GM Miskatonic's 9th Level Homebrew Campaign: Trail of the Dead God [Group #2]

Game Master Cthulhu, Jr.

The world is in peril as the Rough Beast begins to strain at his bonds, the eons trapped beneath the weary world of Golarion weakening the metaphysical chains forged by the gods. A mysterious benefactor calls together intrepid heroes to embark on a perilous journey of redemption and sacrifice...

GM Miskatonic's Schedule:

-Monday: 1500-2300
-Tuesday: 1500-2300
-Wednesday: 2300-0700
-Thursday: 2300-0700
-Friday: OFF after 0700
-Saturday: OFF
-Sunday: 0700-1500

Updated Character Creation Rules:

# of Players: 5-7 with 2 Tanks, 2 Healers, and 3 DPS. One DPS must be a Caster and one must be a Rogue-like character.

Starting Level: 9th

Hit Points: Maxed Out

Ability Score Generation: 30pt Point Buy (Legendary Fantasy), 1st level scores cannot exceed 18 or drop below 10. You guys are tough and unique individuals with few weaknesses.

Traits: Three with a Fourth if a Drawback is taken.

Races Allowed: Human, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Aasimar, Tiefling, Changeling/Witcher, Dhampir, Fetchling, Ifrit, Oread, Undine, Sylph, Gillmen, Suli, Skinwalker, Half-giant, Muroid

Allowed Classes: Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Wizard, Alchemist, Cavalier, Inquisitor, Oracle, Summoner, Witch, Gunslinger, and Magus (All archetypes must be of the allowed classes but any feats can be taken from any Paizo material so long as they do not deal with banned material.)

Allowed Alignments: Lawful Good, Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral, Lawful Evil, and Neutral Evil (Under no circumstances will Chaotic Neutral or Chaotic Evil characters be allowed. Also, any evil characters must behave, unless they're keen on the party killing them.)

Pantheon: Core Deities

Alternative Rules: Adventuring/Background Skills, Called Shots, Commonplace Guns, Martial Gestalt: All players may gestalt the allowed classes but must choose a martially oriented class as half their gestalt: Fighter, Barbarian, Paladin, Ranger, Monk, Inquisitor, Cavalier, Gun Tank(Gunslinger Archetype) or Magus. This is to give everyone an edge in combat and boost to overall survival of the group.

Starting Gear:
-One Weapon with a +2 general bonus and a +2 worth of enchantments which may be split in two upon request and review.

Melee Weapon Enchantments

On this list up to Resizing would be worth +1 and from there to Transformative is worth +2.

Ranged Weapon Enchantments

On this list up to Resizing is worth +1 and from there to Unholy is worth +2.

Armor Enchantments

On this list up to Poison-Resistant is worth +1 and from there to Corsair is worth +2.

-One Set of Armor with a +2 general bonus and a +2 worth of enchantments or, if unable to use armor, an adequate replacement may be chosen upon request and review.

-One Masterwork Weapon

-One Masterwork Shield

-One Battle Injector (As a swift action apply the nozzle of the injector to a meaty area of the body like a thigh or buttocks. Upon the application of sufficient force of nozzle to contact area the hypodermic needle fires into the subject injecting a cocktail of curative potions. This heals 50% of the subject's total hit points, heals one instance of poison, one instance of disease, and one instance of a single magical ailment. The Injector requires a 24hrs period in order to regenerate the lost liquid. A subject cannot benefit from Battle Injectors more than once a day.)

-One Wondrous Item per Body Slot and Two Rings, all must be worth 10,000gp or less. Upon request and review slotted Wondrous Items may be exchanged for slotless Wondrous Items.

-One Handy Haversack

-One set of Masterwork Artisan's Tools for a single craft. (Crafters may have additional sets of mundane Artisan's Tools for each of their crafts.)

-Up to 100gp of the following basic Alchemical Items: Tinder Twigs, Smokesticks, Tanglefoot Bags, Thunderstones, Alchemist's Fire, or Sunrods

-Up to 100gp of mundane Adventuring Gear. (This includes your clothing.)

