be vague in case you want to use it as a GM hook for something later on. If you want me to fill in the blanks, I can do that as well :)
I've put in an NPC section to answer your questions about her family.
Aeron Carden |
I’ve never played in a way of the wicked game, but I really like the idea and would love the a change to play something other than a hero.
I have a character built on this alias, backsorry and such is 90% done and i’ll add that tomorrow, I’ve taken the murder trait and the bitten feat. I’m very happy with what I have so far hope you’ll enjoy it too.
I look forward to your primer. It should help a lot adding in more detail where my crime would happen and such.
Jessica Catalan Organized Play Line Developer |
Storyteller Shadow |
I’ve never played in a way of the wicked game, but I really like the idea and would love the a change to play something other than a hero.
I have a character built on this alias, backsorry and such is 90% done and i’ll add that tomorrow, I’ve taken the murder trait and the bitten feat. I’m very happy with what I have so far hope you’ll enjoy it too.
I look forward to your primer. It should help a lot adding in more detail where my crime would happen and such.
Note that it's linked at the top of the page in case you missed it :-)
Aeron Carden |
Aeron Carden wrote:Note that it's linked at the top of the page in case you missed it :-)I’ve never played in a way of the wicked game, but I really like the idea and would love the a change to play something other than a hero.
I have a character built on this alias, backsorry and such is 90% done and i’ll add that tomorrow, I’ve taken the murder trait and the bitten feat. I’m very happy with what I have so far hope you’ll enjoy it too.
I look forward to your primer. It should help a lot adding in more detail where my crime would happen and such.
I did miss that! Thanks for pointing it out I appreciate it.
Sapiens |
Alrighty, so, here's my begging for 3PP:
Should Spheres of Power be allowed for her, I'd submit Margarice, a Dual Channeler Soul Weaver, a necromaster that can also act like a healer and pretend she's a Mithra follower; I have a few ideas to weave this into her background, and she could be interested in lichdom. VMC would be Oracle.
On the Spheres of Might's side, I present Rakheet: here he's built for a Strange Aeons campaign using the playtest rules, but I'd re-spec in a flash. As any rogue, he'd be stealthy, sneaky and skillful, but with an added focus on steal maneuvers, dirty tricks and the like, as well as a pinch of alchemy. VMC would likely be Alchemist or Magus.
And of course, I can change any aspect that shouldn't fly.
SkaTalon |
I have a quick question about Villain Points. Do feats and such that deal with Hero Points confer the same bonuses to Villain Points? Example: would the feat Blood of Heroes become Blood of Villains? Example 2: Would Human alt racial trait Heroic, become Villainous?
GM Phntm888 |
Realized I missed some questions from earlier. Let's get at them.
@William Nightmoon: Yes, you have until 11:59 PM EST on Oct 31 to finish your submission (I found Halloween to be a very appropriate end date).
@Bastian Kray: leinathan is correct, the VMC Sorcerer does not get the bloodline arcana. You only get the abilities listed at each level.
I think you're missing a skill rank. I get 6+Int mod (1)+2 extra+1 Human for 10 total, not counting Background Skills. Did you take a Human Alternate Racial trait that replaces Skilled, and if so, what did you take? I don't see it noted, so if so, please note what you took.
Under spells known you have CLW listed twice. Since you're a spontaneous caster, you only need to pick a spell once, and you should pick a different one.
The description of your crime in your backstory really doesn't fit with High Treason - you didn't plot against King Markadian V or the government of Talingarde, you just betrayed your military unit. Desertion fits the described crime far better.
Since Half-Fiend is a CR+3 template versus Vampire, Lich, and Graveknight, I'd probably make the feat chain a little longer than 5 feats. It's a good starting point, though, if anyone decides they're interested in going that route.
I will answer more updates and review more submissions later.
Seth86 |
Since Half-Fiend is a CR+3 template versus Vampire, Lich, and Graveknight, I'd probably make the feat chain a little longer than 5 feats. It's a good starting point, though, if anyone decides they're interested in going that route.
My idea is not a feat chain but a very long process, that may take a few in game years
Saashaa |
Human Vigilante (serial killer) [*Ranger]
Init +4;
Senses Darkvision 60ft;
Perception +4
AC 14; Touch 14; Flat-Footed 10
HP 9;
Fort +0 ; Ref +6 ; Will +2
Speed 30ft;
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +4
Frightening Ambush, Catch Off-Guard
Acrobatics +8, Bluff +9, Climb +4, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +8, Intimidate +7, Knowledge Local +6, Perception +4, *Profession: Transporter +4, *Sleight Of Hand +9, Stealth +9, Survival +4
Dual Identity, Seamless Guise, Obscurity (ST), Hidden Strike 1d,
Alternate Racial Trait
Child of the Moon, Hidden Hand, Crime : Murder
My bad, it was Child of the Moon.
I'm working on the backstory now. When done I'll post crunch and backstory in same post.
Zektolna |
Hey GM Phntm888,
I'm interested in VMC'ing into slayer, so I wanted to see what abilities you would have me get from that. I would be interested in getting studied target, sneak attack, maybe a regular or advanced slayer talent, slayer's advance, and perhaps quarry/improved quarry. Thank you in advance for your thoughts on the matter!
Inarus the Wanderer |
Hey GM Phntm888,
I'm interested in VMC'ing into slayer, so I wanted to see what abilities you would have me get from that. I would be interested in getting studied target, sneak attack, maybe a regular or advanced slayer talent, slayer's advance, and perhaps quarry/improved quarry. Thank you in advance for your thoughts on the matter!
That's...alot. It's pretty much all of the class features of a slayer. Given that a slayer is a ranger/rogue hybrid, the best that I could see for it would be something like this...
Lvl 3: Track (Ranger gets this, so does slayer. Happens at same level)
Lvl 7: Sneak Attack: gains the sneak attack class feature. Can deal 1d6 points of extra damage. This extra damage increases by 1d6 for every 4 levels beyond 7th, to a maximum of 4d6 at 19th level. (Rogue gets this, so does slayer)
Lvl 11: Swift Tracker
Lvl 15: Quarry (as per what you asked for)
Lvl 19: Improved Quarry (as per what you asked for)
None of the VMCs give feats (which are what slayer talents are, for the most part). And none of the VMCs give something like studied target (which is similar to weapon training).
But with the above, you get 4 great tracking bonuses, which seemed to be what you were going for. So by lvl19, you'd get +9 survival when following tracks, take no penalty for moving at normal speed, can take 20 when following tracks...and as a free action you can track an enemy, giving you +4 insight bonus to hit. It'd also give you +4d6 sneak attack damage.
Not bad for a VMC, and pretty much in line with a ranger/rogue hybrid VMC. Plus, with all of that tracking bonuses, it'd help you theme a character. Would make for a badass bounty hunter.
Then again, I'm not the GM. Just spitballing some thoughts on the matter.
Inarus the Wanderer |
i wanna do something interesting, like creating a Living Grimoire of Hastur, the king in yellow. A man dressed in yellow, who beats people to death with The King in Yellow, all the while shouting the word of his god demanding others join hum in faith.
I got you.
Class: Inquisitor
Archetype: Living Grimoire or-archetypes-paizo/living-grimoire-inquisitor-archetype/
Holy Book (Su)
At 1st (level, a living grimoire forms a supernatural bond with a large ironbound tome containing the holy text of his deity and learns to use it as a weapon.
