About Khazia NyrazimKhazia Nyrazim
Current Spells & Other Per Diems:
*=Spell level/ability used once (Dual-Cursed) Oracle of Life Spells Known (CL 9th; concentration +14):
Paladin (Hospitaler) Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +11):
Smite Evil 2/day (+5 attack; +9 damage; +4 Deflection AC vs target)
Youth As a child, Khazia was picked up by the attendants in a merchant prince's trade caravan. They found her surviving off insects & lizards at an oasis along an irregularly traveled trade route through the Qadiran dessert, and quickly put her to work around the camp (as customary; in payment for saving her life). She has no recollection of her life before the oasis, but even as a girl everyone in the caravan knew there was something strange about her. Something not quite right, but oh so tempting. Her alluring charm only grew as she did, and her natural excellence at arms kept many ill-meaning suitors at bay, while moving her quickly through the ranks of the guard. At the prince's side (a known summoner of some power) as his personal guard, her charismatic charm and teasing wit won her presence at more dealings than he would normally "require." It was one such meeting, the prince's final dealing with a bound genie, when Khazia's new mortal life would truly begin. The genie, a towering being of flame and muscle, had finished dealing with one of his master's most powerful rivals, and was determined to win his freedom with this news. The Efreeti was the first to recognize Khazia's Jann ancestry, and both were granted a brief vision of her twisted destiny. Using this revelation, the genie talked his way to freedom between his master and the stunned concubine. How's that for a recognizable fantasy scene! The Efreeti left in a flash of light, blinding the revealed oracle outsider, but granting her another vision of her future greatness. When the blinding light that had become her world subsided days later, her sight was blurry and clouded. She could see no further than half the length of the caravan on a night's march, and was no use watching for bandits creeping in the dessert expanse during the day. Adolescence & Young Adulthood
Most recently Personality:
Moving ever onward to discover and direct her worldly destiny; Khazia looks to her extraplanar roots for guidance.
All of Khazia's visions are binary; imparting a vague sense of two possibilities. She has always seen what she understands as the future, and the visions are focused on her wielding great power; one aspect for good, the other for evil. Whenever she channels this power directly, Khazia is only able to produce a dark, foul, life-negating energy. Because of this, she strives to do the best thing for the most people in all situations. From tending to the sick to killing the unlawful bandits raiding the trade routes. Through pure determination, will, & force of personality, shaped by an immutable personal code (she is stubbornness incarnate), Khazia has managed to manipulate her strange connection to her ancestors into powerful healing magics. The fact that the mysterious source of her connection remains tainted, granting her only negative energy when she calls on it, drives her forward to greater heights. Khazia draws strength from the raw force of her personality. Her presence is difficult to ignore, and impossible not to feel. Her wrath is no less furious, and fueled by her prophetic curse. She is brash, but polite. Since that first revelation brought about her strange powers, Khazia rarely lets her guard down. On the rare occasion she does relax, Khazia is quite charming. Keep Watch prepped daily, cast nightly. She prefers to talk her way through situations, never seeking to harm others, and uses her palpable charisma to win over many initial opponents. When words fail, she is very capable with her powerful pole-hammer. Crafted to destroy evil extraplanar beings, the hammer represents what Khazia has come to see as her mission in Life: protect the innocent from the power of evil outsiders. She has yet to glimpse the final course of that goal. Big Ol' Crunch:
-------------------- Defense -------------------- AC 25; Touch 15; Flat-Footed 22; (+9 Armor, +1 Dex, +1 Nat AC, +2 Deflection, +2 Luck) CMD 21 HP 134 (9d10+45) Fort +14, Ref +9, Will +12 (+2 vs Death effects; +2 vs Negative Level effects) Immune Fear, Disease, Charm Spells & Spell-like abilities, Fatigue, Exhaustion Resist Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5, Fire 5, Negative Energy 13, Positive Energy 13 DR 1/- Weakness Tainted Spirit; Oracle's Curses (Cloudy Vision, Haunted); Fey Foundling Medium Fortification 50% chance to negate each critical hit or sneak attack (calculating damage normally) --------------------
(Dual-Cursed) Oracle of Life Spells Known (CL 9th; concentration +14):
Paladin (Hospitaler) Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +11):
Noteworthy Mundane Items:
Circlet of Duality:
Circlet of Duality
Aura moderate necromancy, moderate conjuration; CL 10th Slot headband; Price 10,000 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION
When channeling negative energy the purple gems glow brightly and their eye on that side glows purple as well. When channeling positive energy the gold gems glow brightly and their eye on that side glows gold as well. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS
Resplendent Robes & Gloves of the Oligarch:
Resplendent Robes Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th Slot body; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 5 lbs. Description
Corona of the Beloved(Sp): Once per day for 1min you may behave as if your Charisma modifier was doubled when using Bluff or Diplomacy. Construction Requirements
Gloves of the Oligarch
When worn with Resplendent Robes you gain an additional +3 to Appraise and Intimidate, a +1 to Will Saves against Fear effects and use of the following ability: Font of Riches(Sp): Once per day you may add 10% to the total value of the next loot dissemination. This affects the overall pool of monetary reward as in Platinum, Gold, Silver or Copper pieces found. More than one instance of this effect upon any one loot dissemination does not stack. Construction Requirements
The Brotherhood of Nature's Eternal Renewal:
The Brotherhood of Nature's Eternal Renewal
Symbol: A tree with half of it alive and half of it dead. Alignment: Neutral Good Leader: Archdruid Erasmus Kale Description: The Brotherhood is the least violent of all Epochryphon factions and is lead by the eponymous Archdruid Erasmus Kale. Archdruid Kale oversaw the planting of the Hideaway Arboretum and he and his closest confidants grew and enchanted a portion of the vast complex of trees to create the Woods of Where, a place where even the keenest ranger could get lost. At the heart of the Woods of Where lies the Grove of the Elders where Erasmus and all Brotherhood druids go to center themselves.