-Players with enchanted Ranged Weapons gain the option of a magical Quiver, Quarrel, or Bandolier that can be used as their shoulder, belt, body, or chest slot item. This ammunition container can hold up to 100 pieces of ammunition in an extradimensional space. 10 pieces of ammo are always appropriately visible and upon command as a swift action you may switch out up to 5 visible ammunition with specified ammunition held within the container.

-Players with enchanted Ranged Weapons have up to 100 pieces of their ammunition and may have up to 50 pieces be exotic in 10 piece increments.

-Players with mundane Ranged weapons have up to 50 pieces of their ammunition and may have up to 25 pieces be exotic in 5 piece increments.

-Players with enchanted Melee Weapons gain an Adamantine Weapon Chain that functions as a Weapon Cord but with 25hp and DR 10/-.

Custom Races and Race Changes:

When a Hag breeds with a human the result in almost invariably a Changeling, a female human-like creature that eventually evolves into a Hag.

Occasionally, approximately 1 out of every 1,000 births a Hag gives birth to twins. One is always female and the other a male. This aberration of hag/human blood has a bizarre effect on the mother as she wanders mindlessly into the wilderness and deposits the newborn male far from her and civilization. This clearly leads to the inevitable death of most Witchers before they can fully realize their potential.

Those that do survive become fierce slayers of all manner of horrors and monstrous creatures, many concealing their origins or never aware of them at all. The only being capable of identifying a Witcher is his twin sister who has a strange link with him. The presence of a Witcher with a Changeling is profound causing her hag abilities to be suppressed and the urges to fade.

Type: Humanoid(Witcher)

Size: Medium

Speed: 40ft

Senses: Lowlight Vision

Ability Scores: +2 Strength, +2 Dexterity, and -2 Charisma. Witchers are strong and fast but gruff and taciturn.

Languages: Witchers begin play speaking the primary language of their host society and Common. Witchers who have high Intelligence scores can choose from among the following bonus languages: Aklo, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnoll, Goblin, and Orc.

Weapon Familiarity-Bastard Swords and All Repeating Crossbows: Witchers are highly adept with repeating crossbows and favor their utility while the versatility of the bastard sword appeals to their sensibilities.

Greater Spell Resistance: Witchers gain spell resistance equal to 11 + their character level. Their strange origin belies a resistance to magic in all its forms.

Resistant: Witchers gain a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and poison. Some scholars argue that the natural compulsory effects of their birth lend Witchers greater resilience to mind-magic and their resultant wilderness sojourns increase their body's resistance to poisons.

A bizarre circumstance oftens leads to strange discoveries. The occasional giantess' will bed a human male and later give birth to the rare half-giant.

Slighter in size than true giants, brushing a maximum of 7-8ft tall, these human-giant offspring are incredibly strong and each takes on a set of traits inherited from their mother.

Though they end up fairly tall, other giants often view half-giants as abominations, many tribes and individuals actively hunting a killing a half-giant nearby. This tendency has forced the often single-minded giantess mothers to resort to leaving their young on the doorsteps of humans for the relative safety in human culture.

Type: Humanoid(Giant & Human)

Size: Medium

Speed: 20ft

Ability Scores: +4 Strength, +2 Constitution, -2 Dexterity, and -2 Charisma. Half-giants are remarkably strong and tough but lack grace and frighten most folk with their size.
Languages: Half-giants begin play with Common and Giant and those with high Intelligence Scores may choose from Dwarven, Gnome, Orc, Goblin, Draconic, Elven, or Halfling.

Imposing Physique: Half-giants are physically massive and may use large weapons and armor without penalty and treat their unarmed strikes and CMB as if they are one size category larger. This great size also grants them an impressive ability to frighten foes and they gain Intimidating Prowess as a bonus feat.

Mother's Gift: As all half-giants are created from the union of a male human and a giantess, they gain a peculiar adaptation derived from their mother's genes. Upon creating a half-giant character choose one of the following bloodlines.

Subterranean Bloodline: Your mother was a cave giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when underground and a +1 Natural Armor bonus and a +1 bonus on Knowledge (dungeoneering) and Survival checks made underground.

Marshland Bloodline: Your mother was a marsh giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in swamps and a +1 Natural Armor bonus and 5 Acid Resistance.