When wielding the holy book as a weapon, he deals base damage as if it were a cold iron light mace (but see Sacred Word below), is considered proficient with the book, takes no improvised weapon penalty, and gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with the book. The tome serves as his holy symbol and divine focus, and can be enchanted as a magic weapon.
He can replace his bonded tome with another book at any time, though he must perform a 24-hour binding ritual to attune himself to the new book.
This ability replaces monster lore.
You also get warpriest sacred weapon damage progression, but only with your holy book. So as you go up in level, your book does more damage.
As for demanding that others join his holy battle songs...take the Conversion Inquisition. This gives you Cha to Diplomacy, Intimidate and Bluff.
This lets you have a low Cha, while still having high face skills. In practice, this means...
Handle Animal: Horrible (animals won't trust you)
Disguise: Horrible (you wear all yellow!)
Face Skills: Great (you're a divinely inspired rabble rouser with a blood-stained holy book)
GM Phntm888 |
I’m on my phone, so further character reviews will have to wait till tomorrow. I’ll try to answer people’s questions now, though.
@Seth86: Thank you for clarifying. Please make sure to note that in the final stat block.
@DarknessRising: It’s a different twist, but interesting. Stick with it as is.
@Cuan: Yes, but I’d have to figure how to do it.
@Sapiens: I will review and decide tomorrow.
@SkaTalon: Yes and yes.
@Seth86: I’d have to figure things out and see what I can come up with. It definitely won’t be available from Level 1.
@Saashaa: That makes more sense, thank you.
@Zektolna/Inarus: Ranger VMC gives the First Favored Enemy, and Fighter VMC gives Weapon Training 1 and 2. I’ve actually done some thought for a Slayer VMC, and you can see below for it.
3rd level: Track
7th level: Studied Target +1 (Move action)
11th level: Sneak Attack +1d6, add an additional d6 every 4 levels (max 3d6 at 19th).
15th level: Swift Tracker
19th level: Quarry
@William Nightmoon: please see alignment rules in the first post. Also, a deity with origins in the Cthulhu mythos is really doesn’t fit the theme of the campaign.
That’s all for now. I’ll review characters and answer more questions tomorrow.
Zektolna |
@Zektolna/Inarus: Ranger VMC gives the First Favored Enemy, and Fighter VMC gives Weapon Training 1 and 2. I’ve actually done some thought for a Slayer VMC, and you can see below for it.
** spoiler omitted **
Thank you for the reply! So would studied target go up to a swift action and/or +2 or +3 eventually or just stay +1 and a move action?
Saashaa |
age: 18
Human Vigilante (serial killer) [*Ranger]
Init +4;
Senses Darkvision 60ft;
Perception +4
AC 14; Touch 14; Flat-Footed 10
HP 9;
Fort +0 ; Ref +6 ; Will +2
Speed 30ft;
Str 10, Dex 18, Con 10, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +4
Frightening Ambush, Catch Off-Guard
Acrobatics +8, Bluff +9, Climb +4, Diplomacy +7, Disable Device +8, Intimidate +7, Knowledge Local +6, Perception +4, *Profession: Transporter +4, *Sleight Of Hand +9, Stealth +9, Survival +4
Dual Identity, Seamless Guise, Obscurity (ST), Hidden Strike 1d,
Alternate Racial Trait
Child of the Moon, Hidden Hand, Crime : Murder
As time passed however more strange things began happening. Peter would not show up for excursions, but any security would be completely absent. Only for rumors to appear later that the security was dead. When asked about this Peter would claim that he had no knowledge of the happenings because he was sleeping.
The local officials began taking action however, finding the crew and arresting them all. Inside the interrogations his friends sold him for their freedom after finding out about the gruesomeness of the murders. When Peter was questioned, he denied any involvement and showed disgust at the details. Confused, the officials seeked aid from the local mitran church. Though magic was used, Peter still appeared innocent. The murders had stopped however, so the officials dubbed Peter as ‘crafty’ and sent him to prison convinced that somehow he was the murderer.
I left the background not overly specific to allow for character development.
Tulay Miller |
ok so i have done a remake of the character and have worked on getting the flesh worked correctly with the story line presented, made adjustments to the previous background instead of a complete remake. Hopefully these stats are properly placed now, i think the system got them correct this time....
Name: Noir Sanguina
Level one Cutthroat (slayer)
Description: a willowy thin woman with mousy brown hair and amber eyes with flecks of gold in them typically seen wearing a thin leather jerkin when working. Real name unknown; currently incarcerated in the Branderscar Prison and looking at execution.
• Type: Dhampirs are humanoids with the Dhampir subtype. (Vetala-Born (Ajibachana))
• Size: Dhampirs are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
• Base Speed: Dhampirs have a base speed of 30 feet.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Deity: Asmodeus
Str: 12
Con: 16
Dex: 14
Int: 14
Wis: 14
Cha: 11
BAB: 1
Fort: 4
Reflex: 4
Will: 3
Acrobatics (points in): 7
Appraise (untrained): 2
Bluff (points in): 4
Climb (Points in): 5
Diplomacy (untrained): 0
Disguise (untrained): 0
Escape Artist (untrained/?Race bonus?): 5(3from ability, 2 from race bonus)
Fly (untrained): 3
Heal (untrained): 2
Intimidate (points in): 4
Knowledge, Local (points in): 6
Knowledge, Nobility (points in): 6
Perception (points in): 6
Ride (untrained): 3
Sense Motive (points in): 6
Stealth (points in): 7
Survival (untrained): 2
Swim (untrained): 1
Use Magic Device (untrained/?racial?): 4 (2 from ability 2 from race bonus)
Dhampir Traits (ARG 96)
• Alternate Racial Traits: Dayborn, Vampiric Empathy
•Alternate Skill Modifiers: +2 Escape Artist, Use Magic Device.
• Type (ARG 97): Dhampirs are humanoids with the dhampir subtype.
• Undead Resistance (ARG 97): You have a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against disease and mind-affecting effects.
• Resist Level Drain (Ex) (ARG 97): You take no penalties from energy drain effects. After 24 hours, any negative levels a dhampir takes are removed without the need for an additional saving throw.
• Darkvision (ARG 97): You have darkvision out to 60 feet.*
• Low-light vision (ARG 97): You have lowlight vision
• Weakness: Ajibachanas take a -1 penalty to their caster level whenever they are in an area affected by consecrate, hallow, or a similar spell that makes an area holy.
• Dayborn (ARG 97): You are unhindered by daylight and lose the light sensitivity racial trait*.
• Vampiric Empathy (ARG 97): You have the ability to communicate with bats, rats, and wolves as if under the effects of a speak with animals spell. You gain a +2 racial bonus on Diplomacy checks when dealing with these animals and when you initiate an exchange, animals begin with a starting attitude of indifferent.
Class Features
• Archetype: Cutthroat
• Armor and Shield Proficiency: You are proficient in Light and Medium Armor. You are proficient with shields (excluding tower shields.) *
• Weapon Proficiency: You are proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons.
• Studied Target (Ex) (ACG 53): As a move action, you can study an opponent you can see. You gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Sense Motive, Perception and Survival checks against that opponent, and a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against it. The DC of any slayer class abilities you use against that opponent, also increase by 1. If you deal sneak attack damage to a target, you can study them as an immediate action. You can maintain these bonuses on up to 1 target at a time. You may discard a connection to a studied target as a free action.
