GM_Pace's Serpent's Skull

Game Master jhpace1

Another Serpent's Skull, but with psionics and 3rd party material. Uses the Pathfinder Reference Document online as well as the Open Gaming License

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The Exchange

Oracle or Pally would prolly be pretty good, if you don't mind me sayin'.

I am definitely going Jungle Druid. Will work up build and such now. How late on the 27th are you accepting? I need to go to bed soon as I have work morrow, but I will be home by about 7pm Eastern Standard Time, and I really, really wanna try and get in this game.

Ok since you are going jungle druid i think I will come in with a pally. Will have prelim up in a bit.

Ok so I'm going to go Divine Hunter Paladin. Still looking at races and such.

Presenting Ormak Kron, old profile made new again!!

Need to do backstory and such, but I wanted to do his stats up first.

Now, bed!

Thing is, I never watched the Visionaries and I'm not envisioning a character like that, at all. What I had in mind is a ruthless mercenary, sick of nannying rich merchants, that sees the shipwreck of the Jenivere as an opportunity to prove to himself that he's a great warrior and that not even the jungles can kill him. He's not a ronin, but he's part of the Order of the Cockatrice (here's their code: A cavalier who belongs to this order serves only himself, working to further his own aims and increase his own prestige. Cavaliers of this order tend to be selfish and concerned only with personal goals and objectives. I would stick with the rest of the group because hey, we are all in this together, I might as well make good use of their abilities if this helps me survive.

Raal is dressed in a full armor and his helmet doesn't show his facial features (quite like the one in my avatar, he shows a roaring beast instead). The banner I had in mind is not a clunky thing strapped to my back, but two long linen pennants attached to my arms. They are white with a black lion embroided on them, and their purpose is to make me look more menacing and agile while I fight with two weapons at once. This is why I'm still a bit perplexed by the fact that I should rever my banners or mourn them if I lose them: I don't consider them sacred, I consider them useful.

Let me know if you are ok with my idea of the character, before I go on with the background.

Here is the catfolk Rogue that I've built.

Please take a look and give me any feedback you see necessary.

I hope it is not too late to submit my "flowing monk" Anisa'oko. I shall draw up a character profile today.

The concept is fairly simple. Anisa'oko is an escaped Mwangi slave
Alignment: Lawful Good.

She is not from an established monastic tradition She received her training in a slave camp on the Isle of Ilizmagorti (think "capoiera"). She is a survivalist.

Her "monk" weapons are simple tools (which tradional monk weapons are all suppposed to be anyway).
For example: Rather than shuriken she uses carefully selected rocks (bullets).

She can use her woodcraft to manufacture weapons on the spot with what she can find at hand. eg. Short spear, quarter staff, club

She arrives stowed in a barrel with minimal possessions. I might use her starting gold to purchase a single special item....

The basic building blocks of the concept are here:

Anisa'oko the escaped human slave:

Female Human "Monk" (Flowing)
St 13 Dx 16 Cn 14 It 12 Ws 14 Ch 10

Feats: Weapon Finesse, Agile Manoeuvres, Toughness
Monk: Flurry of Blows, Unarmed Fighting, Stunning Fist

Invest in the following skills:
Perception, Craft:woodcraft, Survive, Know (Nature), Heal, Escape Artist

***Special Exception: *Know Nature is a class skill rather than Know Religion

Divine Trait: can cast orison at will as cleric 1st: Purify Food and Drink.

Stowaway: +1 Stealth and +1 survival to find food

Weapons: Self made. Simple tools. ie. Staves, Small Spears, Club, Machetes, Sickles, Bullets (rather than Shuriken).

Background highlights:
1. Escaped slave. FLed into the wild
2. Learned to fight with bare hands and simple tools (ie. monk weapons).
3. Survived by the river and swamps. Hunted down by slavers.
4. Escaped by hiding in a barrel. Barrel was loaded onto the Jenivere.


Raal, don't mind my preconceptions and reminiscence. Thanks for the correction - Raal's a Samurai, not a Ronin. Your explanation of your banner works as well.

