GM Miskatonic's 9th Level Homebrew Campaign: Trail of the Dead God [Group #2]

Game Master Cthulhu, Jr.

The world is in peril as the Rough Beast begins to strain at his bonds, the eons trapped beneath the weary world of Golarion weakening the metaphysical chains forged by the gods. A mysterious benefactor calls together intrepid heroes to embark on a perilous journey of redemption and sacrifice...

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GM Miskatonic wrote:
Alynthar42 wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Just need to double check, but I need to start Paladin 9 | Sorcerer 9 right? Not Paladin 9 | Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 4, through I admit I would much prefer the latter over the former...
Wait, are prestige classes not allowed? Cause if they aren't, I have to totally reconstruct Mr. Brooks...
You're a Beastmorph/Rogue... huh?

I'm actually a Beastmorph/Rogue/Master Chymist. The Professor was entirely built around the idea that, starting at level eight, he would level in Master Chymist instead of Alchemist. I must have forgotten to mention that earlier on.

Alynthar42 wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Alynthar42 wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Just need to double check, but I need to start Paladin 9 | Sorcerer 9 right? Not Paladin 9 | Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 4, through I admit I would much prefer the latter over the former...
Wait, are prestige classes not allowed? Cause if they aren't, I have to totally reconstruct Mr. Brooks...
You're a Beastmorph/Rogue... huh?
I'm actually a Beastmorph/Rogue/Master Chymist. The Professor was entirely built around the idea that, starting at level eight, he would level in Master Chymist instead of Alchemist. I must have forgotten to mention that earlier on.

Alright, you gain the Mutagenic Form and Mutate abilities but can only Mutate 1/day. This would make you considered a Beastmorph & Rogue/9 and a Master Chymist 0. Your next level must be Master Chymist 1 where you gain all the normal benefits therein.

Amulet of Growing Menace... I like that!

Now... can I swap armour for Braces of Armour?

If anyone else is hard up for a prestige class feel free to prompt for it but it must be done before we begin to gain level 0 benefits.

Fury of the Tempest wrote:

Amulet of Growing Menace... I like that!

Now... can I swap armour for Braces of Armour?

Did you have another wrist item in mind?

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Alynthar42 wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Alynthar42 wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
Just need to double check, but I need to start Paladin 9 | Sorcerer 9 right? Not Paladin 9 | Sorcerer 5/Dragon Disciple 4, through I admit I would much prefer the latter over the former...
Wait, are prestige classes not allowed? Cause if they aren't, I have to totally reconstruct Mr. Brooks...
You're a Beastmorph/Rogue... huh?
I'm actually a Beastmorph/Rogue/Master Chymist. The Professor was entirely built around the idea that, starting at level eight, he would level in Master Chymist instead of Alchemist. I must have forgotten to mention that earlier on.
Alright, you gain the Mutagenic Form and Mutate abilities but can only Mutate 1/day. This would make you considered a Beastmorph & Rogue/9 and a Master Chymist 0. Your next level must be Master Chymist 1 where you gain all the normal benefits therein.

Thanks. I'll make the changes right away.

Aaaand, now I've got another discovery to figure out. Hmmmm...

Just a quick reminder, everyone, be sure to check in on your Group's Discussion thread and read the Posting Guidelines and such in the Campaign Info. Group #1's is attached to this recruitment thread. Group #2 see below.

Group #2 Camapign

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Did you have another wrist item in mind?


... So what would the level 0 benefits of a Dragon Disciple be? Just curious currently.

I think... I'm going to skip the Adaptive bow for a plain +4 bow. I think you said we would have access to cash and items later on, so I guess I will be able to spend 1,000 gp on that easier than the 14,000 I would have to if I wanted to raise the +3 to +4.
Sorry, I swear I won't change anything else! Please, be sure that everything's fine in the sheet and I'll be ready to use Arro In Yo Momma Technique :P

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Did you have another wrist item in mind?


... So what would the level 0 benefits of a Dragon Disciple be? Just curious currently.

Well, add a +1 to the Bracers of Armor AC bonus as a magical bonus, not an 'armor' bonus, and gain the +2 enchantment option.

Hm, that prestige class doesn't give me much to work with. I suppose you'd gain the +1 Natural Armor Bonus.

I'll take the +1 NA as a level 0 class ability.

Fraid I don't 100% undestand what you mean about the Braces of Armour through...

Kejak wrote:

I think... I'm going to skip the Adaptive bow for a plain +4 bow. I think you said we would have access to cash and items later on, so I guess I will be able to spend 1,000 gp on that easier than the 14,000 I would have to if I wanted to raise the +3 to +4.