• Street Stalker (Ex) (ACG 119): When in urban environments, you gain a +1 bonus on Climb checks.
Attempted Murder: You tried to kill someone and botched the job. To be sent to Branderscar Prison, you did not try to kill just anyone. You likely assaulted someone of great importance and prominence. Punishment: Death by beheading Benefit: You gain a +2 trait bonus to Intimidate checks, and Intimidate is always a class skill for you.
Unidentifiable Appeal (Dhampir): The unnatural symmetry of your face gives you an attractiveness that is at once captivating but hard to quantify. Benefit: You gain a +1 trait bonus on Disguise checks and a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks made to influence those who would be attracted to you.
Avid Reader (Nobility): As a youth, you voraciously consumed books and scrolls provided by a member of an adventurer’s guild or a learned organization like the Pathfinder Society, and you have internalized these stories of bold adventurers. Benefit(s): Choose one Knowledge skill. You can always choose to take 10 on checks with the chosen Knowledge skill, even when distracted or threatened.
Life-Dominant Soul: You gain unusual resiliency from your mortal heritage. Prerequisite: Dhampir Benefit: You are healed by channeled positive energy used to heal living creatures and channeled negative energy used to heal undead, but both only heal half the normal amount. You still take damage from positive energy used to harm undead, such as that from channeled energy and lay on hands. (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of the Night)((if this is not a Valid feat improved initiative is my choice))
(this is from the official records smuggled from Branderscar Prison the current holding place of one Noir Sanguina.)
Noir Sanguina is a mystery to officials, no one knows what her record of birth is or origins. When questioned the only response previous officials or torturers get is simply ‘the wrong side of the crypt, f*~%%!’, but after much research it is believed she is one of a pair of orphans that vanished from the Abby’s Care Home after the mysterious deaths of several Sisters. It is supposed that this was her first violation of the Talingarde Code of Conduct for our Citizens and had we been able to connect the dots she would have been on the headsman’s block many years earlier.
Noir is Six foot One inches and bronzed skin color. Her hair is a mousy brown although when we took custody of her she had black hair it is suspected rightly that she had dyed it with walnuts. Her eyes are Amber with flecks of gold although they seem to glow occasionally at odd times like the light is reflected back at a greater intensity. It should be noted that there is a distinct appeal, if you will, to her that has caused much trouble for some of the previous guards that transferred her here and they had to shuffle the rotation to keep them away from her unattended as those lot tend to be weak-willed and weaklings. They were caught doing favors for her including bringing unauthorized reading material according to the commander in charge. She gave full accounting and asked me to be sure to give written reprimands in addition to hers, what a weak-willed sniveling lot.
We suspect her of many crimes through the years according to the dossier that arrived with her which I have no doubt of given that she has taken on a forbidden job of ‘killer for hire’ on many occasions; too many for us to properly track at most facilities. There are a great number of shadowy whispers about her professional name, the one listed on her records, running about the criminal underworld. Her real name is still an elusive mystery, it is suspected if the Lords or higher ups could track it down we would find more aliases and crimes to add to her current list, no one starts with the profile I see in this dossier without starting lower down, even if the last one was botched.
She is seemingly alienated from most human contact enough that she has a hard time connecting on a personal basis with others while able to work with others if given a task or sharing a common goal (see attached disciplinary report of Prison riot), there is a note in the dossier that it is suspected mental issues but who cares now? She’ll be dead in a few days and what does it matter if the dead are insane? It is noted however and I quote ‘we more often than not find her reading quietly when not at work. Where she keeps getting the books we don’t know although we suspect there are guards slipping her some when their superiors aren’t looking both for her favor and for the chance to look big when they catch her with them.’ Dear Mitra what kind of candy asses do they have in these other prisons out there?
Noir was arrested after the failed assassination of a minor but very rich Lord. He was only mildly injured and His guard captured her. He insisted this woman be locked away and His name be kept out of the records so thanks to a generous donation we respect His wishes and List Him as Lord X. It was suspected that the Lord succumbed to his injuries or at the least has gone into hiding either way he has disappeared from the public eye after the ‘trial’
From the accounts of the skills used during the capture she appears to have been trained in the Slayer skills which, as a personal note, seem to leave some doubt about Lord X’s claims of having survived, however with the amount of money offered to keep His name out I am not interested in questioning. After all who am I to question the golden goose? I will only make mention incase others (who may find this dossier in the record halls) desire to make such inquiries at later dates, preferable after the execution…(the rest of the pages are water damaged and illegible aside from bits and pieces seeming to make mention of an apparent escape from another prison in which Noir is suspected to have been the individual and other murders she may be linked to if one could fully decipher the script.)
((She was born as her Mother died of the Sickness the Vampire passed to her Mother during the impregnation. She was taken into the Abby’s Care Home only to face abuse and mistreatment that pushed her and another child to strike back. With her unusual parentage she accidentally killed the Sisters of the Abby that she struck and she and the other children made a run for it. She was ‘caught’ stealing from a Cutthroat who for some reason saw herself in the child and raised her instead of turning her in. when she was twenty she left to make her own mark on the world at 25 she had managed to make a name for herself as a Killer for Hire and was captured for transport to Branderscar on a previous occasion only to make her escape in the form of a prison riot. After which she became more cautious about her contracts and ‘charity work.’ It was the fateful acceptance of the contract for Lord Vlance that finally sealed her fate it seems as she was caught and imprisoned alone and taken to Branderscar. This Mission had been her first time coming face to face with a true vampire, not just a poser in the Mercenary Community. She endured many indignities and more than one torture session due to her resistance to speaking about who she really is, on the way to Branderscar and the internment prior to transport….))
Storyteller Shadow |
Heh, 16 DM updates and I'm burnt out. I'll get that up tomorrow GM, don't want to go beyond that as I start getting bust for the next two weeks or so right up to your dreadline!
I have committed to a Human (Exploiter) Wizard - VMC Sorcerer Rakshasa Bloodline, with the Desecration Crime. Crunch is 95% done and Background is about 25% done.
Saashaa |
After viewing all of the submissions, I'd like to, if possible submit another option due to the large number of "murder" traits chosen as well as the other slayers and/or vigilantes.