It's the Samurai description of the Mount that made me want to transfer any penalties to the banner. You've convinced me, I'll drop the penalties.

Just don't let the banner get frayed and tatty. Samurai were expected to be men of learning and artists as well as warriors, remember. :)


14(5)+18(16=10)+14(5)+16(10)+10(0)+12(2)=32, whoa! You've got 12 points too many there.

Going with your max stat (Dex) and similar bonus points, you could try

Then wait for 4th Level and 8th Level to bump up those 13s to 14s.


imimrtl, interesting choice of Divine Hunter Paladin. Don't forget, that although Paladins cannot cast spells for several levels, the rules say that they can use wands if the spell is on their class list. Just roll high on that Knowledge check to recognize the wand.

Ashana Blacktail:

Ashana, your interpretation of 20 ability score points being equal to 20 Racial Points from the Advance Race Guide is assuming quite liberally. Especially when the given Catfolk example uses 12 RPs. But I'll allow it, just to see if 10 RPs above a normal Human breaks the game. The Race Guide also advises to bump up the challenges of the game due to the higher abilities, so in case you're wondering why you're the party jinx, you just found out.

You still need a good background and description of how you avoid people noticing your cat ears.

Also, "Boarded In Cheliax" should be a Trait, not a Special Ability on your character page.

Monkeygod, I'll be closing submissions around midnight tonight. We have plenty of submissions, so hurry.

Ok updated my profile Varash Ironskull, answered the big 5 with the sorcerer in mind.


1. Why are you aboard the ship?
Going back to the jungle to explore my heritage and growing powers.

2. At which port did you board or are you a stowaway?
I was able to pay my way on board in Chelliax, after several years of repairing items (mending spell) and one lucky night gambling (yay bluff! :) )

3. What will your character contribute to the group?
My character will contribute arcane awesomeness, some relevant knowledge/skills and a team player attitude

4. What are your plans for your character mechanically?
stay straight sorcerer, i want to try out the bloodline powers.

5. What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?
story-wise, my character firmly believes there is something in the jungles that will help him further understand his heritage. He knows he is different, and would like to learn and control what is happening.

ok forgot equipment.
backpack, flint and steel, bedroll, 20 bolts, 2 waterskins, hammock, dagger, 10 rations, canvas (for overhead cover) map maker's kit, compass

That should be under the average starting of 70gp, i'll most of the rest was spent buying passage, leaving me with 5gp.

Just need a few minutes to get things typed up. Going for a chelixian ninja....


Why are you aboard the ship?:

I boarded the Jenivere thinking what better palce to hide from guards and angry nobles than a ship sailing for a hopefully distant land.


At which port did you board or are you a stowaway?:

I'm a stowaway.


What will your character contribute to the group?:

A pretty face to befriend, disarm, or distract the locals....
I'm also good with my blades, handy with a lock, and keeping out of sight.


What are your plans for your character mechanically?:

I will continue trainign with my 2 bladed style (more two weapon fighting feats) and with my less noble skills (stealth, sleight of hand, bluff, disable device, escape artist). I've been working on an ancient technique to tap into my Ki. Once I can do that, I've heard stories of a person making clones of themselves, attacking at blinding speed, and learning the secret of the smoke bomb. (i'm not sure exactly but like the shadow clone type abilities, flurry of stars, and the smoke bomb line of tricks.


What are your plans for your character from a story-perspective?:

I'll probably try to make friends with the strongest character physically and then work to integrate myself into the group as a whole. If I can prove how useful I am, then I should be able to convince them to accept me. Having never been away from the temple, i'll probably rely on the group for protection if I should get myself into trouble. Who knows, perhaps I can make some real fiends and find a purpose. (She's a bit of a lost lamb, not naive, but wandering with no real purpose except survival. She will strive to be useful and as the story progresses develope her first real firendships)

I know you said that stowaway's might be low on roleplay due to staying hidden, but I was thinking of doing a little twist, as written in my backstory. The idea is she seduces a crew member, lets say the first mate, and the ship is far enough out at sea where they didn't turn around. The first mate obtains permission from the captain to not toss her overbaord, provided she pays for her passage and she now walks about freely. (could eb the first mate payed for her, due to her persuasivness Diplomacy 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (9) + 7 = 16 )

