My name is Kejak, son of Ashlan, and I’m a Shoanti from the Lyrune-Quah. Or I was, once.
I was born in a small settlement in our ancestral territory, the Cinderlands. My father was one of the chieftain’s closest warriors, and so we were an important family in the village. We were as happy as we could be, though it all changed when the Guardian of the Night, our chieftain, got married.
At first, everything was fine, Alandra seemed a good wife and woman. But as time went by and fire water started to take its toll on the Guardian, she began to put her eyes on other men, and she put them on the most cruel, envious and vile men of them all: Thydek the Cutthroat.
For many moons, they were both developing their plan. They poisoned other villagers’ minds, slandering the Guardian’s name and convincing them that their once proud and brave chieftain was now just a useless old drunk. On a night of new moon, they set everything in motion – such was their cowardice, that they feared our Mother-Totem would witness it.
They killed the Guardian and his family. They killed his warriors, and everyone that supported Ashlan or didn’t believe Alandra’s lies. My father was among the first fallen. My mother took me by the hand and we fled from the carnage, tears running, never looking back.
It was a tough time, mother and son alone through the forests and plains. On our jorney, news reached us that Thydek had become the new Guardian. We fled West through the Ashwood until we reached Ember Lake. Half way between Nybor and Sandpoint, assaulted by famine and exhaustion, my mother sneaked into a farm to get some food. A crossbow bolt through her throat ended her life that day and turned me an orphan.
The farmers found me and got me sent to Sandpoint, to the Academy. There, Ilsoari took care of my and treated me – and other boys there - like a grandson. After “The Incident”, he made a big effort to help us control or channel our “gift”. One day he took me to the cellar and gave me a bow. He said practicing with the bow would help me find inner peace.
Today, I’m still practicing. The wrath is still deep inside me, though I have somehow managed to keep it hidden… until I need it. I’ll never manage to compensate the old man for all he’s done.
Kejak is a tall and strong guy, gifted with natural grace. He's got long, black hair - though most of the time he ties it back in a single braid - and brown eyes which observe his surroundings with curiosity. He doesn't feel very comfortable with a beard, so he shaves... from time to time. He has also abandoned the Shoanti ways regarding his attire, wearing instead usual Varisian clothes - though comfortable enough to not slow down his moves.
He is really a good lad. Not the firmest believer in legal authorities, though Ilsoari has worked hard on this. He feels, though, that the people in Sandpoint have done everything in their hands to welcome him, and feels he must find a way to return the favor.
Not being super talkative, still he's got something, and enjoys a good talking as good as anyone. When things go rough, though... you better stay out of his way.