Elf Psychic (Dream) [*Sorcerer(fey)]
Init +1;
Senses Low-Light;
Perception +6
AC 11; Touch 11; Flat-Footed 10
HP 7;
Fort +0 ; Ref +1 ; Will +4
Speed 30ft;
Str 8, Dex 12, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 14, Cha 16
Base Atk +0; CMB +1
Spell Focus (Illusion)[race], Spell Focus (Enchanment)[race], Deceitful
Bluff +9, Diplomacy +7, Intimidate +7, Knowledge Geography +8, Knowledge Local +8, Knowledge Nobility +8, Knowledge Religion +8, Linguistics +8, Perception +6, Sense Motive +6
Common, Elven, Dwarves, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Orc
Dream Leech (Su), Oneiromancy (Su), Overpowering Mind (PA), 4 Phrnic Pool Points (PPP)
Alternate Racial Trait
Dreamspeaker, Overwhelming Magic, Illustrious Urbanite
Domineering, Charming, Crime : Sedition
Dream (1/day)
Spells Known:
0 - Daze, Message, Mage Hand, Lullaby
1(3) - Sleep, Charm Person, Telepathic Projection
During the passing years though, the heir to the house, a headstrong young man, grew jealous of his father’s affection for Aleksand. The young man began claiming that Aleksand was trying to take his position as heir to the family. Upon hearing such accusations the family laughed and told him to 'grow up'. Persistent was this young man though, and he escalated with a claim one evening in the middle of the night that Aleksand had tried to use magic on him. Now it was well known that Aleskand had some minor ability to move objects and other small things around, but it never grew to more than that. The family, irritated at the young man’s claims, told him that enough was enough. But, his thick-headedness knew no bounds and he challenged Aleksand to a duel. Despite the family's feelings, tradition tied their hands and they had to relent and allow it. The next morning on the field stood Aleksand facing death for he could not match the young man’s martial prowess. As the duel started Aleksand threw down his sword bravely and humbly saying, 'Do what you will to sate your hatred for me!' Enraged the young man charged Aleksand only to be stopped by his father’s words. The father, accepting the tradition and his son’s position, presented an option to spare the life of Aleksand for a time, sending him to Brandscar prison. So here I am...,” and with a sweep of his arms a raggedy elf stands before his fellow cellmates
F. Castor |
Well, here is the crunch of my submission with a few fluffy bits to explain certain choices of mine, sans the Crime trait (still deciding on that one).
Male Elf Fighter (Weapon Master) 1/Monk
NE Medium Humanoid (Elf)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 30 ft., low-light vision; Perception +10
AC 14, touch 14, flat-footed 10. . (+4 Dex)
hp 9 (1d10-1)
Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +1; +2 vs. fear
Defensive Abilities None; DR None; Immune None; Resist None; SR None
Weaknesses None
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Unarmed strike +5 (1d3+2/20/x2/bludgeoning, nonlethal)
Ranged None
Special Attacks None
Str 14, Dex 18, Con 9, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +1; CMB +3/+5; CMD 17
Feats Alertness, Combat Stamina, The Bitten, Weapon Focus (Longsword)
Feat Taxes Agile Maneuvers, Combat Expertise, Deadly Aim, Power Attack, Weapon Finesse
Traits Seeker, Survivor, ?
Skills (Trained) Acrobatics +8, Climb +6, Knowledge (History) +6, Knowledge (Local) +6, Knowledge (Nobility) +3, Perception +10, Sense Motive +8, Stealth +8, Swim +6; Modifiers Keen Senses
Skills (Untrained) Appraise +2, Bluff +1, Craft +2, Diplomacy +1, Disguise +1, Escape Artist +4, Fly +4, Heal +1, Intimidate +1, Perform +1, Ride +4, Survival +1
Languages Common, Elven, Goblin, Sylvan
SQ Bonus Feats (Fighter), Chosen Weapon (Longsword), Fey Thoughts, Memories Beyond Death
Combat Gear None; Other Gear Traveler's outfit
Magic Items None
Oils None; Potions None; Scrolls None
Money 0 platinum pieces, 0 gold pieces, 0 silver pieces, 0 copper pieces; Other Wealth None
As for a bit more detail:
I went with the monk VMC mechanically, but refluffing it as not actual training but basically growing vampiric strength (Unarmed Strike), resilience and agility (Evasion and Improved Evasion, Ki Pool uses, AC Bonus).
Survivor is this trait. Not exactly squalor (Raven hails from an elven noble House) and more cautious than ardently distrustful, I am thinking the trait stems from his having to survive as basically a somewhat sickly pre-vampire after being shunned by his family and other elves when they discover his... condition.
Fey Thoughts (it replaces Elven Weapon Familiarity) skills are Acrobatics and Stealth. Just a wee bit of fey ancestry, enough to grant a bit of added agility and reflexes, but no actual magic. Besides, Raven has focused almost exclusively on mastery of the longsword, hardly one of the elves' most exotic weapons.
Memories Beyond Death (it replaces Elven Immunities and Elven Magic) skills are Knowledge (Local) and Knowledge (History). A weird side effect of his being bitten; it diminished his elven side, but granted him resistance to fear, as well as some insight and knowledge of past events, as the one who bit him was particularly old and had lived in a lot of places and through quite a bit of history.
Background skill points have gone to Knowledge (History) and Knowledge (Nobility). The former to reflect the bite's weird side effect, the latter because he is the scion of a noble House.
Tsura Vhiski |
Here is the submission for Tanner Nielsen.
Tsura Vhiski
LE Human Female
Oracle (Intrigue) of Asmodeus / VMC Sorcerer (Rakshasa)
Crime: Fraud
Tsura joined the cult of Asmodeus to impress a boy.
She wishes she had a better story to tell -- a story filled with rebellious intrigue, vile rituals, and dark oaths made in secret places -- but she doesn't. There was a boy with sparkling eyes and a roguish half-smile who invited her to a gathering with some of his friends. They were the second- and third-sons of nobility. They had time, money, and few responsibilities. She was the daughter of a moderately successful merchant, and felt thrilled at just the opportunity to spend time with such company. They gathered in a basement, drew a clumsy summoning circle on the floor with chalk, and chanted nonsense prayers to the Dark Lord.
At first, she was shocked like any respectable citizen of Talingarde. The worship of any god but Mitra was forbidden and grounds for arrest, especially one so vile!... but the boy was cute. Cute and rich. What was the harm in just pretending? After all, this was hardly more reckless than the typical behavior of noble wastrels. It was just chalk and silly chants. What harm could it cause?
Tsura attended a second gathering, then a third. The third was going to be her last. The boy seemed to be growing bored with their theological rebellion, and she was certain he was going to pay her a call to court her. They began their chants and drew their chalk circles. One of the boys drew an unholy symbol. He was a poor artist, and previous drawings had only a superficial resemblance to the real thing, but tonight by luck he managed to draw the symbol of Asmodeus correctly. Tsura's eyes locked on the symbol against her will. It drew all of her focus and attention. The room, the chanting, and the boys faded from her perception. Only the symbol remained. It seemed bizarrely familiar, like something she had once known but had forgotten long ago. An itch grew in the back of her mind.
Hello, my child.
Tsura screamed and ran from the basement. She ran through streets and alleys all the way until she reached her front door with burning legs and gulping air. She ignored her parents questions and bolted herself in her room. It took several hours of talking to herself, convincing herself that it didn't happen, before she felt calm enough to go to bed. She dreamed....
The rest is fairly standard, as far as servants of the dark are concerned. A black figure appeared in her dreams. Promises of riches and glory. Demands for obedience and service. Everything she ever wanted could be hers. What would be required of her? Why, just sowing discord in the church of Mitra. You don't even have to get your hands dirty with blood or violence! Just use your new talents to enrich yourself at the cost of those fat priests. The ones who collect for the poor every week, but the poor never seem to see it? It's justice, really....
So Tsura did just that. Using her new abilities and powers, she posed as a financier. She visited powerful and influential priests, promising them extremely lucrative rates of return on investment in a gold mine far north near the borderlands. Of course, there was no gold mine. She used the capital from investors to pay their dividends without ever making profit. Her 'success' led to more investors, more capital, and more skimming. She lived like a queen.