Let me know your thoughts, I'm cool either way

Ok, everyone, we're entering the last few hours of submitting a character. Solos, don't take this too hard, but I'm going to have to insist you actually make up a character page for Varash Ironskull, not use your Solos page. I want to see an avatar picture. Everyone else, keep working on those character pages. The fuller, the better. If I have to decide between a Druid with 2 lines of description and a Fighter with a full paragraph of backstory and a fully-loaded character page, then I'm going to choose the Fighter and hope for the best for the players.

Do not include paying for your passage with your starting gold, nor trait-added gold. That gold is for you, not the plot.

Lots of players don't have two traits. Don't cheat yourself, choose one from the Player's Guide and another that helps your character. Add in where you boarded the Jenivere as well somewhere on the page.

I'm going to go ahead and make up the Campaign pages but nobody post until I make my decision! Right now I might have to pick 6 players instead of 5.

paarently my background increase was eaten...There is more there it jsut didnt get saved.. updating it again, sorry for that

"I love deadlines, I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams

The Exchange

Noel Vermillion wrote:
"I love deadlines, I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams

That was my senior quote for High School.

Reposting Raal with updated profile. Let me know if something's missing.

So I'm going to go a little different tack and make a Rakshasa-spawned Tiefling Paladin. Kind of a fighting against his heritage sort of thing.

Shevan Risa:
Male Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling Paladin (Divine Hunter) 1
LG Medium Outsider (Native)
Init +5; Senses Darkvision (60 feet); Perception +1
AC 16, touch 13, flat-footed 13. . (+3 armor, +3 Dex)
hp 10 (1d10)
Fort +2, Ref +3, Will +3
Resist cold 5, electricity 5, fire 5
Spd 30 ft.
Melee Flail +3 (1d8+2/20/x2) and
. . Unarmed Strike +3 (1d3+2/20/x2)
Ranged Longbow, Comp. (Str +2) +4 (1d8+2/20/x3)
Special Attacks Smite Evil (1/day)
Spell-Like Abilities Darkness (1/day), Detect Evil (At will)
Paladin (Divine Hunter) Spells Known (CL 0, 3 melee touch, 4 ranged touch):
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 16
Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 16
Feats Fiendish Heritage, Precise Shot
Traits Boarded In Cheliax, Reactionary
Skills Acrobatics +2, Bluff +5, Climb +1, Craft (Bows) +2, Diplomacy +7, Escape Artist +2, Fly +2, Ride +2, Spellcraft +4, Stealth +4, Swim +1
Languages Common
SQ Aura of Good (Ex)
Combat Gear Flail, Longbow, Comp. (Str +2), Studded Leather;
Aura of Good (Ex) The paladin has an Aura of Good with power equal to her class level.
Boarded In Cheliax +2 Knowledge (Geography) in the Mwangi Expanse.
Damage Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Cold attacks.
Damage Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Damage Resistance, Fire (5) You have the specified Damage Resistance against Fire attacks.
Darkness (1/day) (Sp) Darkness once per day.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only).
Detect Evil (At will) (Sp) You can use Detect Evil at will (as the spell).
Fiendish Heritage You possess a strong tie to your fiendish ancestors, granting you favorable abilities.

Prerequisite: Tiefling, must be taken at 1st level.

Benefit: Your fiendish bloodline proves particularly strong, being tied to a specific race
Precise Shot You don't get -4 to hit when shooting or throwing into combat.
Smite Evil (1/day) (Su) +3 to hit, +1 to damage, +3 deflection bonus to AC when used.

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Here is what I have so far. Let me know what you think. Will create an avatar soon.

Anyone have any suggestions for a Tiefling Pally?

rolls for fiendish heritage:
1d100 ⇒ 981d100 ⇒ 901d100 ⇒ 68

Here is the Avatar for Shevan. I will get up background info and such tomorrow.