Woodland Bloodline: Your mother was a forest giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in coniferous or deciduous forests and a +2 Natural Armor bonus.

Tundra Bloodline: Your mother was a frost giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when on ice, glaciers, or tundra and a +1 Natural Armor bonus and a 5 Cold Resistance.

Mountain Bloodline: Your mother was a hill or cliff giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when on mountains or hills and a +1 Natural Armor bonus with a +2 racial bonus on Acrobatics checks made to cross narrow ledges and on saving throws against altitude fatigue and sickness.

Tropical Bloodline: Your mother was a jungle giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in a jungle and a +4 bonus on Fortitude saves against disease and poison, including magical diseases.

Aquatic Bloodline: Your mother was a river or sea giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in water and you have a swim speed of 30 feet and gain the +8 racial bonus on Swim checks that a swim speed normally grants.

Desert Bloodline: Your mother was a sand or desert giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when in a desert and you receive a +4 racial bonus on Constitution checks and Fortitude saves to avoid fatigue and exhaustion, as well as any other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.

Tempest Bloodline: Your mother was a storm giantess granting a +2 Dodge bonus and a +4 Stealth bonus when on plains and 5 Electricity Resistance and you are so in tune with the air and sky they can sense the slightest change in atmospheric conditions. They can spend a full-round action to predict the weather in an area for the next 24 hours. This prediction is always accurate, but cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter the forecast.

A strange race not truly a race of its own, Ratlings are born not of mothers but of magic.

A rare magical ailment known as the Curse of Wormtail, is a latent genetic condition first contracted by shapeshifting mages from simpler times.

The offspring of these unfortunate wizard's carry the gene and risk activating it or having it activated by any of a number of methods, all dealing with magic.

Though superficially similar to Ratfolk, Ratlings are markedly less animalistic than Ratfolk, favoring intellectual pursuits and having a frightening effect on nearby animal life.

Type: Humanoid (Ratfolk & Human)

Size: Small

Speed: 20ft

Senses: Darkvision 60ft

Ability Scores: +2 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, and -2 Strength. Muroids are largely identical to Ratfolk physically and mentally, at least at first glance.

Language: Muroids begin play with Common and Warrenspeak(a secret language) and those with high Intelligence Scores may choose from Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Infernal, Orc, and Undercommon.

Arcane Adept: Muroids, being exclusively magical in nature have +2 to Knowledge(arcana), +2 to Spellcraft, +2 to Use Magic Device, and a +2 to concentration to cast Spells defensively.

Curse of Wormtail: Their curse and yet so much more, the Curse of Wormtail grants Muroids +2 to their Will saves due to their dual-minded existence and they take a –4 penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks to affect creatures of the animal type with a +4 bonus to affect creatures of the vermin type, and receive a +4 dodge bonus to AC against all animals. All non-vermin animals' starting attitude toward Muroids are one step worse than normal while vermin start one step better than normal. Muroids put most animals on edge, the effect a frightening reminder of their unnatural origins, while creepy-crawlies like rats and centipedes adore Muroids, often much to their dismay.

Racial Changes:

-An additional +2 to any ability score, cannot affect the same score, Taking alternative racial features negates this benefit.

-BONUS FEAT: Skill Focus

-+2 Dexterity and -2 Constitution

-+2 Strength and -2 Charisma

-All Allowed Races gain the Humans' Skilled Racial Trait with the exception of Humans that opt for a replacement racial feature that replaces Skilled who obviously do not keep Skilled.

Posting Guidelines:

Posting Frequency: Once every 48hrs an upkeep post will be required in the Gameplay or Discussion threads, Gameplay following the laid out strictures and Discussion without such limits. Please only post once until I, GM Miskatonic, respond for results and/or summarize per the associated guidelines.

After 48hrs I will take control of your character if you have failed to post and I will run it like an automaton to dissuade a reliance on this being abused. I understand that life happens but I also can't be expected to run half the players and all the NPCs without some sort of recourse. Just give me a heads up when life gives you a nut-tap.