It came crashing down after someone took the time to send an appraiser to inspect the gold mine. A swift investigation found that nearly 80,000 gold pieces had been lost in the scheme. Tsura's crimes were not publicized or prosecuted -- after all, it wouldn't do for the public to learn that certain clergymen were so wealthy. Instead, she was quickly tried in a church tribunal and sentenced to a lifetime of labor in the salt mines.
Tsura now finds herself in Branderscar Prison, having never even hurt a fly. She plots how to escape, and bring greater chaos and ruin to the hypocrites of Mitra.
Kayne Rhal |
Finally got it done this morning, now I'm going to go to bed so i can go to work in about 4 hours....
Introducing Wraith, he will eventually work his way into lich or it something better comes up then we'll see.
Male daemon-spawn tiefling necromancer (undead[APG]) 1/sorcerer* (Pathfinder Player Companion: Blood of Fiends 19, Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 147, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 264)
LE Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +1
AC 13, touch 13, flat-footed 10 (+3 Dex)
hp 6 (1d6)
Fort +1, Ref +3, Will +3; +2 trait bonus vs. death effects
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Speed 30 ft.
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2)
. . 1/day—death knell (DC 13)
Necromancer Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5)
. . 1st—animate skeleton, curse of ineptitude (DC 15), ear-piercing scream[UM] (DC 15)
. . 0 (at will)—detect magic, mage hand, prestidigitation
. . Opposition Schools Abjuration, Enchantment
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 18, Wis 12, Cha 13
Base Atk +0; CMB +3; CMD 14
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Command Undead, Scribe Scroll, Spell Mastery
Traits deathtouched, grave robbery, inured to death
Skills Bluff +2, Knowledge (arcana) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Knowledge (local) +8, Knowledge (religion) +8, Linguistics +8, Spellcraft +8
Languages Common, Daemonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling
SQ arcane bond (Arcane Familiar), bloodline (undead), bolster, power over undead
Other Gear wizard starting spellbook
Special Abilities
Abjuration You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Abjuration school.
Agile Maneuvers Use DEX instead of STR for CMB
Arcane Familiar Nearby You gain the Alertness feat while your familiar is within arm's reach.
Bolster (+1, 1 round, 7/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touched undead gains desecrate spell benefits for duration.
Command Undead (DC 11) (Su) Receive Command Undead or Turn Undead as a bonus feat.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Empathic Link with Familiar (Su) You have an empathic link with your Arcane Familiar.
Enchantment You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Enchantment school.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Energy Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Fire attacks.
Share Spells with Familiar Can cast spells with a target of "You" on the familiar with a range of touch.
Spell Mastery (Animate Skeleton, Curse of Ineptitude, Ear-Piercing Scream) You can prepare the chosen spells without a spellbook.
Undead Associated School: Necromancy
Spell Mastery: Animate Skeleton, Curse of Ineptitude, Ear-Piercicing Scream, Inflict Pain
“You keep asking me about my past, like knowing it will help explain why I’m the way I am. “ The man in the rags, chained to the wall states to the monk of Mitra writing in his book.
“Sir you did say you would share with us. “ The monk had a frighten look on his face as he stared at the man. It grew worse as he was tricked into looking at the man’s gaunt face and piercing red eyes.
“That I did, didn’t I?” With a chuckle at the monks discomfort.
“Well I don’t know the beginning as my memory only seems to reach back to the middle of this story. When I found myself amongst the bones.”
I can’t begin to imagine why I awoke in this long forgotten tomb. No memories of my past, recent or long forgotten, but I figured my current predicament had something to do with the knife in my hand and the book found in a satchel at my waist. As I found myself in this chamber of the dead I won’t lie and say I didn’t panic. Hell I know I panicked for about 3 days, it was when I finally didn’t have enough strength to continue scratching at the stone door, bloody fingers finally registering as pain and I couldn’t hold myself up anymore. Finally exhausted I really took a long look at the room I was in.
The room was boxed shape except for the crescent shaped northern wall. I shocked myself as I thought about what I just looked at. I knew the orientation of the room. If I knew that I must know more. As I examined the room more details about it came to me. The pile of bones I found myself in was found across from the northern wall, along that wall were the sign of a very old magic array. As I studied the array, images of me working around it seemed to flash into my head. In that instant it was all back, but I keep that from the monk in this story. He doesn’t need to know what my beginnings are. What I do tell him is that I have a flash of what this array is for like I do all the others. It’s an augmentation array for modifying undead, intrigued I opened the book from the satchel and realizing it was a journal and spell book. The journal talked about enhancing the basic undead skeleton into new and exciting variations.
As I studied more, I finally realized I was starving and while the water skin still had some few drops I had no food. So I turned my attention to the door, as I sat there studying it a thought finally came to me and soon I had the door open. Hours later I came across what I can only assume to be my original camp. Recouping over the next couple days I studied the magic found in the book trying to find out what my other self was doing. Having no recourse, I knew I must start again from the beginning. What I realized was that the array was a good start, it was key to creating skeleton champions of enhancing power, but what I tried needed something different.
Looking over the spell book again a single spell jumped out as a beginning for what I felt was a chance at real power. Once I felt I was ready I went back into the ruin to the spell array room. The bones finally made sense, they might have been the previous guardians or components brought by myself. Either way they would be my beginning.
Using the array I started the ritual, it would be months before I would get it to work. In that time I finished learning the rest of spells. I realize that a lot of the book seemed to be missing pages, many seemed torn out, and I would later learn desperate mages could use these pages. In reality the pages were torn out for notes, but I want to allude to two things, the first I was I wanted to let the monk think I was at one point more powerful. The other that before I was eventually caught that the Mitran Knight Order was closer than they were.
So the spell completed, it gave me a guardian. I could see its strengths but I was but a skeleton, and while it was week now the notes truly spoke at the hidden potential of these overlooked minions. Finally realizing that the ruin had nothing left for me I made sure that nothing remained to link me here and to seal this ruin from those who would destroy it. Loading down my minion we travelled to one of the frontier towns, I knew that restarting this research would require material. At least a frontier town would have a consistent flow of people and a few missing here and there or a grave dug up might go unnoticed.
I’ll do us both a favor here, over the next several years I recruited 2 people to my cause, one for money and the other for the unused material. Ford was the grave keeper and thanks to the money I paid him, was able to keep a mistress on the side. Though from the screams down the hall I guess you didn’t cut him any slack. The other was Mordechai, a ghoul who said he was over 100 years old. Personally I figure he was more likely the last grave keeper and put him dead at a few years over 20. With the promise of a fresh corpse or a chance to eat living flesh he cleaned the flesh off the bones. This arrangement lasted about a year, while my research was slowly making progress. I realized it would take longer than I think I had time for, this lead to another branch of study.
The look on the monk’s face drains of blood at this, I think he either knows of my research material or were I was going.
Yes my good sir I studied the most darkest of dark and yet I’m being punished for grave robbing that’s because I’m already be beheaded within the week. I even heard they might draw and quarter me for good measure. Bury my remains in the salt mines some of the other prisoners have to work. I look forward to it.
Now let me finish there’s not much left to tell. Well Ford was starting to feel greedy so I was starting to have to dig my own materials. Mordechai seemed to disappear, I think now the knights that got me were watching and waiting either dealt with him or scared him off. Really doesn’t matter. The deed was done the moment I opened the coffin. My guardian skeleton was nothing more than a stop gap, but it was enough time to destroy the book with my records and experimental data. So here I am bruised and nearly broken but alive, for now at least.