Sorry, I swear I won't change anything else! Please, be sure that everything's fine in the sheet and I'll be ready to use Arro In Yo Momma Technique :P

Before you reconsider, the amount of coinage each player will be getting will not be all that much and down-time for shopping and such will be hard to come by given the over-arching goal of the campaign. I can't say much more without giving too much away.

Feck. Ok then, I'll stick to it as it is.

Fury of the Tempest wrote:

I'll take the +1 NA as a level 0 class ability.

Fraid I don't 100% undestand what you mean about the Braces of Armour through...

Alrighty on the prestige class.

The bonus from Bracers of Armor is considered an 'armor' bonus, being mutually exclusive with armor and subject to effects or events that lower or bypass that form of AC bonus, while the 'magical' bonus is considered a separate, or miscellaneous category of bonuses that are largely not subject to such restrictions. The +2 enchantment follows the original armor/weapon guidelines giving you two +1 enchantments or one +2 enchantment.

Just remembered. Does the Growing weapon enhancement stack with Enlarge Person?

I'll rule it mutually exclusive for now.

.... So... do I get a Bracer with +2 AC bonus, +1 enchantment bonus than +2 on special abilities...?

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
.... So... do I get a Bracer with +2 AC bonus, +1 enchantment bonus than +2 on special abilities...?

+2 Armor Bonus to AC, +1 Magical Bonus to AC, and +2 for special abilities.

Alright, folks, gonna get some sleep. Keep up the good work on your characters, liking what I'm seeing so far.

I'll probably be back on to recap and answer more questions tonight.

Could I nab the last Healer spot in Group #2 as a NE Suli Cleric/Barb whose "worship" of the Elemental Lords is tempered by a personal drive to travel to the Elemental Planes & supplant the four current Lords.

This will be the alias, but there's no info here yet.

This is Khazia. After a bit of preliminary research Oracle/Barbarian is a more synergistic way to go; prestige-ing into Rage Prophet.

Barbarians are straightforward enough, but this is the first time I've actually looked at the Oracle class. Currently perusing feat chains, archetypes, etc for both classes. I'll put together a backstory & something crunchy tonight after I have a handle on the character.

If I pick up Feral Combat Training, could I apply class features for unarmed to natural weapons? Like the Enlightened Paladin's Ki Pool and its 1/2 level monk unarmed damage progression?

Khazia Nyrazim wrote:

Could I nab the last Healer spot in Group #2 as a NE Suli Cleric/Barb whose "worship" of the Elemental Lords is tempered by a personal drive to travel to the Elemental Planes & supplant the four current Lords.

This will be the alias, but there's no info here yet.

This is Khazia. After a bit of preliminary research Oracle/Barbarian is a more synergistic way to go; prestige-ing into Rage Prophet.

Barbarians are straightforward enough, but this is the first time I've actually looked at the Oracle class. Currently perusing feat chains, archetypes, etc for both classes. I'll put together a backstory & something crunchy tonight after I have a handle on the character.

Like where you're going with it, the 2nd healer slot in Group #2 is yours.

If you qualify for it, I can permit a latent level 0 benefit if you plan on going Rage Prophet, the benefit varies from prestige class to prestige class.

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
If I pick up Feral Combat Training, could I apply class features for unarmed to natural weapons? Like the Enlightened Paladin's Ki Pool and its 1/2 level monk unarmed damage progression?

Interesting, gonna be some wicked claws you got there. Mr.Brooks/Ham would give you a run for your money. Feral Combat Training is fine, yep.

Alright, just need one more tank for Group #2 and they're good to go.

Ok, just woke up and, after meditating (cause I'm a monk), let's go for it.

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Upon request and review slotted Wondrous Items may be exchanged for slotless Wondrous Items.

Can I exchange the "magical quiver" for an Efficient Quiver? UE 294.

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Up to 100gp of mundane Adventuring Gear. (This includes your clothing.)

Can I buy more arrows with this? I have like 60 gp left.

Also: Isn't there really any way I can squeeze 1,000 gp in? I didn't even ask for special materials or anything... nor used my body slot (worth 10,000 gp ;) ). And I will make you coffee. Even if I don't like coffee. Heck, no, I won't make you coffee. But I can beg. Or worse, I can post kitty pics.

edit: Can I have an ice cream?

Kejak wrote:

Ok, just woke up and, after meditating (cause I'm a monk), let's go for it.

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Upon request and review slotted Wondrous Items may be exchanged for slotless Wondrous Items.

Can I exchange the "magical quiver" for an Efficient Quiver? UE 294.

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Up to 100gp of mundane Adventuring Gear. (This includes your clothing.)

Can I buy more arrows with this? I have like 60 gp left.

