GM Peachbottom's Curse of the Crimson Throne (Inactive)

Game Master Peachbottom

Chapter Six: Crown of Fangs
Part Three: Legacy of Blood

Charisma Rerolls: A PC can spend a Harrow Point to reroll a Charisma-based check. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to attempt additional rerolls).

Destiny Shall Not Be Denied: A PC can spend a Harrow Point as an immediate action to force the GM to reroll a d20 roll. She must abide by the new result (although if she has additional Harrow Points remaining, she can use them to force additional rerolls).

Psychic Wrath: A PC with levels in a class that grants bonus spells based on her Charisma score can spend a Harrow Point to increase the power of a spell from that class’s spell list as she casts it. She increases the spell’s DC by 2 and gains a +4 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance and a +2 bonus on attack rolls for that spell.

Roll Card: Gain a +2 bonus on all Charisma-based checks. In addition, he treats his caster level as if it were 1 higher when casting spells gained from a class that grants bonus spells based on his Charisma score.

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Ayako gives Fluffy some snacks.

Will level later

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Tyrandro is now level 11.

Some more riding and increasing the same skills as always.
Pin Point Targeting as bonus feat
and Weapon Focus for 11th. All cool feats I don't have already for Bow have that as prereq.

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)

Fluffy wanted the Bulls Strength Potions. Though he has not solved the issue with the lack of hands. But maybe he can simply eat the whole vials?

As for level up: Fluffy retreats in a corner and cries bitterly as he gets nothing. NOTHING! Not a single point of increase in ANYTHING!

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Sebastian also fights with Dex, yes. That crossbow sounds sweet, too bad it's an exotic weapon :/

Sorry all, the conference was anything but relaxing, and it's taken be the better part of an extra week to recover.

It looks like I do have to level up twice now, though XD

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

If your charcter sheet is an indication, then you hve to level thrice.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Nah, I routinely forget to update the level field. BAB is the best indicator, because I suck.

Maybe I should have let you replace me after all D:

EDIT: Catching up on the gameplay, I'm super bummed I missed this fight. Gargoyles are awesome, and it burns that my coolest kill the entire game happened while I was a bot. I'm loving it, GM!

Fluffy should do what Mushu did and have a hand of the mage so he can uncork the flasks with the magic thumb

Level 11

HP 4+2= +6
+1 Bab
Revelation:Dweller in the Darkness Once per day, you cast your psyche into the void of space to attract the attention of a terrible otherworldly being. The dweller in darkness behaves in all ways as if you had cast phantasmal killer. At 17th level, the dweller in darkness can be perceived by more than one creature, as if you had cast weird. You must be at least 11th level to choose this revelation.
+1 4th +1 5th level spell a day
+1 3rd,4th,5th level spells will look over spell lists

New feat! Combat Casting +4 bonus on concentration checks made to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability when casting on the defensive or while grappled.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

New Spells:

Mirror Image
Dispel Magic
Stone Skin, Communal

Know Arcana

Feat: Merciful Spell

Sorry I can’t post tonight. I intended to but my computer needed to be reset for an update and 4 hours later it is still updating. Wtf! Posting from phone while I’m still waiting.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28
Sebatian wrote:
"You know Tyrandro, I can't quite place my finger on when it was exactly, but fighting alongside you has stopped feeling sporting."

Fighting with a bow gets quicker kills. Not having to reach the enemies is a large boon in the action economy.

Reminds me of the contest between Legolas and Gimli. "No matter how big it is, The Oliphant still only counts as one!"

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Lol I'm not personally worried about it. I knew that the Swashbuckler would be a fun class, even if it really isn't terribly powerful at higher levels. It's just as well, what with my troubles keeping up a posting schedule.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

It's a shame it's past the situation in game already.

"I dream of the day when our enemies come to the same conclusion and simply go home." Tyrandro replies with a smirk.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

That's what flex-time is for!

"Don't tell me you're tired of being ambushed by assassins already?"

Mushu becomes even meaner!

11th level Pig

35 HP
+1 Bab
+1 Natural Armor
Int 11
Spell Resistance 16!
Know-Planes,Perception,Diplomacy,Stealth +1

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

"Well, I could for sure live without that. I'm not sure how the Sklar-Quah see that, but if people die around us because of that it's bad. Why are they on our heels anyway?" Tyrandro tells.

"Your piggy has grown to be a mean ankle biter by the way." he comments to Ayako.

It is just one spirit for the whole group. It doesn’t have to be a literal ancestor. Per the adventure path, Zellara is your best choice.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Level 11 (from 9)
HP: 84 (76+9+9) [I'm pretty sure I messed this up somewhere along the way]
BAB: +2 to +11/+6/+1
Saves: Ref +1 to +7
Skills: +8 points
Class abilities: Charmed Life 5/day, Nimble +3 (up from +2, increasing AC), new deeds
Feat: ???

New deed Evasive gives Sebastian the benefits of Evasion, Uncanny Dodge, and Improved Uncanny Dodge rogue class skills, as long as he has at least 1 point of panache.

New deed Subtle Blade makes Sebastian immune to disarm, steal, and sunder combat maneuvers as long as he has at least 1 point of panache.

It's worth pointing out that I took the feat Cut From The Air at 9th level, because I forgot I had it. It allows Sebastian to deflect ranged attacks against him or a target adjacent to him as an attack of opportunity, if I roll higher than the attack roll.

And I've completely lost track of wealth, because I suck.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Before that error settles in: You got 94 HP
Also you need to update your subtitle to reflext your new stats.

If nothing else comes to mind you can always take Weapon Specialisation and greater Weapon Focus.