Guards can soon be heard coming down the hall. So I’m done here. Take your notes and write your storey for the records, but I’ll give you something to worry about. Walls and bars don’t scare me, and work is nothing new to me. So I will be back, and when I do you may want to worry that I’m coming after you.
Excerpt from Monk Yannis’ notes on Prisoner known as Wraith.
Prisoner seems to talk whenever it suits him, it can be said he can run on unless he has some point to tell. Education seems to be a mixture of self-study and formal training, which has led him to be precise with this words. Over our discussions he’s made several small promises and follows through with them when he can.
*side note I worry about his last promise to me
Methodical and through his notes that were recovered are detailed and precise.
One final note, though this is what I discovered but I fear that he might be putting up a façade. I can only assume that the only person that will truly know Wraith, is Wraith.
End Notes
Excerpt from Monk Yannis’ notes on Prisoner known as Wraith.
Prisoner can be easily described but not easily identified. From looking at him its not hard to tell that his blood has been fouled by some planetouched creature. His head is crowned by horns, a pair that sweep back almost like what is seem in pictures of dragons. This is joined by smaller and flatter horns that blend in with his raven colored hair. Pale skin almost seems translucent, allowing his bone structure to be seen, this gives him a skeleton like appearance. It looks like he’s a master whose life reflects his passion. Scars cover his body, mostly around the hands and lower arms. If I had to guess from blood sacrificed in his dark rituals. Several arcane tattoos also cover parts of his body, the mages and priest say it gibberish but it seems to have some meaning to him. The last feature of note is the man’s eyes. Blood red iris’ surrounding a deeper red barely outlined in black. The red of the iris’ has a corona of white before there is nothing but black.
*I fear those eyes.
Animate Skeleton
This spell turns the body or bones of a person or creature into a skeleton. This spell will only animate dead creatures of Medium size or smaller. The skeleton can follow the caster and obey the caster’s commands or can remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place. The skeleton remains animated until it is destroyed. A destroyed skeleton cannot be reanimated again.
Regardless of the number of times this spell is cast, only a single skeleton from this spell may be controlled at any one time by a single caster. If another skeleton is animated using this spell while another is already under your control, the original becomes uncontrolled.
This undead does not count against your HD limit of controlled undead. An undead skeleton can be created only from a mostly intact skeleton or corpse. If a skeleton is made from a corpse, the flesh falls off the bones.
Curse of Ineptitude
You cut off a creature from all knowledge of its gifts and abilities. The subject’s Base Attack Bonus changes to a poor progression (as a sorcerer), Base Saves change to a poor progression (as a construct). The subject is no longer proficient with any armor or weapon, gains no benefits from any of its feats, and none of its skills are considered class skills. It also loses the benefit of any extraordinary abilities (such as a rogue’s sneak attack) it possess, though it retains its supernatural, spell and spell-like abilities. If you wield or are considered to be attending an item that is subject to this spell you are automatically subject to this spell so long as you are attending the item (some items bear an additional curse such that they cannot be removed or dropped).
The curse bestowed by this spell cannot be dispelled, but it can be removed with break enchantment, limited wish, remove curse, wish, or miracle. Remove curse only grants the victim a second saving throw; if this second save is failed, the spell has no further effect.
F. Castor |
Those of you who have been with me in recruitment threads before would probably be waiting (or even dared to hope... :-P) for this...
Darkness Rising: Rigel Quicklingfay, LE Female Half-Elf Cleric (Asmodean Advocate) of Asmodeus 1/Antipaladin [Blasphemy]
Deliverance: Bastian Kray, LE Male Human Wizard (Illusion, Mage of the Veil) 1/TBD [Extortion]
derpdidruid: Aviaun Koski, NE Male Dhampir (Vetala-Born) Kineticist (Dark Elementalist) 1/Oracle [Kidnapping]
F. Castor: Raevanis Dwin'Alir, NE Male Elf Fighter (Weapon Master) 1/Monk [TBD]
Ictoo: Aeron Carden, NE Male Human Alchemist (Beastmorph, Vivisectionist) 1/Ranger [Murder]
Javell DeLeon: Morthos, LE Male Human Antipaladin (Knight of the Sepulcher, Tyrant) of Asmodeus 1/TBD [High Treason]
Kayne Rhal: Wraith, LE Male Tiefling (Daemon-Spawn) Wizard (Necromancy, Undead) 1/Sorcerer [Grave Robbery]
Kevin O'Rourke 440: TBD
leinathan: Dante, LN Male Human Investigator (Psychic Detective) 1/Ranger [Heresy]
meloriel: Jezebel, NE Female Human Witch (Ley-Line Guardian) 1/Sorcerer [Murder]
Saashaa: Aleksand, NE Male Elf Psychic (Dream) 1/Sorcerer (Fey) [Sedition]
Sapiens: TBD
Shadowtail24: Zuriel Wordbringer, LE Male Elf Monk (Maneuver Master, Monk of the Four Winds) 1/Wizard [Forgery]
Tanner Nielsen: Tsura Vhiski, LE Female Human Oracle (Intrigue) of Asmodeus 1/Sorcerer (Rakshasa) [Fraud]
Tulay Miller: Noir Sanguina, NE Female Dhampir Slayer (Cutthroat) 1/TBD [Attempted Murder]
Vanulf Wulfson: Cain Malibourne, LE Male Human Inquisitor (Sanctified Slayer) of Asmodeus 1/Sorcerer (Infernal) [Attempted Murder]
william Nightmoon: Alian Ahl Ghul, CE Male Half-Elf (Half-Drow) Cleric (Hidden Priest) of Hastur 1/TBD [TBD]
Aviaun Koski |
I stink at exposition.
Aviaun is a Dark elementalist void kineticist who is planing on taking some levels of Inspired blade swashbuckler. He will fulfill the switch hitter roll fairly well. He's also a half decent skill monkey.
Aviaun Kidnapped the daughter of a lord of the great lord Adrian, Samantha he calls her. He treated her with great kindness and she stayed with him willingly as she grew to adulthood, as he managed to evade detection for 22 years and had kidnapped her at only 2 years of age. The origianl plan was to ransom her back to the family, but he took an unexpected liking to the little tyke and decided to keep her.
Only after killing a drunk nobody in a duel he had been forced into was he discovered to have kidnapped a member of a prestigious family. For too that very day her father had told every guard in every city he had any influence in to watch for a freckled girl with a birthmark on the nape of her neck.
She is now back with her family, whether she abandons, or try's to save the man she knows as father. Rather than accepting the one everyone says she should is a story yet to be told.
Samantha has curly light brown hair, freckles on her nose and cheeks and a birthmark on the nape of her neck. She is slender and not muscled in the slightest.
“You mean kidnapped.” Interrupts the only other person in the room.”You kidnapped lord Adrian's daughter while he was hosting a party. Snatched right from the crib. Why?”
Aviaun stares at his captor for a moment before sighing. “It's rude to interrupt you know... Anyways, a long life of loneliness I suppose, I wished for a friend who shared my outlook, I couldn't find one. So, when I hear that the good lord would be distracted along with most of his guard, I snuck in and took the child. I'd wager to say that I was the superior father too.” Aviaun snarks at his interrogator. “I taught that girl more useful skills than she'd ever have learned in whatever school her ass of a father would have sent her.”