Non-Combat Posts: I love watching interplay between characters but bogging down the Gameplay thread with your character's memoirs isn't kosher. If you wish to have interactions with each other beyond the realm of Combat or Story Progression label a spoiler as 'To (Character's Name)' and spill the beans, bare your soul, or chug a tankard of ale to your heart's content.

Story Progression: I will make regular posts progressing the plot. These posts will be in italics with bolded highlights for quick reference. Skill checks will have their DCs bolded and results in a spoiler.

When rolling skill checks do so singularly, please. The behavior of characters is predicated upon honesty in this regard: you know or accomplish what your resultant roll determines, no more or less.

Your Story Progression responses are in regular type with italics to represent internal dialogue. These responses may include short prompts to other players or NPCs in regards to the current situation.

If you believe a skill check is warranted, something I often impose when I play, you may roll a skill check directly related to your correlating Story Progression post. I will then evaluate your imposition and react accordingly, creativity going a long way in regard to achieving intended goals in this manner.

Combat Posts and the Anatomy of Combat: If a Story Progression post of any player meets certain criteria, Combat can begin very suddenly while other times it will simply be the next part of the story, the difference will be obvious.

When Combat is imminent I will first place a spoiler for all Surprise Round Characters, those of you with the ability to react before Combat truly begins. This will entail an initiative check only for Surprise Round Characters who behave as if battle has already begun accordingly. Everyone else still acts normally for one round, i.e. everyone else gets a single normal reaction post to the instigating Story Progression post before initiative checks are then rolled.

When writing a Combat post you must post in normal font listing your intended actions on your round, the order of posting from each character is irrelevant as I will explain shortly. In the same post you designate what form of action taken(standard, full-round, etc.,...), the necessary rolls to hit and whathaveyou, the implement used(weapon, spell, ability, etc.,...), and the intended result(this part can be typed in italics as a kind of internal monologue schtick).

Once all relevant parties have posted for a round of Combat I will then coalesce the resultant actions into a fluid Story Progression post for continuity's sake.

The simple equation for all of this is as follows: Story Progression post initiating Combat --->Surprise Round Initiative check and posts --->General Initiative Check and posts --->Round Summation --->Next Round posts --->Round Summation and so on from round to round until Combat is over. Levels will be gained periodically dependent on a variety of factors.

Etiquette and Expectations:

I don't expect any genuine issues in these regards but a healthy reminder wouldn't hurt.

No griefing other players, no ridiculously explicit language for just the hell of it, and if it's not helpful keep it to yourself. Not everyone is at the same level of understanding with the game so be polite and if you're not I will brutalize you with my superior vocabulary and then report you. Let's not go there, yeah?

I expect there to be lulls from time to time but so long as interest holds from all of you I will continue to break my metaphorical back for your gaming pleasure :).

All this being said, I look forward to a good game and may the fates favor you all...


TANK #1: trawetz71(Fighter/Rogue)
TANK #2:
HEALER #1: Cthanos Stonebreaker(Cleric/Fighter)
HEALER #2: Khazia Nyrazim(Oracle/Barbarian)
CASTER DPS: Jimbus340(Staff Magus/Arcane Bomber)
ROGUE DPS: Mr. Brooks(Beastmorph Alchemist/Rogue/Master Chymist)
MISC DPS: Zayne Iwatani(Gunslinger-GM Approved/Alchemist)

The Epochryphon:

Founded by Solivagus and the Inevitables and Axiomites that joined him on his exile from Axiom, The Epochryphon is an alliance of rebel factions from across the planes that have come to align themselves to a greater cause.

Over the eons a number of powerful individuals have arisen from amongst those chosen by Solivagus and taken to creating their own factions that now dominate the mechanical metropolis that is their collective headquarters: Hideaway.

The Immortal Initiative
Symbol: Two 'I's' side by side with slight stylization.
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Leader: Altaen the Accomodator
Description: The first and foremost of the factions within the Epochryphon, the Immortal Initiative is comprised of the Inevitables and Axiomites that joined Solivagus on his exile.