Or if you want to make more of your Improved disarm you could go for Agile Maneuvers and Greater Disarm.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Tyrandro, you da real MVP.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Tyrandro is full enough of himself as it is. No need to add to that ;)

Tunstall wrote:
Fluffy wanted the Bulls Strength Potions. Though he has not solved the issue with the lack of hands. But maybe he can simply eat the whole vials?

That's a great way to get broken glass in the stomach but you'll figure it out.

Sebastian wrote:
And I've completely lost track of wealth, because I suck.

The last time wealth was given out was when you left Kaer Maga. That amount was 8721 gold, 1 silver, 3 copper each.

But I believe you are also planning on passing through Kaer Maga again on your way back to Korvosa, unless you are teleporting directly to Korvosa. Either way, you were planning on selling the rest of your loot again. The treasure sheet is up to date. Confirm what's being sold and I'll calculate the new amount to divide out.

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)
GM Peachbottom wrote:
Tunstall wrote:
Fluffy wanted the Bulls Strength Potions. Though he has not solved the issue with the lack of hands. But maybe he can simply eat the whole vials?
That's a great way to get broken glass in the stomach but you'll figure it out.

What damage does broken glass cause? Maybe it's worth the hassle. ;)

Don't forget that you will get damaged when the glass leaves.

Using the ghost touch blessing on my armor

Passing through Kear Maga for selling sounds like a good idea, then we can teleport back to Korsova.Will look at sheet.

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)

Taking the undead bane on the bite.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Taking the undead bane on the bow.

Animal companions don’t gain any bonus. It counts as part of your character. Tyrando can take ghost bane on the bow. Tunstall doesn’t gain it on the bite.

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)

One can try ;)

My suggestions to sell

From Party treasure
Alchemist's Fire
Books on Disease and Plague
Bag of Holding (We pretty much all have Handy Haversacks at this point)

From unclaimed
Alchemist's Fire
Mithril Chain Shirt +2
Screaming Bolts
MW Handaxes
Belt of Desterity
Ring of Protection +1

(An now thinking of Mushu with a repeating crossbow on his back)

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

I'll teleport us to Kaer Maga and then to Korvosa.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |

I'll put the undead bane on a light crossbow which I will need to purchase.

I'm not saying you can't put a repeating crossbow on Mushu but it would be very impractical. Mushu would need to somehow gain the exotic weapon proficiency feat to fire it effectively. And even if he could fire the crossbow with mage hand, he can't reload with it. So he'd at most only be able to fire 5 shots.

Handy Haversacks are not an effective replacement for a bag of holding. I recommend you keep the bag.

The central pack of a haversack can hold 8 cubic feet or 80 lbs. (So anything longer than 2 feet isn't going to fit in the haversack.) Armor, weapons larger than light weapons, etc. don't fit.

The smallest bag of holding can hold 30 cubic feet of 250 lbs. (Which is about 3 ft. per side)

You might even want to invest in a larger bag of holding.

Fire Resist 10 Human Cleric 6,HP 40/40,Init+5F6R4W9,Per10AC18/11/17

Ok, no crossbow piggy that strafes everyone under the power of flight.

Good point on keeping the Bag

Assuming selling everything currently marked as sell, plus coins, you'll each get 20,746 gp and 5 sp each.

Teutonic for Wolf of Thor (HP 126, AC 30, F+16/R+14/W+11, Ini +3, Perc. +8)

Fluffy has a cloak of resistance +1 at the moment. I'd exchange that one for the +2 one on the selling list. Or is someone else short of a +2 cloak?

Maybe considering Rods of Metamagic to give my spells more umph

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Do rings of protection stack? Because if that is the case Tyrandro could use one more. But Sebastian doesn't have his first one so far.

No rings of protection don’t stack.

Hoow often can metamagic rods be used?

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28


Extend looks good for Summons, Empower is good for my ray spells..hmmm.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

If there's a +2 Mithral Chain Shirt, I can swap that for my +1 Mithral Chain Shirt to sell and pay for the remainder out of my share of the treasure, since that's cheaper than buying a new one.

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

I don't like to count pennies. I suggest everyone takes what helps him/her from the loot and we share the cash we get for the rest. We're not that short on money that we need to buy out loot.

Just imagine that sharing mode you suggested in game. Even your LN Chelaxian wouldn't suggest that and start the bookkeeping that comes with that.

M Human Swashbuckler 12 | Init +9 | Percp +9 | HP 93/93 | AC 27| Fort +9, Ref +16, Wil +6 |

Sounds like we need a better Chelaxian ;)

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

That wouldn't help. You'd just spoil the next one too :P

Revised total is 19,871 gold and 5 silver each.

How are you entering Korvosa? Are you teleporting directly into the city? If so, a specific building? Or teleporting outside and entering through the gate?

Ok lesse..

Lesser Empower Metamagic Rod(9k) For the +50% SearingLights/Arrow of Purities vs. undead

And..saving up for a better headband(16k)

As for teleporting in. Choices are Zellara's home or the Temple of Pharesma

Male Human Infiltrator/Divine Marksman (15) - Init +8, HP132, F+16, R+22, W+13/+15CC (incl IW), AC 30/20/22 Perc +22/28

Turning your current headband in: 25k-19k-2k = 4k you're only 4k short. I don't know what to buy yet so you can have that money from Tyrandro.

Spells (L 15th; concentration +21) AC 24, T 19, FF 20 | HP 100/100| Fort +12, Ref +13, Will +14 Resist cold 20 SR 18 F human sorcerer 15 NG | Init +9; Senses Perception +8 |


+1 Light Crossbow (Putting the Undead Bane on this weapon) 2,335
Piercing Spell Metamagic Rod 11,000

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