“Like?” The interrogator asks.
Aviaun narrows his eyes at the man. “The value of powerful friends.” he replies coldly.
The interrogator chuckles. “Well I suppose she chose right, she was crying about how she missed her daddy when she got home you know.
A flat expression rests on Aviaun's face at the “revelation” by the guardsman. “Really now?”
“Mhm... And now she's there with him, after all these years. You're finally in chains and she's finally with them.” He smiles. “Mitra has made thing right.” He soon leaves the room after a few more half hearted answers from Aviaun, leaving the Dhampire alone with his thoughts.
“Daddy's coming...” He says hopefully. “He's coming for his speck of light.”
Cole Hale, Servant of Asmodeus |
Nope, I missed the human skill rank, thanks. Taking Silver Tongued. Desertion sounds good as well. I will make Knowledge Religion my other background skill getting prof soldier as a bonus and pick up Disguise. I brain farted on the spells, I changed it thinking I was memorizing and have CLW twice seemed the best choice. Fixed. :)
Alian Ahl Ghul |
I hate this stygmatism against the chaos alignments. Sure, I'm a little crazy, but not enough to murder my allies or run off on my own.
The chaos alignments are so misjudged,(as much as evil typically is)
Chaos doesn't represent pure unadulterated chaos, it represents freedom of choice and the embodiment of a free spirit!!!
Which is ironic for Hastur seeing that all his followers have seen the yellow sign one time or another- meaning they are basically all unwilling followers to the God. And under his control if you really want to get deep into it.
But honestly I'm picking Hastur more out of interest than honest devotion. I thought a crazy person dressed in yellow would. Make an interesting Character.
But if you demand I follow the rules, then I will. But I think you should give Chaos a little slack.
Otherwise if all chaotic characters where loners you wouldn't have goblins, drow, several good societies, and the silver ravens would be a lost cause (chaotic good anyone?).
Honestly Chaos doesn't make a good leader, they do however make excellent followers, or leaders of revolts.
As for the Hastur, if he isn't an option I'll change over to Lamashtu, and save my crazy Hastur worshiper for some other game.
GM Phntm888 |
Alright, new day, more to review.
Was Inarus one of the pirate crew, or did he stay in the village? If he didn't actually engage in Piracy itself, it may not make the most sense for his crime - Blasphemy might be better.
Otherwise, looks mostly good, but I'd like you to have been the only one sent to Branderscar - possibly because you're a Tiefling.
Due to the way alchemist extracts work, you technically do not have any prepared. What I will give you is that you were able to memorize the formulae before your capture, so if you find the resources, you will be able to prepare them. Does that make sense?
You get 2 traits plus the Crime trait, so you will need to select another trait.
By my count, your total number of skills is 4+Int Mod (2)+2 Bonus+2 Background+1 Human for a total of 11. I count 14. If you do not actually have ranks in a skill, please don't list it in your Skills area. Also, I would like you to note the Background Skills in some way (an asterisk is fine).
You do not have a starting formula book.
Looking forward to reading the backstory.
@Zektolna: Studied Target will stay at a move action and +1, unless I decide not to do Quarry and replace it with an increase to Studied Target and the swift action ability at 19.
Re: Peter - The crunch looks good now. The backstory isn't bad, but Peter needs to be definitively found guilty. We're talking "caught in the act" guilty. You don't get sent to Branderscar for "We really think you're guilty, but we can't prove it". The murder your caught for should also be slightly higher profile.
In my aliases is Kelvar Mylan - if the Serial Killer Vigilante had been out when I made him, he'd probably have that class/archetype instead of Slayer. Take a look at his backstory for an example of the kind of crime I'm talking about.
Re: Aleksand - Please mark which skills are background skills. Otherwise the crunch looks good. The backstory does not fit the crime of sedition. Sedition is a crime which involves convincing others to try and overthrow the government. You don't take any action yourself towards doing so, but convince others to. Since the duel didn't end in the son's death, Dueling to the Death doesn't fit either. If you can, try to find a crime that better fits what you want from that backstory.
With Feat Tax rules, Weapon Focus applies to a fighter weapon group, not just one weapon. The longsword is in the heavy blades group, so you would have Weapon Focus (heavy blades).
We'll call Survivor tentative. I want to see how it gets fluffed in the backstory.
Looking forward to your crime and backstory. One thing before we get there: are you okay not knowing who your Vampiric sire is?
Okay, couple of things for the Backstory.
First and foremost, most Mitran clergy aren't that corrupt. If you check out the Talingarde primer, you'll note that any corruption is a rarity amongst them. While I like the crime of defrauding the church of Mitra, speculation on a fake gold mine isn't the way to do it. Second, how and when did she get Bitten? Make sure to include that.
As far as crunch goes, please note the duration of Assumed Form. Since the ability acts as Disguise Self with a caster level equal to your class level, that includes the duration aspect of Disguise Self.
You also get an extra 2 skill points per level in addition to the Background Skills and the others, so you will need to choose two more skills. Please mark which skills are background skills (an asterisk will do).
Still having trouble with the Point Buy. Vetala-Born is +2 Dex, +2 Wis, -2 Int. In order to get the pre-racial stats, you're looking at Str 12 (2 points), Con 16 (10 points), Dex 12 (2 points), Int 16 (10 points), Wis 12 (2 points), Cha 11 (1 point) for a total of 27 points.
I think the way the stats are supposed to read is Str 12, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 11, which comes out to 25 point buy. If that's the case, make sure you update appropriately.
You're slightly off on skill points. I only count 9 skill points spent. You should have 6+Int Mod (2)+2 Bonus+2 Background for 12 total.
I don't see your hit points, nor where you put your Favored Class Bonus. If in skill points, you should have 13 total.
Your stat block could use some overall formatting. Take a look at some of the others' stat blocks, or you can look at the Pathfinder characters in my aliases for an example.
As far as Backstory, I'm still not sure what you mean about Noir coming face to face with a real Vampire. Is that referencing Lord Vlance?
I'm not sure the dossier format is reading well. I'd prefer a more straightforward story of Noir's life.
@Seth86: I'll see if I can get that figured out in time.
I need to know the current fate of your familiar. When you were captured, what happened to it? Was it killed by the Knight of the Alerion, or did it disappear after the ritual?
Does she know when she was Bitten, or is that part of the blur?
Okay, let's get started. You're a few skill points short. By my count you should have 2+Int mod (4)+2 Extra+2 Background+1 Favored Class for a total of 11. I only count 7, so I'm guessing you missed the 2 Extra skill points for each class and the 2 Background skills. Please mark which skills are the background skills (an asterisk will do).
Backstory looks good. Very efficient, and a good read.
The 1001 spells: I'm not a fan of animate skeleton being available as a level 1 spell. Ultimate Magic has Lesser Animate Dead available as a Level 3 spell, and it allows the creation of one Small or Medium-sized skeleton or zombie. I'll allow it, but bumped up to a level 2 spell.
What is the duration of touch of ineptitude? That seems incredibly powerful for a level 1 spell.
Please mark which skills are background skills. The rest of the crunch looks good.
I didn't learn much about Aviaun from the backstory provided. Could you go into more detail about his history? How old is he, what are some things that have happened in his life apart from the kidnapping of Samantha?