Sold Equipment: The Brotherhood sells all manner of healing gear from staves to potions and favors nature motifs on all their gear. Faction Benefits:
Duality Incarnate (Su) (Passive) The cool wisdom of Erasmus Kale has swayed you and you gain +1 faction bonus to DCs with effects using Positive or Negative Energy, +11 faction bonus to your Resistance vs. Positive or Negative Energy, and +1 faction bonus vs. Effects That Would Cause You to Incur a Negative Level. These bonuses increase by +1 at 8th level and every four levels thereafter. Kale's Blessing (Su) (Passive)
Power Infusion (Su)
Campaign Feat: Echoes of Genesis(Trail of the Dead God):
Echoes of Genesis (Campaign: Trail of the Dead God) Requirements: Must bear the Mark of Solivagus. Description: Those who have been chosen by Solivagus to aid him in his endeavor eventually unlock a hidden set of talents due to the unique nature of Hideaway's construction. Built within a dead world and then artificially implanted with leylines derived from ancient and forbidden magics, Hideaway bestows a gift upon its dwellers. Those using magic find it comes to them much easier and with incredible potency whereas more physically inclined individuals find their skeletal structure and musculature enhanced. Some residents even report enhanced senses like an incredible boost to their sense of smell or even the ability to see in darkness. The Immortal Initiative claims that these are merely side-effects to Hideaway's innate uniqueness in the cosmos. Others insist on a darker reason... Benefits: Choose up to two of the following benefits. These cannot be changed. Echo of Divinity(Su)-(Divine Spellcasters Only): Your divine magic has returned and the feel of it is unlike anything before. Power surges through your body like a pulsing warmth, almost like a second heart was pumping pure divinity throughout your being. You may cast any divine spell without having to expend any required materials and reduce the level penalty incurred by Metamagic effects by 1 (Minimum 0). This effect does not negate the need for material components it merely negates the consumption of them when casting a spell. In addition, all divine spells you cast ignore the first 10 points of energy resistance and can only be resisted by a Spell Resistance equal to twice your Caster Level or higher. Antimagic effects incur an additional 50% + 2%/CL chance to simply fail when you cast a spell(Maximum 90%). When an opponent attempts to counterspell a divine spell you cast they must expend an additional spell slot to do so. Echo of Mastery(Su)-(Arcane Spellcasters Only): Your arcane magic is almost palpable, incandescent bolts of raw power dancing on your fingertips. The freedom of your newfound power is akin to a great burden finally being lifted. You may cast any arcane spell without having to expend any required materials and reduce the level penalty incurred by Metamagic effects by 1 (Minimum 0). This effect does not negate the need for material components it merely negates the consumption of them when casting a spell. In addition, all arcane spells you cast ignore the first 10 points of energy resistance and can only be resisted by a Spell Resistance equal to twice your Caster Level or higher. Antimagic effects incur an additional 50% + 2%/CL chance to simply fail when you cast an arcane spell(Maximum 90%). When an opponent attempts to counterspell an arcane spell you cast they must expend an additional spell slot to do so. Echo of Supremacy(Su): Your body feels somehow stronger, muscles bulge beneath your skin and the weight of years of living seem like nothing more than a bad dream. Something has changed within you but you can't quite put your finger on it.