Also: Isn't there really any way I can squeeze 1,000 gp in? I didn't even ask for special materials or anything... nor used my body slot (worth 10,000 gp ;) ). And I will make you coffee. Even if I don't like coffee. Heck, no, I won't make you coffee. But I can beg. Or worse, I can post kitty pics.

edit: Can I have an ice cream?

Kyudo Zen-Quiver:

Kyudo Zen-Quiver
Aura moderate conjuration, moderate necromancy; CL 9th

Slot Body, Shoulder, or Belt; Price 7,500 gp; Weight 3 lbs.

This appears to be an silk-bound arrow container capable of holding about 20 arrows. It's emblazoned with ancient Tian and Celestial runes, often fusing the two in curious and dark ways. It has three distinct portions, each with a nondimensional space allowing it to store far more than would normally be possible.

The first and smallest one can contain up to 100 objects of the same general size and shape as an arrow. The second slightly longer compartment holds up to 5 objects of the same general size and shape as a tonfa or nunchaku. The third and longest portion of the case contains as many as 2 objects of the same general size and shape as a bow (spears, staffs, or the like). Once the owner has filled it, the quiver can quickly produce any item she wishes that is within the quiver, as if from a regular quiver or scabbard. The Kyudo Zen-Quiver weighs the same no matter what's placed inside it.

While wearing this quiver your spirit is in a receptive state so much so that when you confirm a critical hit against a living enemy or reduce a living enemy to 0 or fewer hit points, you can steal some of that creature’s ki. This replenishes 1 point of ki as long as you have at least 1 ki point in your ki pool. This does not allow you to exceed your ki pool’s maximum. This ability does not stack with similar abilities (such as the steal ki ability of the hungry ghost monk).

Construction Requirements
Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest, Ki leech; Cost 2,000 gp

I could use some espresso, lol. And a 'maybe' on the ice cream, it may be in the form of an ice storm... an ice cream storm... delicious and... terrifying...

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Interesting, gonna be some wicked claws you got there. Mr.Brooks/Ham would give you a run for your money. Feral Combat Training is fine, yep.

Heh... we'll see about that!

I just wish I could pick up Dragon Ferocity without needing Stunning Fist... can't we cut the effect where it shakes an enemy for 1d4+Str rounds if I land a stunning fist on them? Because I really have no interest in using Stunning Fist at all.

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Interesting, gonna be some wicked claws you got there. Mr.Brooks/Ham would give you a run for your money. Feral Combat Training is fine, yep.

Heh... we'll see about that!

I just wish I could pick up Dragon Ferocity without needing Stunning Fist... can't we cut the effect where it shakes an enemy for 1d4+Str rounds if I land a stunning fist on them? Because I really have no interest in using Stunning Fist at all.

Hmm, how bout when both 'claws' or your energy damage strikes the enemy? We'd insert Draconic Talons into Stunning Fist's place.

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Kyudo Zen-Quiver

Hey, it's a nice item. Too nice, in my opinion. I won't be able to accept, sorry. But thank you for taking time and effort for doing this for me.

GM Miskatonic wrote:
I could use some espresso

I take that as a yes?

On your dodging the question about the arrows, I take it as a no :P I'm fine with that.

You see, I don't really ask for anything too special or beyond the baselines. Just being gestalt is such a huge boon that asking for more seems to me unfair. I'll manage with the arrows thing, don't worry :) Thank you for being so patient.

Kejak wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Kyudo Zen-Quiver

Hey, it's a nice item. Too nice, in my opinion. I won't be able to accept, sorry. But thank you for taking time and effort for doing this for me.

GM Miskatonic wrote:
I could use some espresso

I take that as a yes?

On your dodging the question about the arrows, I take it as a no :P I'm fine with that.

You see, I don't really ask for anything too special or beyond the baselines. Just being gestalt is such a huge boon that asking for more seems to me unfair. I'll manage with the arrows thing, don't worry :) Thank you for being so patient.

::shrugs:: No sweat off my brow, man. Creating new races, feats, items, abilities; pretty much anything in pathfinder, is like candy for me and I'm a player's GM so I understand visualizing something and trying to mold it from the largely vanilla plethora of concepts.

This game is about creativity, imagination, and crafting a fantastic and interactive narrative within an agreed-upon set of guidelines. You have an idea, it looks cool so I figured a cool and tailored variant would add to your character not over-power it. Take into account the strength of the party at large and the individual modifications other players have requested, all to enhance their characters in a way they will find fun to play.

I understand if you don't want the quiver for personal reasons, but you don't have a body slot item correct? Just my opinion, feel free to keep what you have. I just like making new things is all. By the way, I don't so much as dodge the questions but weave around them trying to strike the heart of the issue, if that makes sense? :P

Understand that your strengths will predicate powerful and unique foes, knowledge skills offering aid to a varying degree in this regard. A little bit of even a perceived edge in combat may be what is needed to punch that super-charged arrow through [classified]'s eye right before it [classified] you all with it's [classified].