There are specific skills that can be taken as background skills. You can find the list on under the Skills section. Knowledge (religion) cannot be a background skill.
More questions to be answered/characters to be reviewed later.
GM Phntm888 |
@William Nightmoon: It's actually not a bias against the chaotic alignments - the Adventure Path actually recommends not allowing chaotic evil, and I'm going by their recommendation.
Asmodeus plays a VERY major role in this Adventure Path - indeed, he is one of the only two named gods in the entire AP. I strongly suggest choosing a deity who would not be offended by their worshiper taking orders from a powerful Asmodean priest. I don't think Lamashtu is necessarily a good choice in that regard, either.
Valerian Whitewing |
Well, Honestly, it doesn't come down to worshpers and their petty clashes.
If I where to worship Lamashtu (this is William BTW), I would obviously have to deal with obeying an asmodian preist. However I do it in the name of the mother if monsters, and plan on killing the preist later and painting the walls of his temple with his blood and using it to Sommon some demons.
Anyways, I'm still going for a hidden preist, and probably plan on keeping her religion hidden from the others in the group, Although who she worships will eventually become obvious at later levels when she becomes a Demoniac.
When it comes to gods, I think Lamashtu tends to not care who her followers work with, as long as they sew ruin and destruction, the standard watch the world burn ideal.
It's Asmodeus that cares. :P
Racial Variant: 1d100 ⇒ 51- Speak to Birds
Same: 1d100 ⇒ 9-+2 Cha(taking this on top of my normal +2 Cha :P)
Inarus the Wanderer |
Well, Honestly, it doesn't come down to worshpers and their petty clashes.
If I where to worship Lamashtu (this is William BTW), I would obviously have to deal with obeying an asmodian preist. However I do it in the name of the mother if monsters, and plan on killing the preist later and painting the walls of his temple with his blood and using it to Sommon some demons.
Anyways, I'm still going for a hidden preist, and probably plan on keeping her religion hidden from the others in the group, Although who she worships will eventually become obvious at later levels when she becomes a Demoniac.
When it comes to gods, I think Lamashtu tends to not care who her followers work with, as long as they sew ruin and destruction, the standard watch the world burn ideal.
It's Asmodeus that cares. :P
Just remember that other PCs may be Asmodean. And if you try to kill as Asmodean for the favor of his rival...the Asmodean PCs might well off you in return.
Valerian Whitewing |
Just remember that other PCs may be Asmodean. And if you try to kill as Asmodean for the favor of his rival...the Asmodean PCs might well off you in return.
Of course! It adds to the fun, besides its not my idea to get PvP going, I'm definitely gonna work with the party for as long as it lasts...
Also, I see we have free VMC, with this I'll probably choose either Fighter or sorcerer (Abyssal bloodline of course)
Inarus the Wanderer |
We’re on the same page then. :)
The abyssal bloodline could be quite good. Especially if you take the tiefling racial bite attack. 3 primary natural attacks are quite good for a pure caster. And given your Dex11, I don’t think armor training would help that much. But either way, they are both good options.
GM Phntm888 |
@William Nightmoon: That's fine, but you're going to have to sell me on the character's backstory and personality.
Don't forget that Hidden Priest still requires the divine focus for spells, even if hidden. In addition, the character still must be willing to sign an infernal contract. Their reasons can be their own, but they must sign it and be willing to abide by it.
Fighting Chicken |
Dotting for interest.
GM Phntm888, quick question: can we make PCs that aren't from Talingarde? If so, can we assume that Talingarde is on Golarian somewhere? I've got a submission from a previous WotW game that I'd like to tweak and submit.
She's a Chelaxian occultist archaeologist who has traveled to Talingarde under false pretenses (as a Andoran or Taldan noblewoman interested in studying Talingardian orphanages, or some such thing). Her real reason for travel is to secure an ancient and rare Asmodean manuscript lost during the Asmodean purges (The Inward Facing Journey, a somewhat heretical writing largely purged from Asmodean records, concerning itself with undeath). She's been captured shortly after arrival, even at customs perhaps, arrested for blasphemy (as she is a devout Asmodean, and the false bottom of her trunk contained her personal copy of the Asmodean Monograph, the Asmodean holy text, as well as copious notes regarding her theories of the current whereabouts of The Inward Facing Journey).
Kayne Rhal |
@GM Phntm888
While I caught that I was missing the bonus skills from the campaign I didn't realize we were using background skills. At this time I'm not gonna update the full sheet but I will post an updated skills list.
Skills: Bluff +2; *Craft (tattoo) +6*; Knowledge (Arcana, History, Local, Religion) +8; Linguistics +8; *Lore (Undeath)* +8; Profession (scribe) +5; Sleight of Hand +6; Spellcraft +8;
*skill* denotes background skill
Racial Modifiers: +2 Sleight of Hand
Now about those spells
So first off I want to argue for allowing me to keep animate skeleton for two reasons. First off there is a mat cost of the 50g Onyx per HD which for a while wont be readily available and that it creates and lets me only control 1 skeleton. The second would be to only allow me to change the spell to only create 1HD skeletons. This limits it power fairly well.
But the choice is yours and I'll respect your decision either way.
Second I did realize the power of Curse of Ineptitude and your right to question. Since hero lab had it as a casting time of swift I did question it even more. In the end the true power of the spell in 7th level, so hero lab lied to me and I'm going to have to report it.
So as a replacement I'm thinking of throwing in Curse of Ineptness (which i think hero lab was aiming for.)
Curse of Ineptness
School: Necromancy; Level: Wizard 1
Casting Time: 1 Swift Action
Compnents: V,S,M (fur of a black cat)
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: One creature
Duration: 1 Round
Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes
You impart a streak of bad luck on the target. Any actions the target takes in the round in which it is affected have a 50% chance of failing.
Thanks for the review, I think I might do up a new profile for him later and start interacting the with other Inmates to see what other character traits I can draw out.
GM Phntm888 |
@Zektolna: No problem. Looking forward to the character.
@Kayne: No worries on the skills, I'd just like a final consolidated post by the end of recruitment.
I did not realize there was a 50 gp per HD onyx requirement. That makes it a little better, especially since you aren't starting with any and aren't likely to find any.
We'll see how it works in play, but I'll leave it mostly as is for now with two restrictions. There's an HD limit, but I'll make it equal to your HD (so as you get more powerful, the skeleton you create with the spell does). The other is that you can only create standard skeletons, not variants. Are you okay with those limits?
Curse of Ineptness makes a lot more sense for level 1. I approve of that one. Curse of Ineptitude can be taken once you have 7th level spells, since that is far more appropriate a power level for that spell.
I'm really not a difficult GM, I just know that 3rd-party stuff isn't always balanced as compared to non-3rd-party stuff, and I don't want someone who doesn't have or use 3rd-party to feel overshadowed.
@Sapiens: I need you to link me source material for the characters, not just stat blocks. If they are on or their own sight, provide me a link please.
Okay, so when I looked over the information Joseph Stoltz presented me for Spheres of Might, I missed that when you choose a Sphere it gave free ranks in a skill equal to HD. I am not okay with that as compared to others who are not using Spheres of Might. So, two options:
Option 1: Each time you gain a Sphere, you lose 1 skill point per level (this includes the 2 bonus skill ranks from the campaign, but not background skills).
Option 2: Spheres do not grant Skill ranks equal to HD.
Let me know which option you prefer.