Led by the cavalier Altaen, a close confidant of Solivagus most assume they are the closest to Solivagus in spirit when in reality they have become estranged from him in recent decades, the shadowy Raziel and his Conclave being the most trusted of Solivagus' proteges.
Prestige Class Options: The Immortal Initiative is dedicated to balance and counts among its ranks a large number of artificers and spellcasters with a scant few martial individuals. Those looking to advance in arcane endeavors or crafting expertise should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: The Immortal Initiative utilizes advanced techno-arcana and is responsible for the creation and maintenance of Hideaway for the most part. This lends their wares a technological bent with clockwork devices to advanced firearms and more, all being magical in some way.

The Kasathan Emporium
Symbol: A 'K' sitting on a gear half.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Leader: Guildmaster Kazithine
Description: Possibly the most necessary and least liked faction simultaneously, the Emporium is renowned on Hideaway for its resourcefulness and ingenuity in the face of impossible odds.

Often tasked with retrieving Chosen or assisting them with intel or supplies, the Emporium is kept on a remarkably loose leash considering the stakes.

Led by the Zithine family of Kasathan ex-nobility, the Emporium is primarily comprised of their compatriots and family, though non-kasathans are fairly common as well.
Prestige Class Options: The Emporium is dedicated to mercantile endeavors and counts among its ranks a large number of shady characters with skills in subterfuge and illusion while the occassional brawny mercenary is also not uncommon. Those looking to advance their less-than-reputable skills or find rare technological items should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: The Emporium utilizes advanced technology primarily and traffics in advanced weapons and armor of such a bent. This is not including the more 'black market' items they smuggle in for use in the on-going conflict with the Epochryphon's enemies from exotic poisons to bizarre animals and more.

The Quintessential Collaborative
Symbol: A 'Q' sometimes bisected to form a 'C' as the left portion of the 'Q'.
Alignment: True Neutral
Leader: 'Q'
Description: A strange faction within the Epochryphon, the Collaborative is led by the aloof transdimensional being calling itself 'Q'.

The actual purpose of the Collaborative is not really known but largely 'Q' offers advice to Solivagus and the other faction leaders when asked, its insight eerily poignant.

This being said the Collaborative is mostly comprised of undines, oreads, sylphs, ifrits, and suli-jann. Some proteans and other chaotic entities also call it home for now.
Prestige Class Options: The Collaborative is largely devoid of a unified purpose and has among its ranks anyone particularly skilled with elemental magics though many other varieties of magic are practiced as well. Those looking to learn a deeper mastery of elemental magics or some more exotic varieties of magic should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: The Collaborative specializes in elemental equipment. They sell all manner of elemental weaponry and armor and for the more discerning, they provide access to some elemental companions and other oddities.

The Conclave of Pragmatism
Symbol: A sun wth a white orb and black or gold colored rays extending from it.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Leader: Knight-Lord Raziel Ebonheart
Description: The Conclave are essentially the secret police of Hideaway, ever watchful from the shadows.

Raziel is a relative newcomer to Hideaway, only having been present in the mechanical city for a scant few centuries. The Conclave are his cadre of paladins and inquisitors tasked with maintaining Hideaway's secrecy in the final steps of Solivagus' grand plan. Their methods are cruel but effective.

Altaen and the Immortal Initiative are concerned about this latest security measure but don't let such doubts cloud their purpose.
Prestige Class Options: The Conclave is a knightly order of holy warriors and counts among its ranks a large number of knights and priests of all stripes but all with a bent for harsh and complete justice. Those seeking to wield their faith as a weapon or operate undetected should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: The Conclave specializes in stealth-friendly armor and weaponry. Higher ranked members gain access to special potions for extracting truth from 'suspects' as well as unbreakable manacles or torture implements of staggering varieties.

The Enclave of Burning Rebellion
Symbol: A clenched fist wreathed in flames.
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Leader: Lord Commander Judas Alexander Belisarius
Description: The Enclave is perhaps the most autonomously active faction within the Epochryphon, deposing tyrants, liberating worlds or simply pissing the enemy off enough to slip up.

Lord Commander Belisarius has been fighting the powers that be for eons, a thorn in the side of Asmodeus since he could swing a sword. This particular bent has relaxed Solivagus' normally draconian strictures with the Lord Commander and his disciples, much to Raziel's chagrin.