GM Miskatonic wrote:
Hmm, how bout when both 'claws' or your energy damage strikes the enemy? We'd insert Draconic Talons into Stunning Fist's place.

Considering how weak shaken is, with how easy it is to get immunity to fear... I am completely okay with that! Not to mention it really fits my character's intimidation focus, was already planning to get Cornugon Smash Smash at level 11. Just a shame there's no way to pierce fear immunity in the vanilla game...

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Hmm, how bout when both 'claws' or your energy damage strikes the enemy? We'd insert Draconic Talons into Stunning Fist's place.
Considering how weak shaken is, with how easy it is to get immunity to fear... I am completely okay with that! Not to mention it really fits my character's intimidation focus, was already planning to get Cornugon Smash Smash at level 11. Just a shame there's no way to pierce fear immunity in the vanilla game...

Who knows what can happens later in the game...

It's ok, I'll manage. Thx :)

Heh, true...

Would Feral Combat Training allow me to apply the +2 to attack and damage to unarmed with the Brawling Armour special ability to my natural attacks?

Guys, does any of the spellcasters here have Mending in his repertoire? The level 0 spell.

I will.


Fury of the Tempest wrote:

Heh, true...

Would Feral Combat Training allow me to apply the +2 to attack and damage to unarmed with the Brawling Armour special ability to my natural attacks?

Interesting derivation here, mechanically it's kinda like two parallel lines but given the inherent similarities between unarmed strikes and natural attacks(a strange differentiation in my opinion given that the former is just a variation of the latter for the most part) I'll allow it.

Alright! Thanks GM! With that, my character is pretty much complete. At least crunch wise.

How important is the fluff? I tend to do much better when I'm winging it.

Fury of the Tempest wrote:

Alright... [url]]my character[/url] is pretty much complete. At least crunch wise. Just need to have my final question sorted in order to figure our the SLA's of my Bracers of Armour.

How important is the fluff? I tend to do much better when I'm winging it.

Sheet looks good, fluff is needed in relation to the fact that your character has 9 levels squared experience built up at this point in life.

Each player is technically their own entity until the game begins (3pm on Sunday is when I will post the next portion of the story in Gameplay) but this isn't a resume or anything. Just tell me where you've been in a loose-knit kind of way if that suits your methods best and kind of glue into it the fact that you found the Mysterious Invitation and have since been compelled to travel to Absalom and find the Odeon of Reflection (which is where you all begin the game entering via a disgusting alleyway door. See the Gameplay Thread for the jist of it.

Alright, I'll work on the fluff in a bit...

Grand Lodge

Fury of the Tempest wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Just a shame there's no way to pierce fear immunity in the vanilla game...

Three levels of antipaladin has always worked for me. Though technically not "vanilla", I suppose

Yolollama wrote:
Fury of the Tempest wrote:
GM Miskatonic wrote:
Just a shame there's no way to pierce fear immunity in the vanilla game...
Three levels of antipaladin has always worked for me. Though technically not "vanilla", I suppose

Antipaladin=Chaotic Evil... negatory, Ghost Rider.

I'm constantly re-doing some details, just that you all know, don't be surprised if there's something missing or extra. Only before game begins, of course.

Kejak wrote:
I'm constantly re-doing some details, just that you all know, don't be surprised if there's something missing or extra. Only before game begins, of course.

No worries, when you're ready you're ready, right? I'll be going over each character sheet with a fine tooth comb as we play, one at a time. Any issues will simply be discussed and changed accordingly, bound to be a few. It's no biggie :)

Does Feral Combat Training actually require Improved Unarmed Strike if you have natural weapons? Cause that looks like a nice feat right there.

Also, does bleed from two different sources stack? I'm considering taking Wounding as my enchantment for my Amulet of Mighty Fists, but I've already got Bleeding Attack as a rogue talent (I like bleed).

Lastly, I still need suggestions for my last Rogue Talent and my armor enchantment.

Oh, and could somebody check the math on my ability scores? I had to recalculate them so many times, I no longer trust my math.

Alynthar42 wrote:

Does Feral Combat Training actually require Improved Unarmed Strike if you have natural weapons? Cause that looks like a nice feat right there.

Also, does bleed from two different sources stack? I'm considering taking Wounding as my enchantment for my Amulet of Mighty Fists, but I've already got Bleeding Attack as a rogue talent (I like bleed).

Lastly, I still need suggestions for my last Rogue Talent and my armor enchantment.

I'll allow bleed damage from different sources to stack, yep. How did you get 9 Charisma?

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