Background updated! Now to find a good pic.


imimtrl, a Rakshasa-spawn Tiefling?
1.) I can't find Rakshasa anywhere but in the Ultimate Magic part of the PRD as a Sorcerer bloodline. I did find Rakshasa-spawn in the OGC SRD, so the race gets a pass.
2.) However, the OGC SRD also says on that page that Tieflings are "slightly more powerful than the base races". You plus the catgirl would bump up the challenge rating of the party by 2, not just 1.

And while I was typing you changed Rakshasa to Div. Hmmmm. Interesting. You are still quite the overpowered Level One character. I am going to have to think about this.

I don't quite understand what i need to do differently but i'll poke around.

i believe i have done it

I can change the race out to something else if that would make things easier. I just thought playing a tiefling paladin would be a neat way of doing it. I have no problem changing though if you would like me to.

avatar for Varash


Imimtrl, you don't have to change it, but you're upping the challenge rating for the team. I'd also like to know if you look 99% human or not. You can put that part in your backstory.

Varash Ironskull, thanks for the full character sheet.

I still need "where you boarded" from Varash, Anisha'oko, and Nylia.

All right, applications will close between now and me waking up tomorrow (Friday the 28th)!

Please consider Anisa 'oko. She is an escaped slave. She is a resourceful survivor .

She practices a variety of martial arts practiced among the slaves on Ilizmagorti - who had to train without weapons and without the slave drivers' knowing about it. Like - Capoeira. I created a trait for it (+1 Dance and Bluff is a class skill). I hope that's cool.

She has a heart of gold and a deep respect for life.

She is not a heavy hitter in combat. I expect lots of feints,athleticism, tripping , grappling and evasion.

I hope you like her.

I boarded in the Cheliax city of Westcrown, paying for passage, although i have offered my services in mending anything my arcane talent might be able to fix.

Silly me, I said Iw as a stowaway but not where I boarded, we'll go with Kintargo, Chelix. I can see Chelix nobles being the unforgiving types, and if hell knigths were the ones chasing her down, well she would probably want to leave town quick!

(Drum roll) AND THE WINNERS ARE.....

First off, let me thank each of you for applying. I had thought if I said "Psionics friendly" I would get 10,000 psionic applications and win a few arguments here about scared or stubborn GMs here on the Pazio boards. You proved me wrong but thought up several wonderfully original characters. I appreciate that.

That being said, I can only pick six players. We had enough characters submitted for me to host two games. I'm not prepared to take on that load. So here are the best players I could pick for a viable team for the Adventure Path called Serpents' Skull:

Cleric: Adriano Fierro, Half-Elf Cleric of Sarenrae (from Varisia)
Paladin: Shevan Risa, Rakshasa-Spawn Tiefling Paladin (Divine Hunter) (Boarded In Cheliax)
Rogue: Ashana Blacktail, Female Catfolk (Stowaway from Cheliax)
Sorcerer: Varash Ironskull, Verdant bloodline (Boarded In Cheliax)
Other: Phillip Conti, psionic Aegis (from Magnimar)
Other: Noel Vermillion, Female Dragonrider with girl Tessara (from Varisia)

Raal Saikhan:

Raal, I want you to know you have a great character, but I did promise that anyone from the old GM_Todd Serpent's Skull game would get first choice. That's the only reason you got dropped. Raal is a very viable character, keep him for another game.

Ormak Kron:

Monkeygod, you have a fantastic concept, I just ran out of player slots. Don't throw the character away.

Anisha'oko and Nylia:

Anisha'oko and Nylia, don't feel that you came in late and lost. I just ran out of players slots.

If you weren't picked, don't delete your character! Real Life can cause a host of problems. People drop out. If that happens in the future, I will come back to the rejected players and ask them to volunteer into the ongoing game. You all get the next first pick this time. Just watch this Recruitment page in the future. This is the only game I'm hosting for now.

If you were chosen, head over to the IC page and the OOC page.

IC Link

OOC Link

Let me be the first to offer you all good luck.

i'll try and keep an eye on things just incase.

Happy sailing, everyone!

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