Only Lord Commander Belisarius or Solivagus can issue an Order of Assault.
Prestige Class Options: The Enclave is almost exculsively comprised of exceptionally violent individuals who have chosen to funnel their destructive energies, whether physical or magical, to a useful end. Those looking to hone their innate talent for warfare or tactical prowess should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: the Enclave specializes in weaponry and armor designed to fight lawful enemies but also sports a staggering variety of explosives and fire-based weaponry.

The Brotherhood of Nature's Eternal Renewal
Symbol: A tree with half of it alive and half of it dead.
Alignment: Neutral Good
Leader: Archdruid Erasmus Kale
Description: The Brotherhood is the least violent of all Epochryphon factions and is lead by the eponymous Archdruid Erasmus Kale.

Archdruid Kale oversaw the planting of the Hideaway Arboretum and he and his closest confidants grew and enchanted a portion of the vast complex of trees to create the Woods of Where, a place where even the keenest ranger could get lost.

At the heart of the Woods of Where lies the Grove of the Elders where Erasmus and all Brotherhood druids go to center themselves.
Prestige Class Options: The Brotherhood counts among its ranks the foremost healers and spiritual leaders in the Epochryphon. Those looking to improve their healing powers or ascend to a higher spiritual plane should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: The Brotherhood sells all manner of healing gear from staves to potions and favors nature motifs on all their gear.

The Harbingers of War's Lament
Symbol: Stylized weeping eye using sharp lines and often blood-red for tears.
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Leader: First Harbinger Skarlm Bitterborn
Description: The Harbingers sprung up around the legendary ex-Hellknight Skarlm Bitterborn, a Chelish werewolf of some signbificant renown.

Public enemy #1 according to rural Chelish authorities, Skarlm was hunted down and was held for execution in Westcrown. In a daring raid, Lord Commander Belisarius freed the doomed man and a number of his compatriots and secreted them away to Hideaway.

Solivagus was quite put out by this brash move and stormed Belisarius' chambers immediately after hearing of the event. Upon arrival he was greeted by the sound of screams.

Each of the captured was carving complex runes into their skin, abinding ritual to Solivagus and Hideaway. As the wounds began to scab over, Skarlm and his comrades turned to their new patron and bent knee, swearing allegiance to Solivagus' cause.
Prestige Class Options: The Harbingers are each cutthroats and criminals of considerable strength and skill and all are versed in combat against infernal foes. Those looking to learn the secrets of infernal power and tap into this dark font should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: The Harbingers deal in bizarre but powerful goods from cursed items to intelligent ones, some of a dark and unknoawable nature...

The Pax Ad Nihilum
Symbol: A swirling vortex of black or purple energy being sucked into an impenetrable black void.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Leader: Grand Warlock Zar'Doni Clade
Description: Born on a now forgotten world, Zar'Doni Clade was gifted from birth with extraordinary evocative power. Her innate control of destructive magic rivalled master wizards and sorcerers many years her elder.

These same wizards and sorcerers feared her potential and in one stormy night they attempted to murder her. In a terrific clash of arcane power she channeled beams of pure magic into her erstwhile assassins. The energy vaporized them and leveled Zar'Doni's home, killing her family.

Solivagus just so happened to be jaunting through the ethereal plane nearby and felt the wash of her spellcasting. The broken body of this gifted child brought a tear to Solivagus' eye and he whisked her away to Hideaway where she now commands the training of the most powerful evokers in all of existence.
Prestige Class Options: The Pax is comprised of a fair number of powerful spellcasters, all specializing in the weaponization of magic in all its forms. Those looking to improve their evocation skills or harness them should seek them out.
Sold Equipment: The Pax has stockpiled powerful artifacts for some time now and boasts the greatest weapons in all of Hideaway, the other faction leaders often paying great sums for access to them.

CAMPAIGN FEAT: Echoes of Genesis:

Echoes of Genesis(Campaign: Trail of the Dead God)
Requirements: Must bear the Mark of Solivagus.
Description: Those who have been chosen by Solivagus to aid him in his endeavor eventually unlock a hidden set of talents due to the unique nature of Hideaway's construction. Built within a dead world and then artificially implanted with leylines derived from ancient and forbidden magics, Hideaway bestows a gift upon its dwellers.

Those using magic find it comes to them much easier and with incredible potency whereas more physically inclined individuals find their skeletal structure and musculature enhanced. Some residents even report enhanced senses like an incredible boost to their sense of smell or even the ability to see in darkness.

The Immortal Initiative claims that these are merely side-effects to Hideaway's innate uniqueness in the cosmos. Others insist on a darker reason...
Benefits:(Choose up to two of the following benefits. These cannot be changed.)
(Divine Spellcasters Only)-Echo of Divinity(Su): Your divine magic has returned and the feel of it is unlike anything before. Power surges through your body like a pulsing warmth, almost like a second heart was pumping pure divinity throughout your being. You may cast any divine spell without having to expend any required materials and reduce the level penalty incurred by Metamagic effects by 1 (Minimum 0). This effect does not negate the need for material components it merely negates the consumption of them when casting a spell.

In addition, all divine spells you cast ignore the first 10 points of energy resistance and can only be resisted by a Spell Resistance equal to twice your Caster Level or higher. Antimagic effects incur an additional 50% + 2%/CL chance to simply fail when you cast a spell(Maximum 90%). When an opponent attempts to counterspell a divine spell you cast they must expend an additional spell slot to do so.

(Arcane Spellcasters Only)-Echo of Mastery(Su): Your arcane magic is almost palpable, incandescent bolts of raw power dancing on your fingertips. The freedom of your newfound power is akin to a great burden finally being lifted. You may cast any arcane spell without having to expend any required materials and reduce the level penalty incurred by Metamagic effects by 1 (Minimum 0). This effect does not negate the need for material components it merely negates the consumption of them when casting a spell.

In addition, all arcane spells you cast ignore the first 10 points of energy resistance and can only be resisted by a Spell Resistance equal to twice your Caster Level or higher. Antimagic effects incur an additional 50% + 2%/CL chance to simply fail when you cast an arcane spell(Maximum 90%). When an opponent attempts to counterspell an arcane spell you cast they must expend an additional spell slot to do so.

-Echo of Supremacy(Su): Your body feels somehow stronger, muscles bulge beneath your skin and the weight of years of living seem like nothing more than a bad dream. Something has changed within you but you can't quite put your finger on it.
(Choose four** of the following effects.)
-Enhanced Eyesight- Lowlight Vision(Must be able to see normally.)
-Preysight- Darkvision 60ft(Must have Lowlight Vision and a Wisdom Score of 12 or higher.)
-Greater Preysight- Darkvision 120ft(Must have Darkvision 60ft as a racial trait.)
-Olfactory Enhancement- Scent(Must have a Wisdom Score of 12 or higher.)
-Denser Musculature- +5ft to Movement Speed*(Must have a Dexterity Score of 12 or higher. Must have a Dexterity Score equal to the bonus gained in this way)
-Aquatic Aptitude- Swim Speed Equal to Movement Speed(Must have a Strength Score of 12 or higher.)
-Arboreal Aptitude- Climb Speed Equal to Movement Speed(Must have a Strength Score of 12 or higher.)
-Dermal Enhancement- Natural Armor +1*(Must have a Constitution Score equal to 5 x the Natural Armor bonus gained in this way.)
-Enhanced Resistance- +5 Energy Resistance(Must have Energy Resistance as a racial trait. Only affects one form of Energy Resistance. If taken more than once choose a different Energy Resistance each time.)*
-Antivenin Lymph Glands- Immunity to Poisons(Must have a racial bonus to Constitution or a racial bonus vs. poisons.)
-Antiviral Marrow Cores- Immunity to Diseases(Must have a racial bonus to Constitution or a racial bonus vs. diseases.)
-Cardiopulmonary Enhancement- Immunity to Exhaustion & Fatigue(Must have a Constitution Score of 12 or higher.)
-Denser Skeletal Structure- Damage Reduction 1/-*(Must have at least a +1 Natural Armor bonus. Must have 25 Hit Points per DR1/- gained in this way.).
*These can be taken more than once but must follow any additional guidelines if listed.
**Characters without spellcasting ability may take up to eight effects.